The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 922: Sure enough, Hatsune is not a goddess, the real goddess is...

The jade of the true four souls has changed because it has absorbed enough souls. Lin Luo speculates that it is a phased change, because he discovered that every time the soul has absorbed a certain amount, the dim red arrow will gradually become clear. , The time of manifestation is much longer than at the beginning.

Lin Luo didn't know where the arrow was pointing, but it didn't prevent him from following the arrow.

For nearly ten days, Lin Luo has been dealing with this red arrow. He walked out of the Liber Kingdom, passed through the Erebonian Empire, and entered the autonomous prefecture at the junction of the Empire and the Kalvard Republic. Finally, he was guided by the red arrow. An ancient ruin entrance was found in the autonomous prefecture.

The entrance of the ancient ruins is in a very remote place. It looks no different from the ruins. The entrance is also blocked by many big rocks, and there are hidden organs. It is hard to imagine that there will be ancient ruins here, even if someone knows it. , It may not be able to find the entrance.

Even Lin Luo was guided by the red arrow, and it took a long time to find the entrance.

"It seems to be here, the destination of our trip." Lin Luo stood in front of the entrance and said sternly.

Just in case, Huangquan Kagura had put Finalea away, and the two followed Lin Luo, their expressions somewhat solemn, and they could faintly feel that there was a very powerful force below, but it did not exist. The power of this world.

"Look, there are footprints here!" Suddenly, Kagura pointed to the entrance and exclaimed.

Lin Luo looked in the direction she was pointing, and she saw a row of shallow footprints. The traces were very light and the steps were very small. They looked like the footprints of a child. Moreover, "The footprints are very new. They should have been stepped on not long ago. Only the footprints that went in were the ones that went up, but there were no footprints that came out. It seems that the person should still be inside."

Lin Luo was a little surprised. He didn't expect someone to rush to find this ancient relic before him. You should know that from the surrounding circumstances, this ancient relic should have been undiscovered for nearly a hundred years... It can also be deduced from this. , It is not easy to find the person of this ancient ruin, although the person may be just a child.

"Although there should be no problem, be careful." Lin Luo reminded the two of them to wake up, and after the two nodded, the three of them marched towards the ruins together.

In order to prevent being discovered, Lin Luo restored the entrance of the cave to its original shape after entering.

Just as Lin Luo expected, this ancient relic is also a maze. The road turns around and it is easy to get lost, and there are various defensive measures inside. It is very powerful... Of course, that is only for ordinary people. For the three of Lin Luo and the others, the defensive measures here are still only scum with a combat power of 5, with the guidance of the red arrow, and there is no fear of getting lost.

"Sure enough, someone entered first." If it was just a guess before, then when Lin Luo saw the debris of various defensive robots scattered on the road, he was absolutely sure.

"The wave of power that I felt just now is enough to threaten our safety. If the wave of power is caused by this person..." Huang Quan frowned slightly, with a trace of worry in his eyes.

Lin Luo shook his head, and said as he walked, "I'm overwhelmed. I can feel the power fluctuations, but it's not a living thing. It should be an energy left behind by someone. If I'm not mistaken... …Probably it has something to do with the jade of the true four souls in my hand."

"If this is the case, there should be no problem."

"Anyway, it's not bad to be careful."

Lin Luo could feel that the place that exuded powerful power was the target that the red arrow directed them to, and it was most likely left by the madman in Hatsune's mouth.

There is no doubt that Hatsune is a quasi-celestial rank. Even she dared not fight with that madman. It cannot be said that that madman is stronger than her, but at least she is also a powerhouse of the same level.

The mysterious person who entered before them need not be concerned, but the energy fluctuations cannot be ignored even if they are not living creatures. The three of them proceeded cautiously. After a while, the red arrow on the Jade of the True Four Souls suddenly stopped. Turn, aim straight at a room in front of them.

"It's the end point." Lin Luo stopped and said to the two girls next to him, "We don't know what's inside at the moment. Just in case of accidents, it's better for you to stay outside. I'll go inside and check if If there is any danger, you can also rescue them in time."

"I understand."

"Well, brother, be careful."

Both Huang Quan and Kagura nodded, then Lin Luo gathered up his mood and entered the opposite room more cautiously.

The light in the room is very dark. I don’t know if it’s caused by the energy fluctuations. Even with his power, he can’t see things ten meters away. Fortunately, the room is not very big, although it’s a bit darker and has a strange shape. A little bit, but it does not prevent him from conducting a detailed search.

A few minutes later, Lin Luo saw a row of words on a wall, exactly the same as Hatsune's writing on the ancient device, of course, the meaning was completely different.

"It's been a month since I chased that guy, but it was disappointing that I couldn't catch her anyway, and the world was too ordinary and unpleasant. So, in order to make this world more lively, just Sprinkle the seven treasures with my miraculous power... Finally, Lady Onion! Become my friend as a cosmic person, and associate with me!... BY Haruhi Suzumiya."

Haruhi Suzumiya! That lunatic turned out to be Haruhi Suzumiya! ! !

"I've got a lot of grass!" After reading this passage, Lin Luo only felt that a surge of real energy from his dantian penetrated through the two channels of Ren Du and broke through his forehead. It really rushed into the night and almost made him soar in the day.

Fortunately, Lin Luo's cultivation was advanced and did not soar, but his worldview collapsed once again...The Seven Treasures, known as the relics of the goddess, with unimaginable power, that the association tried so hard to snatch, turned out to be It's just something that Kasuga sprinkled casually in order to make the world lively.

How embarrassing is this!

It seems that the goddess of the sky is not Hatsune, but Kasuga.

Since it is a lawless head, it is understandable that Hatsune dared not fight with her. After all, the most terrifying thing about Kasuga is not her ability, but her "ignorance" and boldness.

However, judging from the passage she left behind, she seems to have recognized her own power, and it is also extremely powerful... The so-called miracle power, although I don’t know what it is, it is just a leftover period. Words can produce such a huge energy fluctuation, which is enough.

Realizing your own power and jumping out of your own world, will Kasuga be a heavenly rank? In theory, this should be the case, but there is a special case, and that is the host!

If Haruhi is the host of the Heart of the World, even if she is not a heavenly rank, she can still jump out of the world... There is such a troublesome host, what a hell! The thought of facing Haruhi Suzumiya in the future made Lin Luo a headache. At the same time, he also felt sad for the world.

Having one Hatsune is enough to cheat, and now there is another leader... Judging from what Hatsune did before, her personality is a bit lawless. Although it will not cause major troubles, she does some extraordinary things, and Kasuga just Not to mention, if Kailin in the fantasy fantasy is a miracle maker, then Kasuga is a trouble maker. This world has been continuously chased into by these two lawless guys, which is really...a little bit forward, to the air-track world of heaven.

"Ling Annihilate!"

Just as Lin Luo was sighing about his future and the encounter in this world, a cold voice suddenly came from the darkness, and at the same time, a sharp aura burst through the air and attacked Lin Luo straight.

"Sure enough, I knew it would be like this, although his identity was a bit beyond my expectations." Lin Luo didn't change his face in the face of the sneak attack. While speaking, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the rock with his bare hands. The sharp edges of the two halves.

Since Lin Luo knew that someone had come to the ruins before him, how could he be unprepared? When he entered just now, he felt that there was another person in this room, but because the power was too far behind him, he pretended not to know and waited for the other person to take the initiative to jump out.

The moment the other party started his hand, he felt it, and when he heard the name of the move, he knew even better who was the one who attacked him.


With only a soft sound, the weapon that the opponent had cut was already clamped by Lin Luo's two fingers.

Staring at him, as he expected, the one who attacked him was a little girl, about the same size as Tida, and she was quite cute. She has long burgundy hair, a black forged belt tied to her head, and she is wearing a white dress with a slight smile on her face. She can faintly feel her surprise.

The weapon the little girl used to attack was a scythe that was as long as her.

"Hehe, the elder brother is so powerful, he can even block Ling's nirvana with his bare hands." The little girl's face flashed astonishment, and she smiled innocently as if she was okay.

"Don't tell me whether it's powerful or not, since you are swinging a butcher knife at me, then you must be aware of being counter-killed, and let me train you well!" While speaking, Lin Luo raised his left hand and slapped it down.

"Ah!" The face of the little girl who claimed to be Ling suddenly changed. She felt that her body could not move, and the palm of her hand was even more shocking.


Ling was startled and closed her eyes instinctively.

"Huh?" After waiting for a moment, Ling didn't feel the palm falling on her body. She opened her eyes and saw that there were two feet where she entered. After looking carefully, she found that she was actually carried on her shoulder.

"Why didn't you kill Ling?" Ling looked at Lin Luo in surprise. She had already seen from the blow just now that the opponent's strength far surpassed her. Killing herself was just a simple effort, and she also felt his Murderous, but now...

Lin Luo turned his head and glanced at her disdainfully, "Tsk, do you think that eating lunch or killing you is more important?"

"Huh?" Ling looked blank after hearing these words, and couldn't understand the connection between the two.

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