Yue Buqun saw Tsunade and Zhang Sanfeng, one of whom had activated the Conqueror's Haki and the other had activated the Rejuvenation Elixir, and finally couldn't help it and started a live broadcast

‘Ding! Group member Yue Buqun started a group live broadcast’

"May the ancestors bless you!"

Yue Buqun placed the bronze jar on the altar where the ancestors of Huashan and the past leaders of Huashan were placed, and prayed silently in his heart.



【Congratulations to Yue Buqun for obtaining a black iron dagger】

【Black Iron Dagger: Cuts hair with a gust of wind, cuts iron like mud】


Although the dagger is described as a magical weapon, why does Yue Buqun always feel uncomfortable with it?

He can't help but think of the day when he wanted to castrate himself with the dagger.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Black iron dagger? Congratulations, Master Yue!"

Zhang Sanfeng thought of Yang Guo's black iron heavy sword. Although he seldom used weapons, such treasures were rare. He sincerely congratulated him.

【Yue Buqun】:"Thanks……"

Yue Buqun was not very interested in holding the dagger.

After all, this dagger was not a long sword, and it was not suitable for Huashan swordsmanship. Even if it could cut iron like mud, it would not improve his strength at all.

This was not what he wanted!

He wanted an elixir! He wanted magical skills! He wanted something that could make him the best in the world!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Teacher Yue, don't be disappointed. Don't you still have points? Bronze jars have 200 points, and silver jars have 2,000 points. Teacher Yue, do you want to exchange them?"

Every group member is Lu Xiao's treasure trove of points!

If he loses confidence because of a failure, how can he do business in the future!?

【Yue Buqun】:"this……"

Yue Buqun hesitated a little

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Teacher Yue, do you want to try the silver jar? Maybe you can get something good."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"What the group leader said is true, and this is just a bronze jar, it is normal to get ordinary things"

【Yue Buqun】:""Okay! I have 3,500 points, group leader, I want one silver jar and seven bronze jars! All opened!"

Yue Buqun said with determination.

Anyway, the points have no other use except to exchange jars from Lu Xiao, so just use them!

‘Ding! Group leader Lu Xiao sent Yue Buqun's exclusive red envelope’

‘Ding! Group member Yue Buqun received the red envelope from group owner Lu Xiao’

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Master Yue, try the silver jar!"

【Tsunade】:"Open it! Open it! Let me see what's in the silver jar!"


【Yue Buqun】:"Good!"

Not only were the group members curious, Yue Buqun was also curious about the reward of the silver jar.



The lid burst open

【Congratulations to Yue Buqun for obtaining the Qi-absorbing technique】

【The method of absorbing energy: taking away the energy of others and absorbing it into your own meridians.】

【Yue Buqun】:"Absorbing Qi? Isn't this similar to Ren Woxing's Absorbing Stars?"

Yue Buqun was disappointed again.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You are wrong. The Qi-absorbing Dafa is countless times better than the Xing-absorbing Dafa."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Oh? Group Master, why don't you explain it?"

After watching Zhang Sanfeng in The Smiling, Proud Wanderer, I have some understanding of the Star Absorbing Technique and know that it has great flaws.

Yue Buqun was also curious and stared at the interface in the chat group.

After all, he didn't want to give out only rubbish rewards.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"The most obvious thing is that the Qi-absorbing Dafa does not have the flaws of the Star-absorbing Dafa."

"The Star Absorbing Technique absorbs other people's internal energy. Except for the Yi Jin Jing, it is impossible to dissolve other people's alien true energy."

"But the Qi-absorbing Dafa does not have this problem. No matter how many people's internal energy you absorb, it will become your own."

"In other words, even if Master Yue only knew this one martial art, it would be enough to make him a great master in his world."

"Wait a minute, I'll show you the power of this martial art."

Lu Xiao said, editing some of the highlights of Zhu Wusi from the memory of"Number One in the World" that he had watched into a short video and uploaded it to the chat group.

‘Ding! Group leader Lu Xiao uploaded a video (a wonderful performance of the Qi-absorbing method) and received 100 points.

Then group members clicked in one after another.

After a while

【Yue Buqun】:""Great! I won!!" Yue

Buqun was finally happy after seeing it!

Here comes his chance to become the best in the world! Thinking of how Ren Woxing had dominated the martial arts world for years with his Star Absorbing Technique and no one could rival him, Yue Buqun was excited!

The leader of the martial arts world takes turns, and this year it's my turn!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Seeing this magical skill, even I am a Taoist priest."

But it was just a simple attraction. After all, absorbing the life-long skills of others was not in line with the path he had cultivated in Wudang. It was against the spirit of Taoism.

【Yue Buqun】:"Haha! Thank you for your help! I will continue to open the jars!"

Yue Buqun felt that his luck had come!

He took out seven jars and opened them together!

【Congratulations to Yue Buqun for winning a lady's lipstick, a piece of black silk embroidered clothing, a sword manual for exorcising evil spirits, a delicious roast chicken, a sea stone chain, a pot of monkey wine, and the sunflower manual.】

【Yue Buqun】:"???"

Looking at the items, Yue Buqun was hesitant to speak.

Lipstick? Embroidered clothes? Sword Manual of Exorcism? Sunflower Manual?!

What the hell are these?!

It's endless, right?!

He has changed his fate, why are these things still pestering him?!

Damn it! He started a live broadcast!

Yue Buqun felt like he was socially dead again!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Congratulations to Teacher Yue...Pfft!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Although I don’t want to laugh...but I can’t help it, haha!"

【Tsunade】:"Excuse me, is Teacher Yue going to be a woman?"

【Nami】:"The picture is too beautiful to imagine!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Ah! That’s enough! I’m going to log off!"

Yue Buqun’s face turned red, he was extremely embarrassed! He immediately turned off the live broadcast and logged off.

He was afraid that if he stayed in there any longer, he would be laughed to death!

"Senior Brother?"

At this time, Ning Zhongze's voice came from outside the hall.

""Junior sister, what's wrong?"

Yue Buqun put away his emotions and walked out with a gloomy face.

""Brother, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so bad?"

Ning Zhongze looked at Yue Buqun's dark face and asked worriedly.

"It's okay. What can I do for you?"

"I came here to talk to you about Lingshan and Pingzhi's wedding."

"I don't agree!"

Yue Buqun refused directly after hearing this.

Lin Pingzhi guessed that he had taken the Sword Manual of Exorcism, so he wanted to marry Lingshan to save his life.

But how could Yue Buqun, who already knew the future, agree to their marriage?

Wouldn't that be pushing his daughter into the fire pit?

Moreover, the other party not only hated the Qingcheng Sect that killed his family, but also hated him, Yue Buqun.

Although he didn't practice the Sword Manual of Exorcism now,

"Sword Manual of Exorcism……"

Yue Buqun felt very uncomfortable when he thought about the fact that he had just obtained another copy.

And the Sunflower Manual.

The two martial arts came from the same source, and they could not be practiced without castration!

‘In this case, it is better to give the Sword Manual of Exorcism to Lin Pingzhi, and he will surely cause a big disturbance in the martial arts world. 'Although Yue Buqun wants to get rid of Lin Pingzhi, he is now his Huashan disciple, and he has no reason to be a master.

Therefore, Yue Buqun plans to play hard to get and let Lin Pingzhi learn the Sword Manual of Exorcism first.

Anyway, he has the method of absorbing energy, so he is sure to win!

"Junior sister, I don't agree with their marriage. Also, please ask Pingzhi to come over. I have something to say to him."

"This... okay."

Ning Zhongze nodded and turned to leave.

In fact, she was not very willing to let Lingshan marry Lin Pingzhi. She had always favored Linghu Chong, but Linghu Chong was now……

"Oh, I hope Shan'er won't be too sad."


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