The Brave Master Is the Demon King

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Follower

The sound of running water faintly entered Lingnai's ears, and she suddenly opened her eyes, and then she got up from the ground at a very fast speed.

Where is this place?

After waking up, this was her first question.

Her last memory was being caught by that **** Rockefeller. What did he do to me?

Rena lowered her head and checked her body. There was nothing unusual, just a sense of exhaustion. She consumed a lot of magic power during that battle. There was still some pain in her body, she didn't know why she was here, did Rockefeller let her go?

No, it's not right, this is absolutely impossible, he will definitely not let himself go.

She wouldn't have that kind of naive thought, that devil, he didn't come from this world.

Reina sighed, and it was a sigh of relief. She began to reflect on the defeat. She shouldn't be so careless, before she knew the details of the enemy, she went to fight the enemy.

When she came to the stream, the cold stream reflected her downcast face. Rena wiped the blood from her face and cleaned her face. The cold stream calmed her a lot. Rockefeller had many terrifying subordinates. They used to be brave men and demon kings, especially the demon with wings, whose strength is unfathomable.

The most important thing is that Rena felt a breath similar to the master in it.

Who is it? What does it have to do with the master?

Ling Na can't figure it out clearly, but she knows that if she wants to defeat Rockefeller, she must first deal with those terrible evil spirit generals, otherwise she will have no chance to get close to him.

Can only be broken one by one.

She showed a firm look, but at this moment, the stream suddenly made waves, and Rena suddenly raised her head.

Evil spirits!

Sure enough, blue ghost fires suddenly appeared in the forest, apparently specially looking for her, she immediately stood up, turned and ran.


Lilith noticed that someone wiped her face with a warm and damp towel, and she gradually came out of her coma.

"She is awake!"

Seeing Lilith opened her eyes, Mei Li was taken aback, she said quickly. It was she who took care of herself when she was in a coma. Melly is just an ordinary person, but she is very capable. When Lilith and Fina are tired from fighting, she can do the work in the camp alone and let The two have a good rest. And her dog can also be alert to the surroundings, the key is that she is a good person to get along with.

At this moment, Fina was chopping wood with an axe. She chopped the axe on the stake, then clapped her hands and walked over.

"How, what happened?"

Lilith turned her head, and she saw the blond woman who was tied to a piece of wood and whose mouth was blocked by a cloth strip. She stared at herself silently, as if saying: If you dare to talk nonsense, I will kill you.

But Lilith is not afraid of her at all, she is just a paper tiger, or the kind of tooth that has been pulled out.

She covered her forehead and said, "I'm fine, but I was too stimulated in my memory. In order to avoid harm, the brain forcibly stopped the magic."

There is a bad thing in memory magic, that is, if the opponent has a great blow and pain in the past, he will be extremely resisted by the memory owner when prying, which will lead to injury, but there is no magic to protect the soul.

But Lilith still saw something.

"She had a very miserable childhood, living in darkness, loneliness and fear every day, but this will not wash away the many consciences she has done."

The others glanced at the blonde girl.

"Have you seen her parents?"

Fina seemed to care about her life experience. After hearing that, the blonde girl began to struggle.

"I saw a man who claimed to be her father, who had the same unidentified blond hair as her." A haze appeared on Lilith's face. She saw a terrible scene. The blonde girl was transformed by terrible power since she was a child. At this moment, there was a black magic core in her body, and the blond man abruptly opened her stomach and buried it in it.

For this reason, she almost died when she was young, and was tortured by the pain caused by this trauma for a long time.

Lilith covered her stomach, and the pain came into her mind, almost tearing her consciousness.

Fina frowned at this time.

Sure enough, it was Rockefeller! She may also be the daughter of the **** caller, the sister or younger sister of Rena. If you can't find Rena, she may be able to become a new godcaller, as long as she can pass the trial...

Just as the two were meditating, Melly's black dog suddenly pricked its ears and barked in a certain direction.

Everyone became alert, and the horse also noticed something, and began to restless.

"We better leave here right away."

Although it was late, Fina made a decision. She had an ominous premonition that something terrible was coming.

"How do you feel, Lilith?"

Mei Li asked with concern.

Lilith shook her head and said, "I'm fine. As Fina said, we'd better leave now."

"But out of this forest, it's a barren mountain range."

Mei Li is a little afraid of accidents on the way. The sky will soon darken. The night is not a good time to Many dangers are hidden in the darkness. Although she said so, she actually helped pack things up, pack them up, and put them on horseback.

"We have stayed here for too long, and may have attracted some bad things. Leaving immediately is the best choice."

Fina said.

However, there was a terrible roar from the forest. Staying in the camp, the little giant seemed to feel something. He suddenly turned around and looked into the distance blankly.

"Wait, the knife is gone."

Shouted Mei Li.

"If you lose it, lose it, go!"

After Fina finished speaking, she rode on the horse, stretched out her right hand to hold Meili, and hugged her on the horse. At this time, the blonde who was tied to the horseback smiled and grabbed a knife in her hand.

Lilith took the staff and blew out the bonfire, and the surroundings suddenly became dark. Only then did they realize how late it was. But I can't take care of these. Dangerous signals are not coming. Normally, there is no way to stay here at ease.

Fina was riding a horse, and Lilith got on a wooden chair. It was something that Meili and Fina had made. Although it was a bit simpler, it was made of wooden boards and animal skins.

She used her magic to float the plank, and disappeared into the forest with the steed.

Less than five minutes after they left, a group of evil spirits with blue eyes appeared in the camp. There were so many of them, surrounded by these blue-eyed monsters. I saw an elegant evil spirit walk out, and other evil spirits slowly pushed away, making a way for it. A layer of ice formed on the road, like a carpet. It stepped on the solid ice and looked down at the marks on the ground.

"Find them and bring me the body of the assassin."

It even uttered words, and the surrounding evil spirits suddenly dispersed, whistling, while jumping and shutting in the forest.

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