"My old Taoist friend only came to celebrate my birthday and doesn’t like to be disturbed."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head.

"Amitabha, Master Zhang, I came here this time not only to pay my respects to Master Zhang, but also to ask Master Zhang Wuxia two things.

Kong Wen saw Miejue making it clear and also stated his purpose.

"Master Kongwen, you might as well speak frankly."

Zhang Sanfeng knew that they were about to start making trouble.

"The first thing is that Zhang Wuxia killed 71 people from the Longmen Escort Agency of my Shaolin Sect, and also shot dead three Shaolin monks. How should the lives of these 74 people be ended?

The second thing is that my senior brother Master Kongjian was kind and virtuous throughout his life, and never quarreled with others, but he was tragically killed by the Golden Lion King Xie Xun. I heard that Zhang Wuxia knew the whereabouts of Xie, so please let Zhang Wuxia know."

Hearing this, Zhang Cuishan stood up.

After all, the first thing was about his wife, and the second thing was about his brother.

He had no way to explain these two things.

"Master Kongwen, the seventy-four lives of the Longmen Escort Agency and the Shaolin monks were definitely not caused by you.

As for who hurt the seventy-four lives, you know, but you don’t want to say it clearly. This is the first thing.

The second thing is that the Golden Lion King Xie Xun and you are sworn brothers. You know where Xie Xun is.

But for those of us in the martial arts world, the most important thing is loyalty. Even if Zhang Cuishan’s head can be cut off and his blood can be splashed, I will never reveal the whereabouts of my sworn brother.

This matter has nothing to do with my mentor, nor with my fellow disciples. It is Zhang Cuishan

’s responsibility alone. If you want to force me to die, kill me, or chop me up, please do it. Zhang has never done anything to bring shame to his master in his life, and he has never killed a good person. Today, you must force me to do something unjust, and the only thing you can do is death."

"Amitabha, Master Zhang, how should we resolve today's matter? I still need Master Zhang's instructions.

Kong Wen chanted a Buddhist name and looked at Zhang Sanfeng.

"Although my disciple has no strengths, he still dares not bully his master. I am afraid that this time, you will have made a wasted trip."

Today, let alone that Zhang Sanfeng has been ready to fight. Even if he can't win, there are still several gods sitting in the backyard!

If he still can't save Zhang Cuishan's life, then he, Zhang Sanfeng, might as well kill himself with a piece of tofu!

Therefore, facing the attacks of the crowd, Zhang Sanfeng remained calm and supported Zhang Cuishan.

Anyway, you should fight first, so as not to say that he, Zhang Sanfeng, bullied them in the future!

"Are we just going to ignore the bloody injustice of my senior brother Kong Jian? Zhang Wuxia, we won’t ask about the matter of Longmen Escort Agency for now, but you must tell us the whereabouts of Xie Xun today!

Kong Zhi stood up and asked sternly.

""Master, do you want to find Xie Xun or the Dragon Slaying Sword?"

Yu Lianzhou suddenly spoke up, pointing directly to the point.

When everyone present heard this, their faces changed slightly.

After all, Yu Lianzhou was right!

If it wasn't for the Dragon Slaying Sword, who would care about Xie Xun's life or death?

In recent years, haven't there been fewer cases of revenge killings in the martial arts world?

What's more, Xie Xun was originally a member of the Demon Sect, so there was no need for them to make a big fuss for him.

But even if they coveted the Dragon Slaying Sword, they had to find a legitimate reason, after all, they were from a famous and upright sect.

But now, Yu Lianzhou directly tore off his face.


Kong Zhi was furious, and slapped the table beside him with one palm, smashing it to pieces.

"I heard that Master Zhang came from Shaolin, and he was better than his teacher and founded the Wudang Sect. I have admired him for a long time!

Master Zhang is a master of martial arts and is invincible. The three of us brothers are overestimating our abilities and want to join forces to ask Master Zhang for guidance.

Master Zhang is two generations higher than us. If we fight him one-on-one, it would be too disrespectful to him."

"Bastard! You want to fight three against one?!"

The seven Wudang heroes were furious when they saw Kong Zhi being so shameless!

The disciples of other sects were also amazed.

As expected, he is a Shaolin monk, who can say such words!

The person who said it didn't blush, but the person who heard it felt hot on his face.

"Humph! Master Zhang is our predecessor, and now he has become younger, so his skills must be even better!

Not to mention the Shaolin monks, if Zhang Wuxia doesn’t tell us the whereabouts of Xie Xun today, our Emei will be offended!"

Miejue doesn’t care how Shaolin fights, anyway, she must know where the Dragon Slaying Sword is today!!

Everyone thought to themselves:"Hiss... they are all worthy of chanting Buddha's name!"

"Master, you!"

Song Yuanqiao and the others were even more disappointed.

They thought that Emei would not help Wudang because of the affection for Grandmaster Guo Xiang, but at least they would not add insult to injury, right?

As a result, they guessed wrong!

Miejue has been aggressive since she came to Wudang, and now she said such words in front of their master, which is simply too much!!

Ji Xiaofu stood behind Miejue with her head down, not daring to look at the Wudang disciples.

Yin Liting trembled, suppressing his anger! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

…… backyard

"It looks like it's our turn to make an appearance."

Although Lu Xiao and the others had been drinking and chatting in the backyard, they had been paying attention to the movements outside.

Now that they saw someone making trouble, Yue Buqun knew that the time was almost right and spoke immediately.[]

"In this case, Teacher Yue should go and support Master Zhang."

Lu Xiao said

"The group leader is not going?"

"Do you want me to go and chop them all down?"

""No, no, no! I’ll go, I’ll go!"

Yue Buqun shook his head and stood up immediately.

But it was true that with all those people outside, it was not Lu Xiao’s turn to take action. Seeing that Huang Rong, Xiaolongnu, Tsunade, and Nami had no intention of leaving, Yue Buqun could only take the initiative to step forward.

After all, Yue Buqun was also Zhang Zhenren’s junior, so he should go to help!

"Xiao, let's go too!"

Xiao Feng's face was red and he smelled of alcohol, but he was still sober and not drunk.

"Hey! Don't! I'll go, you stay and continue drinking!"

Yue Buqun quickly held Xiao Feng

"All right then."

Xiao Feng nodded. He really hadn't drunk enough. This wine was very strong and suited his taste.

As for Yue Buqun, he simply didn't want Xiao Feng to steal his limelight.


"Today is our master's 100th birthday. How should we fight? We disciples are willing to ask Shaolin for advice!"

Yu Lianzhou and others stood up


Kong Zhi frowned.���However, it is not easy to fight.

After all, where is the identity?

"Today is a great day, you want to ask for advice, why don't I come to meet you on behalf of Master Zhang?"

Someone suddenly spoke outside the hall, and everyone turned around to see a man in green clothes, with an extraordinary temperament and a Taoist appearance, standing at the door.

""Haha! Master Yue, please come in!"

Zhang Sanfeng welcomed.

"Master Yue?"

"Which sect are you from?!"

"Looks quite impressive"

"Could he be the immortal figure that Master Zhang mentioned?!"

"Wait! Look, his feet are not touching the ground!"

"Hiss! His feet are not touching the ground, is he a human or a ghost! ?"

"Idiot! He has a shadow, so he must be a person, or even the immortal friend that Master Zhang mentioned!"


Everyone present was shocked when they saw Yue Buqun flying into the hall from the gate with his hands behind his back, one meter off the ground!

Is there really a god in this world!?


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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