
The planet where the entire Ninja Realm was located suddenly trembled.

The sky and the clouds changed color!

As if being swept by a powerful storm, the earth trembled, the sea surged, the mountains collapsed, and the plains split open!

It was a doomsday scene!

"Sister! Sister!!"

Tsunade heard someone calling her in a daze.

"What's up, Rope Tree?"

"Sister, there's an earthquake!"

Sheng Shu said anxiously.


Tsunade then realized that the whole room was shaking and woke up immediately!

No wonder she had just dreamed, as if she had returned to her childhood and was sitting on a rocking chair!

If she hadn't been woken up by Rope Tree, Tsunade would probably have slept more comfortably!

"Lady Tsunade! Something seems to have happened."

Minato and Kushina also rushed over

"What's going on? Someone's invading?!"

Tsunade walked out of the house and asked in confusion.

"There is no enemy invasion. I just went out to check. Not only Konoha Village, but the entire Land of Fire is shaking!"

Minato Namikaze looked solemn. At the moment of the shaking, Minato had already activated Flying Thunder God to check the situation in Konoha.

When he found that it was not caused by the invasion of the enemy, he also went outside Konoha Village.

Faced with the unknown situation, he could only come back to report the situation first.

"The Fire Nation is shaking! ?"

"What's going on?"

Tsunade frowned in confusion.

"Wait, let me ask first!"

Tsunade said, closed her eyes, and entered the chat group.

【Tsunade】:"There's been a shock in the ninja world and the situation is very bad. Do you know what's going on?"

【Yue Buqun】:"What's going on? Is this something from the plot?"

【Huang Rong】:"Sister Tsunade, are you okay?"

【Tsunade】:"By the way, where is the group leader? Group leader: Lu Xiao"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:""Hey, is the vibration serious? I should be fine."

Lu Xiao felt a little guilty, as if his attack was too powerful.

Even the Ninja World was affected.

【Tsunade】:"It's not you who caused this! ? You haven't gone back yet?!"

Tsunade instantly suspected Lu Xiao.

She drank a lot of wine, and when Lu Xiao didn't come for a long time, she fell asleep and thought Lu Xiao had left.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Well, I just met the Lord of Otsutsuki and had a fight with him, which caused some disturbances. I'm going to the Ninja World to take a look. Don't worry."


"Didn't you already take care of the Otsutsuki clan?!"

"And, this is called a little fluctuation! ?"

Tsunade was speechless, it turned out that it was you who did it!!

She was worried that Lu Xiao would not be able to stop and control the power, and accidentally destroy the ninja world.

It turned out that she was right to worry!!

Seeing that the vibration has not stopped for a while, Tsunade can't tell how anxious she is!

This is Lu Xiao's attack!

Thinking about the Galaxy Star Explosion that Lu Xiao just saw on the live broadcast, she has no doubt that Lu Xiao has the power to destroy the entire universe

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Because all the Otsutsuki clan members were dealt with, Otsutsuki Shibaai, who had left this universe, came back."

"But don't worry, I've solved it...Huh? He escaped? Interesting."

Lu Xiao came to the planet outside the Ninja World, and stopped the natural disaster caused by his attack with supreme power, eliminating the crisis of the Ninja World's self-destruction.

Then he found that something was wrong with Kaguya Otsutsuki on the moon.

This experience pack that Lu Xiao originally left for Tsunade and the others actually woke up on its own at this moment.

Although the seal has not been lifted, the strange fluctuations have attracted Lu Xiao's attention.

If I guessed correctly, the soul of Shibaui Otsutsuki entered Kaguya Otsutsuki's body.

【Tsunade】:"I beg you! Sir, our Ninja World can't stand your torture any more!"

"Be careful to hold back!!"

Tsunade was so sad that she couldn't even cry.

【Yue Buqun】:"Don't worry, the group leader will pay attention."


Tsunade sighed and opened her eyes.

"Okay, it's alright. Let's all go home." (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

""Tsunade-sama, what did you do just now?"

Namikaze Minato and the others looked at Tsunade in bewilderment.

Tsunade-sama closed her eyes and seemed to be communicating with someone. Coincidentally, the vibration ended.

But what kind of ninjutsu is this?

"Oh, it was my friend who caused this. It's all right now. You can go back and have a rest."[]

Tsunade said and walked back to her room

"Lady Tsunade's friend is the one who resurrected us?"

"No one else has this ability except him."

""Okay, Minato, let's go back. Lady

Tsunade said it's okay, so it's okay." Kushina pulled Minato away.

"Shengshu, let's go."

Jingyin also told Shengshu to go back to sleep.


In the moon.

Deep inside the seal of Chibaku Tensei created by the Six Paths Sage with Yin-Yang Release.

A pair of white eyes opened.

"What a close call... I finally escaped with my life!"

Otsutsuki Shibaui, who had already occupied Kaguya Otsutsuki's body, couldn't help but sigh that he had survived a disaster.

Before, in the light that could cut through everything and make everything in the world melt away, Shibaui, driven by the desire to survive, directly separated a part of his soul, traveled through time and space, and entered Kaguya's consciousness.

Because Shibaui already has a strength infinitely close to that of the Otsutsuki God, he no longer needs to use the wedge to achieve reincarnation and resurrection.

Just like this, by directly occupying the body of another person with a powerful soul, you can save your life.

But there are certain limitations.

That is, if the other person's body is not strong enough to support Shibaui's soul power, then Shibaui can only survive for a while at most.

But fortunately, Shibaui sensed the existence of two more Otsutsuki clan members.

One is Otsutsuki Toneri, but the other party lacks... He is missing a pair of Byakugan and is still very young at 120, lacking in strength.

Only the sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki has complete strength, enough to support his soul power.

Now Shibaui only needs to rely on Kaguya's body and recover well, and he can return to the top.

But how long it will take, Shibaui doesn't know.

However, he has seen the ninja world outside the moon, and was surprised to find that there are a lot of chakras here. He only needs to devour these chakras, and it will greatly reduce his recovery time!!

Now he just needs to wait until that terrifying guy leaves, and Shibaui can break the seal activated by Yin Yang escape.

Although Shibaui's strength is greatly damaged now, it is easy for him to get out. He does not need to follow Black Zetsu's operation and use the Samsara Eye to awaken the Samsara Sharingan and become Kaguya's carrier to break out of the seal.

"After I leave this time, I will never come back!"

Otsutsuki Shibai swore fiercely and said to himself!

"Are you sure you can still leave?"


Zhiju's eyes widened!

A cold sweat broke out on his back!

The other party found him!

How is it possible!?

He was hiding so well!!


Zhiju broke the seal and escaped from the moon


"Sister, sister! Oh no! The moon exploded!"

"……Is it over yet?!"


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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