【Yue Buqun】:"Why not send it to the group? I am also curious about what the dance that the group owner is looking forward to looks like!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"It seems that this Wanwan must be a peerless beauty"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"???"

Lu Xiao felt that they were slandering him, but he had no evidence!

【Wanwan】:"Is the whereabouts of the Evil Emperor's relics in my copy?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, and the whereabouts of the Secret of Immortality"


Wanwan was so impatient that she immediately clicked into her own copy.

The Secret of Immortality!

She was looking for it right now!

It seemed that she had done a dance that was totally worth it!

【Tsunade】:"It just so happens that I also want to know how beautiful the Demon Dance is!"

【Huang Rong】:"I'm going to study too!"

【Yue Buqun】:"I don't mean anything else, I just want to watch the show."

Because five new members joined the group, there were five more copies, and everyone was immersed in the drama mode.

Seeing that the group had cooled down, Lu Xiao also left the chat group.

"Lu Xiao!"

Gwen ran to Lu Xiao's apartment.

"What's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you.

Gwen looked a little nervous.

"What's up?"

"It's just... didn't I help Stark last time?……"

Gwen fretted.

"So you were approached by SHIELD?"

"How do you know?!"

Gwen's eyes widened.

"I am also a Gold Saint, it is easy for me to know these things."

Let's not talk about the strangers who suddenly appeared outside the apartment. Lu Xiao knew their origins after a little perception.

Lu Xiao didn't care about this.

Otherwise, he would have asked Gwen to hide her face.

But he didn't remind her, but let Gwen do it herself.

"Oh, yes!"

Gwen nodded, almost forgetting that Lu Xiao was even better than her.

"Anyway, SHIELD came to me and kept asking about the source of my super powers and their specific uses!"

"He even said he wanted to invite me to join some Avengers project!"

"What should I do?"

Gwen pulled Lu Xiao, looking at a loss.

"If they want to find out, let them find out. Don't tell them. Just let them guess for themselves.'"

"As for SHIELD, just treat them as the FBI. There are good guys and bad guys in it. There is no need to get involved too much."

"As for the Avengers Project, you can join"

"And as more and more superpowers appear in the future, more and more people will join, even aliens. Fury's purpose of forming the Avengers is to deal with these crises."

"But you can be a little more assertive. As long as you stand on the side of the Earth and humans, they won't do anything to you."

Lu Xiao explained in detail what Gwen should do.

"I understand."

Gwen nodded.

With Lu Xiao's explanation, Gwen gradually became clear about S.H.I.E.L.D.

But looking at Lu Xiao's appearance, it seems that he doesn't have much good feelings towards S.H.I.E.L.D.?

"But, Lu Xiao, how do you know so much?"

"Because I can predict the future."

Lu Xiao made up an excuse.

"Is this your ability as a Gold Saint?"

Gwen's eyes lit up!

"That's right"


"Of course, I am your future husband. How can I protect you if I am not strong enough?"

Lu Xiao held Gwen in his arms.

"Oh, do you see me marrying you in the future?"

Gwen asked sweetly



Gwen smiled and leaned her face against Lu Xiao's chest



Just as Lu Xiao was about to say something, a loud noise suddenly came from the entire Queens area, and the ground shook.

"What's going on?!"

Gwen frowned.

"We'll know when we go up and take a look."

Lu Xiao held Gwen and teleported to the sky above New York.

Then he understood the reason for the vibration.

Because next to Queens, two green monsters appeared!

They were fighting! They were almost going all the way to Queens!

The whole street was torn apart and horrible because of their fight!

Lu Xiao only realized at this time that several streets outside Queens were under martial law and the army took over control.

Because of the hovering helicopters in the night sky, the surroundings were illuminated like daytime.

Because Lu Xiao did not keep his perception turned on when he was free, but acted like an ordinary person, he did not notice that the abomination began to run wild.

Until now, because of the Hulk's attack, the damage has worsened and seriously affected the neighborhoods next to Manhattan, which has attracted the attention of Lu Xiao and Gwen.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Gwen exclaimed, watching the battle below in disbelief.

On the street, the two-meter-tall Hulk and the Abomination punched each other. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The terrifying power allowed them to shatter the entire wall and make the building shaky even if they just scratched the wall slightly!

Not to mention that Gwen had never seen such an impactful battle scene, it was the first time for other people to see it! Most people were scared!

But some people were excited!

For example, General Ross!

He saw his men transformed into Abominations and turned into such a powerful war machine, and he was so happy in his heart!

If this can be mass-produced and put into the army, wouldn’t it be invincible!?

The only problem is that Bronski rebelled after gaining power. He didn’t want to be controlled by him anymore, and even wanted to kill him!

Fury also learned about the appearance of the monster.

He looked at the two monsters in the picture with a solemn expression.

"Another military experiment."

"Have you contacted Stark yet?"

Fury turned and looked at Hill, his most trusted lieutenant.���


"This Stark!"

Fury was furious. Even though Stark admitted that he was the superhero Iron Man, he still had that playboy personality!

"What about Stacy?"

S.H.I.E.L.D., which has obtained Gwen's detailed information, has also included Gwen in the Avengers list.

Compared with the rogue Stark, Stacy, who is still a student, is obviously much easier to deal with.

But what abilities the other party has is still a mystery.[]

And through Coulson's probing, they discovered that there was someone behind Stacy.

However, in order to avoid upsetting Gwen, they did not act rashly, but continued their investigation.


"Coulson called."

Gwen picked up the phone and said

"Take it"


""Miss Daisy, are you home? Something happened here and we need your help."

Coulson asked politely.

"Is it because of the two monsters on the street? I'm looking at them."

"Miss Stacy already knows?! That's great, can you please stop them?"

"I... should be able to do it."

Gwen hesitated. These two monsters looked so scary!

""Excuse me Miss Stacy!"

Coulson pleaded. After all, if these two monsters were left alone, I'm afraid that several blocks around would not be enough for them to destroy!


Gwen hung up the phone.

""Huh! Can I beat them?"

Gwen looked at Lu Xiao.

"Of course, they can be your sparring partners, so that you can get used to the strength, and you can rest assured that I am here."

"I understand!"

Gwen nodded seriously, and a golden light flashed on her body. The Aries Gold Cloth automatically emerged, and then she teleported and appeared between the two monsters.

The Gold Saint Seiya appeared!


I love you: Ý Chí

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