The Book of Troubled Times

Chapter 234: second ring

  Chapter 234 Second Ring

  Early the next morning, Zhao Changhe stretched out from the small courtyard of the inn, still changed back into the yellow-faced man, and went to Ji's house with a broad knife on his back.

  The butler of Ji's family was already standing anxiously at the entrance of the alley, waiting for him. When he saw him appear, he let out a long breath, and came forward: "Mr. Situ, you are here."

  Zhao Changhe lazily said: "What?"

   "I heard that someone claimed last night that our young master came back and went to the Leisure Casino to gamble with our property!"

   "So is your young master really back?"

   "No, there is no one who doesn't go home and go to the casino first, then he must be a counterfeit!"

   "Then why are you panicking? Does the counterfeit have a land deed? What kind of mortgage do you use for gambling?"

   "Uh... I'm afraid that Leisure Casino will make a fuss about this..."

   "At the end of the day, it's the fist. If the fist is big, there's no point. Have you told Yan Lianping that I, Situ Xiao, negotiated on behalf of the Ji family?"

   "Say it." The butler nodded and bowed: "Yan Lianping said that he will meet Mr. Situ in Qiuyu Pavilion this morning. Look..."

   "Let's go." Zhao Changhe took out the wine gourd and took a big sip before striding forward: "I hope the wine in Jianhu City can surprise me a bit."

  It's autumn.

   Coincidentally, when I went to Qiuyu Pavilion, it was really raining lightly, which brought a little refreshment to the hot weather.

Although the rain was not heavy, it also caused the streets to lose the bustle of yesterday. Many vendors stopped coming out, and there were a lot fewer pedestrians. The bustling Jianhu City suddenly looked like a lonely town. The knife moves forward.

  Zhao Changhe likes this taste very much, it is very ancient, very Jianghu, even the current situation of Jianhu City is very similar to that.

  Next time you change your face, you can consider sticking two eyebrows above the mouth.

  Autumn Rain Pavilion is looming in the mist in the distance. This is a low attic with a total of two and a half floors. But the location is very good. The top floor is a windowless terrace. There is no shelter in front. You can see the microwave of Gujian Lake in the distance along the way. The cool wind brings the autumn rain in, which is very comfortable.

   At this moment, there are a lot of people gathered in Louwai, a large black area, half of them are from Pinghu Club, and half of them are from the original Xingyi Gang.

  About "Mr. Ji's family entrusts Situ Xiao to discuss matters", although the original Xingyi gang has been recruited, there are still some loyal old people who are willing to come to strengthen the prestige of Ji's family.

  This is also the reason why the private property on Taiping Street can still be preserved until now.

  Seeing Zhao Changhe and the butler enter the building, many Xingyi gang veterans shouted: "Please, Mr. Situ."

  Zhao Changhe gestured to the surroundings, and stepped upstairs.

   At a glance, I saw Yan Lianping sitting in the main seat, and the winged fire snake beside him resting his chin to enjoy the scenery. A group of members of the Pinghu Society stood guard around the floor, looking at Zhao Changhe and the butler behind him walking up the stairs with burning eyes.

  The butler's forehead was covered with sweat, and his legs were trembling slightly.

  He just wanted to use the name of "Situ Xiao" to fight for some "private property that Mr. Ji deserves". Now that Xingyi helped the tree fall and the monkeys scattered, Mr. Ji's life and death are unpredictable, and this private property can easily be manipulated into his.

  Before I came, I felt that there was no pressure from Situ Xiao, but when I came, I realized that the pressure of going to the meeting alone was much greater than I really made people tremble.

  If life is gone, what is private property used for?

"Mr. Situ?" Yan Lianping is a capable man in his thirties. When he saw Zhao Changhe entering, he said with a stern expression, "Forgive me Yan doesn't like to cover up and try to find out, so let's just say it. Yan has seen it before." Situ laughed, it's not him."

  Zhao Changhe said indifferently: "So what if it's Situ Xiao? The property is owned by Ji Bochang. Don't others have the right to uphold justice?"

  Yan Lianping said: "Of course there is a difference."


   "Situ Xiao is the direct descendant of Shenhuangzong, we dare not kill it lightly. But if you change it to someone else... Jianghu gang is not the place to deal with your government."

   "Chulanglang!" The sound of drawing the sword resounded in the attic, and the bright array of swords pointed to the center.

  The butler's legs went limp, and he collapsed directly on the ground.

  Zhao Changhe didn't even move, and said calmly: "This is why you let the Winged Fire Snake appear here and didn't hide your background from the Four Elephant Sect? Because I will be a dead person soon, and dead people will not leak secrets."

"One is because the dead will not leak secrets, and the other is..." Yan Lianping smiled: "Because the people who should know my background already know it, so there is no point in hiding it or not. Besides, Yan is about to rule Jianhu City, and there is nothing to hide of."

  Zhao Changhe also smiled: "In this case, it's okay for others to see it, right?"

  Following the voice, a smiling voice came from the misty rain outside: "Yo, it's really the Four Elephant Sect. Is the Winged Fire Snake a girl? Let me be healthy?"

  Several figures floated up the building from outside, it was Sha Qi.

  Yan Lianping narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on the two old men around Sha Qi, and he asked after a while, "What does Master Sha Qi mean?"

  Sha sat down opposite him for seventy-two thousand five hundred and eighty thousand dollars: "Ji Bochang bet my property to Kangle Casino, I'm here to talk to you about it."

  Yan Lianping looked at Zhao Changhe, and said calmly: "This is Ji Bochang? Ji Bochang, whom the housekeeper of the Ji family and the old gang don't know?"

"Whether he is Ji Bochang or not is not important at all, what matters is the Jianghu gang, not a place to play against the government." Sha Qi smiled and replied with his words: "You dare not offend Li Shentong, but you dare to offend my fifth master Ying? If I say he is Ji Bochang, then he is Ji Bochang."

  Yan Lianping was silent for a moment, then smiled suddenly: "Okay. Then there's no need to talk about this matter, the properties of the Ji family on Taiping Street belong to Brother Ji."

"Happy." Zhao Changhe sat down leisurely, and poured himself a glass of wine: "But what I want to talk about is not just the few private properties on Taiping Street...Since I, Ji Bochang, are back, should the Xingyi Gang give it to me?" inherit?"

  Yan Lianping laughed dumbfoundedly: "If Mr. Ji wants the guild property, of course Yan has no objection. However, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. It is up to Mr. Ji to control who the brothers under the guild want to be with."

  Zhao Changhe said: "Then let me ask?"

  Yan Lianping said: "Please go ahead."

  Zhao Changhe looked down at the members of the Xingyi Gang below: "Everyone, the old gang leader was murdered. No matter how you mess around, you should still have this sense of loyalty, right?"

  People looked at each other in dismay, of course there must be loyalty, and Yan Lianping was able to successfully recruit most of the gang members with the reason of "revenge for Ji Yinan and capture Han Wubing". Although it is really just a good bird choosing a tree, this is just an obvious excuse, but it must be there.

   Someone said: "This...Mr. Situ, the gang leader was killed by Han Wubing, and only Chairman Yan can lead everyone to revenge."

  Zhao Changhe said: "However, the old gang leader was not killed by Han Wubing at all."

  Everyone was silent for a while.

   This stuff is just an excuse. It doesn’t matter to most people whether Han Wubing killed him or not. Of course, some people care more. But what’s the use of your empty words?

Yan Lianping laughed: "This...Mr. Ji is still Mr. Situ. Who else could the sword wound of Chief Ji be Han Wubing's? Don't you want to say it was me? As we all know, Yan used Yan Hui's double-edged sword has nothing to do with the sword."

  Zhao Changhe said slowly: "I use a sword, but I can also switch to a sword, especially when the opponent is far behind, it is easier."

  Yan Lianping smiled and said, "Ji Yinan is not much weaker than me."

  Zhao Changhe glanced at him strangely: "I didn't say it was you, why did Chairman Yan keep talking to himself?"

  Yan Lianping's expression remained unchanged, he shook his head and said, "Don't you mean to slander me? Unfortunately, your empty teeth are meaningless."

  Zhao Changhe said: "Wrong, I was not talking about you from the beginning to the end. Because the person south of Sha Ji is a barbarian."

   Before the words fell, someone came to report in a hurry: "It's not good, it's not good, Han Wubing broke into Ji's house with a sword, hijacked Mrs. Ji, and claimed that He Lei, the wild lion, came out to die!"

  (end of this chapter)

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