The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

7. The farmer's child bride7

The surrounding neighbors pricked up their ears, and people further away also walked past Jiang's house unintentionally. It would be more convincing if they didn't stop in their tracks.

"Mom, I don't want to be lame. I don't ask you to provide money from the public. I just want you to lend me the money I earned last year, so that my legs will not be lame..."

Mr. Chen's face turned green. After saying this, could the younger son (husband) still have a good reputation? Scholars attach great importance to reputation. Without a good reputation, let alone becoming an official, no one will vouch for you in the imperial examination.

The battlefield immediately shifted from the kitchen to Jiang He's house. The three mothers who had escaped were still frightened, and then they followed anxiously. The husband (father)'s leg was still broken. What if the mother-in-law got angry and even beat him.

When Jiang He saw the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, she immediately howled louder, "Mom, even if you don't want to give me money to treat my leg, you still want to beat me? Do you dislike me because my leg is broken and useless?"

Mrs. Chen quickly threw down the firewood in her hand and said angrily, "Big o, mother didn't mean to beat you. Mother was just teaching Shun mother and daughter. You don't even know about that hen that doesn't lay eggs." What a waste..."

"Shunniang is a prodigal?" Jiang He said with an accusing look on his face, "Obviously she eats the same amount of food every day. If she cooked too much, I wouldn't be hungry. Mother, you don't know, I have never had a full meal and I can eat it. The only one who is full is the second brother! By the way, there are also two nephews. You said that the second brother needs to be fed because he is studying hard, and the two nephews are the roots of the Jiang family and they also need to be fed! So don’t I need to be fed when I work in the fields? Oh, I thought about it, my uncle's cousin also had a hard time studying, so my sister-in-law sent our rice back to her parents' house. I don't believe there was no news about my brother-in-law taking the rice back. How can I just ask the next door neighbor? I must let everyone within a radius of 800 miles know how good the Jiang family’s girls are and how caring they are for their parents’ family!”

Before Xiao Chen could react, Jiang Hai quickly interrupted him: "Brother, it's all my wife's fault for this. She can't bear to leave her mother's family. My cousin doesn't know anything." We must clear our cousin's name, otherwise he will be found guilty of stealing. If he is guilty, he will not even think about taking the imperial examination.

Jiang Hai was glad that he realized something was wrong and ran over quickly. He dared to swear by the sage's book that there must be countless ears next door.

Mr. Chen could sense the smell now, and his face began to twist. The uncle's move was so vicious. He was poaching her husband's family to subsidize her mother's family... After word spread, girls from the Chen family would really be unable to marry in the future.

"Big O, you have to have a conscience. If mother hadn't asked the doctor to come over this time, would you have woken up?" Old Chen's heart was broken. Er O obviously swore that as long as he passed the exam, he would take good care of Big O in the future. Okay, just like being filial to your mother, Big O is just experiencing the days in advance when the old man can't walk and someone is filial. Why is he so dissatisfied.

Sorry, I'm so dissatisfied.

Jiang He had three quarrels a day, trying to have a meal in the morning, noon and evening.


Jiang Hai was sweating profusely. He could no longer think of how he was delighted with the changes in the four seasons in the past. There were flowers in spring, wind in summer, moon in autumn, and snow in winter. He also couldn't feel the hope that the sun brought to people. As poetic as it sounds, all he knew was that he was going to die.

Why is farming so tiring? Obviously the job that my eldest brother has been doing since he was a child...he only felt like half of his life was gone after doing it for three days.

"Master Xiu Cai!" a sharp-eyed villager shouted, "There is a leech on your leg!"

Jiang Hai was most afraid of this kind of blood-sucking thing. He was so frightened that his voice changed, "Where is it?" He felt dizzy when he saw the black soft-bodied insect that was bigger than his thumb. How much blood had he been sucked by such a big one? ?

"Master Xiucai? Someone is here!" the villagers shouted, "Master Xiucai was frightened by the leech." Ouch, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Chen always said that her second son was the Wenqu star who descended to earth, and the villagers usually expressed their gratitude. Everyone called him Xiucai Gong out of respect, but why did he feel something was wrong? This farmer had never seen a locust before.

When Old Chen rescued Jiang Hai home, Jiang Hai's reputation for being weak and incompetent spread.

Jiang He took advantage of the fact that the room was full of people and repeatedly emphasized that "Jiang Hai is in poor health and may not be able to survive the cruel imperial examination."

The villagers subconsciously felt that Mr. Chen was too biased. Since he couldn't survive his poor health, he should recuperate and wait until he was ready to take the exam. If he didn't need the money in a hurry, he could take it out to treat his eldest son's leg.

Jiang Hai was almost furious, was better to be said to be weak and inexperienced than to be scared to death by a leech.

The county magistrate likes to be pragmatic. He is obviously a farmer, but if it is rumored that he was frightened by locusts and fainted, the county magistrate must not like him and think that he is not down to earth.

The county magistrate, who also came from a poor family, dislikes the behavior of children of aristocratic families the most. Jiang Hai doesn't want to be said that he has no destiny of being a child of aristocratic family, so he pretends to be a child of aristocratic family.


Since he was in "poor" health, it was natural for Jiang Hai not to go to the fields.

Old Chen scolded Jiang He's house for a long time, and Jiang He kept wailing, "Mom, my legs that you didn't want to spend money on are hurting all the time... Mother, please come in and help me, I want to wet the bed." Come on, mother, if you really want to go to work in the fields, there will be no one to take care of your son! Oops, I can’t help it anymore, mother, please come and pee your son..."

Old Mrs. Chen was angry. Even if her son was so old, the whole village would laugh to death if she spread her feces and urine.

Jiang Hai was very happy, as long as he was not allowed to work in the fields, but Jiang He sighed, "Second brother, aren't you weak in body and energy? Go and lie down on the bed. Oh, you are not weak at all, then you can go to the fields to work." Live... Do you think any person as old as you in our village can't farm? Oh, don't say you are still young. There are a lot of beards in our village, and everyone who can stand and breathe is working in the fields..."

Jiang Hai was immediately "weakened", and he was not willing to go to the fields and suffer.

The eldest brother was injured so suddenly that no one was plowing all the fields in the family. It was spring plowing now and it was difficult to hire anyone, so he, a scholar who had hardly ever been in the fields, had to go to the fields. Before going home, he brought back many books and planned to read them, but now he was too tired to read them.

I am doing this for the imperial examination, not because I am lazy.

Jiang Hai took out his book. Not far away from the window was the endless farmland. He subconsciously felt that his waist was very tired and he couldn't straighten up...

Everything is inferior, only reading is superior! Jiang Hai worked hard to read. He was right not to go to the fields for the sake of the imperial examination!


Shun Niang was very uneasy. These were the few days she had the most leisure time in more than 20 years, but her husband just didn't want her to do heavy work.

"Is it really okay?" Shun Niang couldn't sit still, "Actually, I can go to the fields." She was used to doing it every year during the busy farming season.

"No!" Jiang He firmly objected. If Shun Niang goes to the fields, the shameless old lady Chen will definitely let her finish the farming alone. The original owner, a grown man, will lose weight every year, let alone a weak woman.

"Look, I can't even move. It's inconvenient." Jiang He looked at the basin suggestively. Shun Niang liked to be clean and had just finished wiping his body.

Shun Niang blushed and whispered, "Actually, I can let my uncle..."

"I refuse!" Jiang He said confidently, "I'm worried that his small body won't be able to hold me, and he will accidentally fall down... But the old doctor said that he must not be injured at all within these three months, otherwise even the miracle doctor won't be able to save him. "He has no habit of showing his naked body to another man.

Shun Niang thought about her brother-in-law who was too weak to leave the house after only three days of farm work. She said nothing more. Her husband's health was indeed the most important thing now.

However... her husband didn't stop her from doing some light work at home, and her two daughters were finally able to play around.

Shun Niang had a smile on her face. She had never been so happy since the birth of her two daughters. Although her husband was still lame, she felt that there was hope in life.


Little Chen is also tired. On weekdays, the work at home and the work in the fields are either done by rivers or Shun Niang. Feeding the chickens is left to the two Niuniu. The most she can do is go out and wash clothes to show that she is not lazy and can still do it. Gossiping with her three aunts and six wives is her favorite thing. Having given birth to two boys for the Jiang family, she felt that she was a great contributor to the Jiang family. The most common thing she did was to rest in her room with peace of mind.

Mrs. Chen wanted to cry when she looked at the endless fields. Usually she was proud of the Jiang family's abundant fields, but now she felt so miserable. With so many fields planted, it would last until the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Horse.

Old Chen, who was also extremely tired, was anxious and angry, "Siniang, be more diligent! You have to do such a small amount of work early in the morning." I don't know how her eldest son managed to finish planting these fields before. Her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were tired. All morning, half of the field was not finished.

"Mom, how can we two weak women plant so many fields?" Mrs. Chen complained incessantly, "Please hire part-time workers."

Old Chen was furious, "It's busy farming now, how much money does it cost to hire a day laborer!"

Xiao Chen was about to shed tears, "Mom, it depends on how long we two can work. If we don't hire part-time workers, spring will be over and the losses will be even greater. Then our family will have nothing to eat or drink."

Lao Chen nodded slowly. She also felt that if she didn't hire day laborers, her old bones would be wasted in the ground.

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