The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 901? Not as you wish

Xiao Ming sent a letter to the African Food Security Agency in the name of Pangu Technology Group.

The letter is not an explanation of what happened in the Peso country, because the food security issue in the Peso country has nothing to do with Pangu Technology.

If Pangu Technology explained it at this time, it would be putting itself in a passive situation.

The content of the letter is to speak to the African Food Security Organization - if the African Food Security Organization does not need Pangu Technology to provide support for food factories in various countries, then Pangu Technology will suspend the training of food factories in countries other than South Anfrica in Africa in order to save costs. base.

This is just Xiao Ming's first step.

In the second step, Pangu Technology intends to abandon the principle of non-intervention. If it involves an incident that threatens the safety of Pangu Technology employees and the industry, it must intervene decisively.

Xiao Ming is going to use the mechanized security force of South Anfei.

Including intelligence officers and unmanned anti-gravity fighters and robot warriors.

These security forces are only to eliminate those forces that threaten Pangu Technology.

The third step is to see Xu Limin.

Xu Limin's physics laboratory is taking the time to develop the anti-gravity cargo ark, and it has reached a critical technical stage.

As long as the cargo ark can run smoothly, neither the Panama Strait nor the Malacca Strait will lose its original role.

The raw materials to the destination will go through the straight-line distance in the air, go through the international airspace, and will not be affected by the sea areas under the jurisdiction of various countries.

On the northern border of South Anfrica, the staff and refugees of Pangu Technology are in a stalemate.

And in Leicheng, 500 kilometers away, Archer was enjoying Morton's banquet.

The fate of the peso nation is entirely in the hands of the Americans.

Morton's mood is not as good as Archie's. Although he has mastered the overall situation of Pesso, he has taken over a pile of messes.

There was a shortage of food, and famine struck.

After all the food factories assisted by Pangu Technology were invited to shut down, the country of Peso is heavily dependent on the Americans for its food.

In the past, although the Shaoer people were treated unfairly,

However, it is still possible to obtain food at a certain price. Today, even the middle class of the Sauer people, it is very difficult to obtain food. They must wait until the food aid from the United States is in place before distributing it according to regulations.

This scene goes back to more than a decade ago, when the United States aided the peso and distributed food slowly as required.

Under such an inefficient model, it is no wonder that people are not hungry.

Morton rides a tiger in a difficult situation. He actually understands in his heart that the food from the Pangu Technology Food Factory has been fine for five years, but an accident happened as soon as the Americans intervened.

Any fool knows why.

Morton looked very bad and asked: The problem with meat products and dairy products should be in the storage and transportation links. The information of the food factory should be grasped by Pangu Technology at all times.

Archie took a sip of coffee: It doesn't matter, what matters is that you are sitting in this position now, this is the position you have always wanted, right?

Okay. Archer stood up and said, We need more refugees...

On the northern border, the mechanical warriors of Pangu Technology have been dispatched.

In addition, two unmanned anti-gravity fighter jets scrambled from Cape Town and headed straight for Thunder City.

More than ten minutes later, the anti-gravity drone appeared above the outskirts of the minefield.

Officially Archie's team below.

The drone swooped past, and the convoy disappeared with a loud explosion.

The intelligence agency of Pangu Technology had already grasped Archer's movements, and this time it was a perfect ambush.

Killing Archer also proves that Pangu Technology's counterattack has begun.

The backward country of the peso has no surveillance, no Skynet.

There is only one road in the desolate suburbs, and no one will find out if a person is dead for ten days or eight days, and it is such an accurate kill.

At the same time, the African Food Security Organization received a letter from Pangu Technology Group, and was panicked!

Unlike Europe and the United States, Europe and the United States also have their own agricultural institutions, with farmland, and some food can be produced by themselves.

Most countries in Africa currently rely on food factories for their food. Most countries know that the food safety problem in Peso is isolated and not universal, and the food produced by food factories in most African countries is currently no problem.

Now Pangu Technology is going to stop supplying the culture medium to the entire African food factory, which is amazing.

The terrified African Food Security Organization immediately contacted Pangu Technology through the United Nations Food Programme, hoping that Pangu Technology would take into account the overall situation of African people's food and continue to maintain good food security cooperation with African countries.

The African Food Security Organization also immediately came out and issued a statement, saying: The food security incident in Peso is an isolated and non-universal incident, and the specific cause of the incident needs further investigation...

It is best for Africans to explain the security problems of Pesos without using Pangu Technology.

On the same day, many African countries came out to express their support for Pangu Technology! He also stated that without Pangu's food factory, African people would not be able to develop their own economy with peace of mind, but would face great poverty and health problems.

Many neighboring countries around the country are also urging the country to open up transportation routes as soon as possible to facilitate the transportation of raw materials.

United States, New York Mountain Lake Estate.

When Bill Rockefeller found out that he could not contact the members of the International People's Livelihood in Pesso, nor could he contact Archie, he had a premonition that something was wrong.

It would take seven days for Bill Rockefeller to see the photos of the horrific scene after the bombing of the Archer convoy from intelligence agents.

On the northern border of South Anfrica, Qiu Qiyang started the protracted war mode under the order of the headquarters.

For refugees, it is best not to use force, it is best to fight a protracted war.

The robot warriors dispatched to the frontier are not there to kill people, but to dig holes.

On the only way from the country of Peso to the African country of South Angola, robots have exploded several pits with super high sales. These pits are insurmountable obstacles for unarmed refugees.

In addition, Pangu Technology will regularly project food to the opposite side every day, and it will be pulled down if you like it or not.

The refugees can be supported without food for one or two days, but it is very difficult to insist on not eating the food provided by Pangu Technology for three to five days.

They fell into a state of panic. Within the group, the patriarch told the food that the food provided by Pangu Technology would make people sick, but the fact is that if there is no food provided by Pangu Technology, they will starve.

Soon, Qiu Qiyang's final blow will completely destroy the confidence of these refugees.

As an aboriginal in South Anfei, Qiu Qiyang is very familiar with the customs and customs of people in South Anfei and surrounding countries. Both the Sauer and the Ende people worship the god Vapostori.

Even the chieftains and sorcerers of the tribes were only the spokesmen of the Vapostori gods.

As for what this Vapostori god is, no one has seen it and certainly no one knows.

However, Qiu Qiyang knew very well what to do next.

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