The Brave Life of a Space Peasant Girl

Chapter 757: Mingqi's disposal

Chapter 757 Ming Qi’s Disposal

Ming Qi’s face darkened as he listened, and by the end his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

After Yu Wan finished speaking, Ming Qi couldn't bear it any longer. He struck down his palm directly on Ming Xin's body, which was really vicious.

He clearly admits that he is not a good person. It can be said that there is no such thing as a good person among cultivators, and no one has touched anyone's life.

 But it was the first time he had seen someone so vicious.

  Such people are his sons, grandsons, granddaughters, and a great-grandson.

  It’s really a long time to see you.

Mingqi's palm hit Mingxin and knocked him away. Mingxin, who was already unconscious, flew straight out like a rubber ball and didn't fall down until it hit the door.

Hearing the sound of Mingxin’s bones breaking, Yu Wan felt so painful.

It's a pity that Yu Wan, the soul thorn in Ming's heart, didn't stay unconscious, otherwise she would have experienced firsthand the feeling of being struck by her own grandfather's palm.

 It doesn't matter if you are hurt by outsiders, but if you are hurt by your own relatives, it is simply sad.

 Practitioners also have a heart.

"This beast is worse than a beast." Ming Qi was simply exposed. Each one was inferior to the other, and each one was more beast than the last. Ming Ao's litter was like a litter of beasts.

The branch of Ming'ao is broken from the root of Ming'ao, and the lower part is broken all over.

Ming Qi was so angry that he didn't expect that this group of people would do so many evil things under his nose.

He always thought that Tianya only wanted to seize Yu Wan's star body in order to obtain the "Star Jue", but he never thought that his family would do so many things that were worse than animals.

Even now he knows that Ming Ao thinks he is partial to Ming Xiao, and that is why Ming Ao kills Ming Xiao.

 Why is he partial?

The leader of the Tiandao Sect does not necessarily have to be a star body, but it is better to be a star body, because he does not want the Tiandao Sect's most precious treasure "Star Jue" to fall into the hands of others.

To choose Mingxiao, firstly, he is the eldest son, secondly, he has good qualifications and good moral character, and thirdly, he passed "Xingchen Jue" to Mingxiao because he calculated that Mingxiao's branch would produce a star body.

Besides, didn’t he also practice the "Star Art"? Even if he had already practiced the "Star Art", he took the Star Art back and gave it to Mingxiao, but it wasn't like he wouldn't let him practice it.

I didn’t expect that **** to be so small-minded and do so many evil things.

Him himself is not evil, but he indulges his children and even helps them.

Ming Qi felt that it was too lenient to send the father and son to overseas battlefields, and they should be imprisoned.

Yu Wan waited until Ming Qi became angry before she asked: "Great-grandfather, what should we do with these two people?"

  She was eager to kill these two wretched women, but after all, she was the descendant of her great-grandfather, so she left the decision-making power to him.

After the province was established, some dissensions arose.

Ming Qi glanced at the little fox and it was clear that he was letting him handle it.

He sighed and glanced at Xiuyan and Mingxin, who looked like two balls: "Throw them into the prison and let them fend for themselves there."

 Don't deal with it, it would be unfair to the boss's family, but deal with it. It's his granddaughter and great-granddaughter. He can't kill them yet.

With their vicious temperament, they are suitable to stay in prison. Now it's better. The second brother's family is considered to be in trouble.

"All right."

Yu Wan nodded and threw them into the prison again. They stayed in the prison. As long as she didn't die, they would have no chance to come out. In the end, they would all die together.

She was very satisfied with this result. It seemed that he, the great-grandfather, had taken care of them clearly and would not let them out just because they were his granddaughters or great-granddaughters.

They don't know what trouble they are going to cause when they come out, and they are annoyed to death.

They have been evil people all their lives, and they feel uncomfortable if they don't do anything for a day. They have to do something to make them feel comfortable.

And she, Yu Wan, is most afraid of trouble and doesn't like to deal with them every day. This outcome is the best.

It was just that this great-grandfather was embarrassed. He was exterminated one after another for righteousness, and Yu Wan looked at him as if he had grown older in an instant.

Thinking about it, if Liangbao's grandson or son did something unforgivable in the future, she wouldn't be able to kill them all.

  It’s really a test of human nature.

“Okay, Wei’er, great-grandfather has handed over the Tiandao Sect to you now. The future matters are up to you. Great-grandfather should go back to retreat.”


Looking at the lost Ming Qi, Yu Wan felt a lot of unbearability in her heart. It was really difficult for this old man, but she couldn't forgive him, and she really didn't know how to comfort him, so she had to nod and receive him into the space.

Yu Wan then looked at the jade slips on the ground. She read several jade slips one by one. One of the jade slips contained the rules of the Tiandao Sect, and the other one contained the map of the entire Tiandao Sect.

 She memorized the map, then took out the divine jade of sound transmission, and immediately sent a message to Tian Yan, asking which palace they were in.

On the other side, Tian Yan received a message from Yu Wan and immediately replied to her. They were in a Sun and Moon Temple on the edge of Tiandao Sect, and their family lived in this temple.

After Yu Wan received the message, she looked at the map and knew the specific location of the Sun and Moon Temple, so she immediately teleported there.

Outside the Sun and Moon Temple, Yao Ji was already waiting outside with little Chu Ling in her arms. When she saw Yu Wanfei coming, she immediately stepped forward.

"Weier, has the matter been settled?" Yao Ji asked.

“Everything is fine, let’s see grandma now. How is grandma now?”

Yao Ji took a deep breath: "Since your grandmother recovered her memory, she has become even more reticent. The relationship with your grandfather..."

Yao Ji sighed when she said this and said no more.

Yu Wan followed Yao Ji into the hall while listening, and then she asked: "Why? Didn't grandma say any reason? Or is it because he can't let go of Ming Ao?"

Yao Ji shook her head, "After your grandma recovered, she locked herself in the room and saw no one. She just came out today and paid no attention to anyone. Facing your grandpa is like facing a stranger."

Mingxiao was so sad that she didn't know what happened, so she locked herself in the room alone, not even her daughter.

Yu Wan was surprised: "That's it. Let's go see grandma first."

Yaoji nodded, took Yu Wan to the outside of Qiuyue's bedroom, stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.

 The door opened immediately, and the mother and daughter walked in.

Qiuyue's bedroom is very simple, with a futon on the floor and a coffee table, nothing more.

Qiuyue was sitting on a futon at this time. When she saw the two people coming, she placed two futons opposite the coffee table, gestured for the two of them to sit down, and closed the door with a wave of her hand.

“Grandma, I’m Wei’er, do you remember?”

After sitting down, Yu Wan immediately called Qiuyue. Just like in her previous memories, Qiuyue had not changed at all. She was still cold and indifferent to her, and she did not smile when she saw them, mother and son.

 (End of this chapter)

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