The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

43, The school bully's daily life of loving his wife 13

Jiang He lives in the most expensive villa area in C City with the strictest security. A swimming pool and a garden are standard.

And the most outrageous thing is that there is a basketball court and a vegetable garden in the villa.

"Mother Huang grows vegetables. She is worried that the vegetables sold in the supermarket may have pesticide residues." Jiang He looked at the lush green onions and garlic growing in the vegetable garden and decided to bring some to Mother Li later. If she doesn't eat them, they will get old.

Mother Huang is the servant who takes care of Jiang He.

Li Yun was shocked. She knew that Jiang He's family was very rich. She knew it from the attitude of Jiang Shanshan and others towards him, but this gorgeous villa still stunned her.

She swallowed her saliva secretly and thought of a question: "How long will it take to clean such a big house?"

"How should I know? This is the job of the hourly worker." Jiang He said indifferently, and then asked Li Yun, "Do you want tea or juice? If you want coffee, order takeout. I don't have it at home..."

Li Yun thought for a while and said, "Tea, thank you."

If you want to squeeze juice, the fruit must be cut. She was afraid that the young master's precious hands would be cut by the knife. This young master was not his third brother who could carve apples into flowers.

After drinking tea, Jiang He invited Li Yun to enter the huge study room full of bookshelves and books on the bookshelves.

Li Yun flipped through the book casually. The words were completely incomprehensible. The beautiful handwriting on the pages showed that the owner did not use it as a tool for showing off.

"Come here." Jiang He pulled Li Yun over to one of the corners and picked up a lamp on the wall.

"Click, click, click..."

A mechanical sound rang out.

Li Yun felt that she must be dreaming, otherwise how could there be a plot that only appeared on TV and novels.

The huge bookshelf automatically moved away, and a high-tech door appeared to check the iris and fingerprint.

Jiang He turned back and told her, "Follow my steps later. This laboratory is equipped with world-class security facilities, which is not very safe for outsiders."

Li Yun suddenly felt like she was facing a great enemy. Her mind was full of tomb-robbing dramas on TV, long tunnels, and arrows like flowers scattered by fairies.

However, after the high-tech door was opened, it was not a tunnel that she saw, but an elevator.

Li Yun breathed a sigh of relief and followed Jiang He into the elevator.

Jiang He dialed the complicated password on the number and English letter keys next to the elevator door.

"The elevator is equipped with explosives. If the password is wrong, it will explode."

Hearing this, Li Yun's scalp numbed and her voice trembled, "Dear deskmate, how is your memory?"

"I have a photographic memory."

As he was speaking, the elevator door moved downwards.

"Where does this elevator lead to?" Li Yun's heart was pounding, and she felt like she was entering a science fiction channel.

"Benefiting from the third floor."

"..." It was indeed a science fiction channel.

Li Yun rubbed her eyes. There were actually several huge rooms in the basement. She opened a door casually. There were silver instruments in the room. She couldn't recognize many of them. One of the rooms even had an emergency room and an operating table.

If she hadn't been very confident in Jiang He's character, Li Yun would have suspected that Jiang He was conducting human experiments here and she was the experimental subject.

"Oh, the emergency room and operating table are built for me." Jiang He said indifferently, "The facilities here are comparable to the emergency room in the hospital. I was rescued here last time I had an attack."

Li Yun stared at Jiang He in a daze.

Unfortunately, she didn't realize what the sudden heartache was, and she was pulled into a door by Jiang He.

Li Yun's eyes widened instantly, and she became excited.

"Wow, this laboratory is so complete." Li Yun exclaimed, "The school's biological laboratory can't compare at all."

Jiang He explained casually: "The school's biological laboratory is underfunded, and high school students don't need to use the most advanced instruments."

Then, Jiang He turned on the cell synthesizer that his third brother had worked so hard to get for him.

The way Jiang He's parents love him is to satisfy all their wishes. This laboratory was built by the original owner on a whim, and now it's a bargain for him.

Li Yun stood aside, not daring to move. The school's laboratory is known as the most well-equipped local tyrant laboratory in high schools across the country, but Jiang He's underground laboratory is even more expensive. If one of these instruments breaks, she can't afford it even if she works all her life.

Jiang He was busy, and seeing her in a daze, he couldn't help but say, "What are you in a daze for? Take this sea ganoderma and observe it under the microscope."

Li Yun looked over as he said, a little confused.

What kind of plant is this? It looks like ganoderma, but it's blue like sea water, and it's unreal under the light.

She picked up the pliers and carefully put this beautiful and rare plant under the microscope. She never felt like a bumpkin as much as she did today.

Then, Li Yun doubted her IQ again. The complacency of being the first in the grade last semester was hit to pieces.

She numbly did what Jiang He said, knowing nothing like a yes-man.

Jiang He held the experiment manual in his hand, filling it out carefully, and occasionally looking at the changes under the microscope.

Li Yun looked at the microscopic world without blinking, it was like a myth, so colorful...

Such active cells, do they also have dialogues? Is there a magical world in the interaction...

Jiang He was very satisfied, he was right, after the initial rush, the girl's natural attentiveness and patience allowed her to get started quickly. Of course, what satisfied him most was her concentration, which is one of the necessary conditions for researchers.

The two were busy all morning and didn't stop until the time was almost up.

Jiang He looked at the time and said to Li Yun: "It's half past eleven, let's go back for lunch."

"Oh..." Li Yun woke up as if from a dream. She had been immersed in the experiment and forgot the time.

"Auntie said she would make me something delicious, but I don't know what she made." Jiang He touched his stomach and warned himself not to eat too much later. "There are many vegetables in the vegetable garden. Let's pick some and take them back."

"Wait." Li Yun called Jiang He, a little embarrassed, "Can you recommend me some books? About biology."

She didn't want to be like what she did just now, not understanding the principles at all.

Jiang He raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything, and stuffed a few books into her hands.

"Read these books first, they are all Chinese versions. In fact, it would be better to read the original text directly..."

"Then give me an English version too." Li Yun gritted her teeth. At most, she could use a dictionary to compare them one by one, and she could also accumulate English words.

Jiang He took another English book and handed it to her. After a moment of silence, he said: "Don't be too impatient. If you are really not interested in biology, it doesn't matter if you don't read it..." He rarely reflected.

In fact, Li Yun is already very good. Did he raise the requirements for her invisibly, making her life so tiring?

"No, I think it's very interesting." Li Yun's eyes sparkled. She had a vague idea in her mind. She felt that she might have found the path she wanted to take. "I want to thank you! Although this is a bit corny, I really think you are my mentor in life..."

"Ahem..." Jiang He's ears were a little red, "It's good to know how good I am... You can ask me if you have any biological questions."

Li Yun's mouth corners curved, and her eyes glanced at his ears.

She had discovered that Jiang He's ears would turn red when he was shy.

The cat boy would show his soft belly when he was touched by the fur, and would hide when he was shy... It's really cute.

The two returned to Li Yun's house together, and Li's mother had prepared a rich lunch.

Jiang He was still full for lunch today.

Li's mother looked at the boy with satisfaction and touched his overfull stomach again. It was very useful to persuade him to eat more. It was better to raise two piglets together than just one.

"Has your driver eaten yet?" asked Mother Li. "If not, I'll add some dishes and make a bun for him."

"No need, his house is very close."

Mother Li waved to Jiang He enthusiastically, "Come back tomorrow, I'll make you delicious buns."


Li Yun opened a biology book under the light. Jiang He knew her very well and gave her only introductory books.

Mother Li stood at the door and watched for a while, feeling satisfied. After Jiang He came, her daughter changed her previous fatigue and started to be serious again.


Before, it was medicine, now it's biology. Does her daughter want to be a doctor in the future?

She remembered that when her daughter was writing an essay when she was a child, she said that her ideal was to be a doctor who saved the dying and healed the wounded.

"Not a doctor." Li Yun looked helplessly at her mother who disturbed her study with the excuse of midnight snack. Before, her mother nagged her for not studying when she was touching her phone, and now she is nagged for reading until late at night. This generation of parents is really difficult to bring up.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Well... it should be related to pharmaceuticals." Li Yun recalled the world under the microscope, and now she can still feel the excitement flowing in her blood, "I want to study and see if I can invent some medicines that can cure diseases in the future." For example, heart disease.

Li Yun touched her heart unconsciously.

Today, when Jiang He said that he was rescued in the underground emergency room, she felt a heartache at that moment.

If he died at that time...

Li Yun was too scared to think about it. She only knew that she wanted that arrogant and poisonous boy to live well.

Li Yun shook her head and put aside the strangeness in her heart.

In any case, her main purpose now is to study, keep chasing Jiang He's figure, and one day she will get the answer.

"Mom doesn't understand these things." Mother Li said earnestly, "It's just that Xiaoyun, you have to stick to your decision."

Li Yun earnestly assured her mother, "I will!"

With a certain sense of relief in her heart, when Mother Li walked out of the room, she did not forget to remind her, "I hope you will go to bed in 20 minutes. Didn't Xiaohe say he would pick you up to do the biology experiment tomorrow?"

Li Yun then realized that it was already early in the morning. No wonder her mother came to disturb her.

She reluctantly put the book away, and was a little excited when she thought about doing the experiment tomorrow.


For ten consecutive days, Li Yun's life was very fulfilling.

Doing experiments in the morning, doing math Olympiad questions in the afternoon, and reading books at night.

She has a good memory, and with Jianghe as a plug-in, she has finished reading two books in ten days.

Then her eyelashes were filled with tears. Finally, she was no longer in the dark when doing experiments. Sometimes she could even give suggestions on places where Jianghe was not detailed enough.

Mother Li was a little worried. My daughter, is the game not fun or the drama not easy to follow? You were so busy browsing your phone before.

"Oh, the world of knowledge is more interesting." Li Yun looked at the original biological data while comparing it with the English dictionary. She always felt that the translated version was not so accurate, and the English version had to be obtained as soon as possible.

One day, Jiang He came to eat again, and the accompanying driver brought two large boxes of seafood and bacon.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to bother you all the time."

"This... this won't work, you take it back." Mother Li's scalp tingled. They had just consumed the imported seafood that Jiang He brought before. Don't ask her why she knew it was imported seafood. She is also fashionable. She loves to watch those food anchors on a certain audio.

"Auntie's cooking skills are very good. I feel embarrassed to eat for free if you don't accept it." Jiang He seemed to see what Li's mother was thinking, and explained politely, "There are too many local specialties in my family, and many of them have begun to mold. My grandfather asked someone to send some over."

Mother Li could only accept it helplessly. She couldn't let them throw it away, right?

"We can't eat so much."

Mother Li sighed and stuffed the food into the refrigerator. Fortunately, her family was in the sauce cake business, and the refrigerator was super large, otherwise it really couldn't fit in.

After stuffing the refrigerator, Mother Li said to Jiang He, "Xiao He, you have to help eat, otherwise it will not be fresh after being kept for a long time."

Jiang He touched his nose, a little embarrassed, "Then I'll trouble you, Auntie. My nanny's granddaughter is born, and I have to extend my wife's confinement vacation. I'm worried about where to eat."

Mother Li took on the responsibility, "Leave it all to me! I will definitely make you fat and white! Auntie has recently learned to make tonic soup to nourish your body."

Looking at her daughter next to her, Mother Li said, "Li Yun also needs to nourish her body. She has been working hard recently."

Mother Li's soup is very good, but Chinese medicine is added to the tonic soup. The taste can only be said to be not bad, but it can't be called delicious.

Jiang He and Li Yun drank the soup with painful faces, and Mother Li stared at them covetously.

Then Jiang He was shocked to find that his face was not only rounder in just ten days, but he gained three pounds...

Mother Li stared at the numbers on the scale, and her heart was filled with the sense of accomplishment when the fat pigs were sold.

During the Lantern Festival, Jiang He spent it with Li Yun.

His parents and his third brother said they wanted to take a leave to spend the festival with him, but Jiang He refused and said he wanted to spend the festival at Li's mother's house.

Jiang's father and mother sighed, what's the point of raising a son, he will be raised by other people's families.

During this period, Li Yun and Jiang He wasted a day to sign the leased store with Li's mother.

As a result, Li Yun and Li's mother looked up to them, and the small shop of more than ten square meters became Jiang He's one-man show.

"According to the provisions of the Contract Law, there should be compensation for the decoration of the shop at the end of the lease... and you don't stipulate the priority of the lessee when renewing the lease..."

The agent kept wiping his sweat and whispered to Li's mother, "You are really courageous. You actually found a lawyer for such a small shop." It's just that this lawyer looks like a minor, but there are all kinds of people in this world. Tianshan Tonglao is still a little girl, so can't she be young?

"Well... he's not a lawyer, just a... relative, and he's really underage." Mother Li looked at Jiang He with admiration, thinking about what to cook to reward him.

She didn't quite understand what he said, but seeing the landlord's face was green, she knew how capable this kid was.

Finally, Jiang He handed over the contract that reduced the rent by several hundred yuan and guaranteed that the landlord could not take advantage of any loopholes to Ben's mother.

"It's a pity that the rent can't be reduced. If it is reduced again, the landlord will regret it." Jiang He was quite regretful. If Mother Li was not in a hurry to open the business, he could actually find a cheaper shop.

"No, no, this one is already very good, much less than the shop next door." Mother Li smiled, she could save several thousand yuan a year, "The money saved is just right to buy some good food, let's celebrate."

Jiang He asked: "By the way, auntie, do you know any decoration companies?" This shop used to be a noodle business, and the decoration was really bad, without any aesthetic feeling that should be in food.

"No." Mother Li hesitated. "Let me see if there are any similar decorations online. I'll have someone do it casually?"

"You can't do it casually! Decoration is also very particular. If it's too gorgeous, people won't dare to step in. If it's too simple, people will think the food is not up to standard and doubt the quality... Let's find a professional decoration company." Jiang He suggested, "I'll help Auntie bargain."

Mother Li said very convincingly: "Okay, then leave it to you."

This child is said to be from a wealthy family, but he is too down-to-earth. He haggles at the negotiation table. He will definitely be a super businessman in the future.


When Li Yun finished the Olympiad questions given by the math teacher and read half of the original biology book, school finally started.

When school started, Mother Li's sauce and pancake shop had been open for several days.

The cousin with a muscular body and a simple farmer's smile on his face was kneading dough in the store. Mother Li was weak, so her cousin refused to knead dough and only let her sit at the cashier.

After tasting the sauce pancakes made from the dough kneaded by her cousin, Mother Li no longer insisted. After changing someone to knead the dough, the sauce pancakes were crispier and more delicious, with less oil in the dough, and they were not greasy at all.

Mother Li felt that she had wasted the secret recipe of the SMS benefactor.

Many old customers said that the sauce pancakes were more delicious than before and they couldn't stop eating. There are also a variety of soy milks that are also very delicious. They can be used as drinks, and they are not as unhealthy as milk tea.

Mother Li sat at the cashier, wondering if she could ask the SMS benefactor to send a bank card to her so that she could transfer the money she earned.

In order to let customers know how hygienic their store is, the kitchen is equipped with transparent glass, and the diligent cousin wipes the glass until it shines every day.

Mother Li also specially made a chef's uniform, which was snow-white, making the tall cousin look less rustic. He was still quite handsome when he didn't smile.

"Look, the dough kneader is so manly."

"Yes, look at the bulging muscles on his arms, a tough guy, with hormones off the charts."

Several girls took up their phones and took a bunch of photos, their eyes glowing green like wolf girls, scanning the man in the glass window.

My cousin noticed the girls' actions, and to show his affection, he immediately smiled like a simple farmer.

No one took photos now, only sighs remained.

"When you smile, you look like a silly guy."

"Before, you looked like a tough guy charging into battle with a gun, but now you look like a farmer working in the field."


Hearing the disappointed sighs of the girls, Li Yun held back her laughter.

When there were fewer guests, she said to her cousin, "Cousin, please smile less in the future."

"Why? Isn't it better to welcome guests more enthusiastically? What kind of logic is this?" The cousin with a rural accent didn't understand.

"Listen to me, the colder you are, the more guests you will have. And try not to speak if you can!" Li Yun was worried, and she had to change her rural accent.

The cousin was still confused.

"Anyway, if you don't care, people will think that our store has no worries about customers, and the sauce cake is not an ordinary sauce cake." Li Yun said nonsense seriously, "You see, the stores with good business need to make reservations, otherwise there will be no seats, and the stores that need to attract customers are those with poor business."

The cousin did it very convincingly.

Xiaoyun was the top scorer in the high school entrance examination. She is so smart, and what she said must be reasonable.

The result was so good that the cousin's evaluation of Li Yun was infinitely high.

You see, these girls are all repeat customers, coming to buy sauce cakes and soy milk every few days, and often taking pictures of the kitchen with their mobile phones.

The cousin looked around the small kitchen very confidently.

He wiped the kitchen clean without any dust! And this cake, the oil and flour are the best, no matter how you take pictures of him, he is not afraid!

After staying in the house for a long time, he finally didn't get so dark. His bronze skin swept away the last trace of rusticity on his appearance. He was serious and straight, and he beat the dough ruthlessly, with murderous intent between his eyebrows.

"So handsome!"

"Just like the cold-blooded killer in the novel!"

"Also like a special forces soldier."


Unconsciously, Li's mother's sauce cake shop became an Internet celebrity shop, and the cousin became the most popular sign in the shop.

The author has something to say: Updated. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [mines]: Tianfeng Muyu, murasaki 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Yuewu 60 bottles; Chuanxia 22 bottles; Tangyuanzi 15 bottles; Heyi, yxqjessica 10 bottles; 3441597urasaki 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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