The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 840? The first chaotic gorilla in history

The latest website: Wen Jinrui is a scientific maniac.

Although Xiao Ming has never met him, he has long heard of his deeds.

Such people must use Pangu Technology, and use it well.

Such a person is actually a double-edged sword. If used well, it can become a sharp weapon of Pangu Technology. If you don't use it well, you will kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred.

To do such a major experiment without the knowledge of the headquarters, if it is successful, everything is easy to say. It is now unknown whether it was successful or not, but the orangutan escaped. To put it further, this will not only bring trouble to Pangu Technology, but even bring trouble to mankind.

Because no one knows whether or not Julie's experiment is successful and what changes it will bring to the entire species of apes.

Julie has always been a powerful male orangutan, and he can pass on his genetic material at will.

Xiao Ming knows that Gao Siqi intends to cultivate Wen Jinrui. With the expansion of the life science laboratory and more and more experimental projects, Gao Siqi intends to cultivate Wen Jinrui as the actual controller of the life science laboratory.

Wen Jingrui still needs to be tempered. Xiao Ming said, and gave Wen Jinrui's punishment decision: All positions of Wen Jinrui are tentatively scheduled, and the experimental project team leader will be downgraded to a level 7 researcher.

The researcher level of Pangu Technology Life Science Laboratory is divided into 1 to 13 levels. After the first level researcher is the research team leader.

From the group leader to the seventh-level researcher, the benefits and experimental qualifications are reduced.

Wen Jinrui, who was originally in the core project group, is likely to be assigned to other commercial experimental project groups.

Gao Siqi had a lot to say, but seeing Xiao Ming's affirmative attitude, she could understand the boss's intentions.

Gao Siqi said, I see.

That orangutan, I'm not very worried. Xiao Ming said: If the experiment is partially successful, then we have a chance to find the orangutan.

Although Xiao Ming is no longer working on the front line of the experiment, he still controls the project structure and experimental progress of the life science laboratory.

From a physiological point of view, the brain structure of gorillas is different from that of humans. Simply relying on reverse transcription of thinking is definitely not able to record all human thinking and personality into the brain of gorillas.

Well, in Wen Jinrui's tentative experiment, it is very likely that gorillas have indeed accepted some human consciousness, but most of the consciousness is still rejected by the physiological structure.

So now Julie is a combination of an orangutan and part of the human mind.

As long as he has a little human mind, he doesn't want to be an orangutan, and he doesn't want to eat fruit and cold water in the jungle every day. Xiao Ming said firmly: He wants to be a human.

This kind of experiment will have two results. One is that Julie can't become a human and has a strong hatred for human beings, and the other is trying to become a human again.

Xiao Ming said: Take the drone to Nananfei, and shout to Julie, if he is willing to return to the laboratory, the laboratory will immediately transfer the part of his human mind to the virtual world, and let him live in the virtual world. The virtual world becomes a real person. Julie's own gorilla mind will stay in the body and we will release it into nature.

Gao Siqi knew that Zhu Li's thinking was part of Wen Jinrui's thinking. If this is the case, then the method proposed by Xiao Ming is practical and effective.

After all, no one wants to become an orangutan, and no one wants to run around shirtless in the virgin tropical rainforest looking for a female orangutan to fall in love and make friends.

If this is the case, then his taste is a bit heavy.

Xiao Ming threw another question that made Gao Siqi think, You should also think about the research on Mars life in the laboratory. We transfer human thinking to orangutans, but people can't accept it. Then we are based on human thinking. , created in a different body, a body suitable for extraterrestrial environment, can everyone accept it?

Gao Siqi fell into silence. Humans have evolved their current appearance after tens of millions of years. If the appearance of human beings is suddenly changed in order to survive, this is definitely not acceptable.

Xiao Ming also completely denied Gao Siqi's plan, saying: The topic of research on Martian life forms, after Julie retrieves it, I think our experimenters should think about it.

Wen Jinrui got the notice of being demoted.

The enthusiasm all over his body cooled down. He knew that his experimental mistakes would be punished, but he was suddenly downgraded to a seventh-level researcher, which he could not accept.

He is a man with ideals and aspirations, and the experiment is to prove himself to the headquarters. The downgrade notice proves that instead of agreeing with its own experiment, the headquarters is opposed to it.

Tech lunatics are usually paranoid, and Wen Jinrui fell into a state of self-defeating and extreme depression.

Gao Siqi knew her students well. She went to the door in person and explained her work to Wen Jinrui.

But Wen Jinrui, who was already caught in his own emotions, couldn't hear it. After Gao Siqi's visit, Wen Jinrui took a long vacation and he needed to rest.

Wen Jinrui also received a call from a classmate from the United States.

The search continues in the tropical rain forest outside the Pangu Technology Life Science Laboratory in the northern part of South Anfrica.

But this time the search team had two more weapons.

The same is the drone, the same is the loudspeaker carried by the search team.

Whether it's a drone or a loudspeaker, the Pangu Science and Technology Life Laboratory's call to Julie is playing.

The content of the call is the commitment of the Life Science Laboratory to Julie—human consciousness enters the virtual world, orangutan consciousness remains in the body, and Julie will be released into nature after the transfer of consciousness is completed.

The focus of the search team's search was the water source, the food area and the market place where the orangutan population appeared.

Xiao Ming even thought of a ruthless move. If Julie couldn't hear it, then he would let the drone drop the flyers from the sky.

Deep in the jungle, Julie fell into an embarrassing situation.

Xiao Ming's guess was very correct. Zhu Li was indeed paid attention to Wen Jinrui's thinking, but because of the structure of the brain and nervous system, Wen Jinrui's human consciousness did not fully enter Zhu Li's brain.

Julie is now partially conscious, like the feeling that human intelligence has just been enlightened. He vaguely feels that he is a human being, but he also feels that he should be an orangutan.

Orangutan is also an omnivorous animal. When he is hungry, he will look for the fruit on the tree to eat, and he will also eat some small animals or find the carcasses of animals in the rainforest and river beaches that have not yet decomposed to satisfy his hunger.

But every time Julie eats that raw meat, he's going to feel sick to himself and feel like he shouldn't eat it.

In his night dreams, Julie often dreamed of familiar and unfamiliar human urban scenes, and he fell into the confusion of identity, which was not the most painful.

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