The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 924 The stage prepared for you

If you look at it from the eyes of an ordinary businessman, Xiao Ming will definitely not make any money doing this.

Because the suspension house and the elevator room are completely incomparable.

Hundreds of households live in one building of the elevator house, while the current water drop floating house is designed to live in only thirty-six households, and after the technology matures in the future, only forty or fifty households will live.

Even if the price of a floating house unit is twice as expensive as that of an elevator apartment, Xiao Ming will not make much money simply by selling the house.

However, Xiao Ming originally said that he would not make money by selling floating houses, and of course he would not lose money.

Suspended homes are sold at a price above cost, but the sale is for permanent residency, not title to suspended homes.

In addition, Waterdrop Company will set up a strong after-sales service team to provide the best after-sales guarantee for the suspended house. This is indeed unmatched by traditional residential property management.

After-sales service is one of the profits of Pangu Technology.

According to He Yuchu's calculations, the property management fee for a residential suspended house is 30 to 50 yuan per square meter per month. If it is a three-bedroom 100 square meter house, the monthly property management fee is 3,000 to 5,000 yuan.

This is not a small number.

But the environment of the floating community is indeed worthy of such a high property management fee.

Reducing housing prices and increasing property management fees can be considered disguised as a way to prevent people from speculating on real estate.

In addition to the high property management fee, in the setting of Shuidi Company, the real profit is actually the supporting industries around the community - the world's best shopping malls, schools, medical institutions, sports centers, etc.

He Yuchu said: In the current situation, the positioning of the floating house must be accurate. We do not want to ensure that everyone in the country can live in the floating house, but to ensure that everyone in the country has a place to live.

He Yuchu, who studied economics, saw this very thoroughly, If we allow a family to own no more than two floating houses nationwide, and residents with ground-level housing are not allowed to apply for floating houses.

Xiao Ming looked at He Yuchu. There is a girl in my family who has grown up. He Yuchu, who has the best genes of all mankind, is already slim. When he was working in the company, He Yuchu was so beautiful that the boys didn't dare to look directly at him. She, but when He Yuchu spoke, both boys and girls were very attentive. They admired He Yuchu's face and admired her talent.

He Yuchu said playfully: If the price of our floating house is lower than or equal to the price of the houses on the market today,

Are you saying rich people buy floating houses or ordinary houses?

In the water-drop suspended house, every household has a back garden, and the one on the top floor is almost like a villa. Due to the adjustment of the sun by the water-drop suspended house, the garden will not lose sight of the sun because it is split-level.

Whether it is the internal environment, the external environment or the supporting facilities, the floating house completely explodes the traditional houses, including the so-called villas.

Under such circumstances, families with slightly better living conditions will definitely choose floating houses, and even if they are separated from other families, they still choose high-end residences such as ground-level villas, which will not affect the overall situation.

In this way, the price of elevator apartments, which ordinary people are more concerned about, will be greatly reduced.

Housing will truly return to housing properties, not investment properties.

The price of ground-level housing has been reduced, and most people in Jiangcheng can afford it, which means that everyone has a place to live.

The real estate economy is a pillar industry in many cities, but it is not in Jiangcheng. So even if Xiao Ming overturns the real estate industry in Jiangcheng, it will only make those bosses who speculate endlessly in debt, and have no impact on the overall economic situation of Jiangcheng. .

He Yuchu said: In the next few years, floating houses will definitely not be popularized on a large scale, but entering the market as a conceptual product will play a key role in the return of reasonable housing prices, and will also make Jiangcheng's economy healthier.

He Yuchu also gave his own plan: Starting from Jiangcheng, the next step is Suzhou-Hangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Yanjing, water drop floating houses and floating communities will definitely be promoted in these cities. Housing prices will be restrained to a certain extent. When people all over the country accept the reality that floating houses will be promoted in the future, then the housing prices on the ground in other cities will not rise.”

Since the original property of housing prices is investment, where will the money from investing in real estate go? Where will it be the reservoir of hot money. He Yuchu gave the answer: Invest in technology research and development! Increase your points for entering the virtual paradise. .

In this way, Xia Guo's economy will get a good cycle.

He Yuchu's concept must have loopholes, and there are areas that need to be improved. She also knows that the rise in house prices is not only due to factors such as real estate speculators and investment, but also due to local debt.

It's just that at this time, it doesn't make much sense to talk about these things. If a place is betting the vitality of economic development on the real estate economy and does not know about transformation or think about transformation, then the city deserves no future.

If you don't save yourself, how can others save you?

What Shuidi has to do now is to concentrate the production capacity of the related subsidiaries of Pangu Technology Group to form a strong drop-shaped suspended house industry chain.

Compared with traditional buildings, the production and construction time of suspended buildings is much shorter.

The module uses high-strength polymer composite materials, which can be combined together.

Superstrings and civilian nuclear batteries already have their own industrial chains, and it is enough to expand the production chain.

Xiao Ming looked at He Yuchu and said, Yuchu, are you interested in hosting a product launch conference?

Xiao Ming pointed to a large wetland and woods in the back and said, The conference will be held on the wetland. This will be our first water drop community in the future, and the content of the conference will be the new direction of future architecture.

He Yuchu knew that this was a challenge, but apart from Xiao Ming, she really had no fear of anyone, let alone other challenges.

What's not to dare? The attitude of this young lady to stand there will be able to charm many people.

He Yuchu has full confidence in his appearance and aura, otherwise he wouldn't have a scout looking for He Yuchu to shoot commercials in college.

This is settled, he said: Super Junior, evaluate the production capacity of the water droplet floating house.

Super Xiaochu comprehensively collects the production capacity information of the group and makes an analysis.

The production capacity is being expanded. If 20% of the existing production capacity of superstrings and civilian nuclear batteries is used for water droplet suspension buildings, 3,000 to 5,000 water droplet buildings can be assembled a day.

Xiao Ming nodded and said, Let Qian Yi inform us and allocate 20% of the production capacity to Shuidi Company. They will also find ways to increase their production capacity to make up for the manufacture of Skycar, Blue Ark and other products.

He Yuchu stood beside Xiao Ming, looking at the vast wetland, which would be his stage.

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