The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 918? The so-called teleportation

Because the A quantum and the B quantum are entangled with each other, so when the A quantum is formed into the embryo, the B quantum will definitely form the embryo.

The embryos here use Martian life technology, not necessarily human embryos, but human embryos in general.

This embryo does not need to develop in a harsh laboratory environment, but can develop in a natural environment.

In this way, as long as the cultivation of Earth A is completed, then B can be completed.

At this point, on Earth, A will be mind-infused.

The infusion may be the thinking of a certain scientist.

If we look at the problem of thinking in terms of life and physics, the generation of thinking is the change of the potential arrangement of the neuron phosphorus compounds in the brain.

Then in terms of logic, because the B-type organisms and the A-type organisms are the organisms produced by the entangled quantum.

When the electric potential of the brain cells of the A-type organisms changes to produce thinking and memory, then the B-type organisms that are one light-year away from the earth also produce thinking and memory.

If this thought and memory belonged to a scientist or an astronaut, then without using any flight tools, he achieved teleportation.

He was transferred from the earth to an extraterrestrial planet one light-year away from the earth, and he could carry out a series of work such as exploration and scientific research on this planet.

Xiao Ming nodded after listening to Yang Chen's narration. Although Yang Chen's narration and assumption still have many technical problems that have not been overcome, the idea itself has great guiding significance.

What is the speed limit that humans can withstand?

At least it is known that the light-speed aircraft is only an illusion, and the option of light-speed aircraft cannot be seen in Xiao Ming's technology catalog for the time being, but the travel of particles close to the speed of light can be realized in human theoretical science - such as large-scale Particles ejected from particle colliders travel at nearly the speed of light.

Therefore, the time travel of particles is obviously more achievable than that of human beings.

If we can reconstitute life in particles, then space travel of life can also be realized.

At the end of his speech, Yang Chen said: The solar system is so big, and our probes have basically traveled to the edge of the solar system and explored all the planets in the solar system. We found why only the earth has life? And the other planets are dead?

Yang Chen said excitedly: The life of the earth is like what our myth describes,

Pangu opened the world and appeared in an instant! If we boldly imagine, why did life on earth suddenly appear?

When Yang Chen said this, all the students in the class held their breaths, as if they were listening to sci-fi suspense stories.

Yang Chen liked everyone's atmosphere very much, and he continued: Then the earth can be a laboratory for advanced life forms? Many, many years ago, a beam of quantum came to the earth at the speed of light. In the world of advanced civilization, and The quanta in the quantum entangled state of the earth began to synthesize into life under the arrangement of higher life, and then life suddenly appeared on the earth.

A girl next to Yang Chen said: If elementary life was born in this way, and he is the ancestor of all our lives, including human beings, then maybe our human beings are a reflection in the laboratory of higher life?

Yang Chen nodded and said, Maybe that's what it means.

At the end of his speech, Yang Chen grinned and said, I just told a science fiction story, if there are any similarities, I shall prevail, hahaha!

The students in the class also laughed, and everyone regarded Yang Chen's conjecture as a science fiction story.

How life suddenly appeared, everyone is sure not to know, even in academics it is just conjecture.

Xiao Ming didn't think that Yang Chen's conjecture was just a conjecture, he thought of his own experience, and this part was buried deep in his heart and only his own guessed the experience.

Who can tell?

After two full classes, Zheng Xuanyu and Xiao Ming took a walk in the garden outside the classroom.

Xiao Ming mentioned: Yang Chen, this student can be trained well. As a scientific researcher, imagination is very important.

Zheng Xuanyu said with a smile: I felt that he was more suitable for writing science fiction.

Xiao Ming shook his head and said: Yuyu, I don't know if you have a feeling that any absurd idea of ​​human beings will actually be realized in the dark, the idea of ​​our brain... It's like... how to say being guided by someone Running towards a goal, we all achieve it in the end. It’s like there is really an invisible force pulling human progress.”

Zheng Xuanyu affirmed: So, the end of science and technology is religion, and the end of religion is science and technology, and the two are actually unified in purpose, right?

Xiao Ming stepped on the red leaves on the ground and made a rustling sound.

When they are with Zheng Xuanyu, they will have a collision between their souls, and they will exchange some ideas of their own.

It feels beautiful.

In a lifetime, it is not easy to find the other half with whom the mind and soul can communicate with each other.

Xiao Ming looked at the sky and said, Have you heard the story of the universe?

Zheng Xuanyu didn't speak and listened quietly.

Xiao Ming picked up a stone from the ground and said, I have a stone in my hand, but I'm not looking ahead. I'll throw this stone man over there.

Zheng Xuanyu and Xiao Ming have been with Xiao Ming for so many years. Knowing what Xiao Ming meant, she said, You mean to give the stone an initial state, and we will know the location of the stone.

Yes! When Xiao Ming said here, he moved the stone in his hand forward and said, The landing point should be the center of the garden.

Sure enough, the stone fell into the center of the garden. Although there were some errors, it still fell in the center in general.

If it is an ordinary person, throwing a stone is also throwing a stone. This is a trivial thing. Children of several years will throw stones.

But for Xiao Ming and Zheng Xuanyu, this is no ordinary stone throwing. It contains the most primitive and true cosmic image, which is a bit scary but most likely the correct image.

Xiao Ming said: At the very beginning of the universe, it was a singularity. At that time, there was no matter.

The singularity of the universe will give everything an initial state at the moment of explosion.

Actually, everything in the universe, the fate of all matter in the universe, including the fate of mankind, including the future of the two of us, was actually decided at the very beginning of the big bang in the ancient universe, just like the stone just now. , where it will fall has been determined.

Xiao Ming laughed at himself and said, Do you think it's scary and absurd, this is the true image of the universe. The ancients said that everyone has their own destiny, and no matter human beings, every particle of the universe has its own destiny. This is not a fortune teller's nonsense, this is the truth of the universe. At the Big Bang, the moment the initial parameters of the initial particles were determined, everything was doomed.

Zheng Xuanyu looked at Xiao Ming and said, So Newton finally became a magician.

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