The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

47, The school bully's daily life of loving his wife 17

The first semester of high school finally ended. Almost all the students chose science like Jiang He. Only a few students who were too good in liberal arts were persuaded by their class teacher to study liberal arts, including Ning Zhen.

The last dinner of the first year of high school was held in a huge clubhouse.

Jiang He promised the students who were assigned to other classes that they could come to him no matter what happened, and he would not sit idly by and watch them being bullied.

Ning Zhen hugged Li Yun and cried bitterly.

She finally made a good friend, but Li Yun chose science with Jiang He. Sure enough, these two people must have an affair!

"I can't bear to leave you. I don't want to choose liberal arts."

Li Yun patted her shoulder to comfort her, "You are so good at liberal arts, in the top five in the grade, but you are only 100th in science. Of course it is better to choose liberal arts... and don't you like history very much?"

Jiang He said reluctantly: "I am not afraid of being divided into classes. If you are bullied, just find me."

Ning Zhen rubbed her eyes, "No need. I am afraid that your small body will be broken! You can find me if you have any problems. I have become more powerful recently. It is no problem to beat five big men with one hand."

Jiang He glared at her. He was still thinking about snatching her school runner-up one day. Who knew that this guy signed up for the National Women's Karate Competition without saying a word, and ended up winning the runner-up. Can he beat her in this life?

Sure enough, he had to speed up the progress. His "disease" had to be cured as soon as possible.

The former subject teachers of Class 1 are vying to continue to be their teachers, and the teachers of other classes are also eyeing them. Everyone knows how brilliant Class 1 of Senior 1 is, where Jiang He is. Almost all the top 100 students in the grade are in their class.

Only in Class 1 can you feel like a teacher!

They are also gold medal teachers. As long as the students are willing to learn, they will never be stingy with knowledge.

The fat white principal let the students of Class 1 choose. He is so democratic and never offends students.

As a result, the students of Class 1 naturally chose the original teachers. After all, they have feelings and are used to their teaching methods.

The thin head teacher smiled, and the students who didn't want to study and wore heavy makeup all day were assigned to other classes. After all, Class 1 is now Huang Ye's academic class, and those who have poor grades and don't want to study are finally eliminated.

Several students who transferred from other classes were uneasy. It is said that Class 1 is the territory of the big devil Jiang He, and those who stay in Class 1 are shrouded in his shadow.

Hearing their concerns, the students of Class 1 were speechless.

"You think too much. The big devil is just unbalanced. He does exercises all day long, while we spend our days leisurely..." This is the truth of the matter summarized by a class of students. They feel that they have seen the truth.

The new students suddenly realized that the big devil was drowned in a sea of ​​questions by the biology and mathematics teachers. His mentality was so unbalanced that he had to let the whole class suffer with him.

"Don't be in a daze. You can't finish your homework if you are in a daze." Luo Feifan gestured to the new transfer student to look at the test paper on the table, "You know what will happen if you don't hand in your homework."

Good... a lot of homework!

The new students doubted their lives. Isn't Huang Ye famous for never leaving homework?

However, facing the unfriendly eyes of the big devil, the new students were as quiet as a chicken.

Woo... They didn't have the courage to go against him. It's just homework. Can't I do it?

Jiang Shanshan left the class crying. Even if she became invisible in the class, she wanted to stay as close to Jiang He as possible.

For this reason, Jiang Shanshan went to the head teacher and expressed her desire to stay.

"This is arranged by the school. There is nothing we can do if your grades are not good. The students in Class 1 are all in the top 50 of the grade." The head teacher was a little distressed, but he was determined not to let Jiang Shanshan stay in Class 1. Her grades were almost the last, and she didn't work hard. Wouldn't staying in Class 1 lower the average score?

Luo Feifan saw this scene and shook his head secretly.

He had always asked Jiang Shanshan to spend some time on studying. She just stared at Jiang He in a daze all day long. Didn't she think that Jiang He was so studious, and he appreciated girls who studied well more?

If you really like someone, you should make yourself better, instead of just complaining about why the other person didn't like her.

Luo Feifan only put a little thought on Jiang Shanshan, and then focused on studying.

His father said that he had such good grades that he could take the college entrance examination in the future and didn't need to go abroad. Anyway, for these rich children, studying abroad can't go to any famous school, it's just gilding.

If you don't have to go abroad, of course it's good. Luo Feifan doesn't think that the moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in his own country. Only by staying in the family's territory can you continue to live the life of a rich family's child and don't have to look at people's faces abroad.


The biology finals are in mid-August, which is during the summer vacation.

The weather is very hot. The biology teacher outside the examination room posed for the newspaper to take pictures of the girl's prayer.

The people in the newspaper looked at him inexplicably, wondering if Huang Ye's teacher had a problem with his brain.

"Would it be better if you changed your pose?" The photographer said very tactfully. This pose is too eye-catching, and no matter how superb the shooting skills are, it can't take a good picture.

"You don't understand, this is my lucky pose." The tall and strong biology teacher firmly maintained this pose until his two precious students came out of the examination room. "I maintained this pose before the examination room twice before, and then my two students got full marks."

The photographer was a little moved. Although it was eye-catching, it was a teacher's pious heart.

Maybe this is also a selling point, so that it can be boasted better at that time?

A day later, this photo that irritated his eyes appeared in the newspaper, and finally irritated the eyes of the people of the whole province and even the whole country.

"What the hell is this?" Countless parents and students who care about learning complained, "The two geniuses who scored full marks in the biology finals were actually taught by this teacher?"

Some people hold a different view, laughing and joking, "Maybe in addition to special postures, he also has special teaching skills?"

From the preliminary to the finals, can anyone teach students who scored full marks all the way?

Otherwise, why is there always such a saying that people with great talents always have some special hobbies.

The teachers of No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School just felt like they were going to vomit overnight meals!

This shameless bastard who posed in a sissy posture and embarrassed the whole country actually called to show off to them!

Is it your credit? If Jiang He and Li Yun were their students, they could have taught them full marks! He just had a dog-shit luck to find two geniuses in the yellow leaves full of garbage!

In this Olympiad, Jiang He and Li Yun's biology scores are still dazzling. There is no problem for them to enter the national team. The Beijing Education Bureau called and asked them to participate in the training.

The biology teacher was eager to agree, but was stopped by the fierce and fat teacher Fei.

The math league is coming soon, you are not allowed to go anywhere!

Teacher Fei's face is so terrible that the tall and strong biology teacher can only admit defeat.

Well, I have been fighting with him for people before, and now that biology has won a big victory, don't bother with the loser.

Teacher Fei didn't know that he was secretly criticized as a loser. If he knew, he would definitely beat the biology teacher... He is now only worried that Jiang He and Li Yun spend too much time on biology and ignore mathematics.

Fortunately, the result made him feel relieved. The two children still arranged their time reasonably.

Although the National Biology Training Center was not very satisfied, they heard that Jiang He was in poor health and could not stand the tossing. Besides, the math league was more eye-catching, and the math league was about to start, so they finally agreed to delay the arrival of the two.

But the person in charge still sent a bunch of questions and gave a video link, asking Jiang He and Li Yun to learn through the video.

If it were other students, the training center would not rush them, but these two were the only ones who got full marks in the country, so they couldn't bear to let them go.

On the other side, Li's mother also chatted with Huang's mother on the phone again.

"My Li Yun will go to Beijing to participate in training after the math league ends. She will take math and biology courses. If she performs well in the training, she can even represent the country in overseas competitions." Mother Li's voice was beaming with joy. "The biology teacher said that even if she doesn't take the college entrance examination, the doors of all universities in China are open to her."

Mother Huang also smiled from ear to ear. "My young master is the same! Many universities have said that they can accept him in advance, but he refused, saying that he doesn't want to miss his precious high school career."

"My Li Yun is the same. We told her that our family's debts have been paid off, so she doesn't have to work so hard. As a result, she gave me a list of scholarships for various high school leagues and exams. This child is really obsessed with money..." At the end, Mother Li was both amused and angry, and felt sorry for her child's precocious and sensible nature.

"My young master is not obsessed with money, but he is ambitious and wants to play in all five major leagues." Huang's mother sighed with a distressed look, "He is too competitive. I wonder if his body can bear it."

You brag yours, I brag mine, the two middle-aged women are very harmonious on the phone.

Li Yun closed the door silently, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Her mother was about to praise her to the sky. If she couldn't stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, would her mother be very disappointed?


At the beginning of the second semester of high school, Jiang He and Li Yun faced the joint math test.

Teacher Fei was going crazy. Every day after school, he would come to squat with them to do math problems, and also shot death rays at the biology teacher.

Li Yun was so exhausted, "Fortunately, the experiment was done and the paper was written and submitted, otherwise I would have to cut myself into several parts to make up for it."

Jiang He was very calm, "Don't worry, we will only participate in biological mathematics this year, otherwise it will be more tiring."

Li Yun looked at him in horror. Perhaps because the results of biological mathematics were too impressive, the physics, chemistry and information teachers swarmed over and asked them to participate in the Olympic Games next year.

"Next year will be another year without rest!" Li Yun lamented, and wanted to call the admissions office of Jingcheng University to tell her that she regretted it and was admitted to college in advance. Anyway, she had decided to devote her life to biology.

"Think about the money!" Jiang He touched her dog's head, "You will have motivation! Huang Ye has already said that the top scorer in the college entrance examination will be rewarded with one million, the second place will be rewarded with 500,000, and the third place will be rewarded with 300,000..."

Li Yun immediately became very motivated, clenched her fists, and was ambitious: "Try to defeat the big devil Jiang He!"

Jiang He looked depressed, "How did I offend you?"

Li Yun's eyes were burning, "Kill you, and I will be the top scorer!" Last semester, she was the first in the joint examination of the whole city of C, but it would be difficult for Jiang He, who wrote essays in the college entrance examination, to surpass her.

"Haha, good luck?" Jiang He patted her head carelessly. Being tall is good, and he can touch her dog's head whenever he wants.

Li Yun was thinking about how to improve the score of the composition. She almost got all the points she could get. The only difference between the two was Chinese.

One million plus the bonus of the five major leagues, and the income from her mother's sauce and cake shop, she will get a house after the college entrance examination.

If she doesn't make this money, she will feel guilty!


Jiang He and Li Yun are now faced with Mathematical Olympiad questions and Teacher Fei's ferocious white face.

The students in Class 1 wanted to cheer for them, but the unbalanced demon grinned and gave them exercises sponsored by their undergraduate teachers.

Come on, come and hurt each other!

The students in Class 1 can only do exercises with tears in their eyes. They are classmates, why are they so anxious to hurt each other!

The arrival of the Mathematical League is really the focus of attention.

Jiang He and Li Yun, who are destined to join the national biology team, are favored by reporters.

Du Anya saw that there was no one around Lu Yaojun, and she gritted her teeth in hatred. Are these reporters dead? Don't you know how incredible it is that Huang Ye's student union president can enter the Mathematical League?

"I'm fine." Lu Yaojun said a little lonely. If it weren't for these two people, he would definitely be the brightest star in the sky...

Lu Yaojun, who has always been confident in doing everything, has already felt this gap. He vaguely feels that being in the same era as Jiang He and Li Yun is his tragedy, and he will be shrouded in the shadow of these two people.

Jiang He turned his head inadvertently, and his heart was startled.

The jealousy in Lu Renzha's eyes, and Du Anya - even if she lowered her head immediately, he could see the malice and madness in her eyes.

Traveling through time and space gave him a huge golden finger, which was to be able to feel the malice of others.

His face sank. It was just a math league, and he was jealous of the virtuous. Seeing Du Anya's appearance, he wanted to do it? It seems that they are really too idle. Originally, they wanted to wait until they were adults to deal with it, but now it is necessary to do something to keep them busy.

"The exam is about to start, what are you thinking about?" Li Yun was a little nervous. This is a math league, the highest level and most sacred math exam in the hearts of all students. She really didn't expect that she could get to this point.

Jiang He's face was deep, "The weather is cold, Huang's should be bankrupt."

Li Yun looked at him with a confused face: "Isn't it Wang's?" She still understood that the weather was cold and the king was broken.

"You heard it right, it's the Huang family." Jiang He continued to act like a boss, reciting lines that sounded cool, "It's getting cold, I've decided that a family should go bankrupt..."

"You don't have a fever?" Li Yun touched his forehead worriedly, "Why are you talking nonsense."

What the hell is the weather cold, the heat in September is worse than in summer, who else would go bankrupt? The Huang family? What does their bankruptcy have to do with him?

"Mortals don't understand my lofty ideals." Jiang He looked sad, "You're just a mortal..."

"If you go crazy again, you'll have to finish all the tonic soup in the future!" Li Yun threatened.

Jiang He wiped his face and put on a serious face: "Go to the examination room, I want to make a little thing after the exam, you have to help."

Li was relieved immediately, "Okay, no problem, go take the exam first."

After his nonsense, Li Yun found that his nervousness was gone, and he walked into the examination room with a very clear mind.

Teacher Fei, who accompanied the exam, waited anxiously outside the exam room. He did not do anything like the tall and strong biology teacher, who made people doubt Teacher Huang Ye's brain circuit.

The result made him smile from ear to ear. Jiang He scored full marks again. What surprised him was Li Yun, who was only three points behind Jiang He and ranked second.

As for Huang Ye Student Union President Lu Yaojun, he entered the finals with the last score. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that if there was no accident, he would definitely be eliminated in the finals.

"There are still two months before the finals." Teacher Fei was in high spirits, "I'll give you some more questions..."

"Old Fei, I'm sorry, they have to go to Beijing for training..." The biology teacher stood behind Teacher Fei like a ghost, and his voice was resentful.

Teacher Fei was furious, "It's all your fault! If they only participated in the mathematics competition, their results would definitely be more than this."

Li Yun lowered her head to reflect. This was definitely not said to Jiang He. How could he improve after he got full marks? But she really tried her best. Even if she only participated in mathematics, she couldn't go against the sky and get full marks.

"Let's go." While the two teachers were arguing, Jiang He quickly pulled Li Yun away.

We will go to Beijing after two or three days of rest, and we haven't finished what we need to do.


"Huh? A remote-controlled airplane?" Li Yun looked at the densely packed drawings and felt dizzy.

"Nonsense, this is an invisible drone!" Jiang He was unhappy, "Even if it is reduced by hundreds of times, it has all the functions it should have..."

Li Yun was even more dizzy, "When did you study it?" She definitely couldn't keep up with his pace. She had used up all her power in biology alone.

"Study it casually when you have time." Jiang He motioned Li Yun to sit down, "Don't worry, the drawings are very comprehensive, just follow them." It's good to have a foundation, unlike biology, he still needs to study it.

Jiang He found that the venue was not suitable, and waved his hand: "The study is too narrow, let's go to the underground laboratory."

Li Yun finally knew what the underground second floor looked like.

Compared with the underground third floor, it was more like a science fiction movie, with models of airplanes and cars everywhere! But Li Yun dared to swear that these models were definitely not just for show, they must be able to fly, run and attack.

There are also several flying machines that look like insects and can only carry one person in the glass window? Or should we say robots?

Li Yun was a little uncertain, and only felt a strong sense of future science fiction.

"Wait, is this a fly specimen? Oh my god, there are also cockroaches, you are so unrefined." Li Yun jumped up and down, girls are naturally malicious towards these things.

"These are micro-monitors." Jiang He took out a cockroach, "It's very easy to use. After all, no matter how clean the house is, there are these things." Then he looked at the flies, "Flies are a bit useless, and they are always around. A fly flying will certainly arouse suspicion, if not suspicion.

Finally, Jiang He concluded: "Cockroaches are more convenient."

"Are you doing these things because you want to do something bad?" Li Yun looked suspicious, such as spying on the young lady taking a shower or something.

"I am a messenger of justice, and I will not do bad things!" Jiang He said sternly, "I only use them to monitor the villa area. You also know how valuable the instruments in the underground laboratory are..."

Li Yun expressed her understanding. When she secretly checked the prices of the underground biological laboratory equipment, she almost didn't offer them, her hands were too shaking to use them.

"These are all toys I made in my spare time. The one I've been focusing on more recently is this robot." Jiang He opened a door, and the huge room was filled with the world's most advanced tools and instruments that physicists dream of.

Li Yun had no intention of looking at these instruments. All her thoughts were on the huge robot in the center.

The robot is about five meters tall, and is made of gold and black. The overall look reminds people of coolness, arrogance, and dignity...

Then her eyes widened, "Wow, can this robot move?"

"Of course, I won't be a waste." Jiang He pressed a button, and the robot's chest opened, revealing a small ladder.

"Go up and have a look?"

Li Yun climbed up impatiently, and Jiang He followed suit and sat in the robot's chest. He closed the door, pressed a button, and a console popped out.

A mechanical voice sounded: "Welcome to Dasha No. 1, two distinguished guests."

What the hell is Dasha’s name? Li Yun was simply unable to complain.

Jiang He explained the densely packed buttons on the console, "This button is for going straight, this is for left, this is for right, this is for turning..."

Li Yun's eyes lit up, "It's awesome. It's much more flexible than the robots in the amusement park..."

"Are you comparing my big dick to a robot in an amusement park?" Jiang He raised his voice.

"Of course not. Dasha is much stronger. Look at his speed and operation..."

"That's not the difference." Angry Jiang He quickly pressed the buttons on the rehearsal table.

After a while, Li Yun felt a slight vibration. In her fright, Dasha lowered her height, retracted her arms from her body, and her head lowered and turned into... the front of a car?

Li Yun seemed to be dreaming.

She opened the car door and touched Dasha up and down. It looked like a car, and it was a very high-tech car.

"Transformers?! Bumblebee?!" Li Yun felt like she was dreaming.

Now it was Jiang He who was embarrassed, "Dasha doesn't have intelligence on his body, so he can only transform into a sports car. I originally built it to make it easier to work in the forest."

The road in the forest is difficult to walk, so Dasha has no problem if he transforms into a human form. In a slightly flat place, his speed and functionality can be comparable to that of a Hummer.

"In addition, it is convenient for mining. It can be operated by remote control. Digging mines is not a problem..." Jiang He was a little frustrated. "My original intention was to see if I could make a mecha, but the premise is that the human brain can connect to the machine... …So I had to cross subjects and learn biology and chemistry well. Of course, biology seems to be more interesting. Rather than making robots, I want to know how to operate robots through my brain, but this also involves artificial intelligence..."

Li Yun couldn't think of anything after hearing this, she just felt that Jiang He was too powerful.

"Don't be anxious, life is so long, we will overcome it one day if we work one by one." Li Yun thought of the biological experiments they did and was full of confidence in the future.

Jiang He was stunned for a moment. He was affected by the original owner's emotions and thought that he was still the sick man. In fact, his "illness" was about to be cured.

Suddenly, he couldn't help laughing.

Li Yun turned to look at him, "Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, it's just..." Jiang He suddenly said seriously, "I hope you can always be by my side in the future..."

Li Yun's heart was pounding. Is this a confession?

Unfortunately, before she could be happy, she saw the pink bubble being crushed into powder by the big devil.

"Without you as my helper, I'm really in a hurry... What's wrong with you? Why do you look so sad that you feel so sad?"

Li Yun said expressionlessly: "I'm mourning the death of a girl's heart!"

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [grenade]: 39527088 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: Murasaki, Yan Ranzhu 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

76 bottles of the eight treasures of the Chen family; 50 bottles of Fang Xiu; 17 bottles of the bald girl biubiubiu; 10 bottles of Hu Bugui, Wu, and Taotao; 7 bottles of Thousand Chances; 6 bottles of Doomsday; 4 bottles of yay's small building; and Purple Moon Butterfly. 3 bottles for children; 1 bottle for Qingzha and Sunset;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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