The cheating boy plays around in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 17 Entering the mine and preparing to purify the spirit stone

The elder said: "It's okay, it's inevitable to get hurt. The road to immortal cultivation is not that easy. When we entered the door and participated in the trial, it was very common to die. This time, we were just injured at most, which is very merciful."

"The world of immortal cultivation is full of dangers and opportunities, full of competition and challenges. Survival of the fittest. If they can't handle such a small scene, they will not be able to achieve anything in the future, and will only die more miserably!"

"Before they came, they thought about the flying of immortals. It's time to let them experience the cruelty of the world of immortal cultivation!"

"Our Yunhai Sect is now in a period of transition, and even the upper sect Baiyun Sect has been weakening in the past few hundred years."

"In this small Song country, as a native thousand-year-old sect, We can't even defend our own little piece of land, and our interests are constantly being eroded. Other sects are about to shit on our necks. "

"Among these sects that oppress us, there are both our Song sect and the neighboring Yan sect."

"You may have heard about the recent situation of the Yuanying strongmen of the upper sect. If they lose any one of them, the sect may face a disaster. So we need strong men now, new strong men! We need strong men who can rise quickly!"

"If the sect still does not change, and no new super strong men appear, then there will be no need for other sects to attack and rob. Our sect will have no pillars, and naturally it will hand over the thousands of years of sect foundation to others."

The words of the great elder made all the elders silent.

They are all people who have experienced decades or even hundreds of years of cultivation. How can they not know these truths?

Not to mention the competition between cultivators and cultivators, the competition between sects is also cruel and fierce! Today's selection test and these small fights are really not worth mentioning.

On the flying boat, everyone had tied cloth bags around their waists, and put the two spiritual stone samples and the night-shining pearls into the bags.

Yuanxiao took advantage of the fact that everyone was only watching the scenery in front of the flying boat, hoping to see the location of the mine first, and quietly pulled the little fat man and Xu Ying to the stern of the boat.

"I have a special situation here, and I will act alone later. You two had better act together and don't get separated. Take care of yourself, safety first, remember to wait for me before leaving the mine." After saying that, he left without giving them a chance to ask.

Yuanxiao had already thought about it in his heart. He and Xu Ying already had the qualifications of inner disciples. If they couldn't find the low-grade spiritual stones in the mine, it would be fine.

If they found the low-grade spiritual stones, they would keep them for the little fat man and secretly give them to him before leaving the mine, and try to help the little fat man enter the top three and help him get the qualifications to be admitted as an inner disciple.

But he could only help so much, and it would depend on the little fat man's personal luck in the future.

At present, among the three of them, only the fat guy has not obtained the qualification to be admitted as an inner disciple.

"The mine is just ahead!" Manager Mo pointed.

Everyone looked in the direction and saw a circular platform at the foot of a mountain. Not far behind the platform, there was a huge hole on the mountain, which should be the entrance to the mine.

This mountain is relatively tall and covers a large area. No wonder a vein can be mined for decades or even hundreds of years. It takes a lot of time to explore and dig above and below the ground.

The flying boat gradually approached and prepared to land, and finally stopped steadily on the circular platform.

When we really got close, we found that the entrance of the mine was very tall, but because it had been abandoned for a long time, the entrance was overgrown with weeds, and the weeds on the ground did not show signs of being trampled, proving that no one has come here for a long time, or very few people have come.

Standing at the door, you can faintly feel a comfortable breath coming towards you, which is the spiritual energy.

Although the spiritual stone veins have been mined, there are still some residual spiritual stones. These spiritual stones contain a certain amount of spiritual energy. Although they cannot be used directly for cultivation, they can be used as fertilizer to improve the soil environment.

If you pick them up and throw them on the land of the spiritual medicine garden, you can increase the concentration of spiritual energy in the soil and in the air of the spiritual medicine garden, which is very beneficial to the growth of spiritual herbs and spiritual medicines.

After Yuan Xiao felt this spiritual breath, his heart was shocked. He was not unfamiliar with this breath!

The light mist on the surface of the Apocalypse Pearl is this kind of breath, but the mist from the Apocalypse Pearl is purer and more comfortable than the breath at the entrance of the mine. It feels like the same kind of thing, but the quality is higher!

Yuan Xiao has already made a judgment in his heart that the Apocalypse Pearl contains a lot of spiritual energy, and the quality is higher than the spiritual energy of the lower-grade spiritual stone.

These high-quality spiritual energy that form light clouds comes from the Apocalypse Pearl, which is confirmed.

But how much is the total amount of this spiritual energy? How can it be fully utilized? It remains to be explored.

But Yuanxiao already had some plans in mind. This time, he had a chance after entering the mine, so he had to try it out.

Last time, Yuanxiao used the Apocalypse Pearl to purify the pills. After the impurities in the pills were discharged, the glossy essence of the pills was left, proving that the Apocalypse Pearl has the function of purification.

So, can the Apocalypse Pearl purify the miscellaneous spirit stones?

Can the miscellaneous spirit stones be purified into low-grade spirit stones?

If this conjecture is correct, then Yuanxiao will be rich!

With the hard currency of the low-grade spirit stones in the cultivation world, cultivation will definitely be much faster.

By then, let alone Wang Yin, even his cousin Wang Jin, as long as he is given a certain amount of time, Yuanxiao has the confidence to surpass them.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the Apocalypse Pearl can purify and refine the miscellaneous spiritual stones and turn them into low-grade spiritual stones.

Fortunately, the answer is already in sight and can be tested today!

"Go in, remember the elders' instructions today! The night-light pearls in your hands are specially designed. We have made the settings. Tomorrow, near noon, when the night-light pearls in your hands begin to vibrate and flash colorful lights, the test will end."

"After you see it, return to the entrance of the mine within an hour and gather on the circular platform! At that time, a pointer will be displayed on the night-light pearl. You return in the direction pointed by the pointer and you will reach the entrance of the mine."

"At that time, I will wait for you here. Enter the mine now!" Manager Mo raised his hand forward and made a gesture to enter.

Yuanxiao walked into the mine and found that there was also a huge platform inside the door. The dome was inlaid with several huge night-light pearls, of which there were still two huge night-light pearls that were not damaged, so he could see the scene here clearly.

The ground here is flat and wide, like a square. Presumably, when the veins were mined, this was where people gathered, materials gathered, and spirit stone mines were circulated, so a huge space was needed at the entrance.

And on the edge of this square, there are many dark mine holes, some of which are on the ground at the edge, extending underground; some are on the mountain, extending forward; and a few mine holes are inclined upward on the mountain, extending toward the top of the mountain.

At a glance, there are hundreds of mine holes, and there are more mine holes leading underground. After all, the possibility of the veins being underground is greater, and the underground storage space is also larger.

Yuan Xiao avoided the crowd and walked forward along the edge of the square.

This time he must act alone, and there are two things to do.

One is to guard against Wang Yin's attack and find an opportunity to counterattack, and the other is to secretly complete the experiment of the Apocalypse Pearl purifying the miscellaneous spirit stones!

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