The Body Swap Game

51. Idle gameplay

Xia Yu's house, ten thirty in the evening.

Youxue looked away from the TV screen and glanced at the phone.

It is already ten forty in the evening, and my brother has not come back yet.

She fell down, turned her back to the TV, and reached out to hug the pillow. The warmth of the pillows drives away the chill of the night.

On the TV, the sound of the host doing a rap performance, echoed in the empty home.

After a while, the phone rang suddenly, and Youxue immediately sat up and picked up the phone.

Brother!...won't you come tonight? in the teacher's house?

Turning off the phone, Youxue fell into deep thought.

Combined with the smell of perfume on the jacket before, my brother definitely found a woman outside!

Youxue thought calmly and analyzed carefully.

Mommy, am I about to get cold?

If you don’t return home today, if you don’t return all day tomorrow, you won’t want me the day after tomorrow!

Hugging the pillow, Youxue calmed down and started a new round of analysis.

My brother is not short of money, nor is he a weak boy, so the possibility of being taken care of by a rich woman is extremely low.

It must have been seduced by a bad woman using her body!

This kind of bad woman has many problems on her body, and her only weapon is her body.

After thinking for a minute, Youxue picked up her phone and made a call.

Hey, Lili, I remember you said you had a sister before?


On the other side, Xia Yu didn't know that Youxue was already pimping herself, so he returned to the villa with Kong Hanyue and Zhong Yunze.

Let's go, continue learning Guzheng! Kong Hanyue stopped after taking two steps by the palm of his hand.

No, it's rare that you don't go back today, go take a shower first. She pushed Xia Yu into the bathroom again.

After taking a shower, Xia Yu understood Kong Hanyue's purpose.

The clothes Kong Hanyue prepared for him was a set of blue Hanfu.

Putting on the Hanfu, Xia Yu came to the guzheng room. Kong Hanyue had already changed into a Hanfu and was waiting for him.

As expected of my son, he looks really handsome in it. Kong Hanyue looked at Xia Yu happily.

Zhong Yunze, who was standing by the side, heard the words, and silently changed into Hanfu, wandering around Kong Hanyue's side.

Zeze is great too!

After receiving Kong Hanyue's compliment, Zhong Yunze sat on the side peacefully.

Are today's young people so naive? Xia Yu sighed.

However, this has nothing to do with him.

Under the guidance of Kong Hanyue, he began to learn new pieces.

The name of this song is Sanshi, and it is a battlefield-style song. Listening to this song, it feels like returning to the ancient battlefield.

Because it was a new piece, Xia Yu didn't play it proficiently. After listening to it halfway, Zhong Yunze stood up and left the guzheng room with a smile on his face.

When he learned from Kong Hanyue just now that Xia Yu would also participate in the musical instrument competition, Zhong Yunze panicked for a moment. Now that he saw Xia Yu's true level, he felt relieved.

Sure enough, I am the prettiest cub of mother.

Satisfied, he changed back into his civilian clothes and went for a ride on his bike.

His bicycle is different from ordinary bicycles that can only be ridden on the road, but can be used off-road, uphill, wading, almost omnipotent.

However, there is no wild land nearby, so it cannot be used.

Riding alone is a bit boring, so I have a chance to bring Xia Yu along.

It's a pity that I haven't turned eighteen yet, so I can't take the driver's license test. I heard that off-road vehicles are more exciting to drive.

Go around the neighborhood a few times,

After a one-sided race with a taxi, Zhong Yunze returned home.

At this time, Xia Yu had already learned the three forms and was learning the 40 forms.

After listening for a while, Zhong Yunze was sure that Xia Yu's level was very poor, and he was not his opponent at all.

Guzheng is too difficult, don't be sad. He comforted Xia Yu, I have also learned it for a while, but I can't learn it anymore after learning the tears of the moon.

Kong Hanyue smirked from an angle Zhong Yunze couldn't see, and blinked with Xia Yu, telling Xia Yu not to explain.

Xia Yu didn't want to explain at all, so he'll surprise Zhong Yunze when it's time for the competition.

Okay, let's all go to bed, it's almost twelve o'clock.

Under Kong Hanyue's urging, Xia Yu and Zhong Yunze went into the room to rest respectively.

At eight o'clock the next morning, Xia Yu woke up, and Zhong Yunze had already gone out to race with a few friends.

After breakfast, he continued to learn Guzheng with Kong Hanyue all morning, and he returned home at three o'clock in the afternoon.

He thought that Youxue would cling to his side for a long time after seeing her for such a long time, but the girl curled up on the sofa chatting with someone, and she had no intention of coming over at all.

Sister, have you grown up too?

Xia Yu was a little disappointed. He wanted Youxue to remain the same as Kong Hanyue.

Putting this matter aside, he entered the room and landed on An Siyao's body.

I have learned guzheng for five hours today, so I don't need to go to Kong Hanyue's place tonight.

The continuous practice last night and morning also made Xia Yu's arms and fingers very sore.

I have worked hard on myself today, let's go to An Siyao's and have a good meal!

After a short period of darkness, the space in front of Xia Yu changed.

He met the two sisters Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo, as well as dim sum and black tea.

Are you having afternoon tea?

Glancing at the surrounding scenery, Xia Yu picked up the snacks.

His actions made the eyes of the two sisters of the Feng family shine.

They looked at each other, surprised in their hearts:

Our favorite An Siyao has appeared!

Picking up snacks and black tea, the two sisters began to feed Xia Yu.

After taking a sip of the snack that Feng Yujia handed over, and another sip of the black tea that Feng Yumo handed over, Xia Yu looked satisfied.

Are you really not going to participate in this school trip? Feng Yujia asked.

A school trip is an activity where a group of students travel to other places together.

It was similar to Xia Yu's spring outing in kindergarten in his previous life.

The time of school trips varies from school to school. Xia Yu had already gone on a school trip in his first year of high school, while Dongzhixiang Academy started in his third year of high school.

In her mind, An Siyao weakly explained the reason why Xia Yu couldn't go: I want to take a plane...

The girl was still thinking about what Xia Yu lied to her that she would die in a plane crash.

If you want to go, I will go. The girl added.

However, her tone of voice made it clear that she didn't want to go.

Since the girl didn't want to go, Xia Yu didn't want to force the girl, although he really wanted to see what delicious food was available in District 11.

No. Xia Yu replied.

Then we won't go, let's find a place to play together! Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo looked at Xia Yu expectantly.

They didn't have any special interest in the eleventh district, they just wanted to be with Xia Yu.

After An Siyao agreed, Xia Yu also agreed.

The two sisters started a new topic.

That bad girl in the second grade made the principal very angry. Feng Yujia said.

Well, I've also heard that they beat people in the toilet and tore their clothes. Now the school can't find her. Feng Yumo also heard about this.

Looks like I'm going to call my parents. Feng Yujia gloated.

As an aristocratic girls' school, Dongzhixiang Academy is not like other schools that throw it to the parents when something goes wrong. Only when the school teachers can't solve it will they tell the parents.

At the same time, telling the parents also proves that the situation is very serious, and if you go to the next step, you will drop out of school.

Xia Yu didn't take this matter to heart, he just thought it was a topic for small talk.



【small theater】

Xu Youxiang (counting fingers): ...I didn't come the day before yesterday, I didn't come the day before yesterday, I didn't come yesterday, I still didn't come today.

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