The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

89. The 1970s saw the end of the science and technology revolution

This year’s investment fair is the busiest in history.

Different from previous investment fairs that few foreigners paid attention to, this investment fair broke historical records for its large scale, wide range of products and number of visitors.

Jiang He carefully hugged the pregnant Xia Qinghe, followed by Hu Nan and the bodyguard, and they walked towards the guild hall.

The day before yesterday was the first day, and I heard that the venue was packed with people.

There will be fewer people the next day, and there should be even fewer people today...right?

After seeing clearly the situation in the guild hall, Jiang He had a dull expression.

Who can tell him why there are so many people? And there are more than the first day, and the extra ones are foreigners!

The person in charge was so crowded that his face was covered with sweat. "The products we displayed on the first day made many foreigners excited. They probably sent telegrams back home immediately. As a result, more people came."

The person in charge had a smile on his face and his eyes were bright, "In the past two days alone, the contracts signed were ten times the total of the past ten years. People all over the world are waving their money and want to cooperate with us... Our country is really is about to rise.”

At the end of the sentence, he suddenly choked up.

Jiang He patted his shoulder silently, understanding how he felt. Those who had not experienced the cold treatment in the world in the past would not understand how he felt now.

Because there were too many people, Xia Qinghe also gave up the idea of ​​being a translator.

She was placed on a chair in the corner by Jiang He. Hunan took the lead and squeezed into the catering department to buy food.

Dried fruits are the first choice, especially walnuts. I heard that pregnant women will become smarter if they eat them.

There are also packaged bacon sausages, both sweet from Guangzhou flavor and spicy from Sichuan flavor. There are also beef sauce, satay sauce, black bean sauce, chili sauce...there are so many sauces to go with rice, so grab a few bottles!

Several foreigners tasted the hot, freshly made clay pot rice at the stall, and their mouths were either "good", "nice" or "great".

Enthusiastic volunteers - foreign language students from various universities introduced in fluent foreign languages, "The bacon used for the meat on these clay pot rice can be bought at the stalls; there is also roast duck, the sauce is fragrant and the meat is delicious, and the vacuum can be maintained for a long time. , it’s very delicious, don’t you want to buy it on behalf of me?”

"And this scallop soup, isn't it very fresh? Just a little bit of dried scallops can turn plain water into a delicious soup!"

"These are mountain treasures that prolong life and prolong life. They are all wild and have absorbed the essence of heaven and earth. The benevolent years and the generous mountains have given birth to them. Why don't you buy some and take them home?"

The college students memorized the advertising slogans by heart, and they were able to deceive them in a decent way.

The foreigner was fascinated by what he heard and immediately slapped the table, "Buy! Can you represent me? I can represent ten cities!"

The college student was immediately overjoyed and signaled his companions to go find their superiors and sign the contract while they were fascinated by the delicious food!

The person in charge of each stall hurried over. Although the export of food is not as profitable as high-tech, it is still very considerable... This small profit is huge!

Ye Aijun, who was extremely tired, brought Jiang He and others to the office, and also asked people to get some food from the food stall.

"Eat first, these are foreigners' favorite foods."

Jiang He ate the hot claypot rice, "I said you hired the chef for the state banquet, right? This claypot rice is the best I have ever eaten."

Although Ye Aijun was tired, he was in high spirits, "The main thing is to cook the bacon and sausage well! Thanks to your suggestion, I asked major hotels across the country for the best-tasting ingredients. They heard that they could be exported abroad, and the chefs at the state banquet were all excited. , these types of bacon and sausages were chosen by everyone.”

Hu Nan ate without even raising her head. Auntie said she hated crowded places, and she didn’t want to see foreigners who looked like monsters.

It's such a pity that my aunt missed so much delicious food...

But it doesn't matter, she has bought a lot of bacon, sausages and other delicacies, and she can make delicious ones when she gets home.

Ye Aijun sighed: "We never knew that food and drink could be exported before."

He felt quite uncomfortable because of the poor trade volume of the country over the years. In the past, I have been clamoring that the country is too poor, has a weak foundation, and has nothing to export. But in the end, it turns out that it is just not open-minded enough? Or can't it be turned around?

Where dried fruits were not available, the people in rural areas did not take them seriously. As a result, the foreigners actually looted them.

"Everywhere in the country doesn't have its own representative delicacies, so why doesn't anyone think of exporting them?" Ye Aijun stared at the curls of tea smoke, and his thoughts were indeed constrained.

"Don't think too much of me. I just think that foreigners' tongues are similar to what we think tastes delicious." Jiang He thought for a while and said, "I told you not to always think about exporting high technology. There is also a big market for small things. It would be great to have some restaurants like KFC overseas. Our food culture has a long history..."

In this era, before the foreign junk food has taken over the market, their green food has taken the lead in occupying the foreign market. This cultural invasion is also a kind of soft power.

Ye Aijun looked at the crowded foreigners at the food stalls and said, "If I wasn't sure about persuading the people above me before, it will be no problem after today."

This investment fair not only opened the eyes of foreigners, but also had an impact on the thinking of the leaders above. They have to admit that they are old and are not as thoughtful as young people. Who would have thought that the things they take for granted can also sell for high prices.

Ye Aijun was originally valued by his superiors, but this time the investment promotion conference made him a god in one fell swoop. Everyone agreed that he was the god of wealth who could turn stones into gold!

What followed was his marriage, and he was spoiled for choice during the blind date.

Ye Aijun was not in the mood for love, but for his career. In order to comfort the elderly at home, he found a wife who was also a workaholic. The relationship between the two was more like a partnership than love.

They had the same goal and the same personality, and they got along well.

After attending his wedding banquet, Jiang He refused all invitations and stayed at home to review, take care of Xia Qinghe, and do prenatal education for the baby.

It was the middle of the night, and it was quiet.


Xia Qinghe suppressed the pain and couldn't help sobbing.

A big hand reached out to massage her twitching calf. The man's voice was full of sleepiness, "Qinghe, is it here?"

As her belly grew bigger, Xia Qinghe had severe leg cramps recently. Jiang He had developed a habit of putting her legs in his arms and massaging them reflexively when he heard Xia Qinghe's groaning.

Xia Qinghe endured the pain and whispered, "You go to sleep, I'll be fine in a while."

Her man had dark circles under his eyes. In order to take care of her, he didn't know how long he hadn't had a good sleep.

"Silly, the child is not yours alone!" Jiang He kneaded her legs, "This is calcium deficiency. The ewe I asked Brother Ye to send should arrive tomorrow. You should drink some goat milk every day."

He wanted her to drink more cow milk and goat milk before, but Xia Qinghe vomited a lot and couldn't stand the smell.

Xia Qinghe said, "Don't you have milk powder?"

She felt embarrassed when she said this. Milk powder was too rare and was prepared for babies without milk. As a result, Brother Dahe asked her to drink it as water and complained that it was not as nutritious as goat milk.

Mistakenly thinking that she didn't like the taste of goat milk, Jiang He explained, "Don't worry, after boiling it with tea leaves, goat milk will not have that taste. It is guaranteed to be delicious. You, mom, and Hu Nan must drink it!"

Although Yu Taohua's body looked very good, she had been seriously deficient in the past few years. Drinking more milk would be good for her, not to mention Hu Nan. People who use their legs a lot can never lack calcium.

"Then Brother Jiang He will drink it too." Xia Qinghe said with a smile and hugged his neck.

"Okay, let's drink it for the whole family."

Their baby is a considerate and good baby. When he was just nine months old, Xia Qinghe went into labor.

Li Hongmei was very glad that she had arrived in Beijing three days ago. Who would have thought that her daughter would give birth in advance.

When the child was born, Yu Taohua was moved to tears.

Two years ago, she was worried that her son was a second-rate person and could not marry a wife, and the Jiang family, which had been passed down from generation to generation, would be cut off. Now it's all right, a big fat grandson! She is also a person with grandsons!

Li Hongmei smiled from ear to ear, "What name are you going to give it?"

After thinking about it, Jiang He said, "Let's call it Jiang Xia."

Hu Nan was puzzled, "Cousin, it's winter now, shouldn't it be called Jiang Dong?"

Yu Taohua looked at her daughter-in-law, who was a great contributor and fell asleep due to excessive fatigue, and agreed, "This name is good, it has both the father's surname and the mother's surname." The daughter-in-law is a blessing, and her son values ​​her very much.

Finding that her mother-in-law was not unhappy, Li Hongmei's smile became even stronger, and she brought chicken soup into the room.

When Xia Qinghe woke up, she opened her eyes and saw Jiang He sleeping beside her.

A smile appeared on her face. She was hospitalized yesterday. She had seen too many big men who only cared about their children and left their wives aside after giving birth. Jiang He's behavior made her heart feel like honey, and even the pain in her body was reduced a little.

After Jiang He left, Li Hongmei served her daughter and nagged in a low voice, "Qinghe, mom is finally not worried about you! I used to worry about what if you gave birth to a daughter? Although Dahe assured me that he did not favor boys over girls, it is better to give birth to sons in our countryside. Look how much Dahe values ​​you. When the doctor said you gave birth, he didn't even look at the child, nor did he ask whether it was a boy or a girl. He rushed into the room to feel your pulse..."

Not to mention that the girls in the team envied Qinghe, even she, as a mother, wanted to pull the child's father's ears and let him learn from his son-in-law.

Xia Qinghe listened with a smile on her face.

"The baby's name is Jiang Xia." Li Hongmei couldn't help but laugh when she thought of Jiang He's reason for naming him. "Winter is here, how can it be appropriate to call him Jiang Xia? Mom has nothing to worry about you in this life. His feelings for you can be seen from the baby's name."

Yu Taohua came in with her baby grandson, smiling, "Qinghe, come and see the baby, he looks like his father."

Xia Qinghe looked at the baby gently, and she couldn't see enough. She just felt that life was like honey sprinkled with sugar, and the air was sweet.

Before giving birth, she was still worried about what to do if she couldn't read during the confinement period? Now she has completely forgotten about books. With such a cute baby, it doesn't matter if she delays for another year.

When the baby was one month old, he was fatter, with arms like lotus roots, and Xia Qinghe couldn't help kissing him.

Yu Taohua was in high spirits when she was happy, and her impetuous appearance made Jiang He feel that she could live another 30 years!

Mr. Ye and many old friends who had drunk the medicinal wine soaked in the river, bigwigs in the political and military circles, and people from the neighborhood came to have the full moon wine.

Professor Ning and his wife, Teacher Niu and Teacher Long, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, all came.

Seeing Mrs. Ning again, Xia Qinghe almost cried.

"Don't cry, you just got out of confinement!" Mrs. Ning hurried over and hugged Xia Qinghe's shoulders to comfort her.

She has completely changed now, and she is in good spirits, as if she has become younger all of a sudden. Her elegant temperament and calm demeanor have never changed, whether in the cowshed or the mansion.

"The state has returned all the houses we sealed before." Mrs. Ning muttered, "I am now translating foreign books for the state, which is no easier than your teacher Ning. My dear, where have you been?"

"He and Brother Dahe went to the study room." Hu Nan, who was busy entertaining everyone, took the time to answer.

Mrs. Ning laughed, "If Dahe hadn't wanted to take the college entrance examination, your teacher Ning would have come here and caught him in the institute."

Mrs. Ning talked a lot about postpartum care with Xia Qinghe. She touched Xia Qinghe's round face and could see that she was living a good life, and the comfort of her life was written between her relaxed and joyful eyebrows.

Mrs. Ning has nothing to worry about now. Her eldest son and grandson have returned. The younger son is living in poverty and has come to beg for help time and time again. However, the couple has become disheartened and they only regard him as a stranger.

They have been in the military research institute for many years, and there are soldiers guarding them when they come in and out. Whatever the youngest son wants to do, he can't make a big splash.

It's not that I don't feel sorry for the child, but that I was so cold-hearted, dominated by disappointment and discouragement, that I can no longer be moved or forgive, so it's better not to see him.

"Even if a woman gives birth to a child, she should not regard herself as a slutty woman. Restoring her figure is very important..." Mrs. Ning softly talked about how to get along with husband and wife, "You are fine now and your weight has not changed. Even if you give birth to Breastfeeding your child does not mean you have to eat greasy food. If you eat too much fish and meat, your body will be out of shape..."

Xia Qinghe nodded sharply, Mrs. Ning's words were true insights.

"Brother Dahe helped me massage my belly." Xia Qinghe whispered, a little shy. Her belly was loose and ugly, and she was really embarrassed to let Brother Dahe see it.

Mrs. Ning smiled happily, "I'm just doing nothing but my job. Your brother Dahe is a miracle doctor. How can you not understand?"

Ye Aijun arrived belatedly with his newlywed wife.

This is the first time Xia Qinghe has met Ye Aijun's wife. She is a prosperous, smart, capable and career-oriented woman with both IQ and EQ. The relationship between her and Ye Aijun lacks the sweetness of lovers, but has the tacit understanding of business partners.

Sitting in the Jiang family's study, Ye Aijun couldn't help but say, "Let me tell you, experts from the research institute have to come to ask you for advice. Why are you going through so much trouble to get into college?"

Jiang He naturally had his own ideas, "I just want to stop some people's mouths to prevent them from gibbering..."

We are still in the era of superstitious diplomas. Of course, he also has a purpose in going to college, to find like-minded talents and build a technological kingdom.

Ye Aijun couldn't understand his thoughts, but as long as he continued to produce scientific research results, he didn't care.

"Upgrade the functions of mp3, such as the video function." Ye Aijun reminded him.

Nowadays, foreign countries are also vigorously researching MP3, and it seems that the results have been produced. The director of the factory is very anxious, fearing that exports will decrease.

"Understood, I will do research tomorrow!" Jiang He turned a room in his home into a simple laboratory. After he went to college, the first thing he did was to apply for a university laboratory.

Professor Ning was not very happy, "Dahe, what's so interesting about this gadget? It would be great if you come with me to study weapons and aerospace."

That is an important weapon of the country!

Ye Aijun was immediately unconvinced, "Professor Ning, it is these gadgets that bring a large amount of foreign exchange to our country."

Professor Ning was still unhappy, "You just fall in love with money."

Jiang He could only giggle, "Teacher Ning, I think the next struggle between countries will depend on the economy. We must first make the people rich."

If war is the main focus next, he will definitely not quit researching weapons, but now is an era of peace and development, and wealth only brings status.


After confinement, Xia Qinghe was busy reading.

There was only more than half a month left before the college entrance examination, and she felt that she could still save a little bit.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the northern country is closed to ice and snow.

The classroom is quiet, no one is making any noise.

The weather is very cold now, and the first exam after the college entrance examination is resumed is scheduled for the end of December.

Even if a brazier was lit in the classroom, the temperature was still limited. Jiang He saw that many people's lips were blue from the cold, but there was a blazing fire in their eyes, a fire that would never give in.

This is an era that is hungry for knowledge and an era that is working hard for the prosperity of the motherland!

He silently took out his pen, and in this era, he was also burning with passion.

When evaluating the scores, not surprisingly, Jiang He and Xia Qinghe's scores were quite high.

Xia Qinghe breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that her grades were not enough.

"Brother Dahe, what major do you want to choose? Traditional Chinese medicine? Western medicine? I think it's good to be a doctor..." Xia Qinghe muttered, "Brother Dahe is also good to be a scientist. You can study a lot of things."

Jiang He looked at her with a smile, "What about you?"

"College of Foreign Languages!" Xia Qinghe said firmly, "I want to be a university teacher." She just loved teaching and being a role model for others.

Jiang He thought deeply and said, "I want to study everything, as long as it is useful to the country and the people, but the main thing is people's livelihood. I want to develop the best products in the world for household appliances like washing machines and refrigerators... ...and solar computers..." All in all, there were quite a lot of things he wanted to study.

"Of course there is medicine. I also want to develop some medicines, such as Chinese patent medicines. I want to rectify the name of traditional Chinese medicine." These days, there is really no ordinary discrimination against traditional Chinese medicine.

"Brother Dahe, I support your participation in the invention of drugs." Xia Qinghe said seriously, "The current drugs are still too expensive. If affordable drugs can be invented, people will not suffer from diseases in the future."

The conditions of the Hongyun Brigade are pretty good, but they are still used to surviving minor illnesses and relying on earthwork for serious illnesses. A trip to the hospital can shrink the whole family's wallet.

"So, it's just hard work for you." Jiang He looked at her with an apologetic face, "If I immerse myself in work in the future, I probably won't have much time to take care of the family."

Xia Qinghe held his hand and stared at him with affection in her eyes, "I and my mother are at home, Dahe brother doesn't have to worry about the family. Compared with the love between children, I hope that Dahe brother can help more people."

She will tell their baby that his father is a hero in the future.

Jiang He kissed her gently, "I know Qinghe is the best girl in the world."


In Hongyun Brigade, Li Hongmei took the mobile phone given by Jiang He, and the sound was so loud that it could be heard inside and outside the house.

"Qinghe, you said you were admitted to the Foreign Language Department of Jingcheng University?!!"

The whole family came over and listened attentively.

In order to make the signal better, Li Hongmei deliberately stood outside the house to answer the call. Now it's good, the neighbors all heard the news and listened attentively.

"What? Dahe is just a few points away from full marks? No surprise, he is the top scorer in the country?!"

The educated youth who rushed over were stunned.

Song Pingxi's legs were a little weak, his face was full of disbelief, and then he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, his first choice was not Beijing University. Otherwise, he and Jiang He were in the same university, and they would be shrouded in his shadow for the next few years.

The sun that was too hot and bright would only swallow up all the brilliance of the stars.

The educated youths were very uneasy. They estimated their scores before filling in their applications. If the scores were not estimated accurately, and the difference with the actual scores was too big - well, the first choice would definitely be ruined, and I am afraid that even the second choice might not be able to be admitted.

Admission notices arrived one after another, and the number of people admitted to universities in Hongyun Brigade was the largest. These people attributed it to Captain Xia Dazhi.

If he hadn't set up Hongyun Primary School with a stroke of genius, they would not have reviewed high school knowledge more than other educated youths.

The educated youths - including those who had married and settled down locally, and those who worked as workers in the provincial capital were very grateful. The worst among them went to junior college.

The sky is high and birds fly, the sea is wide and fish jump, no matter how brilliant the future is, they will not forget Hongyun Brigade.

Li Hongmei felt like she was walking with the wind, and the villagers who passed by greeted her with envy in their eyes.

"Your family's ancestral graves must be smoking, and your daughter and son-in-law have both been admitted to Beijing University."

"I heard that Qinghe's grades were not that good originally, and it was Dahe who taught her."

"Sure enough, being with smart people will make you smarter."

"Yes, didn't Erniu often go to the Jiang family for advice before? She also got into a technical secondary school this time."


However, in Erniu's house, what sounded was not praise, but earth-shaking chasing and begging for mercy.

"It's so hard to get into a technical secondary school in the provincial capital, and you actually said you can't go? Do you really want to make me angry to death?!" Erniu's mother picked up a broom and chased her daughter to beat her.

"Mom, this technical secondary school is too embarrassing. I plan to prepare for another year, and I guarantee that I can go to university!"

Erniu's mother was so angry that she trembled all over. After graduating from a technical secondary school, she would eat state-funded food. People in the team who couldn't even get into a technical secondary school envied Erniu so much. This dead child actually didn't know how to appreciate the blessings she had!

Erniu's mother said sternly: "I don't think you are dissatisfied with the technical secondary school, you are dissatisfied with it not being in Beijing, right?"

Erniu whispered: "Mom, it's fine if you know it, why do you have to say it?" Obviously, she had filled in several schools in Beijing as her choices, and she didn't know why she was transferred to the provincial capital.

Erniu's mother clenched the broom and started fighting again.


Song Pingxi, who was admitted to the university, packed up his things in high spirits and prepared to report to the school.

Erniu was so sad that she almost cried.

But Song Pingxi couldn't see her at all. He only had poetry and distant places now. Everything in Hongyun Brigade was just a compromise in his eyes.

Erniu's mother watched her daughter gradually become depressed, so she had to shamelessly borrow Li Hongmei's mobile phone and call Jiang He.

"Hongmei, I really can't do it." Erniu's mother's eyes were full of tears, "You can see that Erniu is now so thin that only skin and bones are left. How can you say that she hanged herself on Song Pingxi's tree?"

What can Li Hongmei do? She can only try to comfort her, because children are all debts.

Qinghe from her family is not much older than Erniu, but she is much more sensible than Erniu.

"Don't worry, I will pay for the call." Erniu's mother said shyly. There are not many people in the whole county who can afford a mobile phone. It's expensive, not to mention that the phone bill is also very expensive.

"You can use it. When you have something to do, you can come and borrow the mobile phone." Li Hongmei said tolerantly. Anyway, just pay the phone bill.

Erniu's mother finally got through to Jianghe.

Jianghe comforted Erniu's mother on the phone, "If Erniu's goal is Beijing, don't worry, Qinghe and I are here."

With Song Pingxi's character, one year is enough for him to find his sister Lin. And Erniu has a strong sense of morality. If Song Pingxi has a partner, she will never rush to break them up.

In the original world, Erniu also liked Song Pingxi, but after he married Xia Qinghe, she buried her girlish crush. Later, when her business grew, she often secretly helped the abandoned Xia Qinghe and his mother. Even his crazy mother was taken care of by her.

Xia Qinghe also comforted Erniu's mother and promised that if Erniu passed the exam to Beijing, they would look after her.

She did not forget that this silly girl stuffed all her saved private money into their gift bag when the family set off.

Erniu's mother finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her daughter was lucky to be treated differently by the Jiang family! She finally felt at ease now. Jiang He was very capable, and with his guarantee, her daughter would be fine.

Jiang He put down his big brother, who was heavy enough to smash walnuts, and clicked his tongue inwardly.

He had better study the mobile phone first, it was really inconvenient to use.


As soon as Jiang He entered the university, he was surrounded by students. They all wanted to see what this genius who almost got perfect marks looked like.

"Being able to read does not mean you are a genius." A student with equally high scores said.

The other students whose scores were lowered by Jiang He were about to agree when they saw several professors running over and dragging Jiang He away, "Jiang He, come to the laboratory with us quickly! We all have ideas for the improvement of Big Brother you mentioned... "

Those people: "..."

The onlookers couldn't help but ask the unconvinced student, "Isn't this considered a genius?"

Because of this incident, Jiang He quickly became famous throughout the school.

He is a freshman, but he hardly appears in class. It is said that the professor in the laboratory refuses to let him go, and even told the principal that it is a waste of the country's talents to sit in the classroom with his level.

What can the school do? We can only let him go.


Jiang Xia stretched out his fat arms and asked his mother for a kiss and a hug. It was obvious that he was not happy that his mother was distracted.

Xia Qinghe quickly picked up his fat son and patted his back. The bigger the child got, the more clingy he became, and he couldn't get away for a moment. Fortunately, he doesn't have to be picky, as long as he has someone to play with, it doesn't necessarily have to be his parents.

"Come, grandma will take our baby to eat the paste."

Yu Taohua took her grandson, and her heart melted when her grandson smiled toothlessly when he heard the fuzzy words.

"The baby needs to eat a lot so that he can grow taller. He will learn from his father in the future." Yu Taohua spoke to her grandson kindly, "Dad is great. He has the ability. Our baby must study hard and enter college in the future. He will be better than his father." …”

Speaking of the baby's father, Xia Qinghe became dazed again.

While Yu Taohua was feeding rice cereal, she looked at her mother and found that Xia Qinghe was deep in thought again. She couldn't help but shake her head secretly. Dahe has been in the laboratory for three days. No wonder his daughter-in-law is absent-minded.

"Qinghe, you guys are about to take the midterm exam. How are you preparing?"

Xia Qinghe came to her senses and said with a smile: "Mom, just wait until I get first place!" Studying was easy for her, and she is now minoring in a second foreign language.

Xia Qinghe put her thoughts aside. She also planned to minor in another language. She had no time to complain!

Yu Taohua watched with satisfaction as her daughter-in-law reinvested in her studies. She picked up her grandson and went outside to look at her chickens.


Jiang He yawned and left the school sleepily.

The lightweight mobile phone with black and white buttons has been developed a long time ago, and it is said that it is selling booming across the Atlantic Ocean. He is now developing a flat-screen TV.

The bodyguard was waiting for him in the car. He originally wanted to pay for the car himself, but the state paid for it.

When he got home, Jiang He asked as soon as he entered the door: "Mom, is the baby good today? Is he noisy?"

"When has my grandson not behaved well?" Yu Taohua is full of energy. In order to allow Dahe to do research in peace of mind, the country even sent a nanny who cooks delicious food. She is not tired at all.

Xia Qinghe was used to her husband taking the laboratory as his home, and her face was full of surprise when she saw her husband coming back.

After a night of loving each other, she watched Jiang He leave again.

There is no time to be lonely. Mrs. Ning gave her a book to translate, and she is full of energy now.

The royalties are huge, so I have to fight for the money!

The next year, Erniu was admitted to the capital.

Due to insufficient national talent reserves and a huge gap, the college entrance examination has once again expanded its enrollment.

Erniu was admitted to the Normal University in Beijing this time. The score of the Normal University was relatively low. She was admitted with the lowest score. But she was already very satisfied and couldn't wait to leave home before the time was up and get on the train to the capital. .

Because school hadn't started yet, Yu Taohua warmly invited Erniu to stay at Jiang's house.

Erniu took out her lightweight mobile phone and called home to report that she was safe.

She had a plan in mind. She heard that Song Pingxi's university would start first and the normal university would start two days later. She would go see him on the first day of Song Pingxi's school. She wanted to tell him how much she missed him. In order to go to the same university as him, she had really studied hard in the past year with her head hanging over her head.

In her full expectation, this day finally arrived! Erniu felt like she was suffocating waiting.

"Sister Qinghe, I'm leaving. I want to go for a walk."

Erniu put on the beautiful clothes she had bought with great determination after arriving in the capital, and ran out on her bicycle.

Xia Qinghe stood at the door and watched her leave, with a worried look on his face. Jiang He patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't worry, there is always pain when a butterfly emerges from its cocoon."


Erniu stood stiffly under the tree, her eyes wide open and her face full of disbelief.

Song Pingxi was actually with a talented Chinese girl who fell down in the wind and turned pale.

"I already have a partner now." Song Pingxi rejected her in front of everyone. When he saw his sweetheart approaching, his expression softened, "My partner is the best in the world, and I only love her."

Erniu finally couldn't bear it anymore and left crying.

The talented woman majoring in Chinese looked at Song Pingxi critically.

The girl who ran away crying just now is pretty, with a tall and slender figure, but she is very attractive in some places. According to the current public aesthetics, that girl is much more popular than her thin and poor figure.

"She was your wife when you went to the countryside?" The talented woman's voice was cold.

This kind of thing happens too much nowadays. Many educated youth abandon their wives or children after going to college.

Song Pingxi was afraid that she would misunderstand, so he quickly explained: "I don't have a wife in the country, and I have never been married! Her name is Erniu, and she is interested in me... But I don't like her style, and she can't even score music. Look."

Song Pingxi knew that although the talented woman was cold, arrogant and innocent, she was still very simple and easy to coax because of her poor health since childhood. She immediately told him about his time in the Hongyun Brigade and promoted herself infinitely.

"I was thinking that if I rejected her without knowing it and became a guiding light and spiritual mentor for her future, she would be motivated to study. You see, she has finally passed the exam and came to the capital." Song Pingxi Looking at her affectionately, "But since she is admitted to college, I should reject her openly. I believe that your life partner is only you."

A red cloud appeared on the talented woman's pale face. Although her face was good-looking, her health was too poor and she was not a good choice in the eyes of everyone. There was only Song Pingxi. He compared her to Sister Lin in Dream of Red Mansions, saying that she was unique and arrogant, a fairy from another world...

Unknowingly, her heart fell on him.


"Er Niu, why are you crying so hard?" Yu Taohua poked her head in the kitchen, her face full of worry.

"Lovelorn." Jiang He said concisely, "Mom, just leave her alone and let Qinghe take care of her. But you can make more delicious food to supplement Erniu."

She was so thin that he couldn't stand it anymore. It was conceivable that she must have gone through hellish learning in the past year.

Yu Taohua immediately turned her mind to the braised pig's trotters that were being stewed, "Yes, Erniu has lost too much weight, so she needs to take some supplements." It felt like Erniu had lost half of herself, and she, as an elder, didn't even notice. Bear it.

Because of Song Pingxi's incident, Erniu was depressed for a long time.

She has studied hard in the past year, and the instinct of learning has been engraved in her bones. Coupled with the loss of love, she put all her energy into studying.

"This child is so hardworking. No wonder she didn't graduate from junior high school and still managed to get into a university in the capital." Erniu's teachers were full of praise for her.

Erniu couldn't get out of Song Pingxi's trap in a short period of time. She focused entirely on her studies and would often go to other schools to steal teachers.

For example, take the Capital University where Jiang He is located.

Jingcheng University is very tolerant to students who want to study, not to mention that she is a fellow student of Jiang He, a popular figure on campus and the favorite of many professors.

Jiang He gave her a hearing, and Er Niu came to steal the teacher openly.

Gradually, she became a positive example among the teachers at Beijing University.

"Look at yourselves, are you embarrassed if you are surpassed by someone who is not a professional?"

In the process of studying, Erniu discovered that what she liked most was not teaching and educating people, but economic management.

She worked tirelessly to learn everything.

The same instinct to work hard and pursue power is also engraved in Song Pingxi's bones. His gentle appearance, superb methods, and the influence of his target's family allowed him to quickly show his prominence and enter the student union.


When Xia Qinghe was a junior, the country had undergone earth-shaking changes. Two years of reform and opening up, the land of Shenzhou was full of miracles.

People with mobile phones can be seen everywhere on the street. Mobile phones were not affordable in the past, but now ordinary families can buy one.

It is said that their country has the highest mobile phone ownership rate in the world, and Americans have to step aside. Nowadays, young people in the West are eager for mobile phones and many technological products produced in their countries.

In the Electronic City, young people are obsessed with new computers.

The person selling the computer spat at the young people watching, "This is the most advanced computer in the world! Let me tell you, didn't some people go abroad to study electronic technology before? But they all came back in despair. At that time, they were in the United States. People look at them like fools. Isn’t the best technology in our country? They are looking for something far away!”

A young man next to him nodded fiercely, "I've heard about this too. Those students who went abroad to study physics and biochemistry eventually returned home, because our country is the most advanced in the world in many projects."

"The lives of Westerners are not as good as ours!" A young man took out his latest mobile phone to show off, "They can't even afford mobile phones. I have relatives living in the United States. When he returned to China, he heard that many Americans Let him help purchase technology products.”

The young man selling the computer quickly changed the subject, "Do you want to buy a computer? This computer only costs 999! It only costs 999, and you will make money if you buy it!"

One day when Xia Qinghe woke up, Jiang He had already gotten up. When she was about to open the door and go out, she heard a voice coming from outside the door.

"Da He, Xia Xia is getting older, what are you thinking? Don't you want to give him a younger brother or sister?" Yu Taohua was a little anxious, "I heard that the country is going to introduce family planning, and I won't be able to have children in the future."

"Mom, Qinghe and I are both busy."

"It's not that I don't ask you to stop working. I'll take care of the baby now, so you don't have to worry about it..."

Jiang He seriously refused, "Mom, if you give birth without education, I would rather not give birth! Qinghe told me about having a second child, but I refused. Qinghe is a talented girl, and her life should not revolve around I have to work on the stove and diapers, and I have to go to the laboratory recently, so I don’t have time to be at home. I don’t want my second child to be resentful because my father doesn’t have time to hold him.”

Yu Taohua is a little disappointed, but she knows that her son and daughter-in-law are people who do great things.

Seeing her mother-in-law leave in disappointment, Xia Qinghe came out and couldn't help sighing, "Brother Dahe, am I too much? After Xia Xia went to kindergarten, Mom was indeed a little lonely at home during the day."

Jiang He was unmoved, "One is enough! Qinghe, how can we have time to take care of the second child? Don't listen to Mom, what do you say that the child is born and we don't have to worry about it, how can we not worry about it? It's a child, not an item without thoughts! Even if you don't need to take care of it, don't you need to teach it or accompany it?"

Xia Qinghe was stunned and knew he was right.

Jiang He comforted her, "Don't worry, Mom will soon have no time to think about it."

Jiang He arranged an aunt who has lived in Beijing all her life to take his mother to enjoy life.

Sure enough, Yu Taohua soon forgot about the second child.

Her daily routine now is to dance and practice Tai Chi with friends she knows in the morning, then go for morning tea, and then go shopping for groceries. Don't live too comfortably.

It turns out that there are so many things to enjoy in life. She just feels that the first half of her life has been lived in vain.

Busy time always passes quickly, but life is ordinary and warm.

Of course, there are sometimes not warm times.

"Who does this kid look like when he is so naughty?" Jiang He was entangled in repairing the latest LCD color TV that his son had disassembled into pieces.

The fat son could not understand his father's mood at all, and was circling around the color TV, "Dad, fix the color TV quickly, I want to see it!"

"It is still unknown whether you can fix it after you disassemble it like this." Jiang He raised his hand and pretended to hit him, "Dad finally got a break today, and you ruined it all. Come here, I will beat your buttocks..."

The little fat boy covered his buttocks pitifully and ran behind his grandmother secretly.

Yu Taohua looked at him covetously, as if she would beat her son if he dared to hit her grandson, "Dahe, Xia Xia is learning from you. He just wants to study color TVs. Maybe Xia Xia will be a scientist when he grows up."

Jiang He was silent. He didn't see the scientist, but only the naughty child.

Xia Qinghe covered her mouth and smiled. Although Jiang He was fierce to his son, he actually doted on him.

The summer in Beijing was too hot. His fat son had a large patch of prickly heat on his back. He couldn't sleep at night because of the heat. He developed the world's best and most energy-saving air conditioner...

There was no way to limit the power supply of air conditioners, so he went to study nuclear energy, wind energy, and solar energy...

If this is not spoiling the child, what is it?

"Aunt Wang, I told my mother yesterday that we should have cold noodles for lunch. This is convenient and we don't have to make it too early." Xia Qinghe said to the nanny sent by the state to take care of the couple.

"Are you eating cold noodles today?" A girl who was taller than a man walked in.

"Hey, our world champion is back!" Yu Taohua quickly handed Hu Nan some water, "Are you tired from training recently?"

"Not at all." Hu Nan turned to the little fat boy, "Xia Xia, my cousin bought some rice cakes, do you want some?"

The little guy rolled his eyes and stretched out his fat hand: "Two pieces!"

Xia Qinghe was stern and impartial: "No, just one piece! You can eat more noodles later."

The little fat boy was immediately frustrated and decided to ignore them, and went to his father to watch him repair the TV.

Yu Taohua pulled her niece and daughter-in-law and started nagging, "I called back home today. Ergou opened several chain restaurants. I heard that he wants to open the next one in Beijing. In the future, we will have another place to move around in Beijing... I just hung up Ergou's phone and received a call from Erniu's mother. She told me about Erniu."

Yu Taohua took out her mobile phone and looked at the address book on it.

Since the phone bill has been reduced, she likes to contact people in her hometown very much, talk about each other's recent lives, and know the changes in her hometown.

"How is Erniu?" Xia Qinghe asked her mother-in-law curiously.

Yu Taohua sighed, "It's terrible! Didn't the country assign her a job to be a teacher at the No. 1 Middle School in our provincial capital? As a result, she only taught for one semester and said she wanted to go to the special economic zone in the south. Erniu's mother wanted to cry to death, saying that she must have forced Erniu to marry her and that's why she ran away."

No wonder Erniu's mother was anxious, Erniu is already in her twenties this year.

Xia Qinghe was also worried. Erniu was alone, what if something happened?

"Mom, I have a friend in the south, I asked him to help take care of Erniu." Jiang He thought about it, and suddenly felt that Erniu might achieve greater success than in her previous life.

Yu Taohua was overjoyed and took out a modified mobile phone that could be put into a trouser pocket, "I will call Erniu's mother right away and tell her not to worry."


Many years later, Song Pingxi in prison watched TV with a group of prisoners.

The program was a news program on the national TV station, which was introducing a pair of talented couples in great detail. The husband was an inventor and scientist; the wife was a nationally renowned translation master and educator; and the son was a business tycoon.

"I heard that the place where you went to the countryside was in Hongyun Brigade? So, you two can be considered half fellow villagers." A cellmate asked him curiously, "When the couple was born, was there a golden dragon or a phoenix descending from the sky?"

Song Pingxi's mouth twitched, but he didn't say anything.

The TV had already changed the channel, and it was news again.

On TV, an old woman in her sixties with wrinkles on her face but still in good spirits was telling the reporter: "Yes, I plan to donate 70% of my property to the country. I don't think it's a good thing to leave too much wealth to my children."

The cellmate was surprised and said, "Oh, her son has no objection?"

"My son is the new national husband. He doesn't need to rely on his parents to be on the wealth list." A prison inmate was envious and jealous. "He is a winner in life. His parents love him and he is capable."

Song Pingxi was in a daze. He had already recognized that this was Er Niu!

When he was young, Erniu had been chasing after him. Who would have thought that one day, she would become the richest man in the country?

When did his life go off the rails?

When he was in college, he joined the student union and married the goddess in his mind. His father-in-law was in politics. His starting point was very high and he was very ambitious. He planned to do something for the country and the people and achieve his ambition.

It probably started when I got married.

He found that after the goddess in his mind became his wife, she was impeccable, cold and arrogant. She could neither cook nor take care of the children, and could not even perform the duties of a wife. He is obsessed with power, but his wife is a lover. She calls him vulgar and doesn't like to see him work hard. She just wants him to put down his career and spend the whole day with her.

Then all her advantages turned into disadvantages, and he didn't like to go home. After his wife suffered from depression and went to a nursing home, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Some people say that the most perfect state of life is to get promoted and get rich before your wife dies. However, his wife is not dead, and he is not cruel enough to let her die, but he is a normal man and has the needs of a normal man.

So when he was in his forties and in a high position, he made the mistake that many powerful or wealthy men make, and he kept a mistress.

She was a young and beautiful female college student who loved to laugh and was optimistic. She was a completely different type from his wife. He felt youthful and passionate in her, so he bought a house and a car for her, and began to reach out to the businessman who asked him to do things for some things that he did not originally know. Something to take.

He never dreamed that he would be exposed jointly by his father-in-law and his son. It was understandable that his father-in-law hated him, but why did his son also hate him?

At that time, my son said coldly: "Oh, because your mistress is my ex-girlfriend."

There is no most horrible thing in life, only more horrible things!

He is an economic prisoner and will be released from prison next year.

But he is an old man in his sixties and his health is still bad. How will he support himself after he is released from prison? Rely on your son?

Thinking of his son's cold and hateful eyes at that time, Song Pingxi felt at a loss.

The author has something to say: Another story has finally come to an end!

A new world begins tomorrow =-=

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2019-12-06 21:39:48~2019-12-07 15:41:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 38527366 2 pieces; dandelion roll 1 piece;

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 57 bottles of Chen Ci 2018; 33 bottles of amoro; 1 bottle of Jianjia;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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