The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 794: Female girl female, knight Ji made her debut

Lin Luo quickly found out that he had made a mistake. Although the knight not far away was similar in shape to my king, his profile was almost the same as my king, his armor was also very similar to my king's, and the color of his hair was exactly the same as my king's. , But he is not Altria... The Book of Contract did not respond to him.

Lin Luo soon knew who this person was. After all, in this era and this place, there are not many people who look so similar to Altria, and even make them almost admit their mistakes... This person directly caused Aalto. Liya is on the verge of death, and the age of King Arthur has come to an end. Mordred, the child born by the combination of Altria and her half-sister Morgan, daughter and daughter.

Lin Luo didn't expect to meet this important person so soon. He already wanted to go back, but when he saw Mordred at the moment, he immediately changed his mind. After all, he was still a little interested in this person... , How was it born?

Mordred walked into a tavern alone without any retinue. Lin Luo followed him quietly... One advantage of playing with Lihua is that no matter what you do, she She would not ask any questions, she would only follow you silently, so even if she didn't eat the Mapo tofu she wanted to eat, she still followed Lin Luo silently.

Probably before the time for dinner, there were not many people in the tavern. Mordred was sitting by a window drinking and eating food, while Lin Luo sat on his right back side, secretly observing him.

From his appearance, Mordred was not very old, he was about sixteen or seventeen years old, and his eyebrows seemed a little feminine, giving him a faint feeling of scheming. Although he has a female face and a slender figure, he is a man. This can be seen from his drinking posture. At least no woman can drink as powerfully as he does. Pouring into his mouth...The exception is the drunkard of Yichu Cuixiang.

Lin Luo observed for more than ten minutes, and found that he was drinking besides drinking. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Originally, he wanted to observe some useful information. After thinking about it, Lin Luo couldn't help but feel funny. He knew exactly what Mordred would do in the future. Does he need to observe?

Forget it, let's go back.

Lin Luo didn't decide what to do with Mordred for a while. The reason why he came with him just now was largely because of the female girl. At this moment, he didn't want to stay anymore because he was not interested.

Just before he got up, several voices suddenly came from the side.

"Oh, no, King Arthur doesn't understand human feelings at all."

"He always thought that what he did was right, but he didn't know how the people felt..."

"Who said no, Wang, he wasn't acting like that."


It was a few guests in the next room who spoke. Although they spoke very softly, they could still hear clearly with Lin Luo's ears. He also knew that words that were very unfavorable to King Arthur had begun to circulate, but he didn't expect to hear it in places like the tavern... I have to say that speech is indeed very free.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo twitched at the corner of his mouth, and could not help showing a sneer.

"Huh, a bunch of foolish people."

Indeed, in Lin Luo's view, Altria has always been constrained by ideals. He abandoned his feelings as a human being and only guarded the country in a mechanical manner. It was indeed a wrong approach. To put it nicely, she is too idealistic, but to put it ugly, she is a second-degree girl.

Lin Luo liked her persistence, and also hated her persistence, which made people love and hate, but even if she failed no matter how much she did, she was always a good emperor. Because everything she did was not for herself, but for the country and the people, in order to protect the country and the people, she even gave up her life.

A fifteen-year-old young girl in the season gave up love and tenderness, chose a life of iron-blooded killing, and chose the road of the king who could not turn back. How many people can do it?

Everyone has the right to criticize her, but this country and people alone do not.

No qualifications!

Because without King Arthur, this country would not have been invaded by foreign races long ago, and it was either reduced to a colony or annexed; without King Arthur, there would be no people here, either killed or driven away, or reduced to slavery; no King Arthur, there would be no place to live and work here, and it has long been a battlefield.

The country survived because of the power of King Arthur, and the people, who were saved by the power of King Arthur, enjoyed everything that King Arthur had bestowed, but they were criticizing King Arthur's wrong behavior, which is ridiculous.

Such a king is tens of millions of times better than those corrupt officials who only know how to make money for their own pockets, and those who only know how to enjoy luxury.... No, the two can’t be compared at all. How can gold be? Can garbage be compared?

If a country that only knows the money is led by people like Altria, how can there be so many people in Cao Ying's heart.

Lin Luo didn't like Altria's actions, but he was even more displeased with the people of this country, but he didn't have the idea of ​​using these people to operate... just a bunch of foolish people, he didn't have time to waste on them, this country To put it bluntly, it has nothing to do with me.

His goal is only Altria.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo suddenly felt a gaze shooting towards him, turned his head and looked at Mordred. I saw him walking towards him with a wine bowl, grinning, "Fool, do you think so too?"


Lin Luo was stunned immediately. He knew that he had made two mistakes today. First, he almost recognized Mordred as Altria, and second, he regarded Mordred as a man.

Mordred's drinking posture is more manly than a man, but she is a woman.

There is no sign of femininity in Mordred's behavior, but she is female.

Mordred had a washboard figure with no bulges on her chest, but she was female.

Mordred tried to change her voice, making her voice more hoarse, but she was female.


The moment Mordred spoke, her gender was completely exposed. Even if her change deceived anyone, it could not deceive Lin Luo. After all, Lin Luo has experience in disguising as a man, although he is a little bit It's a bit misleading, but it's just that the bone spirit is too cunning, coupled with his preconceivedness, and failed to use the golden eyes in time...After all, Mordred is accused of killing a father (or a mother?), and it is difficult for him to take her before contact. See it as a girl.

However, no matter how cunning the Bone Spirit was, there was still nothing to hide when he encountered the golden eyes. Facts have proved that Mordred is a knight girl.

"What? Do you want to deny it?" Mordred sat in front of Lin Luo as familiar, with a sly smile in his eyes, as if he had grasped Lin Luo's handle.

Lin Luo knew that she should have heard what she said just now. Also, as one of the knights of the round table, Mordred, even if she is not as good as the knights of the Yangtze River, Gawain, and Kai, but her strength is extremely high, otherwise how would he hurt Altria? It's not surprising to hear your own whispers.

But, from what she said just now, she seems to have the same thoughts as herself?

"It's a fool indeed." Lin Luo smiled and said indifferently. He didn't have to deny it at all. "Do you think so too?"

"Huh!" Knight Ji snorted coldly, poured half of the wine in her hand into her mouth, looked at the next room, and said with disdain, "Fool people, there will always be the value of fool people."

"You are a knight. The duty of a knight is to protect the country and the people. It's not a good thing to say that." Lin Luo heard it. Knight Ji's thoughts are similar to her own, but she seems to be happy to comment on this kind of thing. If Altria is a hero, then her daughter is a hero.

"Knight?" The disdain in Knight Ji's eyes grew stronger. "Chivalry is not used in this kind of place, and chivalry alone can't hold the country. Don't you think so? The future Lord Palace Lord Sir Hades ."

"Uh..." Lin Luo was stunned. This knight girl unexpectedly knew her identity. The news was really well-informed. It was indeed the prince... No, it was Princess Taiping.

Knight Ji shook Lin Luo at what she said, and couldn't help showing a trace of complacency, and said again, "Sir Sir Cai has been observing me for so long. I wonder if I got any useful information?"

"So you always knew it." Lin Luo finally understood that this knight Ji came prepared.

"Of course, I am a Knight of the Round Table." Although Knight Ji disagrees with the spirit of chivalry, she still shows a hint of pride when it comes to the words Knight of the Round Table.

"Oh, it turned out to be Sir Mordred, the Knight of the Round Table." Lin Luo nodded calmly.

"It seems that you are not easy, Sir Hades." Knight Ji frowned. She hasn't reported her identity yet, but Lin Luo knows her name, but she doesn't care, she looks at her. Lihua played, "I heard that this is your assistant..."

"Well, her name is Christina."

"The name is long enough." Knight Ji seemed a little dissatisfied.

Your eldest sister, don’t think I don’t know that your name is Mordred Pandoragon. Which one is longer, five characters or eight characters? They all say that you have **** and no brains, I think you have no **** and no brains!

Lin Luo wanted to roar, and even complained about the assistant's name. This is unbearable!

"Miss Cavalier Ji, what are you doing when you come to me?" Lin Luo, based on the principle that you complain about me, and I also keep you from coming to stage, exposes the true face of Cavalier Ji.

"What are you talking about?!" Knight Ji originally had a confident expression, but she suddenly widened her eyes when she heard this, and said angrily, "You call me Miss? I'm a man!"

Lin Luo didn't speak, but just rolled her eyes. The meaning was very clear: Come on, you Xibei, what kind of costume? Even if you wear a double beard, you are still a Ji!

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