Although the US arms dealers are under the management of ZF, and even ZF has shares in it, they are relatively independent, which gives the US chaebol headed by the Rockefeller family enough room to operate - weapons can be bought with money.

The military can cooperate with major Western intelligence agencies, including the CIA, to send the obtained intelligence here.

What Americans like most is to fight proxy wars, because the cost of doing so is very low. If they can rely on disrupting the situation in Africa and complete the elimination of Pangu Technology, that would be the best.

After the meeting, the powerful capital machine was in operation, and the funds and weapons transported from West Asia to Pesos continued to flow, and the powder keg was about to explode.

South Anfei, Cape Town area.

Qiu Qiyang is working hard.

The headquarters handed over such a big stall as Nan Anfei to himself, and he has a great responsibility.

The importance of Nananfei to Pangu Technology is no less than that of Jiangcheng.

At present, Pangu Technology's industries in South An Africa include global waste disposal centers, nuclear power plants, micronuclear battery engineering, major biological and physical laboratories (including anti-gravity fighter jets and anti-gravity aerospace aircraft carrier laboratories), and micronuclear electric vehicle production centers. , Qinghe equipment production center, the largest overseas food factory, etc.

This is also the largest overseas material transfer place of Pangu Technology, and various raw materials are transferred from here to Xia Kingdom.

Qiu Qiyang took the shortest time to straighten out all the business of Nan Anfei, and he strolled on the private beach outside the headquarters.

October is summer in South Anfei.

The sky was gloomy, with a tendency to rain heavily.

Someone behind him gently hugged Qiu Qiyang's waist and pressed his body over.

Familiar heartbeat, familiar temperature.

This is Qiu Qiyang's wife, Cesiling, a South African of Dutch descent.

The two are classmates of Pangu Academy of Basic Sciences, Nan'anfei Campus. Their university career made them fall in love and know each other, and finally came together.

Nanan Fei is a society dominated by black people. The Chinese have a very high status because of Pangu Technology. It is incorrect to say that they are the nobles of Nanan Fei.

Sesling is a Dutch-born South Anfrican and white. Five generations of her family have immigrated from the Netherlands.

However, because of the national movement in South Anfei, white people have changed from the supremacy of South An Africa to a disadvantaged group. Even though the arrival of Pangu technology has changed the status of white people, white people are still looked down upon in social production and life.

The combination of Qiu Qiyang and Se Sling is a complete love.

Don't work too hard. Sethling hugged her husband. She walked out of the slum, was able to go to school, and was very satisfied with her current life.

It's going to rain. Qiu Qiyang said, Let's go back.

This beach is the private beach of Pangu Technology, and there are usually no people.

In the past, when Gong Lieyang and Wen Xueqing were here, they would go for a walk when they had nothing to do, but now this piece belongs to Qiu Qiyang...

Peso country, it's pouring rain.

The topography of the country is relatively flat, but it has both forest and grassland ecosystems.

Grasslands are in the north and center, and forests are in the south.

It is this ecological structure that creates the character of the Pesos in different regions.

The more developed and belligerent Sauer in the north and the more backward and docile Ende in the south.

Among them, the Sauer nationality accounts for 70% of the country's population and implements a strict chieftainship system.

The ethnic group is mainly agricultural and owns most of the arable land in the Peso country.

The Ende people are also chieftains, and their civilization is a bit backward.

Accounting for 30% of the country's population, many people are still engaged in the primitive life of the tribe in the forest.

Historically, the two nations have been opposed to each other.

In the past, the mighty Sauer tribes often conquered southern Ende lands and captured their populations as slaves.

Later, the country of Peso became a colony of the British, and the internal contradiction between the two nations turned into an external one.

In the 1970s and 1980s, after the independence movement of the Peso country, the British were driven out, and the black people became the masters again. Only then did the Sauer and Ende people unite to form the ZF, which copied the Western style and implemented a semi-presidential republic. - The president, parliament and local governments.

It is entirely conceivable that when the economy is underdeveloped, the population figures are generally low, and internal contradictions are still prominent, it is no wonder that such a system can make the country better.

Therefore, in the past few decades, the contradiction between the Sauer and the Ende people has turned into a contradiction between ethnic groups and parties.

The two ethnic groups and major political parties take turns to sit on the throne, the domestic economy is in chaos, and the internal conflict is constant.

Five years ago it was the Sauer who controlled the president and parliament, and now the Nde, a minority ethnic group, control the president and parliament.

The reason for this is still some drama.

Because the Nde people are in the southern part of the country near South Anfrica, they met the experimental staff of Pangu Technology by chance, and established a grain factory with the help of Pangu Technology.

In a country like Peso, those who get food get the world.

Because of solving the problem of famine in the urban and rural populations, the Nde people won the election five years ago and completely wiped out the Bissau people.

The Bissau people started out in agriculture, and they have a large population. They have lost their political power and food dominance. The chiefs and nobles of the Bissau people have a very miserable life.

They don't know what a virtual paradise is, and they don't know Qinghe equipment. What they want is to regain control of this country and live a luxurious and rich life again.

The people of the Bissau are always thinking of revenge.

In addition, the Nde people have gone too far after they grasped the situation in the country.

For example, the price of food.

Because of the cooperation with Pangu Technology, the grain factory is in the hands of the people of the Ende people. People of the Ender people usually get food at a low price, but not the Sauer people, usually ten times or even 20 times the price.

Sometimes the Ende people who monopolize the food do not sell it even if they are paid.

The hatred of the nation is in the genes, and the Ende people vent this hatred by thinking about the history of their ancestors being enslaved by the Shaoer people a hundred years ago.

People of the Sauer ethnic group want to buy food, of course, they can donate your girls to be slaves.

In addition, the Shaoer people are severely discriminated against in high-quality jobs and can only do rough work.

When 30% rule 70%, when 30% get enough to eat and 70% don't, the powder keg will always explode.

There are also places where the work of Pangu Technology's South An African headquarters is not in place.

Pangu's food factory is being promoted to the world to meet the needs of people around the world for food, but it does not take into account the actual local conditions when implementing it. The usual practice is to find an agent and execute the grain factory.

But then again, Pangu Technology is so busy that it is impossible to pay too much attention to a small country.

Unexpectedly, the agent's selfishness is very heavy, which will cause strong domestic conflicts.

In the heavy rain, Morton, the leader of the Sauer nationality, met with guests from the United States at his home far from the capital, and the Americans promised to help him regain power.

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