The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

$59, School Bully’s Daily Pampering of His Wife 29

Everyone from the Jiang family who could take leave gathered in City C. They looked at Jianghe inside the glass wall, their brows furrowed and their eyes red.

Grandma Jiang's tears never stopped.

She was old and couldn't work too hard. However, no matter how hard everyone tried to persuade her, she refused to rest. Brother Jiang had no choice but to have the doctor on call at any time.

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang returned home the next day, and they rushed to the hospital non-stop as soon as they got off the plane.

Mother Jiang's eyes were red, both from crying and from staying up for two nights without sleep.

Li Yun originally thought that the Jiang family would blame her, but she was mentally prepared that she would not complain even if she was beaten to death.

In the end, the Jiang family did not blame her, but comforted her.

The most senior man in the Jiang family said firmly to the frightened little girl: "I would be most disappointed if Jiang He turns a blind eye to this kind of thing for the sake of his own life. Before becoming a scientist, I hope he can become a human being."

Grandpa, who has a lot of experience, knows deeply how terrible scientists who have no moral values ​​and no bottom line are.

Grandma Jiang hugged the little girl who was so haggard due to guilt and self-blame, and said softly: "Good boy, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself! I don't think Xiaohe wants to see you like this either." ”

The men of the Jiang family stand upright and let them leave their significant other alone, fearing that they will live in pain and regret for half their lives.

Mother Jiang couldn't say anything to blame. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance what would happen if her son didn't save the little girl in time. When she learned the truth on the phone, she shuddered.

This society is too harsh on women. After being... by a few men, many people blame women for their indiscretions.

There is a strange country like this. After a woman was tortured and killed, most of the people actually believed that the man was right. Who told the woman to resist? She must be dressed like a chicken. Good girls should not go out at night...

Mother Jiang asked her assistant to help take care of Mother Li.

She saw that Li Yunqiang was struggling with energy and was suffering from both sides. She was really worried that one day her son would wake up and the little girl would fall down.

But the son did have a good vision. After his mother fell, Li Yun acted calmly and decisively, instead of being cowardly.

A daughter-in-law of the Jiang family does not need a high family background or a good education, but she must be able to take on the responsibility. Even if she cannot be as firm as a rock in the wind and rain, she should not drift with the tide.

If nothing happened to their son, these two children would indeed be a match made in heaven.

They both have a quiet temperament and can calm down, and they all like science and laboratories...

Mother Jiang sighed and held her son's hand tightly.

Silly son, if you don’t wake up, your little girlfriend will collapse from exhaustion.

Because Jiang He and Li's mother were hospitalized at the same time, and Li Yun was also a patient and could not be discharged temporarily, Huang's mother was responsible for delivering meals to them.

Mother Huang brought food and repeatedly advised Mother Li to eat more so as not to worry her children.

"Xiao Huang, I'm worried." Mother Li looked optimistic in front of her daughter, but couldn't help crying in front of her friends and best friends, "Xiaohe never woke up, Xiaoyun was in a state of despair..."

She had a hunch that if Jiang He could not recover, her daughter's life would be ruined.

"Don't worry, our wife has invited famous doctors from all over the world for a joint consultation. The young master will be fine!" Huang Ma comforted her, "What you have to do now is to have a good rest. Don't let Xiaoyun worry about you and worry about the young master at the same time."

Hearing this, Mother Li, who couldn't eat anything, quickly cheered up and worked hard to make herself eat more.

She can't fail, her daughter needs her, and at such a critical moment, she can't be a burden to her daughter.

Huang Ma breathed a sigh of relief and finally persuaded someone.

What worries her the most about Li Yuncai is that he seems to regard eating as a task. He obviously eats a lot, but he is haggard at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye.


Li Yun knew that she was dreaming, because Jiang He was lying on the hospital bed, still unconscious.

She looked at the scene in her dream and shed tears again.

In her first year of high school, she became a frequent visitor to Jianghe Villa. She often studied, solved problems, and did experiments with him. At the beginning, she was always in a hurry and didn't understand anything. She would do whatever Jiang He said.

After later devouring most of the biological and botanical information in his study, she was finally able to keep up with his thoughts.

Li Yun saw that she was skillfully recording the experimental process, and turned to ask Jiang He: "Jiang He, what is the use of this sea lingzhi?"

"It can cure heart disease." Jiang He said casually.

At that time, she almost dropped the notebook in her hand and looked at Jiang He blankly.

"A substance can be extracted from Ganoderma lucidum. If my guess is correct, it can treat heart disease." Jiang He looked so lively. "Digitoxins, geniosides and other drugs have an effect on heart failure." It’s too limited, and the side effects are very obvious…”

Jiang He seemed to be talking to himself: "I want to find a drug that can completely cure heart failure... Hey, why are you looking at me blankly? I knew I became handsome again! What a sin, I'm fascinated again A young girl.”

Li Yun ignored his narcissism and grabbed his hand anxiously, "Can your disease really be cured?"

The handsome figure of the young man disappeared in the darkness, leaving only one sentence: "Of course..."

"Hai Lingzhi..."

Mother Li heard her daughter sleeping in the bed next to her murmuring something in her sleep, worried that she was having a nightmare, and quickly got up.

"Xiao Yun, wake up!" Mother Li patted her daughter's face.

Li Yun opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling blankly. Suddenly, she grabbed her mother's hand with excitement and said incoherently: "Mom, I thought of a way to save Jiang He. It's sea ganoderma!"

Sea ganoderma that can cure heart disease.

Mother Li was confused, "Oh, you thought of a way? What way?" Could it be that her daughter went crazy because Jiang He didn't wake up?

Li Yun rubbed her eyes and tried to make herself more awake. At the same time, she got out of bed and said anxiously: "I'll go find a doctor."

She put on her shoes quickly, but she ran out before she put on her shoes.

Mother Li watched her daughter go away worriedly.

Jiang He has been in a coma for two days. Her daughter is worried about her and can't let go of Jiang He. When she is awake, she looks strong and stubborn. When she is asleep, her tears are uncontrollable. She is really afraid that she will cry blind.


In the conference room, many medical experts are discussing Jiang He's discovery.

"The key to synthesizing the drug is omitted in the article. This is a big problem." The attending doctor had a headache. Jiang He was unconscious again. They couldn't ask him how the drug was made.

A bunch of idiots!

Ma Lao coughed a few times and was about to remind the group that there was another person who knew when he heard the door open.

"I know the extraction and synthesis of sea ganoderma."

Li Yun stood at the door and said to everyone.

Ma Lao's expression relaxed.

Well, there is no need to remind people. The second author of the paper came over by himself.


"There are laboratories in the hospital..."

The dean was full of smiles. If this drug was made in their hospital, their hospital's reputation would be further improved. In the future, their hospital would definitely be crowded with heart patients from all over the world.

Li Yun asked happily: "Do you have the latest cell synthesizer in the United States? The model is mj9800."

The dean felt like a thousand arrows pierced his heart: qaq Well, they don't have it.

The Jiang family looked at the little girl with admiration.

In the joint consultation meeting room of the doctors just now, the little girl calmly stated the hidden part of the paper in front of the national medical masters. It was obvious at a glance that her identity as the second author was real and there was no water mixed in.

Old Ma said to Old Jiang with envy: "You Jiang family is so lucky. Jiang He's ability in scientific research is needless to say, and the future granddaughter-in-law is so talented in biology."

The title and wealth of the Jiang family's richest man in China are enough to make people envious and jealous, but none of their descendants are playboys. Family style is indeed the most important thing.

Grandpa Jiang narrowed his eyes, "Haha, Xiaohe found his girlfriend himself. Our family is not like those snobbish families who insist on being well-matched! Our Jiang family attaches more importance to affection and character. Of course, high IQ is a pleasant surprise."

The family rules of the Jiang family are that divorce is not allowed without accidents!

Therefore, the elders do not interfere in the marriage of the younger generation. So Uncle Jiang is almost 40 and still hanging out at sea, determined to be a playboy. Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang arranged a lot of blind dates for him, but they did not force Uncle Jiang to work in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Old Ma thought of his useless younger generations. Changing girlfriends once a year was considered long, and changing girlfriends once a week was considered normal...

Damn, they must have had too many good days!

When he returned, he ordered to stop all their pocket money and collect all the dividends! See if they still have money to support women!

Look at the children and grandchildren of old man Jiang, each of them is a pillar of the country, so the richest man Jiang has the confidence to donate most of his property. Let other wealthy families try it, and the younger generations below will starve to death.

At this time, the proud old man Jiang said again: "I say, old man Ma, my future granddaughter-in-law is going to do experiments, and you have no curiosity about the extraction and synthesis of sea ganoderma?"

Old Ma glared at him unhappily: "If you want to find external help for your granddaughter-in-law, just say it directly, it seems like I am rushing to help."

Grandpa Jiang pretended to be mysterious and said: "Old man Ma, my second son and second daughter-in-law will not leave too much money to Xiaohe on the surface, because they will turn all the money into various instruments he needs... As far as I know, the instruments in Xiaohe's private laboratory cost more than 10 billion."

Old man Ma stopped breathing for a moment.

10 billion? !!!

Evil rich people! But he was really curious, how luxurious this private laboratory must be.

Ma Lao immediately walked over to the girl and said, "Student Li Yun, do you need an assistant?"

"Hello." Li Yun stared at him for a while, then rubbed her eyes in disbelief, "You look familiar, who are you?"

Ma Lao blinked mischievously, "My last name is Ma."

"Ahhh..." Li Yun screamed like a marmot, the author of several graduate biology textbooks she had read was still alive in front of her.

Li Yun said with admiration, "I am your fan! Professor Ma, I am so happy to meet you."

Ma Lao was proud, he knew that everyone who loves biology has his fans.


Arriving at Jiang He's villa, Li Yun took everyone to the underground laboratory in a familiar way.

She pressed the password skillfully, and met the eyes of the Jiang family. She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and explained in vain: "In fact, Jiang He needs assistants for many experiments. For example, he made an unmanned... cough, flying toy plane before..."

The Jiang family immediately looked at him covetously, it turns out that you also have a part in blowing up the building!

Li Yun was completely unaware that she had revealed her identity, and said tactfully: "Anyway, there are still some miscellaneous experiments, and I am quite good at handicrafts."


No need to explain, explanation is just covering up.

The Jiang family thought to themselves.

Third brother Jiang wiped his face and looked at Grandpa Jiang sadly.

I thought my girlfriend was a cute and reliable girl, but she was led astray by Xiaohe, the naughty kid.

They are both scientific research leaders. Will they make bombs and bomb everywhere if they disagree in the future? ! !

Maybe one day my younger brother will kill someone, and Li Yun will make a missile for him? The risk factor of scientists' love is too high.

Grandpa Jiang glared at him with a stern face, and the meaning was very clear: You will just take one more blame in the future, what's the big deal!

Third brother Jiang regretted why he was in a hurry to be born. It would be great if he was the youngest. Now Xiaohe is the scapegoat.

He looked at his grandfather sadly. There were so many black pots and they were so heavy that he was almost crushed. Grandpa, don't you feel guilty?

Grandpa Jiang pretended not to see it and looked at the laboratory that cost a lot of money to build. No wonder Xiaohe was unwilling to return to Beijing. With this precious laboratory, he didn't want to leave.

Li Yun took people to the third floor underground and said apologetically: "Sorry, the second floor underground involves Jianghe's privacy, so it's not easy to take you to see it. If you have this idea, ask him after he wakes up."

Jianghe's recent activities are mainly on the second floor. Many things have not been packed in time, unlike the third floor underground, which has been packed.

Jianghe has a good sense of confidentiality. Not only does he keep the door of each laboratory iron general, but he also needs password, fingerprint, voiceprint, and iris verification. Unless the owner is willing, no one can peek at the secrets inside.

Although Jianghe gave her the authority and did not prohibit her from looking through the things in other laboratories, Li Yun is self-aware. Except for experiments that can help, she will not go in and look around unless necessary.

When seeing the various equipment in the laboratory, everyone couldn't help but exclaim.

As long as you are studying biology, there is no one who doesn't like this laboratory.

Old Ma's eyes bulged out, and he had a new understanding of the Jiang family's wealth.

This is the latest cell synthesizer in the United States. The National Institute of Life and Biology only has one. Everyone is waiting in line to use it, but there is one here!

Or is it still idle?

Old Ma was very upset. He felt the pain brought by the gap between the rich and the poor.

Ahhh... Not only the cell synthesizer, but also this infrared analyzer is the latest. I want it so much!

This is the laboratory that all biology students dream of!

Old Ma now has only one impulse. I wonder if the Jiang family will accept him if he quits his job at the National Institute of Life and Biology and applies for a job at the Jiang family?

He can do without a salary, as long as he can use this laboratory every day.

"How is the security here?" Old Ma was really worried. He would have a heart attack if one of these treasures was lost. There are other residents in this villa area. No matter how he looks at it, he feels that the security needs to be strengthened.

Li Yun did not answer this question. She pressed a button in a hidden place.

The next second, countless mechanical mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches came over in overwhelming numbers, appearing in front of everyone in such numbers that even patients with intensive phobia would definitely get sick.

Everyone: "..."

Third Brother Jiang felt sick and wanted to vomit now.

What's wrong with Xiaohe? All of them are insects that make people want to kill them as soon as possible. Can't he make some things that don't look so disgusting?

"Toxic, electric, with hidden weapons... everything, this is just a small part of them!" Li Yun waved his hand, and the army of insects quickly retreated, and the floor was still bright enough to reflect light.

Grandpa Jiang and Third Brother Jiang looked at each other, and thought of the drones made by Xiaohe that could act as bombs, and there was no doubt about the lethality of these mechanical insects.

"Student Li Yun - Ahem, Grandpa, I am still very interested in these insects. Can you leave some for me to dismantle and play with?" Grandpa Jiang was not interested in biological experiments, he was only interested in physics.

Li Yun thought about it, and summoned some safer things for Grandpa Jiang to study.

Jiang He said that Grandpa Jiang was studying aerospace heavy equipment and was interested in mechanized things.

Grandpa Jiang was studying the mechanical mouse and mechanical rat snake in his hand with great interest.

Third Brother Jiang couldn't help but pick them up to study. The shape was fine, but Xiao He had a special idea. These gadgets were also loaded with programs, had elementary intelligence, could judge some situations and self-adjust the attack method and strength.

Old Ma only liked living mice and snakes, and was not interested in mechanical things either, so he urged Li Yun: "Student Li Yun, let's start the experiment."

Li Yun hurriedly said: "Okay, I'll take the sea ganoderma first."

She was now very grateful that there were several sea ganoderma in the deep-sea simulation box.

At this moment, Mr. Ma focused all his attention on this magical deep-sea plant. "Is this the sea ganoderma? So beautiful."

Li Yun carefully handled the sea ganoderma and said, "It takes at least three days to extract and synthesize the drug. During these three days, I need to keep an eye on the cell synthesizer to adjust the direction of the experiment... Professor Ma, I may have to trouble you to extract the sea ganoderma."

Mr. Ma kept staring at Li Yun's technique and nodded secretly. He was careful and patient, and he was a good seedling.

Sorry, old man Jiang, I also want to reserve your granddaughter-in-law!


Li Yun had not slept for thirty hours in a row. He was forced to sleep for two hours by Mr. Ma who couldn't bear it. However, she was uneasy even in her dreams.

"Wuwuwu... Jianghe... It's all my fault! I'm sorry..."

Li Yun cried while sleeping, and her tears wet the pillow.

She kept crying in her sleep, but she didn't know that the soul of the person she missed the most was floating in front of her bed.

"Host, it seems that the heroine likes you very much." The system said to the transparent soul who stretched out his hand to wipe away Li Yun's tears.

Jiang He wiped it for a while and found that he couldn't wipe it off. He said angrily: "System, when can I return to my body?"

You can hear the embarrassment in the cold mechanical sound of the system, "It will be more convincing for you to wake up naturally after the heroine has prepared the medicine."

Jiang He glared murderously at the system, "I mean, the system, you always disappear when it needs you, so what's the use of you!"

The system felt guilty and argued forcefully: "I went to help a friend earlier to stabilize a world that was on the verge of collapse. The situation there is very dangerous... As an apology, I will give you a 'Retrospective Dream Device' that can be used three times."

Jiang He held the gadget, which was not much bigger than a fingernail, and doubted its usefulness. "How to use it?"

"For example, you can choose a person and make her have nightmares or sweet dreams all the time."

Jiang He accepted the gift unceremoniously, then sat on the edge of the bed, staring blankly at Li Yun's tearful face.

"I told you to stop crying. The swelling on your face hasn't subsided yet. It's very ugly." He murmured in a low voice and reached out to wipe her tears again, but his hand still couldn't touch the real thing.

The system was very curious, "Host, it's not like you have no feelings for the heroine, why do you keep pretending not to know?"

Jiang He was silent for a while and then said, "She's not yet an adult. I'm worried that she will regret it in the future." He could pave a golden road for her and protect her, but her feelings were something he didn't dare to accept.

Li Yun is still young, and there are countless possibilities in the future. She may meet someone she likes in the future...

He worries that decisions she makes now will hurt her in the future.

So he pretended to know nothing.

As time goes by and her mind matures enough, if she still likes him, he will accept her love.

Only time will brew the most beautiful wine. He waited patiently and hoped for the generosity of time.

This is not love.

The system didn't understand such complicated emotions, so when he saw him like this, he quickly ran away.

It has to go back and count the gains it has made in helping to stabilize a world. This is what interests it the most.


Li Yun didn't go to the hospital for three consecutive days. She only had a video chat with her mother for a few minutes before going offline.

Three days later, she handed the medicine to Brother Jiang, and then fell down softly, as if she had put down something on her mind.

Brother Jiang was so frightened that he rushed her to the hospital.

The doctor diagnosed excessive fatigue and put her on glucose.

Glucose was prescribed drugs to help her sleep, and the dean personally came to check on her condition and thoughtfully arranged her and Mother Li in the same ward. The doctor treated the little girl with caution and patiently explained to the anxious mother Li that she was just tired and fell asleep.

"It doesn't matter if she's asleep, she hasn't had a good sleep in a few days." Mother Li touched her daughter's almost swollen face with compassion. Seeing the soothing look on her face, could it be that she made Xiaohe's medicine?

After being popularized by the dean, Mother Li realized how great things her daughter and Jiang He had done. She really didn't expect that her daughter, who was only in high school, could actually publish a paper in a world-class scientific journal.

When the dean asked her expectantly how she taught her children to be so good, how could she answer?

In junior high school, my daughter was also very good, but she was also within the range of a normal student, but after meeting Jiang He, she cheated all the way? Is there a boss who is leading her to show off and fly with her?


"Heart failure is improving." The attending doctor's face was filled with surprise. "Without any accident, he will wake up soon."

Cardiologists coming from all over the country are also very happy, "This medicine is amazing! If everything goes as shown in the experiment, heart failure will be significantly improved after taking the medicine for up to three months... This will be a world-wide breakthrough in heart disease." Good news for patients!”

The Jiang family cried with joy, this is really good news.

The only thing they didn't agree with was that the medicine made by Jiang He was used on themselves, using them as experimental mice.

"When Xiaohe wakes up, I have to scold him." Grandpa Jiang was still frightened, "How can I use this untested medicine directly on myself?"

Grandma Jiang glared at her husband unhappily, "If Xiaohe hadn't secretly taken the medicine he invented, we wouldn't have seen him long ago."

Two years ago, the doctor issued an ultimatum to Xiaohe's health. She thought she was going to give birth to a person with white hair and a person with black hair.

"The results of the current examinations are all good." The attending doctor breathed a sigh of relief, "He will be able to recover almost like a normal person in half a year at most." The attending doctor was thinking about how to benefit from friendship with Jiang He. He was originally a cardiologist. As an expert, every time I see a patient die, I feel helpless and sad.

Cardiologists from all over the country also have their own plans. They must strive to become Jiang He's attending doctor, or at least follow up on his condition. There is no better subject for observation than him.

"I told you not to be too happy too soon." Brother Jiang poured cold water on them, "The quantity of Hailingzhi is limited."

Everyone present froze, this was a big problem.

Just like they know that there are some particularly good drugs in the United States that are very effective in treating cancer, but many people cannot afford them.

Being named Deep Sea Ganoderma, you can imagine how difficult it is to obtain, and it is also used to prolong life. Doesn’t this mean that in the future, the poor will only be able to look back and sigh?

The author has something to say: Wrong estimation, this chapter does not end the world =. =

Thanks to the little angels who cast the tyrant votes or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: murasaki, Miaomiao, Tianfengmuyu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Xiaopinggai, Li Yarui, Tianfengmuyu 10 bottles; Hebi 2 bottles; Xiyang if never in the west 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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