The Black Throne of One Piece

Chapter 93: : Succeed

  Leasing Rock Island for ten years!

Gilbert was a little stunned when he heard Barr’s new conditions, but his expression quickly became serious, and then he habitually weighed the gains and losses in it and thought about the purpose of Barr’s doing this. What is it.

Compared to cession, Barr’s newly proposed lease conditions are undoubtedly easier for him to accept, because it means that the ownership of Rock Island still belongs to him, but it is temporarily leased out, and the time is only ten years. He is 47 years old now. Age, can afford to wait.

   And once Rock Island is guarded by Barr, a natural demon fruit capable person, order on this island should be re-established and the economy can be re-developed.

   I want to come to the management ability that Barr, this kid showed in the slum, should also be able to organize Rock Island into a wealthy place.

   After ten years, he can pick the fruit.

What he needs to pay attention to is that after ten years, Rock Island must have become the home of Baal and the Ram gang, and Baal must have become very powerful. It is not easy for him to recover it completely. He supported new gangs on the island to contain and suppress.

   But Gilbert is not at all worried that he will not be able to take Rock Island back, because behind him are the world government and navy. No matter how powerful Barr is, can he still be better than those navies like wolves and tigers?

   As for Baal's purpose, it is nothing more than to develop his own power and leave a way for Ram to help.

   From this point of view, the ten-year lease of a temporarily worthless island in exchange for Barr's help and a wealthy island in the future, this deal is quite beneficial to him no matter what.

   "What an old fox, I think so much."

   Barr saw the phone worm and remained silent for a long time, and he had a deeper understanding of Gilbert's cunning degree.

   This is definitely not a good fool. He may not have very good personal strength, but he is very shrewd. He is very good at using the advantages of his identity to help himself. He is a smart chess player and cannot be underestimated.

On the other hand, Ram was sighing that he didn’t misunderstand the wrong person. He was so mature that he couldn’t see Barr’s intention to obtain Rock Island. Of course, this was for the purpose of using Rock Island to develop and grow his personal power, but Barr Now a member of the Ram Gang, the Ram Gang can also take root on Rock Island.

   In the future, he and Reggie will be gone, and Barr can't beat Darth and Regis temporarily, and can also retreat to Rock Island, so that the Ram Gang will not be destroyed.

   "Okay, I agree to your condition."

   Two or three minutes later, Gilbert felt that he had fully figured out the gains and losses and Barr's purpose, and he smiled and said to Barr.

  Barr got Gilbert's definite answer this time, a certain boulder in his heart finally fell, and a smile of joy appeared on his expressionless face.

He knows that from this moment on, he finally has a real estate that belongs to him in the true sense. It does not belong to the Ram Gang, it belongs to him completely, and there is no need to worry about being attacked by the world government and naval forces. Hostility, because it is completely legal.

   Although this legal site has only ten years of ownership, no one can say what will happen in ten years.

   "Then thank you Lord Santos, don't worry, I will do my best to protect you..." Barr quickly replied.

  The transaction is concluded, the next step is to discuss some small issues in the content of the transaction, such as how long the protection period is appropriate.

Of course, Gilbert hopes that the longer the better, it is best to have the protection of Baal, a natural demon fruit capable person, but he also knows that this is impossible, so he had to wrestle with Baal and strive to get the maximum. Time.

It is now a war period. In order to win, the two sides will definitely send their own killers to kill the other's heads. If there is Barr, a natural demon fruit who can see and hear the domineering ability, his safety will undoubtedly be greatly improved. Of.

   Gilbert has just experienced an unforgettable assassination, and he is worried about how to protect his safety. Now that he has Barr, he of course will not let it go.

  In the end, Gilbert used the time he rented to Barr on Rock Island to increase it to 15 years and the monthly salary of 100 million Baileys to win Barr to protect him for a year.

According to Gilbert’s expectation, one year is enough time for him to defeat Gresham and successfully control the entire Drum Kingdom. At that time, as his king, he can apply to the world government for a master who can meet and hear the domineering. Protect him.

   And Barr also made a small request, that is, protecting Gilbert cannot be made public, and the reason he gave is also very reasonable, that is, he does not want to be hated by transparent people.

   Although Gilbert was a little reluctant to use this to pretend that Barr was on his side, he also understood this and agreed to Barr's small request.


   "Huh ha ha ha, transparent man, and my good brother Gresham, wait and see, I will definitely show you good looks."

   In the castle of the lord of the city, after Gilbert received Baal's protection promise, his whole person was relaxed. After he had a sense of security, he returned to the usual strong self-confidence, grinned and laughed.

   Then, he finally felt hungry after he had eaten food since he came back outside, so he immediately called the kitchen to bring up the food.

"Master Ram, about Rock Island, you must have already understood that this island is one of the retreats for our Ram help in the future, and it is also a point of assistance for us to earn huge profits in this civil war. I hope to get yours Help."

   At the same time, after Barr completed the negotiation with Gilbert, he stood up and said respectfully to Ram.

The geographical location of Rock Island is destined to be a big piece of fat as long as it is developed. Of course, Barr wants to swallow this big piece of fat, but he also knows that it is very difficult. After all, he is the only high-end force in his power and wants to completely defend Rock Island. It's very difficult.

   Therefore, if he wants to take Rock Island more easily and smoothly, he also needs the power of the Ram Gang.

This will be another exchange of Of course, not surprisingly, the Ram Gang will be in his pocket in the future, and there is no need to worry that the Ram Gang will bring to the development of Rock Island. What negative impact.

   "No problem, Rock Island is yours, and that is what we Lahm helped. Of course I will help you."

   Ram was very satisfied when he saw that Barr was willing to share the interests of Rock Island, and smiled and nodded.

However, he seemed to think of something, and said with some embarrassment: "As for money, the help can't help you much for the time being, but the personnel is completely okay. Except for the cadres, who do you want, choose yourself. That's it."

   No money!

  Barr quickly captured this important information through Ram’s words just now, and he suddenly felt the question of where the Ram’s money went.

  Others are in the Ram Gang. Of course, they know how big the Ram Gang’s industry is and how strong it is to make money.

Before the civil war broke out, the Ram Gang relied on collecting protection fees alone, and easily earned tens of millions of Baileys a month without any pressure. Not to mention there are many industries on the site. The profitability of these industries is quite good. Mubang controls the market share of many Drum Kingdom medicines in the city, and these are huge profits.

   Even if the Ram Gang’s expenses are huge, the remaining profit per month is at least 7.8 billion Baileys.

   Earning so much money every month, the leader of the Ram Gang actually told him that he had no money, and he didn't seem to be lying. This problem is really big.

   "It's okay, someone will do."

  Barr was very wise not to ask Ram this question in front of him, and said respectfully.

   Then, the two of them changed the subject very tacitly, and after a few more chats, Barr disappeared into the room in a gust of wind and snow.

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