The Book of Maiden Contract

Chapter 338: The battle for the pinnacle begins, Lin Luo VS Al

The battle of the top four came to an end. The remaining four people are undoubtedly the top powerhouses in this martial arts conference, and even those who have a certain understanding of the underground world can more or less see it, even if In the entire underground world, these four people are definitely the most powerful. Therefore, in this kind of competition where there are limitations and cannot display their full strength, it is not surprising that no matter who wins.

The list of the semi-finals is: Lin Luo VS Gunell, Evangeline VS Sixteen Night Sakuya. Because of the important repairs to the death ring several times, the first game of the semi-finals will be held in half an hour.

Due to the excitement of the previous few games, the enthusiasm of the audience has been adjusted to the highest level. Even during the intermission, no one left. Instead, it continued to increase upward. There were some perspectives in the audience. A good place is already crowded. For the next three games, everyone is looking forward to it. Whether it is real or realistic or with the help of props, they all want to see who can win the championship of this martial arts tournament.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the audience, Ma Fanliang’s magic teachers seem to have a very headache, because the game of this martial arts tournament has been circulated widely on the Internet, and the forum has almost been fired up. They are very worried if the game is played. Continue, will it expose the existence of the magical world?

Some magic teachers proposed to forcibly stop the game. Although this proposal was approved by most people, it was finally rejected by the academy. It's not that he didn't know the significant impact that this martial arts conference might have, but because he couldn't destroy the spirit of Ma Fanliang Academy.

Although Ma Fanliang College is relatively strict in some education and life issues, it is very free to be active in independent innovation of students, and it is almost ranked highest in the world. There are almost a thousand extracurricular clubs for students to give full play to their strengths in the entire Ma Fanliang College, and some clubs are very famous in the academy city. Among them, the super bun shop and the University Engineering Research Department are the most outstanding. .

The main person in charge of Chaobaozidian and the engineering research department of the university is Chaolingyin. Even if some of her technology wins the Nobel Prize, she can still win incomparable honors, far ahead of this era. And the martial arts conference hosted by her now, if they are forcibly blocked, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be unpredictable consequences, and it will also discourage the enthusiasm of countless students. This is not in line with the spirit of Ma Fanliang Academy.

Although Ma Fanliang Academy was originally a school of magic and was founded by magicians, it has been fully integrated into the world of light and is even famous all over the world. Therefore, if the above situation occurs, then Ma Fanliang's reputation will have a big problem, this is not something that can be said and passed.

Regarding the exposure of the magical world, although the current situation is indeed a bit anxious, it is not yet dangerous, and it is not impossible to solve it. And there is nowhere to judge that the purpose of super ringing is to expose the magical world, as long as it is slightly controlled after the game, it can still cover up this matter.

After all, in this era, no matter how real things are on the Internet, as long as they don’t see it with their own eyes, not many people will believe it. Even if some people really believe it, there are definitely a small number of people who cannot affect the overall situation.

Therefore, after some discussions, Ma Fanliang's magic teachers still did not come forward to stop, and let this martial arts conference continue. Of course, not blocking does not mean turning a blind eye. For Chao Ling Yin's real purpose of holding this martial arts conference, they need to investigate. If it is a last resort, it will be fine to forcibly stop it.


"How about it, is that okay?" Satomi Hakase sat in front of a machine in a room full of fluorescent screens and asked the girl next to her.

Chao Lingyin smiled slightly and believed: "As I expected, Ma Fanliang will not stop the game. Of course, even if they really want to stop it, I still have the last resort to make this game go smoothly. Go on."

"That's good." Ye Kase breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "But it really surprised me. I thought that even if the game had an impact, it wouldn't be too much, but I didn't expect so much exaggeration. Things have completely exceeded expectations, so that we can make our plan a higher success rate."

"Indeed." Chao Lingyin nodded, "Since the semi-finals, I have given me too many surprises. Every game has surpassed the power that the light world can achieve, even in the underground world. The upper level, but what I look forward to more is the back..."

Speaking of this, Chao Ling Yin pressed a button next to him, and then a screen popped up with the heads of four people clearly printed on it. They were the contestants in the semi-finals.

Looking at this screen, Chao Ling Yin seemed to laugh happily, "With the strength of these four people, the battle between them might shock the world, haha."

"Are they so strong?" Ye Kase asked puzzledly. Although it has not been a short time since she helped Chao Lingyin complete the plan, she is still a person in the bright world after all, and she doesn't know everything about the underground world.

"They are not that strong, but very, very strong. Even in the entire underground world, they are one of the few." Chao Lingyin laughed, "Although the Sixteen Nights teacher is ours, we can still draw out three sums. Monsters of her same level, I didn't think of it at first, if they were not enemies, they would be very lucky."

"Yeah." Ye Kase nodded, and suddenly said in a panic, "Oops, someone has already begun investigating us, and they sent someone to sneak into the arsenal!"

"I've been there already, do you really have a hand, who are they?"

"It's Mr. Gao Long, Mr. Neji, classmates Setsuna and classmate Asuna, classmate Gao Yin and classmate Zuo Cang Aiyi."

"It's them, that would be a bit of a hassle... Then leave it to you." Chao Lingyin frowned for a while, then said to someone behind him.

"Do you want me to deal with six people? You really can count on me." The man said lightly. The tall figure and calm expression are the real name of Dragon Palace.

Chao Lingyin smiled and said: "With your skill and the things I gave you, as long as you don't let the water go, it should be easy to take down the six of them."

"Hmph." Long Palace's real name also implied a smile, "Don't worry, take people money and people to eliminate disasters, since I took your job, I will naturally try my best. This is my professional ethics. "

With that, she turned and walked out.

"Then, let me look forward to... all aspects."


Thirty minutes later, the first match of the semi-finals was held as scheduled. Lin Luo and Gunnell were already standing on the ring. After Asakura Kazumi announced the start of the match, the two did not make any moves and still stood face to face.

"That... the game has already started." After about a minute, seeing that the two still had no intention of doing anything, Asakura Kazumi reminded embarrassingly.

"I know, we are waiting." Lin Luo nodded and said.

"Wait? What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for you to end." Lin Luo looked at her and smiled, "This game is different from the previous one. If you stay here with the fuel bottle, we may not be able to play as much as possible. ."

"Uh!" Asakura Kazumi was taken aback for a moment, opening her mouth as if thinking something, but at this time she saw Lin Luo's expression became a little stern, and there was no time for joking in her eyes, so she couldn't help but move.

As the host, stand on the ring and explain to the audience that this is necessary. This is her job, so... Forget it, let's stop. The game now has become more and more exaggerated. The previous few games have made me scared. Who knows what will happen now, and I can't understand it more and more, and there is no way to explain it.

Thinking of this, Asakura Kazumi immediately stopped hesitating, turned and ran off the ring.

"Then, let's start, Al." After Asakura left, Lin Luo looked at each other and smiled.

Al also smiled, "Call me Gunell, I use this name now."

"No, there are too many words, it is troublesome to write." Lin Luo smiled lightly, and then disappeared into place in an instant. Almost at the same time, a tens of meters in diameter suddenly sank on the ground where Lin Luo was standing just now. Da Keng seemed to be oppressed by an invisible force.

"Ah, I missed the first blow." Al smiled awkwardly, retracted his hand that was in the air, and then floated up like a ghost and swept to the side.

A figure appeared beside him, with a fist of thunder light directly hitting his neck...It was Lin Luo.

"Continuous momentary movement of the void? This is quite difficult." Al's face was calm, his body leaned back slightly, and easily escaped Lin Luo's attack.

"This kind of thing is not a piece of cake for you." Lin Luo changed his posture along with his fist brushing the corner of the opponent's clothes and kicked out with his right foot.

"Small heavy pressure on the black hole." Al stretched out his hand and gently pressed against the place Lin Luo kicked over. A palm-sized black ball suddenly appeared there.

"You guy is really bad..." In the middle of speaking, Lin Luo had disappeared from midair again, and instantly withdrew from a distance of more than ten meters, with a somewhat depressed expression on his face, "Even so, with such a relaxed expression, he used such a scary expression. It’s retribution for playing black holes."

"Because if I don't use my full strength, I will lose." Al stretched his hand and pointed, and the black ball shot towards Lin Luo like lightning.

"That's why I said..." Lin Luo suddenly had an extra wooden knife in his hand, and he slashed it out at the black ball. It was the Demon Sword Ninomiya Sword. "You have to adjust the body a little bit."

When the white light fell, the black ball was instantly cut in half, and then...

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