After Lu Xiao killed the Mandarin, he was surrounded by hundreds of mercenaries holding AKs as soon as he landed.

In addition, there were still people rushing here.

The Mandarin was dead, but his men didn't seem to let Lu Xiao go. In fact, there were many people who secretly wanted to seize power.

""Shoot!" Bang, bang, bang!

The machine gun spewed flames, and countless bullets flew towards Lu Xiao in an instant.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao just silently activated his telekinesis and stopped the bullets in the air. After seeing this scene, the mercenaries turned their heads and looked at each other, and took a step back in fear.

"You guys try it too."

Lu Xiao raised his right hand and flicked it lightly!

The bullets in front of him were like flowers scattered by a fairy, turning into golden light and hitting the eyebrows of one mercenary after another!

Hundreds of people were killed by the golden streamer in the blink of an eye!

Moreover, Lu Xiao's powerful spirit swept through the rainforest, driving the bullets to fly everywhere in the rainforest.

No matter whether they were in the armored vehicles, hiding in the caves, watching the wind, or hiding in the woods, none of them escaped the fate of being killed.

Since then, this tropical rainforest ruled by the Mandarin has completely become an uninhabited area.

Only countless corpses and countless munitions were left.

When Tony walked out of the cave through the iron door that suddenly opened for some reason, he was stunned by everything in front of him.

Tony shouted several times, but no one answered him.

Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, and he could remain calm when he saw the corpses all over the ground.

Tony looked around and finally found a phone that could be used for communication. He quickly contacted his good friend Rod and asked him to come and save him quickly!

This place is too scary!

In addition to the phone, Tony also saw two lines of words on the ground

‘The mastermind behind this is your uncle, Stani’

‘I saved you for the second time, you owe me two favors’

"Stanny...why would he do this?"

"Also, please leave your name!"


Soon, Rhodes and his men found Tony and took him away.

The investigation of the situation here was taken over by others.

Coulson was among them.

After a thorough inspection, Coulson determined that the person who did it was undoubtedly a superpower.

After all, judging from the wounds on the foreheads of many mercenaries, they could not be easily killed by a mere gun!

In addition, bullets can turn?!

"Boss, a superpower has taken action, but there are still not many traces. In addition, the ten magic rings in the hands of the Mandarin have also been taken away."

Coulson reported solemnly

"Again? What did Stark say?"

"Mr. Stark said that after he came out, there was no one alive in the entire base except him.

But judging from the wiping marks on the ground, the other party seemed to have left a message for Mr. Stark."

Coulson squatted on the ground, looking at the marks on the ground and replied.

Tony wiped off the two lines of words before Rhodes brought people here.

As for Stani's problem, he would solve it himself.

Moreover, facing this kidnapping incident, Tony already had a plan in his mind to escape in the cave.

Although he was rescued by a mysterious man without using it, Tony still decided to go back and make the blueprint he had constructed in his mind.

"Could it be that Stark knew that man, but concealed his identity in order not to reveal it?"

"Hard to say"

"Let's first investigate the specific details of Stark's kidnapping. As for this mysterious man, let Natasha take over and see if she can get anything out of Stark."

"Yes, boss!"


New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. base

"Superpowers, mysterious people... Last time Stark went to Afghanistan, a crack appeared in the desert"

"The other party is still a terrorist from the Ten Rings Gang, so, last time the other party planned to kidnap Stark, but was resolved in advance by that mysterious man?"

"Could he be Howard's backup to protect Stark?!"

Fury frowned, very distressed.

However, judging from the fact that Stark was rescued this time, the other party should have an important connection with Stark. Fury planned to send Natasha to monitor Stark to see if he could get some intelligence.


"Another 100,000 points, but this time I won't open the diamond jar, save up, save up 1 million points, and open the supreme jar directly!"

Lu Xiao returned to the apartment and sat on the sofa thinking about this harvest.

It can only be said that as Iron Man's number one enemy, the Mandarin has a lot of points! It can be seen that there are still many points that can be dug deep in Marvel, as well as the source of points. On the other hand, in Yue Buqun's martial arts world, after dealing with Dongfang Bubai and the Sun Moon Sect, there are basically no big points.

In other words, there is not much potential.

If you want to continue to get a lot of points through the chat group, you can only start from the newcomers who join later.

"By the way, Master Ancient One, would you like to show up for a cup of tea first?"

When Lu Xiao returned to the apartment, he hadn't even sat down yet when he noticed someone sneaking in.

Not to mention that Lu Xiao is now at the ninth sense of the microcosm, even if it's the eighth sense, it's enough to see through Ancient One's invisibility magic.

After all, the eighth sense can feel the changes in everything in the universe, reach the root of the world, understand the laws of operation of all things in the world, and know the past, present, and future.

It can listen to the sounds of the forest, wind, rivers, nature, the earth, and the sky, and talk to them.

After the end of physical life, the soul merges with the universe, and then returns to the quiet void, omnipresent, able to gather or disperse, immortal.

This realm cannot be reached even after the death of Ancient One and following eternity.


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