The Body Swap Game

13. Guda customs clearance and dancer new song

Looking at Xia Yu, the head maid felt that the other's petite body suddenly became towering, and her black eyes also showed a fierce red light.

Taking two steps back, she was panicking when Xia Yu spoke again.

If you don't want to continue working, you can resign. The lady can't be replaced. You can have as many maids as you want.

Xia Yu plucked the keys, and a crisp voice sounded, which made him look more calm and made the head maid even more flustered.

He said again: I heard that your daughter is in the second district? Maybe you can go to accompany her, she will take care of you and let you enjoy your old age, won't you?

No! The head maid panicked completely.

Seeing this reaction, Xia Yu smiled in his heart. He knew that the matter was over.

Then just do your job well and don't worry about things you shouldn't care about. Waving his fingers, Xia Yu played Guda's etude again.

The face of the head maid is sweating. She is in the second district, and she does have a daughter, but that daughter is useless and unfilial. Let alone raising her, she has borrowed the money from the An family for all the things her daughter has committed since she was a child. The prestige, as well as the salary as the head maid, I have to find a way to settle it.

It was also because her daughter had caused too many troubles recently that she sent her to the second district to hide.

If she lost this job and gave all her savings to her daughter, she would have no chance to enjoy her old age, and she would no longer have the ability to solve any problems her daughter got into.

The idea of ​​telling An Siyao's father, which she had just raised, also disappeared.

As the other party said, the lady cannot be replaced, and there are as many maids as you want. If there is a fierce conflict between a lady and a maid, you don't need to think about it, you will know who is leaving.

After wiping off his sweat, the head maid glanced at Xia Yu, took a step, and was about to leave the room.

When she came to the door, Xia Yu's voice sounded, Did I let you go?

The head maid hastily withdrew her palm on the doorknob, and stood aside nervously, waiting for Xia Yu's instructions.

But Xia Yu didn't say anything, but played the tune attentively.

After playing a song, Xia Yu issued an instruction: I want a glass of milk.

I'll go right away! The head maid let out a sigh of relief, and left the room as if fleeing.

Xia Yu continued to play the tune.

Is this all right? An Siyao's voice sounded in Xia Yu's mind.

The main thing is to grasp the rhythm and proceed step by step, but it's okay for the head maid not to proceed step by step. She doesn't dare to lose this job. If you threaten to resign her by arguing with your father, she will be obedient .”

The piano piece came to a difficult part, Xia Yu concentrated on finishing this section, and continued: However, this kind of direct threat is too unartistic, and it only establishes a fierce reputation for you, and the gradual threats from the side are the only way to get it. is true majesty.

That's it. The girl fell silent.

Five minutes later, the head maid knocked on the door.

Xia Yu continued to play the piano, and didn't say anything until the end of the song.

Entering the room, the head maid handed Xia Yu hot milk.

Xia Yu took the milk and drank it in one gulp.

Seeing this rude way of drinking, the head maid opened her mouth to preach, but she reacted in time and closed her mouth.

Not bad. Xia Yu praised when handing the empty cup to the head maid.

Although he didn't know whether Xia Yu was praising Milk or her, the head maid slowly calmed down from her uneasy heart.

This is also a necessary part. People can't bear to live in an environment without a sense of security, so Xia Yu needs to make a promise to the head maid,

As long as she obeys, she will be safe.

Praise represents recognition, recognition represents friendship, and friendship brings security.

Go down. Xia Yu was not used to having people staring at her.

Yes. The head maid exited the room.

Rubbing his chin, Xia Yu found that the effect of this fight was better than he had planned. If it didn't go well, Xia Yu could only use force and direct threats to make the head maid obedient.

It's good that these things are not discovered, but if they are discovered, it will be a great trouble.

An Siyao's persona as a well-behaved girl will collapse immediately. The father, who is invisible, doesn't know what actions he will take to correct his daughter's temperament.

The reason why things went so smoothly was due to the intimidation skill, and it was very convenient to break the opponent's mind with just one look.

After solving the boss in the villa, Xia Yu became happy. When he played the piano, he felt much better.

After playing the last note of the third part, Xia Yu touched his forehead.

This time, he didn't seem to be wrong at all, and the rhythm is still very standard?

You have learned Guda etude, congratulations. An Siyao sent a congratulatory message.

This will be it?

Today's possession took less than four hours, and the Guda etude, which was originally planned to take 16 hours to practice, was completed?

After talking again from beginning to end, Xia Yu was sure that he had really learned the Guda etude.

He recalled the sudden smooth feeling just now, without that feeling, he could not have been so fast.

So what's the reason for that feel?

Xia Yu didn't feel that he was the protagonist in the comics. After a period of memory, his skill level would suddenly increase, and he didn't recall just now.

After thinking about it, he opened the bonus panel.

[Drawing bonus lv2, music bonus lv2, ikebana bonus lv2]

The bonus has all risen to lv2.

What's happening here?

What kind of condition must have been triggered for the bonus to increase, as long as you think about what you just did, you can find that condition.

After thinking carefully for a while, Xia Yu came up with three possibilities:

1. He has reached a certain level of proficiency in using An Siyao's body.

Second, he solved the little boss of the maid.

Three, An Siyao's favorability for him has increased.

Xia Yu didn't know the specific conditions, but he now at least knew the direction of the bonus.

As expected of the addition of lv2, the Guda etude, which originally took two days to learn, was directly successful.

Do you want to learn a new song next? An Siyao asked Xia Yu.

What do you recommend? Xia Yu asked.

The Aimless Maiden, the Tower of Losric, and Rosalia's Bedside are all suitable songs. An Siyao said a series of song titles that Xia Yu had never heard before.

After a moment of silence, Xia Yu asked, What song is suitable for playing in a cafe?

Cafe? An Siyao was confused, not understanding why Xia Yu asked such a question.

She recalled the tunes she had heard in cafes when she was a child, and replied with embarrassment: The pope's dancer is a tune often played in cafes, but this one is a bit difficult.

When can I learn it? Xia Yu asked.

It's impossible to learn this directly. You need to learn one or two simpler pieces and practice it. Based on your previous progress, it will take more than a month. An Siyao came to a conclusion by comparing her own practice speed.

What about my progress? Xia Yu was talking about his progress after the bonus reached lv2.

It will take about ten days. An Siyao replied.

ten days? I don't know if the corner coffee shop is still recruiting after ten days, but with the skills, it's okay to find another coffee shop, right?

There are also some bars that recruit pianists.

Xia Yu nodded, quite satisfied with the result.

He put his fingers on the keys: Come on, let's go to the next song, um, learn from the tower of Lothric.

Okay, this is a piece with a sense of desolation. An Siyao briefly talked to Xia Yu about the style of the piece and started teaching.

Eight hours of game time will soon be over.

In the last five minutes, Xia Yu put down the piano cover, walked out of the piano room, and came to the girl's bedroom.

Sitting on the bed, he yawned and felt a strong sense of sleepiness.

In fact, while playing the piano, he felt sleepy many times.

This is not his sleepiness, but the sleepiness of the girl's body.

You didn't last night... Xia Yu stopped talking. Last night, the girl's body was used by him until two o'clock in the morning. The girl had to go to class in the morning. Lack of sleep was normal.

His body has a system to manage sleep, so he ignored the girl's sleep.

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