The boss is dressed as cannon fodder

11. The farmer's child bride11

This time when the family was separated, the villagers saw Jiang He's strong character. They expressed their appreciation, but felt that he was too stubborn. There are quite a few brothers in the village who have separated their families, but it is rare for them to be so partial. Compared to the Jiang family's wealth, Jiang He can be said to have left the family cleanly, and he obviously doesn't have to pay the support money.

"The Jiang family is really a big family." The villagers were still discussing, "There are not many families in our village whose total wealth exceeds 300 taels."

"Even if there is, it won't be much if the brothers share it equally. It's not like the Jiang family, which all went to the second house! Tsk, the second house got rich all at once!"

"No wonder you can afford to be a scholar."

"Then again, with so much wealth, if you don't study, your life in our village will be like a classy life."

"Humph, isn't it thanks to Shun Niang? If Shun Niang's biological father hadn't given her fifty taels of silver..." Others were still thinking about fifty taels. If their family had raised Shun Niang in the first place, this would have been a waste of both money and money. Got the betrothal gift.

"Shunniang has suffered a big loss. Old Chen can only live in a big house for twenty taels, and Jiang Dao can't do the work. From now on, the twenty taels will be gone after spending them."

The women looked at Shun Niang with sympathy. How could a lame husband be able to make money? He had to rely on Shun Niang. She would suffer in the future.

Jiang He fully demonstrated what it means to be heartbroken and to have a decisive relationship with the second wife.

The villagers were very sympathetic. Anyone would have given up. They had seen partial mothers, but it was rare for them to be so partial. Even though their son was disabled, he still didn't forget to squeeze out the last drop of oil.


The two little lolita gathered around Jiang He obediently, trying to comfort him.

"Dad, the big girl will work hard." The big girl counted the jobs she could do seriously. "The big girl can go to the fields and grow vegetables. Now she is learning embroidery from my mother. In the future, she can embroider handkerchiefs and sell them..."

"Second Niu will raise daddy." Erniu smiled sweetly, looking very cute. "Second Niu will catch bugs and raise chickens, and all the eggs she lays will be eaten by daddy." The first house was given five chickens, and Erniu was very happy. , she decided to catch bugs and feed them to the chickens tomorrow.

Jiang He's heart almost melted, "Then thank you two darlings. I will rely on you to support me from now on."

The eldest girl and the second girl have flushed faces. Dad said they are treasures. They are so happy... They will no longer lose money!

It wasn't until late at night that Shun Niang walked into the room after a busy day.

After the separation, things were in a mess, and she had been sorting them out. Although she was tired, she had a smile on her face.

Perhaps to outsiders, Jiang He was lame, and all the pressure of supporting the family after the separation was on her. As a woman and a child, she should be worried.

On the contrary, she felt more at ease than ever before. She was more afraid of mental torture than physical fatigue.

From now on, no one would point their finger at her and scold her for being a slave to her father and mother, and no one would point at her children who hurt her bones and scold them as losers. She would no longer have to tolerate her sisters-in-law’s accusations and sense of superiority.

The two daughters fell asleep clinging to Jiang He. Jiang He held one in his arms and closed his eyes to relax.

Shun Niang didn't know that there was a smile on her lips. She felt extremely comfortable now - her heart seemed to be soaked in warm water, warm and soft.

"The lady is back." Jiang He opened his eyes, "The two little girls said they wanted to listen to a story, but they fell asleep before they finished listening."

Shun Niang carried her two daughters to the small bed in the small room inside and carefully covered them with quilts.

"Madam, you have worked hard today." Jiang He apologized, "Maybe you will have to work hard for a long time."

Shun Niang didn't take it seriously, her eyes were filled with hope, "I'm not afraid of hard work. No matter how hard it is, Shun Niang will be willing to do it."

With Jiang He's support, she has begun to change. Her waist, which had always been stooped, began to straighten, gradually revealing the grace of her age.

"Fortunately, my wife reminded me that there is money under the stove." Without her reminder, Mrs. Chen would not have given half of the money to the big house today.

Shun Niang lowered her head and pursed her lips to smile. It was because her husband was no longer foolish and filial that she dared to say it.

"It's just that I don't want to get back the dowry your father gave me." Jiang He held her hand apologetically, "If you really want to get it back, this family cannot be divided."

Shun Niang didn't care, she wanted to separate the family more than money. Besides, as soon as she got the twenty taels of silver that separated the family, her husband put it directly into her hand.

In the village, whether or not the husband cares about money can tell whether a husband values ​​his wife. Jiang He's behavior made her heart warm.

Jiang He moved the quilt to cover Shun Niang, "Madam, go to sleep, there are still many things to do tomorrow." Now that the family is separated, the road to wealth must start quickly.

Shun Niang fell asleep with a smile, and she slept soundly and sweetly.


Before the two daughters woke up, Shun Niang woke up. Although she was torn apart yesterday, there was still a lot to do today. The old house needs to be repaired. Yesterday Shun Niang went to see it, and when she came back she was so sad that it was almost uninhabitable. Although it was spring plowing now, Jiang He didn't think that Old Chen would bear to watch him until the spring plowing was over.

"Uncle Wang will come over later. Husband, I don't understand how to build a house so I won't follow. Today I want to go to the city and buy all the things I want to buy." Shun Niang muttered, thinking about what to plant on the hillside.

The old house also had a vegetable plot before, but it was very desolate, but fortunately it was very large. Shun Niang is planning to plant some fast-growing vegetables so that she can sell them in the city.

She went to buy some vegetables today, and there were many necessary things... There were several bowls and plates, pots and knives were not available yet, and there were oil and salt. She didn't think that Old Chen would let the big house use them.

Last night, Xiao Chen deliberately mischief and occupied the big iron pot, causing the big room to have dinner very late.


Early in the morning, several villagers in the village who often build and repair houses gathered in front of the river bed.

"Thirty cents is too much..." Old Man Wang, who took the lead, shook his head, "Jiang Dao, you still have to live, and you can't spend money like this."

Jiang He was very sincere, "Uncle Wang, that's enough on weekdays. Now that we are busy with farming, you are still willing to take time to repair my house...I am really grateful from my heart. Thirty coins a day is really not much during the spring plowing season."

Old Man Wang secretly praised Jiang He for being so grand! Gee, it seems that even if he is lame, the Jiang family's big house will not be destroyed. Old Chen may regret it in the future.

Several young people who often work with Old Man Wang are smiling. It’s okay to take a day off from spring plowing to do other work. They can buy two kilograms of meat. The family is crazy about it and wishes they could work for a few more days.

"Jiang Dao is sincere!" A young man said happily, "On weekdays, the most I can pack for rice is twenty cents. Although Jiang Dao doesn't pack rice, I can buy five meat buns for ten cents."

Old Man Wang gave a majestic look to several young people who were related to him, "So we have to be conscientious and this house must be repaired!"

Old man Wang left with his apprentice. Jiang He and his wife trusted him very much and did not want to supervise the work.

"Husband, I'm going into the city with the Li Zheng family's ox cart." Shun Niang counted the money, "I won't be able to come back at noon. I made a few steamed buns and you and I will eat them together."

"Shun Niang, do you want to buy peanuts?"

"Yes, the only things that can be grown on this hillside are soybeans and peanuts. I guess peanuts are more expensive than soybeans, so it is more cost-effective to grow peanuts. But there is a lot of land, so you can also grow some soybeans. Most of the spring plowing time has passed, so we need to do it as soon as possible. It takes sowing.”

"Then plant less, I don't want you to be too tired."

Shun Niang's lips were filled with smiles, "That's not possible. It's such a big mountain to waste."

"Buy ten catties each of soybeans and peanuts." Jiang He couldn't refuse, "Don't buy more."

Shun Niang was anxious, "Husband, we can only cultivate two acres of land at most." What can be done with two acres of land.

Of course Jiang He wouldn't say that he didn't want her to be too tired, "I have other arrangements for the rest."

"Big girl can help." Big girl ran out of the room, "Big girl can go to work in the fields."

Erniu followed her sister and said softly, "Erniu is also very capable."

How could Jiang He be willing to bear it? In modern times, a child of this age would act like a spoiled child in the arms of his parents and compete with them to have an extra ice cream stick. Besides, his two daughters were so malnourished and so thin that they could be blown over by a gust of wind, which made him feel distressed just looking at them. .

"Big girl and two girls already have work to do, which is to take care of dad and me. Okay, go help dad get the carpentry box. It's a bit heavy, so be careful."

The two little girls left happily, and his loving father Jiang He couldn't help but said to Shun Niang: "Don't forget to buy some candies for our eldest and second girls."

Shun Niang was trying to persuade her husband to save some money, but twenty taels of silver was really not worth spending.

"Shun Niang, take this to shopkeeper Li in the city for review." Jiang He handed over two drawings. As a carpenter, he had a small amount of low-quality paper and pens in his room. In order to show off, Jiang Hai taught Yuan Shen how to read some words. Yuan Shen's writing was a mess, but it was no problem to draw a simple furniture design.

"Okay." Shun Niang didn't take it seriously. She knew that her husband had contacts with carpentry shops in the city. Occasionally, when a wealthy family in the city wanted to get married and there was too much work to do, shopkeeper Li would also recruit some people with basic carpentry skills. Manpower comes to help.

"If Shopkeeper Li wants to buy it, remember ten taels of silver a piece." Jiang He said calmly.


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