
A ball of golden light came in from the window and turned into a human shape.


Kizaru arrived the fastest. As soon as he came in, he saw that in this conference room, except for the new Shichibukai, Thunder God Nami, Hawkeye, and an unknown person who were still sitting on the chairs, the rest of the Shichibukai, including the Navy Marshals Sengoku and Tsuru, were sitting on the ground.

As for the other vice admirals, they had already rolled their eyes and lay still.



There were two more sounds of breaking through the air, mixed with the sound of kicking the door in.

The remaining two admirals, Aokiji and Akainu, arrived.

And Garp, who didn't want to get involved in this matter, also came here with a serious expression. The moment the domineering aura burst out just now, Garp thought it was Red Hair who came to the Navy Headquarters!!

In fact, the power of this domineering aura is even greater than that of Red Hair!

You know, as a disciple of the Four Emperors and Roger, Red Hair is top-notch in both swordsmanship and his own spirit!

Especially his domineering aura, which has even reached the point where it can affect the physical level!

Looking at the miserable situation in the conference room at this time, you can know that the person who released the Conqueror's Haki is even worse than Red Hair!

Whether it's Garp, Aokiji, or the other two admirals who rushed over, they all followed the sight of Sengoku and the Seven Warlords and looked at Nami and the other two.

Their expressions at this time were all extremely shocked, and even a little bit of fear.

Especially Doflamingo, he had lost control of his expression, as if he saw a terrifying monster, staring at Lu Xiao motionlessly.

Blackbeard couldn't laugh anymore, he sat on the ground with barbecue in his hand, his forehead full of cold sweat.

Not to mention Gekko Moriah, luckily he was not knocked unconscious by the Conqueror's Haki, his head was dizzy.

And Kuma was directly knocked out of standby mode by Lu Xiao, with an unbelievable look on his face.

""Zhan Guo, He, are you all right?"

Garp asked with concern.

"We are fine, what about the others?"

Zhan Guo stood up and asked

"The navy in the entire building fainted."

Akainu stared at Nami solemnly.

He thought that the new Shichibukai was the one who released the Conqueror's Haki this time.

"What's going on? You guys are fighting..~?"

Garp stared at the pirates unkindly.

"No, it was Doflamingo who provoked the Thunder God Nami crew and caused a conflict."

He explained.

"Let's go first. As for you, Kizaru, please take them to a resting place for a while."


Kizaru nodded. Sengoku took Garp and the others away. As for the lieutenant generals lying there, he was too lazy to bother with them for the time being. Anyway, he would wake up by then.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll take you to rest."

"Let's go."

Nami stood up

"What about you guys?"

Kizaru looked at Blackbeard and the others.

"Thief, haha, after eating, of course I'll go take a rest!"

Blackbeard acted as if nothing had happened.

"Hehehe... It's amazing, there are two Shichibukai on one ship, and now there's another one who wants to be the king."

Doflamingo adjusted his glasses and said stubbornly

"Become a king? Can't I already be a king?"

Lu Xiao smiled and led the way out.

Kizaru was confused. Who is this person and why is he so arrogant?

He didn't remember there was such a person in the Little Cat Pirates.

The rest of the Seven Warlords of the Sea also followed silently. They realized that this strange crew member was powerful and was not someone to be messed with.


Office of the Admiral of the Navy

"It seems that we have all underestimated the strength of Thunder God Nami."

After sitting down, they began to discuss

"That’s right, whether it is herself or Hawkeye who got on board for unknown reasons, they are enough to affect the power structure of the ocean!"

"Especially the strange crew member beside her, we have never seen any information about him, and we don't even know his name!"

Zhan Guo was worried.

"That crew member? What happened to him?"

Aokiji was puzzled.

Garp and Akainu were also puzzled.

"Do you think it was Nami who just released the domineering color?" (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not Nami? Then what?"

"You don't mean the crew member next to her, do you?"

The three of them were extremely surprised!

"Yes, it's him! He has a domineering color that may even surpass Red Hair, and his origin is unknown. However, he came here with Thunder God Nami during the meeting of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. It is hard not to doubt his purpose."


Cap was silent.

"Do you remember what happened to Nami in the East Sea?"

He suddenly said

"What do you mean?" Zhan Guo looked at He expectantly.

"I've read Nami's report, which contains everything about her life before and after she became a pirate."

"According to the investigation at that time, starting from the first pirate hunter Zoro recruited by Nami, whether it was destroying the naval base, clearing the Black Cat Pirates, rescuing the Cocosia Village, or defeating Arlong's group, it was inseparable from one person."

"You mean him? Lu Xiao! ?"

Zhan Guo immediately remembered this name!

This is a name that no one in Kokosia Village will forget!

"That's right! It should be him!"[]

Crane said with certainty

"No wonder we haven't seen this guy in the Little Cat Pirates."

"But why did he suddenly appear again this time?!"

"He won't ruin our plan, will he?"

Zhan Guo became more and more worried.

"'It shouldn't be, after all, Nami and the others don't have any friendship with Ace. '

He shook his head.

"You guys chat, I'm leaving first."

When Garp heard that they were going to talk about Ace again, he stood up and left uncomfortably.

But Ace was a pirate and he was a navy, so the two sides were bound to conflict.

Garp didn't say that he would go against his own justice to save Ace, but he could only try to make sure that he didn't take action.

"Karp……"Warring States expression bitter

"Let him go. If possible, I don't want Garp to get involved in this matter, but without him, the navy's combat power is not enough."

Tsuru also sighed.

"Anyway, prepare everything according to the plan."


Afterwards, after Lu Xiao stayed in the Navy Headquarters for two days and spent two days with Nami, the execution of Ace finally began.

Lu Xiao and several Shichibukai stood on the high wall, looking at the Navy below, feeling heroic.

This kind of awe-inspiring momentum cannot be experienced when watching anime.

Lu Xiao put aside his own strength, put himself in the middle of it, and also felt the tense atmosphere on the eve of the war. (Okay Zhao)

"Are you nervous? Humph! As expected, all men are useless."

Beside Lu Xiao, there was a beautiful snake coiled, and on the snake sat a beautiful woman in cheongsam.

She had an arrogant look, was extremely cold and beautiful, and had a devilish figure.

It was the Pirate Queen Hancock who came later.

And Luffy, because of Nami's interception, lost the high combat power of Zoro and Sanji, which made it very difficult for him to come here, and it took more time.

By the time he learned that Ace was captured and arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago, it was just the day before the war started, so he had no time to go to the underwater prison.

However, Lu Xiao sensed Luffy's situation. It seemed that he had encountered Whitebeard's ship and was on the way here with Whitebeard.

"I'm not nervous, I'm excited!"

"Also, if you say so, when this is over, I will definitely let you try whether I am really useful or not."

Lu Xiao smiled and didn't care about Hancock's words.

Laugh at me?

You will cry someday!


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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