The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

27. The farmer's child bride27

Jiang He organized a running banquet to give back to the village, and also invited a clan elder who had not participated in the division of the Jiang family and had a good reputation in general, who could be said to be too old-fashioned and not liked by Li Zheng, to serve at the table.

Everyone, you take a few eggs, I take a pound of rice, and drag the whole family up to the mountain to eat on a running water mat.

Li Zheng felt bitter in his heart. Jiang He's series of operations had caused him to lose his prestige in the hearts of the villagers. He was about to come to an end here.

After learning about Jiang Hai's troubles, Li Zheng deeply hated his lameness. What future would he have if he got involved with a brothel girl when he was about to go to court! It’s all my fault that I was deceived by his face that looks like someone touching someone!

The villagers were satisfied with the large fish and meat dishes, but they still had something to worry about.

What kind of food did Jiang He grow for the emperor? You see, the emperor not only asked the guards to send him back to his hometown, but also arranged his future. They are not that ambitious to get this food. This is for the exclusive use of the emperor! They were just curious about what the food looked like...

Taohua Niang was in a good mood. Jiang He was grateful for what she had done for Shun Niang before and had already arranged a future for her family. From now on, her family would definitely be one of the best in the village.

The old-fashioned clan elder coughed and stood up when everyone had finished eating.

Jiang He helped him to the front and stood aside to show his support.

"Jiang Dalian has grown a magical food for the people of the world - potatoes, with a yield of three thousand kilograms per mu! The most important thing is that this food does not occupy fertile land and can be grown on hillside and sandy land! The emperor used this novel food for his 40th birthday. The food cooked with these species is said to be very delicious, just like the delicacies only served at the Queen Mother's peach banquet... Many noble families asked the emperor for this magical food seed, and the emperor gave it to the meritorious officials as rewards. Oh, many aristocratic families have opened a little. The price is one hundred taels per catty and no one is selling it..."

The villagers' hearts beat as fast as thunder when they heard that one pound was a hundred taels... If they could plant just one pound, the whole family would not have to work for several years. This is not called potatoes, this is called gold.

"Anyway, Jiang Dalang secretly left seeds for our village, and each family can get one pound... He also taught me and Taohua's family how to plant them, and we will teach them to everyone together."

The whole village was in an uproar and looked at Jiang He excitedly. Many old people cried out and wished they could kneel down to Jiang He.

Good people, their village really wants chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

Jiang He took over the clan elder's words and told the truth: "Everyone, there are too few seeds for potatoes this year, so they only cost one hundred taels of silver per catty. In a few years, everyone will grow them and the price will become cheaper. One catty of seeds can produce about ten The harvest of one kilogram is so big in Daqi, and potatoes are needed everywhere, so the seeds can be sold at a high price next year. Of course, it is impossible to get one hundred taels per kilogram, but ten taels of silver per kilogram is still feasible. I estimate that it will take about three years. "In the future, potatoes will be widely grown and they won't be worth much, so everyone can eat them freely."

The villagers' eyes are full of longing, and they also want to eat the food with the taste of gods.

The villagers who are good at mathematics even calculated that if they harvest ten kilograms next year and sell half of it, they will get fifty taels. They can further expand production the year after... Oh my, they can become rich just by planting a piece of land.

Li Zheng and several elders who presided over the division of the Jiang family were feeling miserable. When they took the potato seeds from Jiang He, they wanted to cover their faces. Fortunately, Jiang He didn't say anything and his expression was normal, otherwise they would really jump off the mountain and fall. Forget it.

Li Zheng touched the potatoes in his hand and sighed. It seemed that Li Zheng had reached the end of his career. Forget it, after all, there is this magical species, and if you farm well, your life will not be much worse.

Jiang He looked at his wilderness-style villa with great reluctance.

He divided two rooms and let Peach Blossom choose one to live in, to prevent the house from being unpopular and easy to deteriorate. He also planned to return to the village to retire in his old age.

As for this hill, the land on the hillside has become a treasure after having potatoes. He allocated part of the potatoes to the villagers for farming. In the future, if there are children in the village who are studying and progressing, the output of this land will be used as scholarships.

This is also to prevent anyone from saying, for example, that he doesn't care about the village or something. The clan is so powerful these days, and he feels that he needs to raise a water force!


After all the things that needed to be done were done, Jiang He was about to leave, but late one night he was woken up by a fierce knock on the door.

"Daliang, open the door! It's my mother's fault... Wuwuwu, Daluo, please save your nephew."

This sound...

Old Chen!

Jiang He hurriedly opened the door. Something must have happened in the middle of the night. He was holding a running banquet and Old Chen had no face to attend. But this time he was crying and banging on the door asking for help. Something must have happened.

Lao Chen's hair was messy, and her face could be seen to be haggard and sallow under the dim light. Of course, this was not the point. The point was the child in her arms.

"Er baby! Why are you back? What happened to your hand?"

Jiang He quickly called the guards who were good at bandaging to come over and take a look, and also ordered the faster one among them to get on his horse and go find the doctor.

"Is this cut with a knife? You can see the bones..." The guard took out the golden sore medicine, "Stop the bleeding first, I don't know if it will have any effects in the future."

Erwa's face was as white as paper, as if he was too frightened to cry, and his eyes were dull.

"Second baby, uncle is here, second baby?!" Although Jiang He didn't like the Jiang family's second wife and family, he didn't hate a child, so he softly coaxed the second baby up.

"He was too frightened and lost his mind." The guard said after checking.

Mrs. Chen covered her face and kept crying. Jiang He ignored her and gently held the second baby and coaxed her.

"Don't be afraid, second child. Uncle is here, and all the demons and ghosts have dispersed..."

After a long time, Erwa finally burst out crying, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The old doctor was also invited over by the guards. Old Chen wiped his face. She didn't know what was going on. Logically speaking, she should go to the old doctor when this happened, but all she could think about was her eldest son. The moment the second baby was injured, she felt dizzy and dizzy. She was so desperate that she wanted to die. Only now did she recover.

"The bones are not injured. After proper treatment, it will not affect the field..." After all, going to the field requires strength and is not a delicate job.

"Does reading and writing have an impact?" Lao Chen asked hurriedly.

"This..." The old doctor looked troubled, "I can't say for sure."

Old Chen fell to the ground, slapping the ground and crying, "Yesterday I took the eldest son and the second son to a private school in the next village. Lin Xiucai said that the eldest son had a bad memory, was dull, and was uncertain, so he refused to accept him. Again. He said that Erwa has good qualifications and is suitable for studying, so he accepted Erwa..."

Jiang He was stunned for a moment. Usually when a master said this, it meant that the child had bad character, but Old Chen didn't catch it.

Old Chen cried for a long time before coming back to his senses, grabbing Jiang He's clothes and about to kneel down. Jiang He was so frightened that he knelt down first. Damn it, Old Chen really knelt down and spread the word that he didn't need to be a human being.

Mrs. Chen was restrained by her son and could not kneel down, so she had to plead with him with tears streaming down her face, "Da Lang, this is all retribution, my mother's retribution! When my mother separated the family, she should have thought that injustice was the source of the family's ruin. ...The eldest child is worried that the second child will not be able to study. In the future, all the resources of the whole family will be left to him. In another ten years or so, the separation of the family will be like now. The second child will get everything, and he will be purified with just a little money just like your mother sent you. I wanted to leave the house, so I took a knife to chop off the second baby's hand, saying that since everyone couldn't study, it wouldn't be unfair to separate the family..."

Old Chen cried in despair, wailing to the sky, looking extremely pitiful, "It's all my fault! The Jiang family was defeated by me. I, Old Chen, am sorry to the ancestors of the Jiang family! Old man , I'm sorry for you..."

A clever guard said a few words in Jiang He's ear, and Jiang He's face turned stern.

Old Chen had thoughts of committing suicide. He especially wanted to die in front of him and leave the Jiang family's affairs on him. He would have died a hundred times. How could such a good thing happen?

"Erwa's hand can be cured."

This sentence brought back the old Chen who wanted to bang his head against the wall to force his eldest son to take over the responsibility of the second room.

Jiang He pretended not to notice, "The old imperial doctor is best at treating bones. Besides, the second baby's hand hasn't hurt the bones yet." Jiang He touched the second baby's head comfortingly and coaxed softly, "Second baby, don't be afraid, big brother." Qi Duo is a left-hander, that is, someone who writes with his left hand. The court did not say that you cannot use your left hand during the imperial examination. Brother Fang, do you think so? "

The guard surnamed Fang nodded, "Among the most famous scholars in Da Qi, there is a man named Li. He is most famous for being able to write with both hands. His left hand is good at drawing and his right hand is good at calligraphy. Most people in the scholar community know that the royal family They are all famous for collecting his paintings and calligraphy, you can go and find out."

Erwa looked at her wrapped right hand and then at her intact left hand. It was so good that someone could use both hands... Erwa's eyes were full of hope.

"Er baby, since Master said you are qualified enough to study, then study hard. My uncle will pay for your studies."

Old Chen opened his eyes wide and felt hope in his heart.

Studying can drain a family's wealth. Since her eldest son said so, she won't have to worry about the cost of studying for her second child in the future.

The second baby couldn't believe it, "Really...?" He knew very well how much the uncle hated the Jiang family, and he also knew how much his grandma had done. He was not surprised at all that the uncle hated the second wife.

"It's true." Jiang He said to him with certainty, "Your eldest aunt is pregnant. Maybe he will have a younger brother. He will also study in the future. This officialdom is complicated and you can't do it alone..."

Erwa said excitedly: "Uncle, I will definitely work hard and be a good helper to my brother in the future."

"Just help each other." Jiang He did not forget to warn him, "Just don't be like your father. Inviting girls from brothels to this poetry club is not what scholars should do! Brother Fang, tell Erba, we all love each other How many great scholars associate with brothel girls?”

Guard Fang glanced at Jiang He helplessly. Isn't this a change of concept? "There is no one. Great scholars cherish their reputation and rarely even take concubines." There are a lot of people who are officials. Once they become officials, they become elegant. The woman in the brothel forgot about the yellow-faced woman at home.

Lao Chen didn't know the difference between great scholars and ordinary scholars, and was so ashamed that she couldn't even raise her head. A few days ago, she went to the academy in the city to inquire about Jiang Hai's studies. The master told her that Jiang Hai was so lax that even if he didn't have his hands, There is not much chance of passing the exam even if you are injured.

Because of this, she planned to train the next generation. Who would have thought that the eldest child would be so heartless and crazy...

Mrs. Chen felt bitter in her heart. The head of the family really couldn't be partial. Of the two grandsons, she usually favored the eldest son. After all, he was the eldest grandson. Who would have thought that the eldest son was broken from the root.

The eldest child said viciously: "I am now my uncle in the future, and my younger brother is my future father. What's wrong with me not wanting to be the one who is abandoned? If there is something wrong, I can only blame Nai, Nai is too partial to scholars! Ten years! Hedong and Hexi for ten years, my uncle is now promising, why won’t I be successful in the future...I am not like my uncle, if I am abandoned, I will disown all of you!"

Mrs. Chen was heartbroken and burst into tears again. Da Wa was trying to rip out her heart! Whether one is favored or not, there is no fear, just like Er Lang, like Da Wa... The more favored you are, the more greedy you are.

"Daliang, from now on my mother will never be partial again..." Mrs. Chen wiped her tears and looked at Jiang He cautiously.

"Mom, my heart has been broken by you again and again, and I can't withstand any wind and rain." Jiang He said the disgusting line while holding back goosebumps, "Physical injuries are easy to heal, but mental injuries are not." Medicine... My son won’t have much chance to return to the village in the future, but the money for the second baby’s education and your money for raising him will be sent back.”

Jiang He will not forgive Lao Chen, because she does not regret because she has done something wrong, she regrets because she realizes that her eldest son has prospered and her second son cannot become a successful person. If Jiang Hai really succeeds in becoming a scholar, even if Lao Chen knows that her eldest son has been You won't regret it even if you suck the bone marrow dry!

Lao Chen regretted it and kept covering his face and crying.

Erwa had calmed down and saluted Jianghe.

"Uncle, I know that I made a mistake in making milk, and my parents also made a mistake. Although I am still young, I also benefited from it, so I can't forgive you."

Jiang He quietly watched this child who originally only competed with the older girl and the second girl grow up overnight. Children always have to experience setbacks before they can grow up. The price of the second child's growth is too high.

"I know that the Jiang family has a bad reputation, and my parents are not good people, so what I can do to repay my uncle is to study hard and restrain my family so that they will not hold my uncle back..." Erba Xiaoxiao The face is very determined.

"Remember what you said." Jiang He didn't treat him as a child at this moment, but as an adult. "I don't want to kill my relatives out of justice. If the Jiang family goes too far, I don't mind taking care of the Jiang family myself! You know, I In the future, I will work for the royal family. There are many people who want to grab my pigtails. I can't leave such an obvious weakness..." Jiang He was half threatening and half serious, "The height you go up will determine your right to speak in the Jiang family. , If you want the Jiang family to listen to you, you have to study hard."

Erwa's forehead was sweating. He knew that his uncle was not just talking, so he nodded cautiously.

Children in ancient times were really precocious. A six-year-old child had such an idea that God would not destroy the Jiang family. He originally thought that the Jiang family was hopeless, but a second child appeared.

Lao Chen held the second baby's left hand tightly. Her eldest son had just given her the last suggestion. If she still wanted the Jiang family to be stable, she must handle the eldest baby's affairs fairly and reasonably.


Mr. Chen returned home accompanied by the guards sent by his eldest son. His second son Jiang Hai was still drunk. Ever since he went back to look for Xiangxue and learned that Xiangxue had happily left with a wealthy businessman, he had never sobered up again. Pass.

The eldest child was trembling with fear and hid in the kitchen crying.

He didn't expect that he was so bold. At that time, he was so angry that he was impulsive. After the impulsiveness passed, he was frightened.

He would never forget the look in his mother's eyes for the rest of his life, it was so scary.

Mrs. Chen dragged the eldest child to her grandfather's memorial tablet and ordered him to kneel down.

"Today, in front of your grandfather's memorial tablet, I will make it clear that according to imperial law, the family will be divided after you get married. 70% of the Jiang family's property will be left to you. Of course, you have to provide for the elders in the family. Your brother will get 30%, no need. You are worried that your brother will use the Jiang family's property for his future studies. Your uncle promised that he will pay for all the expenses for the second son's education in the future... Do you have any opinions on this family separation plan?" Old Chen looked serious.

The eldest child was happy and scared at the same time. He looked carefully at Old Chen and then at Little Chen outside the door.

In a short period of time, little Chen looked so haggard that he looked ten years older. With tears in his eyes, he shook his head desperately at the older boy, hinting that he must not nod.

The eldest child felt that he had the same anger and impulse as before when he cut the second child. At this moment, the mother was still looking at the second child. He was obviously her son!

The anger made the eldest child ignore Nai's usual authority, "Nai, you swear on grandpa's tablet that we will separate our family when I get married. The separation plan will be as stated today. If you don't keep your word, the second son will never fail the exam." Excellent scholar!"

Mrs. Chen felt a chill in her heart. It turned out that the baby was hopeless. She only felt her heart hurt to the extreme and lost consciousness.

"Okay, I swear!"

Lao Chen staggered to visit the second baby. The old doctor said that tonight was a critical period and the second baby might have a fever.

Her life has been a failure. Now the second baby is the only light. She doesn't know if she will die with the second baby if something happens to her.

"Da Wa, why...why do you accept it?" Xiao Chen cried so hard that she was out of breath and reached out to hit Da Wa.

The eldest child felt guilty, then he straightened his back and said, "Mom, how long are you going to favor the second child? I am also your son!" You will have to rely on me to support you in the future!

Fool, as long as your grandma tells what you did today, you won't be able to gain a foothold in the village. Didn't you see your grandma's expression? It's clear that she has given up on you!

Look at your uncle, and then look at your father, who was once her treasure, do you know what happens to someone after your grandma gives up on that person?

Reputation is the most important wealth! You can tell from the fact that the second wife of the Jiang family was looked down upon by the whole village after her reputation was ruined. If someone knew that you were forced to kiss your breasts and cut your brothers, who would dare to associate with you in the future? What kind of good family can I find when looking for a wife in the future?

Little Chen met the angry and resentful look in her eldest son's eyes. She couldn't say anything, but her eyes were swollen from crying. When will these days end?

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or gave me the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who threw [landmines]: murasaki 2; small yard 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates [nutrient solution]:

ccccc 8 bottles; murasaki 2 bottles; Oh my god~ 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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