【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Now everyone can rest assured"

"All of these super powers are without any consciousness, but their strength is exactly the same as before. Now they only listen to Xingguang.".

【Starlight】:"What this means is that these guys will obey my orders from now on and do whatever I tell them to do?!"

"Wow, this is really comfortable!"


DC world.

At this moment, Diana's face gradually became ugly.

Especially when she saw outside the window that Superman was defeated! And he was defeated by General Zod!

This made him feel very incredible. After all, the other party invaded the earth this time just to change the earth into Krypton.

And in this interest, the only one who can stop them is probably Superman.

But she didn't expect that at this critical moment, Superman actually failed. Who can stop the other party's actions?

This made her feel very nervous in her heart.

I don't know what to do.

After thinking for a moment, I thought of the chat group instantly.

Since I don't have any way, everyone in the chat group must have a way.

【Diana】:"Group leader, help me, group leader!"

【Starlight】:"Sister Diana, please don't panic when you encounter something. You must stay calm. The group leader will definitely give you a way to solve the problem."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"What's wrong?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Superman is coming?"

People who have seen Man of Steel knew something must have happened to Diana when they saw her so anxious.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Apart from anything else, this superman is indeed amazing, even though he has not yet fully grown up."

【Tsunade】:"It seems that the evil forces on your side are going to suffer. As long as the group leader takes action, no evil forces will be able to survive."

【Nami】:"It’s just a superman, Brother Lu Xiao will take care of it!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Need my help?"

【Diana】:"That's right! Although Superman finally defeated Zod, if the fight continues, who knows how many more people will suffer!"

Although Diana knew the result, she was worried when she saw Superman and Zod flying around in high-rise buildings and causing great damage with just a casual touch.

After all, wasn't it because Batman's employees died in the battle that Batman and Superman fought?

Coupled with the instigation of others, Batman began to doubt whether Superman's existence was really a good thing for the earth.

No matter how crazy the plot is, Batman has a defense plan for Superman or other heroes.

【Starlight】:"Since you want the group leader to support you, the best way is of course to ask the group leader to go to your place in person."

"Didn't I do that before? After you finish running, you can improve your strength and get a lot of points. These points can also let you open jars."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"That's right"

【Nami】:"The boss leads the way!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"To be honest, I really want to go to Diana's world to take a look. The future world is so exciting."

The Wanjie chat group not only made Zhang Sanfeng become an immortal, but also opened his eyes and let Zhang Sanfeng know the future development.

This made Zhang Sanfeng feel that sometimes it is a good thing to live longer.

If he died early, he would not have the opportunity to join the chat group and see so many interesting things.

But now he has no time to go. He is now busy building the immortal gate, promoting the way of cultivating immortals, and preparing to change the world.

In particular, he is very concerned about the"resurrection of spiritual energy" mentioned by Lu Xiao.

If the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is reborn in the future, everyone will have the opportunity to become an immortal!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Sure, I'll go."

He had wanted to go to DC for a long time.

【Diana】:"Thank you, group leader!"

Diana seemed extremely anxious. If she had come a second later, she didn't know how many people would have died.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"In this case, let's do this for now. I'll send you an application. If you agree, it's 840." In the DC world, in a house,

Diana quietly waited for Lu Xiao to arrive.

At this time, a white light flashed, and Lu Xiao appeared.

"Group leader!"

"I thought you would not look for me and would always be on guard against me."

Lu Xiao smiled slightly.

He knew that Diana was afraid that he would kill all the gods like in the Saint Seiya world.

But at that time, Lu Xiao was very short of points. In addition, with the example of Seiya, even if Lu Xiao killed all the gods, Saori would not say anything.

But in the DC world, Lu Xiao would also be considerate of Diana and would not go too far.

After all, points are dispensable to Lu Xiao now.

Therefore, how much to do depends on how many points Diana wants to get and whether she wants to improve her strength again.

"The group leader is joking.

Diana smiled awkwardly.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything rash this time. I'll go deal with Zod first."


Don't worry: Hận Đời Vô Đối.

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