The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 850 Opening the route

The cargo anti-gravity ark of the Hang Ding has a maximum load of 1,000 tons, which is about 400 tons more than the current world's largest heavy-lift aircraft.

There is still a big gap between the cargo anti-gravity ark of the Kangding and the cargo ships of more than 100,000 to 200,000 tons, but this is the first step for Pangu Technology to move towards air cargo.

In the future, after the successful development of the Blue Ark 2 and 3, it is normal for the anti-gravity technology to carry tens of thousands of tons and millions of tons.

Xu Limin also said: Because it is an anti-gravity cruise, superstrings are generated by controlled nuclear fusion, and the energy use cycle is very long, so neither our passenger planes nor transport planes need to stop to refuel. They can fly around the earth for half a year. No need to land.

The faces of the airline operators in the audience were even more unsightly.

The cargo ark and the military ark are almost separated by a line.

After a simple modification, the ark can definitely become a bombing ark, a large military delivery ark, and so on.

Such a fast speed, such a large load, unparalleled in the world!

Some netizens discussed it on Weibo.

Large carrying ark! It should be able to replace Y20 as a major killer in the sky of Xia Kingdom!

After the explosion of the former Soviet Union's Ann series carrier aircraft and the Western Hercules, it's too good!

I can already imagine the future. Anti-gravity fighters, anti-gravity carriers, and bombers rely on quantum communication technology to form a complete battle group. My God! The picture is too beautiful to imagine!

I used to say that the military strength of the Xia country is not as good as that of the United States, especially in terms of combat power in the air. If anti-gravity weapons can be developed, what is the US F22? It can fly for a long time without landing? Can it be resupplied? Our anti-gravity combat ark doesn't need supplies, and it's fine to fly N circles around the earth!

After the civilian ark is successful, I look forward to Pangu Technology's cooperation with relevant departments to develop the military ark!

I don't know when the Ark's route will be opened! If the price is right, I must find a chance to take a ride.

Xu Limin said: Our Kangding cargo ark will first be used in the express freight industry in the future, and will be used in the international transportation industry in the future.

At this time, Xu Limin also doesn't mind sending a challenge letter to the international shipping agency in advance.

He said: I firmly believe that with the efforts of Pangu's scientific researchers, the freight ark will replace freight ships as the world's most important way of freight transportation. In the future, the world's goods will arrive in Xia from all over the world, and will not take dangerous and long shipping routes. , will not go around the Cape of Good Hope to the Strait of Malacca, nor will it pass through Malacca from the Suez Canal to Xiaguo.”

All shipments will be in a straight line in the air, and we will save labor costs and time costs to the greatest extent. In the future, fresh milk produced in Switzerland will arrive in Xiaguo on the same day. Qinghe equipment produced in Xiaguo will also arrive on the same day. Europe, this is the way the Ark brings to the future of humanity.

Comments on Weibo have been flying.

#Antigravityark# has posted more than 100 million discussions on this topic.

Xia Guo's netizens cheered even more when Xu Limin discussed the way of freight transportation in the future.

Do you know who should cry the most now? Lion City! For every little thing we import from overseas, part of the cost must be paid to the Lion City toll!

Don't go through the Straits of Malacca, go straight in the air! Lion City is already crying and fainting in the toilet!

Celebrate! I wish the Lion City to become an underdeveloped country. If there is no Strait of Malacca and no freight ships passing through and docking, the Lion City will lose a lot of revenue, and I will really cry at that time!

Immigrants still want to immigrate?

Those domestic shepherds should stop advocating the Lion City model. The fact that a country as small as the Lion City can become prosperous is not because of how talented the people in their country are or how wise the leaders are, it's just good luck and a good location. !

There is also Tyrande crying in the toilet. When he left the Xia Kingdom, he gave him a lot of favorable conditions, hoping to build the Kra Canal together with Tyrande, but because of the United States and various reasons, Tyrande is willing to work with Xia. If the country develops together, Xia Guo will not be willing to dig it.

Pangu Technology has changed the future destiny of Xia Guo, I do not accept refutation!

Xu Limin ignored the stunned expressions of the people in the audience. He continued: At present, the only four blue arks we have will join Jiangcheng Airlines, which has just completed the acquisition and asset reorganization of Pangu Technology.

From 8:00 tomorrow morning, Jiangcheng Airlines will open two azure routes from Jiangcheng to Yanjing and from Jiangcheng to Shanghai. If you are interested, you can experience it.

Yesterday, Pangu Technology used its own power to complete the license for the anti-gravity ark to be put into operation in the market.

The anti-gravity ark has no precedent in the world. The relevant departments of Xia State are also eager to get rid of their dependence on Western aircraft companies and engine companies, so they approved the application of Pangu Technology.

At the same time, before yesterday's press conference, Xia Guo and Pangu Technology jointly established the Anti-gravity Ark technical standard identification group. The technical standard is of course based on Pangu Technology.

The specific time and price of the two routes were announced on the big screen.

Article 1:

Jiangcheng Airport to Yanjing International Airport.

Time: Depart from Jiangcheng Airport at 8:00 in the morning and arrive at Yanjing International Airport at 8:50. The fare is 999 soft sister coins, and the special class is 1999 soft sister coins.

Return time: Depart from Yanjing International Airport at 9:30 pm and arrive at Jiangcheng Airport at 10:20. The fare is 999 soft sister coins, and the first class cabin is 1999 soft sister coins.

The time from Yanjing to Jiangcheng is the same as above, and there is a train every hour after that.

Article 2:

Jiangcheng departs for the Shanghai Stock Exchange at 8:00 in the morning. It takes 25 minutes to fly. The fare is 399 soft sister coins and 999 soft sister coins for the first class.

The price from Shanghai Stock Exchange to Jiangcheng is the same as above, and the service is every hour after that.

When the price came out, the audience was shocked!

Totally beyond everyone's expectations!

This... Such a cheap price almost blows up all the airlines, this is fighting for business with the high-speed rail!

Cheap! Very cheap indeed!

Cheaper for a reason.

First of all, the manufacture of Pangu Technology's anti-gravity ark is almost mature. If the initial research and development expenses are deducted, the cost of the Blue Ark 1 is 1 billion soft sister coins, which is 6 to 1 billion softer than buying Boeing 787. sister coins.

Secondly, the operation and maintenance costs are low, and the anti-gravity ark has no pilots, so there is no need to pay the crew members other than flight attendants. Robot warriors are also responsible for flight safety, which is much more reliable than human security personnel. Fusion fuel can be used for a long time without refueling, and the cost is much lower than aviation fuel.

In addition, the flight time is short and the round-trip frequency is high, which is unmatched by ordinary aircraft.

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