The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 930: Because of a pineapple bread overturning incident

Bright crimson flies in the precipitation darkness, long flowing hair spills a little light, and cold and red eyes see the light of the world. With a delicate and pretty face, a majestic expression, a girl with long hair and waist, with her fearless charm... the scorching bruiser-Shana!

"Yeah, it's been a long time." Lin Luo greeted the girl who stepped out. He didn't expect that Shana would come out this time. It was a bit caught off guard. After all, the communication between him and Shana was in the city of the sky. The host is the least.

When Shana walked out of the practice room, the red flames had been spilled, and the fluttering black hair was silent. The moment she looked up and saw Lin Luo, her dark eyes suddenly became brighter, but the expression was like this. Flashing away, turn your head casually, and snorted coldly, "You really came back, it seems that the woman is right."

"It seems that you are not very welcome." Lin Luo smiled bitterly, and threw a yellow object over with a grab. "Well, although I didn't expect it to be you, the preparations have been done a long time ago, just take it. Congratulations on your exit gift."

Shana reached out and took the porro bread, with a little disdain on her face, "It's impossible to buy me with this little thing."

"Since you don't want it, then pay me back." Lin Luo walked over to get the pineapple bread back.

"Wow! This is mine already, why should I pay you back!" Xia Na snorted, she couldn't wait to unpack and eat as she spoke, as if she was afraid that Lin Luo would really come to grab it.

Lin Luo felt amused in his heart, but said on his lips, "You seem to be very eager to see me?"

It's okay if he doesn't say this, Shana, who is not in a bad mood, immediately becomes stunned when he says this, "Nonsense! Don't you know how much trouble you have caused people? Then suddenly you do that kind of thing. , Have you ever thought about the feelings of other people? You think you are a hero and the machismo is satisfied. Do you think that other people will be as satisfied as you? It is too stupid to trade sacrifices in exchange for...

"..." Shana's mouth shot Lin Luo for a moment, staring at her incredulously, as if looking at a monster.

"What's your look?!" Shana's mouth twitched suddenly.

Lin Luo stepped forward, pressed her shoulders, and said in surprise: "Shana! Are you really Shana? You can say such mature words! Haven't you been possessed by someone else's soul? Unscientific!"

"..." Shana was startled, but then she understood Lin Luo's words, she became angry from anger, and pushed her away, "Long-wind! Long-wind! Long-wind!"

The three-winded combo directly shook Lin Luo dizzy. When he recovered, Shana's figure had been lost in front of him. After standing still for a while, he walked out while touching his head, with a dazed face. It’s really weird. Shana is so tired that she can speak such philosophical words. Which one is wrong? No, it’s because I have been abused by fate a lot recently, and my mind has changed. It was so vague that it caused auditory hallucinations... Ah, it turned out to be auditory hallucinations!"

Lin Luo found himself a reason to be self-righteous, and finally felt relieved. After all, a person who was originally self-willed suddenly becomes mature, which is really disturbing.

Lolita is in the heart of the elder sister, that kind of attribute is not suitable for Shana.

Back in the living room on the first floor, Lin Luo found that Shana was already there, sitting alone at the table, holding food in both hands, eating happily while shaking her feet, with a smile on her face.

As for what she eats? If someone asks this question, there is absolutely no lower limit on IQ, and Long Aotian can express his superiority in IQ to you in the sky. With Tsundere's urine, what else could make her eat so happy besides pineapple bread? Even if you don't understand her diet, you should understand the pile of pineapple bread on her table.

Shana obviously felt Lin Luo's arrival, but for her, eating is obviously more important than Lin Luo. Don't say hello, don't even look at him, just coldly snorted, don't look away, continue. Enjoy the pineapple bread in front of you.

Well, no matter how Shana's personality changes, her arrogant nature will never change... Lin Luo comforted herself, and then looked at the foodie on the opposite side and started thinking.

Why Shana has a soft spot for pineapple bread? For this, Lin Luo has always been ignorant of this. No matter how delicious things are, eat them every day, month to month, and year after year, one day they will get tired of eating it. Even CC eats pizza often with different flavors, such as potato flavor and tomato flavor, but why Shana only eats one flavor of pineapple bread but never feels tired?

I didn't want this question to be okay. I was eager to know the answer when I thought about it, so Lin Luo stepped forward and grabbed a pineapple bread from the hill.

Shana hadn’t put Lin Luo in her eyes, but she was like an enemy. She hurriedly bit the leftover half of pineapple bread with her mouth, stretched out her hands to move forward, and put the pineapple bread on the table. All the hills moved in front of him, and then stared at Lin Luo silently, as if to warn him that this was her territory.

What is this girl doing? The question mark in Lin Luo's head was very puzzled by Shana's sudden behavior like nothingness, which is neither science nor magic.

Forget it, let her go, it's more important to study the pineapple bread first... Lin Luo didn't drill horns, so he opened the wrapping paper in his hand and tasted it carefully. There must be a reason for Shana to like to eat pineapple bread. Maybe there is some special power in it. If she can understand or master this power, then in the future, whether it is horizontal training or vertical feeding, it will not be a problem.

Hey, although the taste isn't bad, it's not super delicious, and I can't feel that there is a special power in it, which is far less than the taste of sister shaking juice... Forget it, leave some space for your stomach, and you will eat sisters later. Shake the whole feast.

After taking a few bites, Lin Luo really couldn't be interested. In the end, she could only understand Shana’s love to eat pineapple bread as an instinctive nature that men love beautiful women and mice love rice. He just threw away half of the leftover pineapple bread. Go into the trash can next to it.


Today's Shana is really interesting. From the beginning, she turned a blind eye to the next enemy, and then went from staring at her to the current screaming screams, which fully reflected the inner change of this loli. This kind of ups and downs in literary terms is like fog like rain and wind, and in strategic terms...disrupting his state of mind, breaking his defenses, or it can be called: the state of mind is chaotic, not attacking oneself. broken.

Lin Luo faced Shana's roar with a dazed and ignorant expression, pointed to the trash can next to him, and said naturally, "Throw away the trash, is there any problem?"

"Trash...garbage?!" Shana seemed to hear something incredible, her face changing constantly, and then she lowered her head and the corners of her mouth moved, as if she was grinding her teeth.

Lin Luo saw that she was not grinding her teeth, but gnashing her teeth, with a somewhat bad premonition in her heart, but before he could confirm it, Shana suddenly violently rushed towards him like a little tiger, "You murderer! I will never forgive you!"


Lin Luo was caught off guard, and was immediately pushed to the ground by Shana, instinctively trying to reverse it, but Shana was faster than him, sitting directly on his waist, her fists fell like raindrops, "Kill you! Kill you!" Kill you! You murderer!"

Shana did not use power beyond the norm. Although this small fist seemed to be swift and violent, it was not inferior to Saint Seiya Xiaoqiang's Shenma Meteor Fist, but the actual strength was not very good, at least for Lin Luo. Not only is it not painful or itchy, but it is more like giving him a massage.

So Lin Luo didn't resist, and was happy to enjoy Shana's massage, but couldn't let go of what she said, "Wait! Wait! What murderer? Who on earth did I kill that made you feel bad?" "Is it the younger brother of Yuer?" That's not right, that guy was killed by Netherworld, what does it matter to me?

Shana stopped her pink fist, but did not leave Lin Luo, but glared at him, pointing at the trash can next to her, "Pineapple Bread, you murderer who killed the Pineapple Bread!"


Lin Luo sprayed the seedlings too early. Where is this?

"Hey, hey, you are not mistaken? I just threw the leftover pineapple bread into the trash can. At most, it was a waste of food. As for giving me a murderer charge?" Lin Luo felt depressed. , If Dou E knew about this matter, she would probably feel that she was more wronged than her.

"Isn't it!" Shana immediately wrapped Qingtian and Hairui's upper body, speaking righteously, "You won't forget what you said last time? The people of the red world can eat people, which is a heinous crime for people. Chicken, duck and fish meat is also a heinous crime for the latter, as well as pineapple bread."

Lin Luo was even more at a loss, "Of course I didn't forget these words, but according to this theory, not only did I throw away the pineapple bread, it didn't kill, but released it. The real murderer is you..."

"Long-winded! Long-winded! Long-winded!" Before Lin Luo could speak, Shana directly gave him three roaring combos, plus a fist, and then said in a straightforward tone, "Last time I could not refute your words, it was because I was at that time. I'm not mature yet, but now, I have grown up no matter what..."

No, your **** still haven't grown...Lin Luo looked at Shana's **** that hadn't swelled up at all, and couldn't help but vomit. Of course, he didn't dare to say these words and could only slander in his heart.

If he really dared to say it face-to-face, it would not be Shana's small fist that would hit him, but Zhi Dianzhana.

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