The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 933? The market is linked upside down (1)

How is this and the price possible!

In fact, not only Yu Hongchang is thinking about this problem, but most of the real estate developers on the scene are thinking about this problem.

They know that the floating house of Pangu Technology may not calculate the land price, but it is suspended in the air and is an intelligent building. Don't these cost nothing?

He Yuchu quickly gave the answer, she said: This should be thanks to the complete supply chain of Pangu Technology, because we have a complete supply chain of raw materials and a perfect industrial chain factory, so we can suspend the price of residential buildings. Do it. This price includes the land price!

When the floating house was just built, the cost was indeed very high, reaching 50,000 square meters, but when the supply chain of Pangu Technology also came up, the cost was greatly reduced.

He Yuchu actually said that the price included the land price.

Of course, the land price is included. The function of wetlands is park leisure land, not construction land. Of course, the price is much cheaper than that of construction land.

The price will be cheaper if the suspended buildings are built above natural wasteland, mountains or farmland.

The people at the press conference are still in the shock of housing prices. A company will single-handedly bring the price of local housing to a few years ago, which is a unique event in the history of Xiaguo real estate.

The reporters at the scene also made an incredible voice. They said during the live broadcast: The price of the floating house is unbelievable. The audience at the scene, you may not live in Jiangcheng, nor have you been to Jiangcheng, so you do not understand the current price of Jiangcheng. trend.

Because of Pangu Technology, Jiangcheng's social economy is developing rapidly, and it has long surpassed Shenzhen in terms of GPD. Similarly, Jiangcheng's housing prices are also moving closer to Yanjing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The house price is more than 50,000 yuan, but the house price near the Pangu Science and Technology Park has reached 100,000 yuan.

Can you imagine the impact of 38,000 to 58,000 nearby residential buildings with an average price of 100,000 on other local real estate? And we have to figure out the fact that the quality of suspended houses is much higher than those with an average price of 100,000 elevators. quality. This will be a blockbuster in the real estate industry!”

In fact, there are still some who are still in shock and think about how to buy a few more floating houses immediately, and then sell them in the market to make money.

In terms of value preservation and appreciation, floating houses must be N times that of ordinary elevator houses. After all, the quality is here.

But soon, He Yuchu will let most of those who think this way fail.

He Yuchu was the first to say,

Guarantee the market supply of suspended houses.

She said: If you are interested in the land auction in Jiangcheng, you will know that Shuidi has never acquired a piece of land in Jiangcheng. However, we have obtained tens of thousands of acres of land in the suburbs of Jiangcheng through land sublease and contracting. We will open community-specific air and sky bus routes in future communities to facilitate everyone's travel.

After Pangu's food factories became popular, there were basically no farmers in the Xia Kingdom in the traditional sense.

Most farmers have farmland, forest land, and even wetlands for fish farming.

However, except for a very small number of farmers who are still using their own resources, most farmers have found jobs in cities, and most of their next generation are real urban residents, and no one wants to return to rural farming.

This means that a lot of farmland, forests and wetlands will be desolate.

In the absence of legal restrictions at present, the Water Drop Company will contract the entire farmland, mountain forest and wetland into its own hands for a period of 100 years (which is impossible in reality, whichever is the case).

Of course, Shuidi Company will not illegally build housing on these agricultural lands. Shuidi Company will not even change the appearance of farmland or wetlands, but will give it to self-heating, let it grow naturally, and spread some flowers, plants and trees at most.

Nature is the best designer, and it won't be long before this is the most beautiful natural scenery.

The price of construction land in Jiangcheng is astonishingly high, priced at more than 10,000 yuan per square meter, but the contracted price of non-construction industrial land is very cheap, usually several thousand yuan per mu per year.

Farmers who have nothing to do are of course willing to transfer their land to Shuidi Company, and Shuidi Company also promised them a set of Shuidi Suspended Houses.

Farmers make steady profits without losing money!

In the future, the sky above here will be a water drop suspended residence, and a traffic track with an aerial vehicle will also be planned in the sky. There is no need to plan ground roads, and there is no need for electricity and water.

With such a powerful advantage, how can ordinary commercial housing compete?

The living tastes of people in big cities have completely changed. On the basis of sky trains, if the distance between living circles, business circles and work circles is within 20 minutes, most people will choose to live in rural areas and suburbs instead of City.

Pangu Technology and Water Drop Company jointly suspend the house and the sky car to meet this requirement. Suburbs with better scenery must be the explosion point of real estate.

He Yuchu now announced that he has won tens of thousands of mu of non-construction land.

He Yuchu also stipulated the purchase rules for water drop suspension houses, she said: We will cooperate with city managers and use the big data system of Pangu Technology to conduct screening. In a city, one household can only buy one water drop suspension house. Room.

Everyone quietly listened to He Yuchu's rules.

He Yuchu's next sentence made the real estate developers at the scene take a deep breath.

At the same time, households with ground-based living will not be eligible to purchase water droplet suspension homes.

The venue of the press conference was dead silent.

The real estate loan practitioners and investors who were watching the press conference were also dead silent.

This is not an ordinary purchase restriction, but something more terrifying than purchase restriction.

Everyone believes in Xiao Ming's strength. It is too easy for him to find out how many apartments one person has bought, and Pangu Technology and Waterdrop Company, where Xiao Ming works, can find out that you bought a house with someone else's identity.

He Yuchu threw a frightening question.

Everyone said, what impact will the design of Water Drop Company have on Jiangcheng's housing prices?

Yu Hongchang is also thinking about this issue.

There are two premises for this question:

One is that the water drop company owns 10,000 mu of land, and this area is still increasing. They can develop a water-drop suspended house over the 10,000-mu land. The water drop floating house will definitely meet the housing needs of Jiangcheng residents.

There is also a premise that the price of the water drop suspension house of the water drop company will be much lower than the commercial residence in the market.

So are ordinary Jiangcheng residents going to buy a water drop floating house or a commercial residence on the ground?

You know, a family can only choose one of two.

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