The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 646 4 to 1, strongly opposed

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Young people in Dongying soon learned that myopia can be completely cured in Xia Kingdom. Compared with a few years ago, people in Dongying have a clearer understanding of Pangu Technology and know that Pangu Technology has already taken the lead in life science and technology. worldwide.

However, it is unheard of to be able to completely reshape the eyeball by selecting excellent gene therapy to cure myopia, and Pangu Technology has achieved it.

The technology is advanced and mature, and the price is also acceptable to Dongying people.

Dongying's netizens are full of jealousy towards Xia Guo.

The strong people are amazing! I just don't know when the gene store will be able to open here.

It may be difficult, after all, we are following the policy of the United States and refuse to sell many products of Pangu Technology in our country, and the gene store will not open here.

Then what to do! The treatment cost of more than 200,000 soft sister coins is not expensive! I really want to solve my myopia.

You think too much. This price is only for the people of Xia. Foreign customers need to multiply this price by three or more.

There is a way to travel to Xiaguo, and then find a gene store to have the treatment done.

Although this is simple, it is very difficult to implement! All projects of Pangu Technology are preferentially opened to the people of Xia. a girl.

This problem is actually very easy to solve. Find an international student from Xia Guo as your boyfriend and let him find a way for you.

It's a lot harder, but how do you know it won't work if you don't try it.

There are many Yingzhou people who are trying to figure out how to successfully make an appointment for treatment in the gene store in the Xia Kingdom.

There is a new business in the major colleges and universities in Dongying. Many male students from Xia Guo are willing to marry people who want to treat myopia in Dongying first, and help them obtain treatment qualifications as family members of Xia Guoren. Divorce again.

Xia Guo's international students charge a lot for this. For marriage and divorce, they charge an intermediary fee ranging from 300,000 to 500,000 soft sister coins.

Xia Guo's nationality became rich.

Xiaochu also accurately judged the tricks used by customers from overseas countries such as Dongyang, but Xiao Ming's opinion is to let them go, how can the world be clean enough, and these phenomena are just an example. It will not affect the overall situation.

Europe, Sweden.

The annual Nobel Prize will be held from the end of the year to the beginning of the following year, and at this time, the candidates submitted by major organizations, institutions and individuals around the world need to be reviewed.

Every year, there are hundreds to thousands of candidates for each Nobel Prize worldwide application, and the Nobel Prize jury will select several or dozens of candidates from these hundreds to thousands of candidates.

On this day, Xiao Ming was submitted to the jury as a nominee for the Peace Prize and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

The jury consists of only five members, one is a professor from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, one is a former Nobel Prize winner, one is a tenured professor at Stockholm University (a major that fits the award), one is an institution official, and the other is a Social celebrities represent the public.

In the selection of candidates for the Physiology or Medicine Award, when it was Xiao Ming's turn to nominate candidates, Professor Noelle of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences stated Xiao Ming's reasons for nominating candidates, and announced Xiao Ming's contribution to the world life science community. great scientific achievements.

The reason for Xiao Ming's nomination this time is his outstanding achievements in gene expression regulation research.

As the nominee of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Noelle spared no effort to fight for Xiao Ming.

It's a pity that the other judges were not impressed by Xiao Ming.

He is from Xia. This was the first sentence of Van Bolen of Stockholm University.

The second sentence is His academic achievements have only been recognized by the people of Xia, but not the world. Xia's academic fraud is serious,

We have reason to doubt whether Xiao Ming is an academic fraud.

Van Bolen rejected Xiao Ming with one of the criteria, which clearly indicated that the candidate's achievements in the field of research need to be generally recognized by global research institutions and academia.

Obviously, Xiao Ming does not meet this point.

The reason for the inconsistency is not Xiao Ming's academic fraud, but the blockade of Pangu Technology's life science and technology by Western society, making these technologies impossible to use in the West at all.

I also oppose it, said a former Nobel laureate. Xia Guo's academic problems are known to the world, and we can't select an achievement that we don't even know if it's real.

Noelle continued to fight for Xiao Ming. He said: I won't talk about the cancer treatment center in Jiangcheng. What about the treatment for Ebola and influenza? Africa has saved countless lives! Some hospitals and CDCs in Europe also have Pangu Technology's treatment methods!

An official of the awarding agency said: This cannot be used as a reason for the selection, because the WHO is not a professional scientific research institution. The current head of the WHO is a person from Xia Guoren. We don't know what interests there are.

Noelle was completely speechless. He stood up and said angrily, If you reject Xiao Ming on these grounds, then the Nobel Prize is not far from death!

At this time, as a well-known private person and a media person representing the opinions of ordinary citizens, Roggins said: Professor, Professor Noelle, I can't say this, the evaluation of the Nobel Prize must be based on basis and must stand up to The test of history. Xiao Ming's achievement in the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine must be achieved. We do not deny this, but whether the achievement meets the requirements of the Nobel Prize is worth exploring.

Roggins said: The opinions of the media people I represent here represent the opinions of people in Europe and the world. The random application of Pangu technology in genetic science is a great threat to human beings, and it will destroy human beings. The future of the country! The people of Xia are untrustworthy! Do you rest assured that you will give the keys of the human genetic code to the people of Xia?

Loggins eloquently said, From the field of morality, Xiao Ming has applied the results of genetics to the medical field without the consent of the global academic community. We even suspect that Xiao Ming has adopted some non-ethical non-human beings. The way to study human genes! From this point alone, he must not be nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Prize. If there is, this is the greatest blasphemy on human science and technology morality.

Noelle roared: What if Xiao Ming is European? What if he is Yingzhou? Do you continue to insist on your opinion?

Roggins sneered and said, Mr. Professor, and unfortunately Xiao Ming is from Xia, your assumption is not valid.

The five judges have finished their presentations and the voting has ended.

1:4, Xiao Ming was rejected by the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and he was not even eligible for the nomination of a candidate.

Seeing this result, Noelle slammed the door and left.

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