Chapter 510 The top eight!


The quarterfinals.

Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost there, no matter which Rival encounters next, it is normal to lose.

It has been considered that Xia Yan has met a requirement for himself.

In the player passage, Daye put his hands in his pockets and did not leave immediately, he was waiting for Xia Yan.

Xia Yan was not surprised by this.

"Xia Yan, he played very well, he deserves to be a man that Cynthia values!" Daye gave a thumbs up, expressing admiration for Xia Yan.

Although, it is a compliment.

But why does it sound weird?

"You are also very powerful." Xia Yan replied, not perfunctorily, but from the heart.

If it wasn't for Beedrill's strength to break through this time, according to his original plan, Alakazam took turns to fight Oba's Flareon and Infernape, and the probability of winning is really not high.

It is indeed because of "emotional" Trainers like Da Ye, the gap between their upper and lower limits is too great.

Like the later Ash, who is also a typical "emotional" Trainer, the skin god.

Up to nine balances the divine beast, down to the sea to defeat Earl Dervish.

It's hard to say.

Although there are many exaggerated elements, it is undeniable that the strength of this "emotional" Trainer is the most difficult to assess.

"Hahahaha—is that so?" Daye grabbed the back of his head cheerfully, with a smug look on his face.

"I'm waiting for you here just to tell you that if you encounter any trouble in cultivating Chimchar in the future, you can come to me. Although our training directions and methods are different, there are also many places where Can be shared."

Daye said the reason why he was waiting for Xia Yan here.

Xia Yan nodded, "That would be troublesome."

"Okay, it's time for me to treat Pokémon too. When I get stronger next time, I'll challenge you again. I hope you don't refuse."

After he finished speaking, he left quickly without waiting for Xia Yan to answer.

It can be seen that at the end of the player channel, Denji is already there waiting for him.

Another deeply emotional "couple".


Xia Yan smiled and whispered, "The challenge is okay, but I won't necessarily accept it."

Immediately, he walked towards Toto and Cynthia, who were also waiting for him.

This time Pokémon's injury is really serious, and he still needs to go to the Pokémon center for treatment.

"Bring it."

Agatha looked at Ryuichi Hoshino with a smile, and her open old palm tickled lightly.

Although Hoshino Ryuichi still had a smile on his face, everyone could see the reluctance of his smile.

This time it was a real loss.

Thanks to a top-quality evolution stone.

Although it is an evolution stone that he does not use, it is still very rare when it reaches the top quality. It has become one of his collections. Many people want to buy it from him, but he does not sell it.

But in the face of Agatha, Hoshino Ryuichi did not dare to default.

Agatha is a well-known "crazy woman" in their circle, and it is no secret that she has a entanglement with Professor Oak. Although Hoshino Ryuichi is older than her, her strength is obviously inferior.

With a smirk, he took out a pure black spar from his arms and put it in Agatha's hand.

Squeezing lightly, seeing the pain in the bottom of Ryu Hoshino's eyes, Agatha smiled even more happily.

What you earn for nothing, no matter how low the value is, you will not be in a bad mood, let alone a top-quality evolution stone with such a high value.

Alder simply threw the "Fire Orb" in front of him to Drake.

The two just looked at each other and smiled, and didn't pay much attention to these things.

Agatha was a big bet, they were just having fun.

On the other hand, Alder, who was originally decadent, has changed significantly.

From the battle between Xia Yan and Daye, he faintly saw the shadow of his past.

The heart that was quiet because of the death of his partner Pokémon gradually became active again.

Although it hasn't recovered to the high enthusiasm before, it is much better than before.

And, for Xia Yan and Daye, Alder has undeniably increased his attention to them.

It's not just Alder.

The Elites present paid more attention to the two of them.

They are all experienced people, and they understand the gold content of the battle just now and the potential they saw from them.

That's definitely something that Alliance is cultivating vigorously.

As long as it grows smoothly, it will be able to become the normal existence of the region's pillar in the future.

Especially Bertha.

She had already made up her mind to go back and send Alliance a special report, emphasizing the importance of Xia Yan and Daye.

The quality of the young Normal in this "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition" is definitely far beyond everyone's expectations.

Being able to reach the top sixteen or even the top eight is worthy of attention.

"Congratulations, Bertha Elite, they are two very good seedlings." Drasna said with a sincere smile.

Drasna is from the Sinnoh Region. Although he was unable to return to Sinnoh as an Elite due to some reasons, he is truly gratified to see what Sinnoh can look forward to in the future.

Bertha had the same smile on her face.

She has long known about Daye's talent, but Xia Yan's rise made her feel like she had found a treasure.

Flattering each other slightly: "The three little guys that Kalos came here this time are also very talented, especially Diantha."

Looking at it now, Diantha's talent is clearly visible to the naked eye. It is definitely not weaker than Xia Yan and Daye, or even stronger.

Drasna nodded, noncommittal.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, let's go. We have to watch the game tomorrow, it will become more and more interesting." Agatha picked up the crutches, wiped the top Dusk Stone on the apron, stuffed it into her pocket, and left first. the private room.

The rest of the people also left one after another.

In the end, only Ryuichi Hoshino was left, standing alone in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window with a cane, frowning slowly as he watched the crowd gradually dispersed outside.

The palm of the hand gripped the cane tightly, making a "squeaky" sound.

Xia Yan and the others came out of the Pokémon Center and received the battle list for tomorrow.

There were seven of them, and five of them entered the quarterfinals. The name of the strongest small group was worthy of the name.

But this also means that in the eight-to-four game, someone among them must meet.

And when Xia Yan saw the battle list, he fell into silence.

Not only him, but the others fell into silence as well.

no way.

At this stage, no matter who Rival is, it is not easy to play.

But what really made them all silent was because.


Watanabe vs Lorelei.

The relationship between Du and Lorelei, as well as the reason and history of the conflict between them, Xia Yan and the others are all clear

Lorelei does not wait to see the crossing.


As a result, we will meet again tomorrow.

In fact, Xia Yan is also a little worried about his tomorrow's Rival.


The future champions of the Kalos Region, although they have not yet shown the advantages brought by the quasi-god Pokémon like Duo and them, are the future champions after all!

This made him have some other thoughts in his mind.

Secondly, Steven's Rival tomorrow is Wallace, and Cynthia's Rival tomorrow is Cattleya.

Howe is no exaggeration to say that any battle tomorrow will be a battle that will have a great impact on the future.

Du and Lorelei are "enemies", Steven and Wallace will have a very different relationship in the future, not to mention Cynthia and Cattleya, Cattleya will always use Cynthia as her role model and goal in the future.

Moreover, it can be seen from the arrangement of this battle, the meaning of the competition.

Walk Kanto Alliance and Hoenn Alliance to the semi-finals alone!

As for Xia Yan and Cynthia are also Sinnoh Alliance, why did they not meet?

Feel sorry.

Sinnoh Alliance has absolute confidence that Cynthia can qualify, Xia Yan just wanted him to try his luck.

It's best to be able to enter, but it doesn't matter if you can't.

Just so capricious.


I have something to do at home today, so I am so busy that I may have to go out at night o(╥﹏╥)o

(End of this chapter)

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