The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 852? Crowding the route

Xu Limin said with a smile: Perhaps the western flight has the shadow of a terrorist attack, but you already have the answer when you asked this question.

Xu Limin said: First of all, the Blue Ark is a civil aviation vehicle. It has a certain anti-collision function, but after all, it is not a combat weapon platform, and it is impossible to resist the supply of weapons. Like ordinary passenger aircraft, the Blue Ark should be protected by the security of various countries. .

Secondly, the maximum cruising speed of the anti-gravity ark has reached Mach 2. This speed surpasses many advanced fighter jets in the world today. If they can be destroyed at this speed, then the opponent must launch ordinary rockets but missiles to launch an attack. It must not be a terrorist, but a certain country.

Xu Limin asked the French reporter, Did you mean something?

The reporter sat down awkwardly.

Hello, Professor Xu, I'm a reporter from Sky News. Will Ark Azure only be used by Jiangcheng Airlines in the future or will it be sold to other airlines? If it can be sold, what is the price?

Xu Limin: At present, the production of Blue Ark is increasing. We will first be satisfied with the business of Jiangcheng Airlines, and will sell it to Xiaguo Airlines in the future. As for the sale price, there is no conclusion yet. But the price will definitely not be higher than what is commonly used now. the cost of the airliner.”

This remark made the hearts of Boeing and Airbus cool. Not to mention the advanced technology and the price advantage, how can these two companies survive?

Hello, Professor Xu, I'm a reporter from Xiaguo TV. Will the Blue Ark replace ordinary passenger planes as the mainstream mode of transportation for human beings in the future? How long will it take?

Xu Limin: Blue Ark is to replace passenger planes in a safer, cheaper and more comfortable way. Many of our production lines are hurrying to produce the Blue Ark. This time should not be long.

Hello, Professor Xu...

After the press conference, the representatives of Airbus and Boeing returned to the headquarters urgently, and they will fully explain everything about the press conference to the headquarters.

Boeing and Airbus must take measures immediately, otherwise the loss may not be as simple as Xia Guo's market, but the entire aviation industry.

Contrary to Boeing and Airbus, a large number of Xiaguo Airlines stayed. They hoped to negotiate cooperation with Pangu Technology and hope to introduce Azure Ark as soon as possible.

Xiaguo's aviation market is big enough, the world's aviation is bigger, and it is enough for Jiangcheng Airlines to develop together with other airlines.

Now Jiangcheng Airlines is the direct line of Pangu Technology, and it won't be as short-sighted as other airlines to compete for business with it, but most airlines are very happy to be able to enter the ranks of Ark ahead of schedule.

The Ark project was led by Xu Limin, but it was managed by Pangu Future Co., Ltd. Gao Derui was not proud at all, but patiently received the representatives of the airline and answered in detail the questions that were too late for them to explain at the press conference.

Lin Hongzhi stood at the front desk of the press conference. He had mixed feelings in his heart. After many days of struggle, he finally succeeded today.

At this time, Lin Hongzhi saw Hu Junyi, who was still sitting on the seat with a purple face.

The research and development of the anti-gravity ark is not only affected by Boeing and Airbus in the West, but also by COMAC in Xia.

COMAC has invested a lot of money and manpower to develop a new generation of large aircraft projects, and spent a lot of money to purchase C919 engines and increase C919 production.

After today's press conference, it is conceivable that most airlines will stop or reduce the purchase of civil aviation aircraft, and even Boeing and Airbus will not purchase aircraft. How can the sales of COMAC be improved?

Lin Hongzhi walked over. He looked at Hu Junyi and said, It's a pity that the COMAC Group is gone.

This is where Lin Hongzhi has struggled for many years, and it is the home in his heart. The word Unfortunately represents all his feelings.

Hu Junyi sneered, stood up without answering, and turned to leave.

Twelve days in the morning, the exclusive application of Jiangcheng Airlines opened the Ark ticketing function. The public can buy Ark tickets for Jiangcheng to and from Yanjing and Shanghai stock market online.

On a business trip in Shanghai, Xiaowen is not a fan of Pangu Technology, but a few hours ago when she was on Weibo, she saw a lot of Ark tweets, and she also had the idea to try it.

Xiaowen is a person who lives a more particular life. She will not fly for more than five years when she travels by plane. She has seen too many news of plane accidents, and she is afraid that old planes will have accidents.

Xiaowen was lucky and got a ticket from Shanghai to Ark.

One second after Xiaowen bought the tickets, from 8:00 in the morning to 11:00 in the evening, all the Ark tickets from Shanghai to Jiangcheng were sold out.

Most of the people who bought the tickets really wanted to go to Jiangcheng for work or life, and some wanted to try the feeling of the Ark.

Anti-gravity stabilization system, anti-gravity drive, this is an experience that human history has never had before.

It was late at night, and the netizens on Weibo were still active, and they were all discussing a topic-whether they got tickets.

I got it! I'm so excited to get it!

My God! You are also grabbing the tickets in the middle of the night? You are also fighting for the experience of the Ark!

It's good in the middle of the night! I can watch the moon and stars on the observation deck in the middle of the night! The video of the press conference Ark fascinates me, and I can't sleep without experiencing it! And the ticket price is not expensive! Such a cheap fool only takes a plane!

Affected by the low price of Blue Ark, major airlines had to reduce the round-trip air tickets from Jiangcheng to Shanghai and Yanjing in order to attract passengers.

However, extreme situations still occur. The Azur Lane is full, but the major airlines are sparse, and there are even situations where there are only two or three passengers on the flight.

The impact of Azur Ark on traditional airlines has been highlighted!

At 7:30 in the morning, Xiaowen packed her luggage early and arrived at Dongpu Airport in Shanghai.

Dongpu Airport has exclusive passages and waiting rooms for Jiangcheng Airlines.

Then the bright morning sun, Xiaowen saw the big blue ark on the tarmac.

Many tourists also stayed in front of the window and kept taking pictures!

Must be lucky to be able to ride this big guy today.

At this time, Xiaowen, who originally only cared about petty bourgeoisie life, food, drink and entertainment, but not the development of the country, was also touched.

All the signs on the Ark are in Chinese, and the Ark is independently developed by Pangu Technology, a company of Xiaguo, all of which made Xiaowen feel so moved!

For the first time, she was proud of being a native of Xia.

At Dongpu Airport, on the blue ark, Luo Yuting is about to start her first voyage.

She looked out the window, took a deep breath and smiled as brightly as the rising sun.

Together with her master, she will become the first batch of Azur Lane flight attendants, which is a good start!

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