The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 827? Money is not everything

The latest website: Even if you are in the front, do you have the money to do neuron chip induction surgery?

Although the girl Nuoxi learned from the online propaganda, the virtual paradise is no longer based on money as the only qualification for admission.

But she still didn't know what was actually happening. She didn't even have the chance to use any Pangu Technology products. However, before entering the virtual paradise, it is necessary to perform neuron chip induction surgery. It is not clear whether this will cost Pangu Technology.

Nuo Xi looked at the long queue and thought about the situation at his home, and his heart suddenly became cold.

No matter how the world is divided into classes, if there is no money or status, there is nothing.

Nuo Xi actually only wants her grandmother to be in this world forever, to grow up with her, to watch her get married and have children in the future, and the family can be together forever.

Nuoxi squatted on the ground, tears streaming down her face.

Everyone is longing for the chance of eternal life, but this chance must not belong to his grandma.

At this time, some staff members came out of the Pangu Technology Treatment Center of the hospital. They had just received news from the headquarters that they should seriously publicize the access conditions of the virtual paradise, and reasonably guide users to make an online appointment for neuron chip induction surgery in batches and stages. Pangu Technology Cooperative Medical Center can arrange the neuron chip induction time according to the priority of the applicant's situation.

Notice, notice. Users who are queuing up to apply for a virtual paradise, pay attention to the content. The hospital's loudspeaker also cooperated with the brochures distributed by employees to inform: First, the neuron chip induction surgery fee applies to Pangu Technology's medical coefficient; third 2. Applicants should check themselves whether they have committed crimes, fraud or other violations of laws and disciplines. Those who have the above behaviors, please do not apply. The neuron chip can read the deepest secrets of the applicant's heart...

Nuo Xi listened to the announcement on the radio and looked at the virtual paradise brochure handed over by the hospital staff, and was full of hope.

The induction operation of the neuron chip is suitable for the medical coefficient of Pangu Technology, which means that Nuo Xi's grandmother can perform the neuron induction operation at a lower price.

Online appointment means that there is no need to queue here, Pangu Technology can intelligently allocate the chip induction time of applicants, and users like Grandma Nuoxi who are dying will be eligible for priority surgery.

Nuoxi quickly stood up and touched the tears in the corners of her eyes with her hand. She took out her Huawei mobile phone and registered her grandma's identity according to the link given by Pangu Technology's Weibo.

Similar to Nohi, there is not much money,

People with low social status saw the hope of immortality in a virtual paradise.

But Jiang Zhiqiang, the middle-aged uncle who had just talked to Nuo Xi, changed his face when he heard the propaganda broadcast and saw the brochure.

Jiang Zhiqiang's father, Jiang Yong, is indeed a man of influence in the city. He went to sea in the late 1980s, opened a factory, worked in sand and stone and building materials business, and finally made his fortune by relying on several waves of real estate.

Most of the buildings in this city are indeed built by Jiang Yong Development Company, but Jiang Zhiqiang knows that his father's fortune is a history with blood on his hands.

Who can monopolize building materials and gravel in a city, how innocent is a businessman.

In order to grab the sand and gravel business, it takes a lot of time to move the stick and move the knife.

In order to obtain high-quality land, it squeezed competitors by unfair means, and took extraordinary measures to make the demolition households move away.

In that era when the rule of law was not perfect, every penny Jiang Yong earned was bloody.

Now that Jiang Yong is old, various diseases occur, and the medical center of Pangu Technology is also incapable.

If you want to get medical treatment, you will need to change the kidney after changing the experience, and after changing the kidney, you will have to change the liver, and you may die on the operating table after such tossing.

Instead of tossing, it is better to enjoy life in a virtual paradise.

In a villa in a wealthy area in the city center, Jiang Yong was lying in bed receiving the care of the best nurses in the country, and was also waiting, waiting for the application for admission to the virtual paradise to be approved.

Jiang Yong even thinks that if money can buy things in real life, it will not be a problem in the virtual world.

Jiang Yong has already planned his life in the virtual world. He still buys a big villa, finds a few servants to serve him, and then finds two beautiful wives. What a wonderful life.

Although Jiang Yong doesn't know anything about modern technology, he still uses a Samsung phone, but he likes to watch news and knows that people feel the same in the virtual world as in the real world, so when living with a beautiful wife, that feeling is also there.

What a man pursues in his life is nothing more than power, wealth, and sex.

This thing is still the same in the virtual world.

Jiang Yong did not know that his son was very anxious at this time.

Jiang Zhiqiang gave up filling out the application materials online, and he still decided to queue up to ask the staff in person.

Following the advice of Pangu Technology, Nuo Xi made an appointment online and filled in his grandmother's information truthfully. He was booked to perform neuron induction surgery and gene collection from 9:00 to 11:00 this evening.

The content to be filled in is mainly the actual physical condition of the user, to see if it is necessary to induce the neuron chip immediately.

When filling in the grandma's situation, the notice clearly stated, remember to fill in truthfully at the request of the applicant. Because during the review, the system will check whether the filling is true and whether it is authorized by the user himself. If it is filled in falsely or without the user's authorization, both the user himself and the proxy applicant will be permanently disqualified from entering the virtual paradise.

This trick is indeed effective. Anyone can deceive, but Pangu Technology must not be deceived.

A few minutes later, the staff of Pangu Technology called Nuo Xi and agreed with her on the exact time and place of the induction surgery. After Nuo Xi hung up the phone, she quickly arranged for her grandmother to go to the hospital from the countryside.

Jiang Yong, who was at the top of the list of relationships, also met Zhang Min, director of the Pangu Technology Treatment Center of the First People's Hospital of Jiangyang City.

In the human society of Xia Guo, Jiang's father and son are very influential in Jiangyang City. Jiang Zhiqiang knew Zhang Min ten years ago. Zhang Min still gave Jiang Zhiyong face and informed him of the specific information about the virtual paradise he knew.

You have to make sure that Uncle Jiang did not violate the law... Zhang Min actually knew what Jiang Yong was like, but because of his face, he had something to say, In short, you have to make sure that Uncle Jiang is kind and virtuous. Good people, only such people have the opportunity to enter the virtual paradise.

Of course Jiang Zhiqiang knew what kind of person his father was. He said excitedly, Director Zhang, what do you mean? Do you mean that my father broke the law?

Of course I didn't mean that. Zhang Min was a little embarrassed, Mr. Jiang, I just told you in advance, because Pangu Technology has to check these things.

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