The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 815? You didn't sign an agreement

At the completion ceremony, Xiao Ming said: The establishment of the Aerospace City is the beginning of our close contact with other planets. Human vision will not be limited to this corner of the earth. We will have a broader vision and a broader future...

Xiaguo TV is broadcasting the completion ceremony of the space base, This is the first space center built by a private company in Xiaguo's history, but it has extraordinary significance. When some countries in the world are still staring at West Asia And the oil resources of North Africa, when staring at the ocean floor resources of the Pacific Ocean, Pangu Technology has set its sights on the distant moon.

The host Lan Feng said: From the information of Pangu Technology, the controllable nuclear fusion of Pangu Technology is in urgent need of a safer helium-3 material without radiation spillage during the reaction. Because of the thick atmosphere, helium-3 is a scarce resource on earth. However, the moon, which has been exposed to cosmic ray radiation for a long time, is a common resource. This time, Pangu Technology will launch aircraft, equipment and robots to the moon, and transport the lunar soil back from the moon. Here, the Aerospace City will also be the largest helium three resource city. , maybe at a certain time in the future, the helium-3 resources extracted by Pangu Technology will be able to meet the global energy demand. We are very much looking forward to this.”

Lan Feng's partner Ding Chen said: Lan Feng has just introduced the significance of the construction of the Minsha Aerospace City to human energy in the future. I will now introduce the tourism industry.

Ding Chen gave up a position so that the camera could take a picture of the launch site behind him.

Ding Chen said: The tourism I'm talking about is not about tourists coming to Jiangcheng Minsha Space City to watch the launch of spacecraft. This space city is not open to tourism. The tourism I'm talking about is interstellar tourism.

Ding Chen looked at the camera and said excitedly: I just got the news from Pangu Technology that the aerospace department of Pangu Technology has started the lunar travel business. Tomorrow, the specific matters of this business will be announced to the public. You can sign up for moon travel at the Interstellar Travel Company, a subsidiary of Pangu Technology’s aerospace department.

As far as I know, the program's interstellar travel qualifications will be lower than the space travel qualifications of Musk's SpaceX. Most people can travel to the moon as long as they are healthy enough to undertake long-distance air flights.

The news brought by Ding Chen is indeed heartening. A few years ago, landing on the moon was still an extravagant thing in the world. A year ago, the only countries that could send people to the moon or Mars were Xia and the United States. And it was sent by professional astronauts.

Today, Pangu Technology announced that it can send two ordinary people to the moon, and can open a travel project to the moon.

Technology is developing too fast, beyond everyone's expectations.

After Xiao Ming finished cutting the ribbon, he came to the observatory. As the most important part of the completion ceremony, Pangu Technology will continue to launch mining equipment, mining robots and building materials for the moon base to the moon from today.

Pangu Technology, which has a controllable nuclear fusion engine, can achieve round-trip to the moon within one day.

The rocket launched this time was funded free of charge by the Xia Guo Lunar Exploration Center. In order to reduce costs, Pangu Technology and the Xia Guo Rocket Research and Development Center jointly researched the launch without a rocket system.

The rocket launch module is used because the earth has a strong gravitational force. It consumes the fuel of the rocket to escape the earth's gravity, and then uses the power of the nuclear fusion engine of the aircraft itself to come to the moon.

However, Pangu Technology already has a controllable nuclear fusion engine, and high-energy plasma can help the aircraft escape from the earth to the moon, so it is not so important to use a rocket as a launch vehicle.

This technology is almost not difficult. If helium III as a cheap controllable nuclear fusion raw material becomes a reality, then the direct launch of the aircraft at the Minsha Aerospace City launch site to the moon will become the norm.

Pangu Technology's originally loose aerospace company became a real company, and Xu Limin officially walked from the behind-the-scenes physics laboratory to the front desk.

Pangu Aerospace still has a lot of things to do, and the main thing is to develop a large-scale space cargo capsule and a lunar transport vehicle.

However, the top priority of Pangu Technology at present is to get dozens of tons of soil from the moon to the earth and extract hundreds of kilograms of helium-3.

Only a few hundred grams are needed, then the entire Aerospace City can function well.

In the future, if several tons of helium-3 can be obtained, the anti-gravity space vehicle can be mass-produced. If more than ten tons or even hundreds of tons of helium-3 are extracted, then Xiao Ming's floating city plan can be realized.

The rocket was ready, and after Xu Limin gave an order, the rocket launched into the sky and shot straight into the sky.

A few hours later, the Luna 1 spacecraft at the top of the rocket was able to stop smoothly at the Lunar Guanghangong base.

The Moon One spacecraft carried tools and five robots to expand the Guanghan Palace, as well as mining vehicles and equipment.

It is expected that in a week, twenty tons of lunar soil and rocks will fill Luna 1, and Luna 1 will return to Earth.

The robots and mining vehicles remaining in the lunar mine will continue to mine. In the future, there will be Luna 1, 2 and 3 spacecraft going back and forth from the moon to the earth every day, bringing back a large amount of lunar soil.

Behind the Aerospace City will be a large helium-3 refining base, and all the refined helium-3 will be stored for future use.

Pangu Technology is able to carry out such a large-scale lunar mining activity, in a sense, thanks to the cooperation with NASA.

To rescue NASA's astronauts on Mars, the United States paid a large inventory of deuterium and tritium, and now these resources have played a role.

This time, Pangu Technology has sent a spacecraft to land on the moon again, which has long been less sensational than the first human landing on the moon in the 21st century more than a year ago, but the response of the international community is still very complicated. In 1979, at the end of the space race between the two giant powers, they took the lead in formulating the Moon Agreement, which considered the lunar man to be the common property of human beings, but there is also a rule that whoever has the strength to develop on the moon, then the resource will be who will belong to.  When this agreement was formulated, no one thought about who would have the strength to mine resources on the moon.  The United States and Europe currently have one not thought of and one worried.  I didn't expect that Xia Guo would have the technology to mine the resources of the moon, and it was so much ahead of Omi.   Worrying is that Xia Guo has not signed the Moon Agreement, will he declare the moon to be his extraterrestrial territory because of the expansion of his power on the moon?  The reason why Xia Guo did not sign the agreement is really embarrassing to the Americans and Europeans, because they thought that Xia Guo’s aerospace technology level was too low, and there was no need to sign the agreement to Xia Guo people.   It's really embarrassing!

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