The Brave Master Is the Demon King

Chapter 100: A combination of miracles

   A leaf was floating in the air. It moved very unnaturally and slowly rolled up, but then I didn’t know what happened. The leaf suddenly shrank, like a discarded paper ball.

   Reina slowly lay on the ground with a cry.

   "Are you from the Taru tribe?" Nolan asked suddenly.

   "No, I haven't even heard of this nation, do we have similarities with the Taru tribe?" the Demon King asked.

   "No, it just feels like this."

   "It's probably because you saw the leaves training, and you are masters and apprentices, right? I heard that there is a tradition in the Taru clan that masters and apprentices go out to practice." Almis said suddenly.

   "Hey~ Are we the master of the Taru clan?"

   Rena, who was half in the tent, suddenly sat up.


   The Demon King hit her with a hand knife on the head.

   "If you think about it, you know it's not. We just happened to do the same thing."


   Rena lay back holding her head.

   Nuolan looked at the two quietly, and then said: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen anyone train with leaves for a long time."

   I didn't expect people in this world to discover this training method, which is really surprising.

   "That's probably because this training method is too old."

   After hearing what Almis said, the Demon King's heart received a lot of shocks.


   "Apprentice education is not popular anymore, after all, it is too inefficient."


   The Demon King received a heavy blow.

   "If the master knows, I will tear you apart again, Armis." Nolan said immediately, noticing the devil's face.

   "Cut~" Almis seemed to converge a little after hearing the word master.

   At this time, a rhythmic breathing sound came. The two turned around and found that Rena was asleep, and she was asleep.

   The Demon King sighed lightly, stood up and hugged him into the tent. When he came out, Nolan was watching him silently.

   He didn't do anything. The tent behind him suddenly zipped up. The kitten Mickie, curled up aside, opened one eye slightly, and then slowly closed it.

   The red charcoal flashed in the flames, making crackling noises from time to time. I don't know if it was an illusion. The surrounding bugs seemed to be quiet a lot.

   The two looked at the campfire silently, without saying a word.

At this moment, the devil turned his head and looked at Nolan. He heard a click, and saw a small black hole in front of him. It was an exquisite weapon. The straight hollow iron pipe was about thirty or forty centimeters long. Long, there is a hook-shaped metal at the position of the handle, and Nolan’s index finger is resting on that metal.

   "Is this the weapon you used to save Rena? Can I see it?"

   The Demon King said without changing his face.

   Nolan's expression is extremely calm, looking at the demon lord silently, while Armis on the side doesn't say a word.

   "Well, please."

   didn't know how she did it, but saw the gun quickly turned around, and the handle of the gun was facing the demon king.

   The Demon King took it with interest and played up and down. He put his finger on the trigger, and the muzzle was facing his own eyes. He also opened his eyes to see what was in the barrel.

   But in the end, he didn't pull the trigger. Instead, he returned the gun to Nolan, just like Nolan handed him the gun.

   "It's really a subtle weapon, what is it called? What function does it have."

   the demon king asked.

   Nuolan did not rush to answer, she took out a piece of white cloth and placed it on the ground.

   "This weapon is called the magic gun, which is a weapon invented by the Dragon Boat Empire. It can use explosions to launch loaded bullets, or use the magic of the user to launch magic bullets."

   As she said, she expertly disassembled the magic gun, neatly placed the parts on the white cloth, and then wiped each part with some oil.

   Nolan was very patient and did this very carefully, and the devil looked at her with great interest.

   "Can I ask a question?"

   She suddenly broke the silence.

"Just ask."

   "Your Excellency should not be a human being."

   Suddenly the surroundings fell into a deadly silence, the devil's face was a little ugly, and it was a little sallow under the light of the fire.

   Why would she know?

   "I can only say that I am not a Shapeshifter." The Demon King replied.

   Nuolan smiled faintly, the expression on her face was as plain as the calm water.

   "So this is not a coincidence. Are you travelers, but people who came to me? But I don't remember doing anything worth arresting."

   "No, we are just ordinary travelers."

   "Huh~ After hearing my warning, this guy had to come and take a look. Nolan often messes around like this..." Armis made a displeased voice on the side.

   "Excuse me, Armis."

   Nolan said in a faint tone.

   Looking at these strange two people, the Demon King couldn't help but smile, and the little doubt that had just disappeared.

   Well, he was still thinking about how to explain to Rena tomorrow, now it seems that he doesn't have to worry about it.

   "Look, others are laughing at you." Almis whispered.

  Nuolan disagrees, she assembled her pistol and said to herself that she was done.

   "I'm curious how Armis discovered me, can you tell me more easily?"

   the demon king asked.

   "This question can only be answered by him."

   Almis was silent, it was like an ordinary magic car or two when it was not talking.

"I am a living entity attached to an object. The earliest humans called us a stone immortal, which is a talking stone. No one knows how we were born, including ourselves. The meaning of our existence seems to be to observe the world. We Either sleeping or observing the world, for millions of years."

   The Demon King was a little surprised. It was the first time he knew of such a magical existence.

"Hearing this, you should be able to imagine how different our existence is from other lives. Then as for why I can perceive your identity, the reason I can only say that the world we observe is different. That's it."

   What Almis said sounds a little difficult to understand.

   "So that's it, I completely understand." The Demon King said to himself, touching his chin.

   "Hey! Can you understand?" Nolan looked at the devil in surprise.

   "No, I understand that it is impossible for me in my life to know how he found me, just as we know that bats can use sound positioning, but we can't understand how it uses sound positioning," said the devil.

   Nolan nodded in agreement.

   "Why do you travel together, and why do you travel?"

   The Demon King is very interested in the two. He has seen all kinds of people, but people like Nolan are still rare.

This is the most interesting part of human beings. Even people with the same appearance and physical signs can show completely different personalities and completely different from other animals. This is one of the reasons why the devil prefers humans. You will never guess you What kind of person will one meet.

   "Me? Many people have asked me this question, but my answer is different every time. It's probably because I don't know what I am going to travel for."

   Nuolan smiled and looked at the fire, there was a fire in her calm eyes.

"I have forgotten the motive of traveling. If I really want to say it, I can only say that I don't want to stop the trip. Thinking that there are many unknown, happy, difficult and even sad things waiting for me, I want to move on. ."

   "Even sad things do not matter?"

   "Well, even so, I don't want to stop. Even if it is necessary to kill, I will continue."

   The devil was silent for a few seconds, and then she asked in turn: "Can you understand?"

   "No, I can't understand it at all."

   "I think so."

   "What about Armis?" The Demon King looked at the magic car.

"Am I? I was originally a stone statue, enshrined, but one day I wanted to see this vast world. When I woke up, I was attached to the magic car and happened to meet Nolan. , So I will travel together."

   "It's like fate." The Demon King couldn't help sighing.

"Fate~ To be honest, I don’t believe in this cunning thing. Calling the coincidence that happened is fate, it is really irrefutable, and it makes people very angry. This is obviously the result of my own choice. Why should I take credit? Bring it." Armis grumbled.

   The Demon King and Nolan couldn't help but chuckle twice.

   "Then what about you, why are you on the journey?"

   Nolan asked.


   The devil became so lazy and said, "Because this guy clamored to defeat the so he traveled with her."

   After his voice disappeared, the air suddenly became quiet, and the atmosphere remained for a few seconds.

   "Too much, obviously we all told the truth."

   Almis said angrily.

   Nolan was silent, as if both of them had seen through the devil and avoided answering.

   "Well, to be honest, I don't know it myself. It's probably to find fun, to kill time, or to find the meaning of the journey, or my heart."

   The Demon King said again.

   However, the other party was still silent, the devil's face was a bit ugly, but the other party did not press on.

   "That's probably lost."

  Nuo Lan's words made both ears of the demon king suddenly red.


   he said with a sigh.

   I don't know why, he feels a little sad.

  How can the devil be sad? I have to find a way to change my mood.

   "By the way, can you tell Almis how he warned you? I want to know how he described me before the meeting."

   "Hey! That's not good, right?" Almis said in a panic.

   Nuolan smiled and said, "He said that there is an ancient life nearby that can plunge the world into darkness, so that I can run around quickly before being discovered."

   Hearing this, the devil couldn't help but laugh.

   "Hey! I'm angry."

   "I'm sorry Almis."

   "Huh~ I'm not sincere, I don't accept your apology, I'm angry, good night!"

   The two couldn't help laughing louder.

   At this time, Rena in the tent was still asleep, while Mickie next to the tent reluctantly covered his ears.

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