The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 928: Our fetters swallow this sky

"Call in! Runaway team!"

As soon as Heiyan said this, a violent shock rushed out from her, sending the chasing Momo away, and she was astonished, and then she saw that Heiyan was the center, and suddenly appeared in the four directions of her southeast, northwest and southeast. After four black holes with a diameter of more than two meters long, four figures slowly emerged from the black hole.

To the east is a black-haired, green-eyed, pale-skinned girl in black bodysuit. She has a pair of coccyx-like horns on her head, holding a black death sickle, and two huge black skulls floating around her. , Emitting a terrible green light, which is daunting.

I rely on! Isn't that the ruler of death? !

The moment Lin Luo saw her, he almost stared at her, because the demon-like girl was not someone else, she lived with Heiyan in the pure white world, and she was also Heiyan’s mortal enemy and the master of the doomsday world. ... Lin Luo expressed shock that this guy would become the guardian seal of Black Rock!

What about the others?

Lin Luo looked again. From the black hole in the south, there was a loli with short white hair, with a black hood covering her lips, and two huge steel wrists in her hands, which looked extremely inconsistent with her figure. , And behind her was a metal spine-shaped tail, swaying slightly... This person Lin Luo also knew, who was also a resident of the pure white world, who called for power!

In addition, to the west is also a woman with long horns on her head, with long half-black and half-red hair, white skin and red eyes, and a red flame burning in her right eye. Even the devil's horns on her head are red, and her hands But they are two pairs of bone claws, the costumes are the same as Heiyan, and she holds a sawtooth knife that is about the same length as her height in her right hand... Of course, this guy is also a monster in the pure white world-the black gold saw hand!

Finally, coming out of the northern black hole is a yellow-haired girl with a thorn ring on her head, her limbs wrapped in cold iron armor, her feet are composed of two wheels, but the most impressive thing is that The cold vision that seems to be able to see through people's hearts, as if there is no emotion... This guy also comes from the pure white world-the battle wheel fairy!

Although Lin Luo can guess from the name, Heiyan’s Seal of Protection will definitely not only be one person, but a group, but he never expected that Heiyan would summon these guys out, although he does not deny them. There is indeed a connection, but their relationship seems to be unfriendly?

And...what kind of runaway team is this? It's obviously a monster army!

Lin Luo felt a huge violation.

Setsuna and Munaoka probably hadn't seen Heiyan's seal of protection before, and they were shocked when they suddenly saw so many weird guys.

"Wow, there are so many, it's terrible." Mu Nao Xiang covered her mouth and exclaimed, but although she said terrible in her mouth, she didn't see any fear in her eyes, but seemed very interested.

"Miss, don't be careless, these guys are very strong!" Setsuna knew that Mu Naoxiang was not nervous by nature, and couldn't help reminding that, in her opinion, no matter which of these four people were of the same level as her, they existed.

Although this was just a battle against each other, and their strength would not be life-threatening, both sides were fighting with all their strength. Just in case, they instinctively returned to Mu Naoxiang and guarded her.

"Hehe." Just when Setsuna returned to defense, the Death Lord suddenly smirked, and he rushed over in an instant. Two bones spewed green light to interfere with Setsana's sight, and the dark death sickle slashed straight towards the set of necks. As if to put it to death.

Instant expression tightened, ignoring the interference of the green light, and slashed out a sword at the fastest speed, only hearing a clang sound, the Tai Sword collided with the sickle, bursting out fierce sparks.

At the same time, the black gold saw hand swiftly fired from the other side, and the serrated knife slashed towards Setsuna.

Instantly resisted the death lord's slash, but couldn't make a move. In desperation, he had to raise his feet together, and dangerously framed the attack of the black gold saw hand.

But this was a battle with more bullying and less bullying. At this moment, the "power" rushed to Shina's body like lightning, and the wrist made of steel adzes heavily on Shina's stomach...Boom!

As the name suggests, "power" has no other advantages. Only that strange power is unmatched among the inhabitants of the pure white world. Even if the others add up, it is probably not as good as her. Just one blow , Setsuna almost fainted, her face pale for a while, even Mu Naoxiang who was not far behind her was shocked by this strange force.

It's just a strange force loli.


However, the attack of the runaway team did not end there. At the same time that the three of them succeeded in one blow, the wheels of the wheel of the goblin rolled under their feet, bursting out flames in the friction with the air, and hitting the past from top to bottom.

"Woo!" With one enemy and four opponents, all opponents of the same level as her, it is a ghost that can be beaten in an instant. At this time, facing the attack of the chakra goblin, let alone resist, she could not even avoid it.

"Ah, bullying Xiaosha like that, I don't agree!" Seeing that Setsuna was unable to fight back under the combined attack of the four, he was a little anxious. With a wave of his hand, the Dongfeng Cypress fan and Nanfeng Suehiro flew suddenly. Going out, four huge water columns rolled up from the sea, instantly forming a hundred-meter-long water dragon, and swept toward the runaway team.

"I won't let you succeed." Heiyan rushed towards her quickly... She was very aware of Mu Naoxiang's leisurely character. She knew that if she was not a last resort, Mu Nao Xiang would not use all her strength. Since she wanted to fight with all her strength, she had With some extraordinary means, this moment is the best opportunity.

"Hehe, although Turk water, but here is the sea, it saves me a lot of effort, it is not always clear who can do it." Mu Naoxiang was fearless, still looking like she did not feel nervous, and waved her bare hand again. "The chant of the water god!"

In an instant, a water giant more than a hundred meters high appeared on the surface of the sea, not only dissolving Black Rock's attack, but the palm that covered the sky and sun was smashed against Black Rock fiercely.

"Earth is everywhere." Heiyan suddenly pointed to the front and shot, a breath of earth gushing out of the sea, before the water god's attack fell, the entire water giant was petrified by her.

"Oh! It's amazing, it really is a little restrained." The surprise on Mu Naoxiang's face flashed, and the next moment, incomparable magic power poured out of her body, all entered into the petrified water giant, just for a moment , The rock on the surface was crushed, and the palm of the water giant fell down. Heiyan was caught off guard and was blasted away.

Turk water is common sense, but if the power of the two differs too much, there is no restraint. As for the concentration of power, Munako, which has unlimited magic power, is obviously above the black rock.

On the other side, the four water dragons also showed great power. Before the attack of the chakra goblin fell on Mossana, one of the water dragons bit her severely and fell into the sea.

Seeing that the opportunity was not good, the other three retreated immediately, avoiding the bombardment of the water dragon.

At the same time, a hose wrapped around Shina's waist and brought her back to Mu Naoxiang.

Repelling Heiyan with only one person's power, and pushing back the runaway team, and rescued from their joint attack, Mu Naoxiang's tyrannical strength was finally revealed at this moment, and Lin Luo was also surprised to see it.

Munaoka's frontal combat effectiveness is not good? Who actually said this sentence! stand out! ...Well, you can just ignore that sentence, just as if you haven't seen it before.

"Xiaosha, you're all right, it's great." Mu Naoxiang smiled.

"Miss..." Setsuna was somewhat surprised at this, thinking that she would lose, but she didn't expect to be rescued by Mu Naoxiang, even she did not know that Mu Naoxiang's strength was so powerful.

However, although she was surprised, she had no time to deal with this, because the runaway team and Heiyan had flown from a distance. Although they were repelled by Mu Naoxiang, they were clearly unharmed.

"Oh, it seems to be in trouble." Mu Naoka still smiled leisurely, but she also paid attention to it... In fact, she has very few attack skills and her attack mode is very monotonous, but she just hits with water. Only by relying on infinite magic power can the attack appear fierce. If it is facing a small character who is not influencing, it can scare the enemy to piss, but facing an opponent of the same level, and it is still a host, then there is a problem.

The same move cannot be used twice against the Saint Seiya, so I can barely quote it here.

"There is no way, we have to use our nirvana, Xiao Sha." Faced with this situation, Mu Nao Xiang suddenly grabbed Setsana's hand and blinked.

Susuna was puzzled at first, but it soon became clear, and he nodded heavily, "Yeah."

At this moment, the distance between Heiyanjia Runaway Team and Mu Naoxiang is more than kilometer. It seems that they are far away, but in fact they are very close. Heiyan sees their hands together, and his heart suddenly moved, "No, go back!"

After hearing the words, the running team retreated like lightning, but it was too late...

"Our fetters..." Mu Nao Xiang and Setsuna held hands, and a stream of water lifted them up, and the two said in unison, "Whale! Swallow! God!"

boom! ! !

Suddenly, a huge whale more than a thousand meters long leaped out of the Black Sea. When spraying the sea that covered the sky and obscured the sun, the mouth that was enough to swallow a small mountain was also wide open, the war-wheel fairy and the strange Liluo. Li was closer, before she had time to escape, she was swallowed immediately, and then returned to the sea with a bang.

Seeing this scene, even Lin Luo was stunned. Two intermediate level masters were swallowed, and...not only people, but the sky on that side was swallowed by whales!

Somewhere above the Black Sea, there was a huge gap in the original blue sky suddenly, and endless black was revealed in that gap... This is the sky swallowed by the sky!

That whale is exactly the seal of Mu Naoxiang's original guardianship-the sky-swallowing whale!

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