The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 792? The initiative lies with me

Friends on the ground, my relatives, hello.

I'm astronaut Chiesa.

I'm astronaut Bradhua, and now we're giving you a parting video message from the control module of the Adam on Mars.

Chiesa: We already know that NASA is negotiating with Pangu Technology, hoping that Pangu Technology can rescue us on Mars. We also know that this rescue will require a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is definitely not something that a private group can do... Here I am very grateful to Pangu Technology for giving us the lunar communication equipment that is on the mission for free, as a relay for our communication with the earth, which greatly improves the quality and speed of our communication.

We are affiliated with NASA, not Xia Guo and Pangu Technology, so Bradhua and I can understand the rescue conditions proposed by Pangu Technology.

Bradward: Yes, we can understand.

Chiesa: But I don't understand NASA or the United States at all. Is it so difficult to open up the market? Intel, Apple, Microsoft, and Boeing products can be sold freely in Xiaguo, and Xiaguo has no barriers for them. , why can't Pangu Technology's products be sold in the United States. Is this closed competition strategy really good?

Because of the closure, we need to wait for Pangu Technology's rescue instead of NASA's rescue, because the technology of closure is far behind Pangu Technology.


Stop indulging in yesterday's fantasies, Bradward and I are the pioneers of deep space exploration, but we don't want us to be the end of deep space exploration. Deep space exploration requires every country in the world to work together, and everyone needs to work together to be successful.

Bradhua: I know that some consortiums want us to die on Mars, they are unwilling to agree to the conditions of Pangu Technology, because opening the market means the death of traditional forces, they want to continue to count the money in the closed US... I regret it very much. I am a NASA astronaut, and I regret that I landed on Mars in such a cold-blooded environment. Chiesa and I already know the outcome of the negotiations, and the consortium of NASA and the United States is reluctant to make any concessions for us.

The two of us have stopped any Mars exploration plans. We will announce the results of the exploration a few days ago to the world through the communication system of Pangu Technology. Friends, we love you!

Chiesa: Messela! Take good care of the children! I love you! May God bless you! If only I was born in these dark times! That dream-filled America is over!

Bradward: Dad! Mom! I love you and I will always watch over you on Mars.


The video messages of the two were directly announced to the world through the communication equipment of Pangu Technology.

Under the operation of Super Junior, major video websites and social media are all Mars' Absolute Message.

Facebook and Twitter have no way to block this kind of video. Algorithmically, they will never be able to calculate quantum computers.


Absolute scandal!

People all over the world suddenly discovered that in the face of money, NASA doesn't care about the life and death of astronauts.

The American society controlled by the consortium cares most about money and interests. As for scientific and technological exploration, the lives of astronauts, and the scientific research of Adam, it is not worth mentioning.

NASA named the opportunity to cooperate with Pangu Technology to rescue the astronauts, but the negotiations were terminated because of these interference factors.

In the accusation of the two astronauts, the people of the West suddenly realized a fact.

In fact, the condition put forward by Pangu Technology is not excessive - fair trade.

The United States cannot deny Pangu Technology's entry into the US market because of its advanced technology, which is completely inconsistent with the trading rules of wTo.

As long as there is trade between the two sides, there must be one with advanced technology and the other with backward technology.

More than ten or twenty years ago, the Xia Kingdom was also very backward. It did not have its own computer, no chips, no aircraft and no advanced machine tools. These were imported from Western countries such as the United States.

In the decades of trade between the Xia Kingdom and the United States, the Xia Kingdom has always been in a passive state.

Import high-tech products and export cheap rough processed products.

100 million shirts in exchange for a plane, this is a common metaphor in the chat of ordinary people in Xia.

Even with such a disadvantageous position, Xia Guo still opened its market to the United States.

Only in the continuous opening up and self-improvement and innovation will there be such excellent companies as Huawei, Xiaomi, Gerry, and Pangu Technology that can compete with the West.

It is absolutely unreasonable for the United States to reject Pangu because of its advanced technology.

Chiesa and Bradward's last message awakened most Westerners, they saw the fact that they were deceived by unscrupulous media!

I understand Pangu Technology now. You treat me unequally. Why should I help you? It's human nature!

The failure of the Adam is all NASA's responsibility. In the past, it was extremely unfair to the public opinion to point the finger at Pangu Technology!

Why can't we give Pangu Technology equal treatment, as consumers, we actually want to use Pangu Technology's products!

These are fairly reasonable comments.

Quite extreme netizens took to Wall Street to protest.

Their slogan was: Make a deal and save the Adam!

The angry crowd smashed the Wall Street copper bull, a symbol of capital.

NASA fell into a very passive state.

Under the huge pressure of public opinion, the United States is very clear that if it does not rescue the two astronauts, its international image, citizens' trust and the space agency plan will really be ruined!

This kind of loss cannot be recovered by tens of hundreds of billions! The United States also does not want its own space program to stop.

After an urgent discussion, the White House hopes that Vincent will negotiate with Pangu Technology again.

Let's talk if you want? Lin Li chuckled and said, Pangu Technology is not a zoo either. They can come and leave if they want, without talking.

Time is passing by day by day, and if it is any later, there is really no help.

Very helpless.

Vincent and relevant U.S. departments have spoken out.

Agree to give Pangu Technology equal treatment in the U.S. market. We hope to reach cooperation with Pangu Technology to jointly rescue the members of the Adam.

Pangu Technology also lowered its posture in real time.

Pangu Technology issued an announcement: We have seen the messages of the two heroic astronauts, and we are very saddened by this. Pangu Technology is willing to help but unable to do what we can do... We have changed the negotiation conditions after discussion, as long as all Xiaguo enterprises have ownership in the United States and Europe. On an equal footing with other companies, we are willing to work with the negotiating parties to set up a rescue team.

This is Xiao Ming's true condition and purpose!

Qian Yi personally sent out the announcement in Xiao Ming's office. She said: Although it is a bit cruel for the two astronauts, this is the price that the United States must pay.

Xiao Ming was as calm as ever, I said a long time ago that we are not the saviors of the world, and the astronauts are not from the Xia country. I have no obligation to spend the money and technology developed by the countless scientific researchers of Xia country. Go save two white men.

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