After searching for half an hour, Yuanxiao just jumped over a bush when Xiaojin on his shoulder suddenly jumped down and walked towards a stone wall at the foot of the mountain, stopping from time to time to sniff.

Since he had received Xiaojin's reminder, Yuanxiao immediately released his spiritual sense and swept around ten feet. Sure enough, he found a small stone cave on the stone wall behind the bush. It was only five feet high and three feet wide. People had to bend their bodies to walk in. The passage was not a straight line, but turned several corners in the middle.

But the space became larger after five feet into the stone cave. There was a space of three feet high and about ten feet in diameter. It was still spacious enough to accommodate dozens of people. Yuanxiao's spiritual sense swept through the space and found only a few nests of mice making their homes in the cave.

After confirming that there was no danger with his spiritual sense, Yuanxiao walked into the cave with his body bent. After walking five feet, the space suddenly became clear. Yuanxiao asked Xiaojin to charge and drive away all the nests of mice, so that they would not interfere with the teleportation array later.

Yuanxiao took out the night pearl from the ring, and suddenly the cave was bright. Because the passage of the stone cave turned several corners, the light of the night pearl would not be transmitted, and even if someone outside could not find it.

Yuanxiao looked at the wall first. There were several symbols similar to words on one wall, but he could not understand what they meant. Yuanxiao's heart moved, and he took out a jade slip and wrote it down first, regardless of whether it could be used later.

Then he slowly looked at the ground and finally saw a small teleportation array with a diameter of about ten feet. It was covered with gravel and dust, and it was obviously abandoned for a long time.

The last time Hai Qing, the leader of Yunhaimen, used it was fifty years ago. If no one came in the meantime, it means that no one has used it for fifty years. Yuanxiao waved a spiritual power to blow away the gravel and dust, and the teleportation array immediately revealed its true appearance.

This teleportation array is in the shape of a five-pointed star, and there is a groove on each of the five corners, which is obviously the location for placing spiritual stones. The central area connected by the five corners is a small circle, and five lines are emitted from the small circle and connected to each corner one by one.

If Yuanxiao guessed correctly, the circular area in the middle is the teleportation area, which looks like it can transport about ten people at a time.

Yuanxiao took out five low-grade spirit stones and inserted them into the grooves at the five corners of the teleportation array. As a result, the teleportation array only flashed for a moment, and the light immediately dimmed. The five low-grade spirit stones have all turned into gray fragments.

Oh, the teleportation array is quite wasteful of spirit stones! Five low-grade spirit stones can't even be activated. Yuanxiao took out 5 low-grade spirit stones again and inserted them into the grooves. Although it flashed a little more this time, it still went out quickly.

Could it be that the teleportation array has been out of repair for a long time and has a problem? No, the sect master Hai Qing repaired it once fifty years ago and used it successfully. No one has come here since then. It shouldn't be damaged so quickly.

Yuanxiao had a flash of inspiration. Could it be that the spirit stone is not of high enough grade? So Yuanxiao took out 5 medium-grade spirit stones again and inserted them into the grooves of the five corners. The teleportation array immediately glowed, and the lines connecting the five corners to the small circle in the center all lit up. Finally, the circle of the small circle also lit up, and a soft light curtain rose to wrap the entire teleportation array.

It really needs high-grade spirit stones to activate. Fortunately, I have medium-grade spirit stones in my hand, otherwise the five of them might have made a wasted trip this time. The elder didn't tell me that medium-grade spirit stones are required to activate. Either he forgot or Haiqing forgot. After all, Haiqing came here fifty years ago. After so many years, it is possible that he forgot this detail.

Yuanxiao only realized today that the more advanced the magic weapon, formation or mechanism, the higher the spirit stone required to activate or start it. High-grade spirit stones are no longer just used for cultivation or buying and selling items, but can also be used as a power and energy source for various objects.

Yuanxiao was afraid of accidents during the transmission, so he put Xiaojin into the spirit beast ring before stepping into the teleportation array. The teleportation array light screen rotated for a while. After three breaths, Yuanxiao saw a white light in front of him, and he was a little dizzy. Then he appeared under a protruding stone cliff. This was the secret realm of Piaomiao Peak.

Yuanxiao quickly installed the grooves of the five corners of the teleportation array on this side with medium-grade spirit stones, and activated the teleportation array in advance to be prepared for any eventuality. In case of bad situation, he was ready to run away at any time.

The current plan is to complete the mission of the sect first, pick a few infant-forming grass first, and then explore the temple.

Yuanxiao summoned Xiaojin and Xiaohuang and began to explore forward. After walking for only one stick of incense, he felt the ground shaking, and there seemed to be a giant in the grass ahead running towards this side.

Yuanxiao immediately mounted Xiaohuang and flew into the sky with Xiaojin. Only then did he see a group of silver-horned rhinos in the grass ahead charging towards their previous position. After finding that Yuanxiao and his team had to turn around in place after flying into the sky, they did not have the ability to fly.

Just when Yuanxiao thought he was safe, he saw that the horns on the heads of dozens of silver-horned rhinos began to emit white light. After a moment, a beam of light shot out from the horn and attacked the man and two beasts.

Xiao Huang and Xiao Jin dodged at the same time, and then Xiao Huang threw down a few ice wind blades, and the two leading rhinos fell straight down. Freezing and paralysis, either one would make people unable to move, let alone both at the same time. The remaining silver-horned rhinos saw that their leader had fallen to the ground and scattered.

Xiao Huang flew over the two rhinos and was about to sprinkle some spiritual urine on the two rhinoceros leaders. Who knew that before he raised his legs, his mother saw through it and slapped him on the back of his head, scolding: "Even if you want to urinate and defecate anywhere, don't do it in front of me! You ask people to drink spiritual urine every day, do you think it's fairy wine!"

Xiao Huang had to give up, thinking: Mom underestimated my spiritual urine, it's very popular! Mom, don't disbelieve me, they have to thank me after drinking my spiritual urine!

Yuanxiao asked Xiao Jin to squat on Xiao Huang's back to help observe the treasures, and then asked Xiao Huang to fly around a few mountains to find where the 500-year-old baby-binding grass was.

As soon as he flew to the edge of the second cliff, Xiao Jin immediately rushed out and flew to a cliff. Yuanxiao immediately asked Xiao Huang to follow.

Sure enough, there were a few baby-binding grasses where Xiao Jin finally hovered, but there was a stone cave on the cliff not far away. I don't know what's inside. Xiao Jin flew to the entrance of the cave and looked inside.

Yuanxiao asked Xiao Huang to fly to the edge of the cliff. Just as he stretched out his hand to pick the baby-binding grass, he heard a sound of wings flapping in the stone cave next to him, and it was obvious that a living thing flew out.

Heavenly materials and earthly treasures must be guarded by spiritual beasts!

Yuanxiao suddenly remembered this sentence, and immediately pulled up several baby-forming grasses by the roots, stuffed them into the storage ring, and rushed out with Xiao Huang, while shouting to Xiao Jin: "Run!"

As a result, fifty or sixty black bats flew out of the stone cave behind him, each with a wingspan of more than three feet long, and flew very fast, rushing towards him fiercely.

The flying speed was actually comparable to Xiao Huang, which really shocked Yuanxiao. You know, Xiao Huang's speed has reached the level of a Jindan-stage cultivator, but he still can't get rid of these black bats.

Xiao Jin just leaned his head to look inside the bat cave, and was caught off guard for a moment, and two bats pounced on him and started to bite him.

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