The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 921? Waterdrop Company

In the words of the industry, the water drop suspension house is a hardcover house.

The interior design was done by graduate students from the School of Architecture and Design of Jiangcheng University, so in terms of aesthetics, there is absolutely no problem.

Xiao Ming's concern is not whether the decoration is beautiful, but whether it is convenient to live in.

Traditional buildings pay attention to the four links of water and electricity network.

After Pangu Technology's civilian nuclear battery appeared, natural gas was cancelled and became a tee of the hydropower network.

Xiao Ming of electricity and network need not worry, because the water droplet floating house must be equipped with civilian nuclear batteries, which can meet the living needs of residents.

What Xiao Ming is worried about is the treatment of domestic waste and domestic sewage.

Buildings with traditional ground are equipped with water supply pipes and drainage, which is very convenient.

The water droplet suspension house may not be connected to the municipal water supply and drainage pipes.

However, this problem has been solved in the Pangu Technology Garden Suspended Hotel.

Xu Limin introduced: The bottom of our water droplet suspension house is actually hollow except for civilian micronucleus batteries and superstring batteries, and the middle is also hollow. There are water collection pipes everywhere in the water droplet suspension house. Into our hollow space is the water storage system.”

The climate and environment of each city are different. In coastal cities, due to the influence of the marine monsoon, there will be more rainwater, so the collection of rainwater in the building can meet the daily needs of building residents.

But there are many inland cities with less rainfall and seasonal rainfall, so the rainwater is definitely unable to meet the living needs of the residents, so we have adopted two methods.

Xu Limin introduced Xiao Ming in combination with the water-drop suspended house garbage recycling system. He said: So in our design, the reservoir in the water-drop building is full at the beginning, and we also have a perfect sewage and waste treatment system.

Sewage and garbage treatment system, Xu Limin needs no introduction, this is the foundation of Pangu Technology.

Among them, the sewage treatment technology can achieve an effective water utilization rate of more than 90%, and the treated sewage will be as clean as pure influent water.

Garbage disposal can also be maximized in environmental protection.

Xu Limin finally said: We will monitor the resources of each water droplet,

When it is found that the water resources of a water droplet floating house are about to be exhausted or the treated garbage is almost full, we will use the freight ark to transport water for it and unload the garbage.

Garbage processed by Pangu technology can be automatically classified, and can be used and returned to the factory for use. Unusable, such as organic matter, can be directly discharged into nature.

This is the most perfect design.

Xu Limin added: We take the hottest western border summer in the Xia Kingdom as an example. Our design can ensure that the water use time of the water droplet suspension house is guaranteed to be more than two months. Our parameters take into account the waste of residents, water vapor Evaporation, etc. Our cargo ark will be converted into a resource recycling ark to replenish resources for the water droplet suspension house.”

Xiao Ming and Xu Limin visited a 100-square-meter three-bedroom apartment, and Xiao Ming walked into the master bedroom.

Outside and below the window, there is a beautiful view of Pangu Science and Technology Park, and in the distance is the back mountain of Pangu Science and Technology Park.

This kind of view room is much more comfortable than a high-rise elevator apartment.

Xiao Ming was lying on the big Simmons bed, enjoying this quiet moment with his eyes closed.

Xu Limin always remembers Xiao Ming's plans for future cities and buildings, he said: If there are no accidents, there will be a grassland, forest or wetland below us, which is the most beautiful ecology in nature. This is the ecological environment we should have. .

Xiao Ming approved at this time: Tell me about your real estate company plan.

Xu Limin turned on the projection in the bedroom, which was originally standard for fine decoration, but did not expect to be able to use it now.

Change Jiangcheng! Xu Limin said, pointing to the map of Jiangcheng on the big screen.

At present, the core location of Jiangcheng has been transferred from the old city to our science and technology park. A large number of new commercial circles and public facilities are on our side. This is our advantage!

Xu Limin said that the advantage is that Xiao Ming had already agreed with the managers of Jiangcheng when he decided to develop the Pangu Science and Technology Park. The red line of this land is demarcated by Pangu Technology, and all the construction of civil, commercial and public buildings must go through Pangu Technology. approval.

It is because of this setting that Pangu Technology has planned many wetlands and parks near the park, and most of the living and business circles are concentrated in the southwest of Panhu Technology Park.

This setting makes Pangu Science and Technology Park the place with the highest GDP, the smartest and the most beautiful and most suitable for living in the country.

At the same time, it is also the place with the highest quality of education and public health care in the country.

Just kidding, Pangu Technology Education Group started here, and the base camp of Pangu Technology Medical Center, the world's best hospital, is here, of course, the place with the highest quality of education and public medical care in the world.

With such excellent conditions, investors are of course considering real estate speculation.

The house price near Pangu Science and Technology Park has risen by N times, and the house price near Pangu Science and Technology Park has reached as high as 100,000 square meters, which is not much worse than that of Yanjing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The house price here is also much higher than that of Jiangcheng old urban area.

Xu Limin pointed to a part of the park and wetland planned by Pangu Technology and said: I plan to use a part of the wetland, about 1,000 mu of land, to build a suspended modern community. We will try to plan the future of Jiangcheng at one time.

The construction of the floating community has at least two functions. One is to severely crack down on the housing prices here, so that those unscrupulous investors can see clearly that the housing is for living in and not for speculation. The second role is to explore the development trend of future construction.

Xu Limin said: Let the ground be left to nature, and we only need a small part of the sky.

It is said that birds need the sky, but in fact, birds need the ground more, and the wetlands, rivers, and forests on the ground.

The floating house of Pangu Technology will basically not affect the migration and foraging of birds, but will return more ground to plants and animals.

Xiao Ming also talked freely: If the ground is handed over to nature, then the environment of Jiangcheng will be greatly changed. The fresh air and beautiful scenery that people in modern cities yearn for are all here.

Xiao Ming sat up from the bed and said, But Lao Xu, I still hope you can put your heart into technology. I hope you can give me the perfect floating house plan. As for opening a real estate company.

Xiao Ming suddenly smiled and said, I heard that people who play this are local tyrants. If I want to try it, I will take the lead.

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