The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 65 Detonate Downloads

Professor Wu has a PhD in Genetics from Cambridge University and has lived in the UK for more than ten years, and has deep knowledge of English.

The English attainment here does not mean that you can use English smoothly in daily life, but that you can translate very profound Chinese papers into English papers that are recognized by the British academic community.

Professor Wu has traveled abroad and knows that in many fields, there is still a big gap between Xia and the West. Chip technology, Internet technology, artificial intelligence technology, etc., more than 90% of modern core technologies are mastered in the West.

Knowing what Westerners are doing, understanding what Western research results are, learning from Western research results and obtaining domestic innovations, this is what most domestic researchers have to do for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, Professor Wu attaches great importance to the English ability of students, and he is most interested in the English ability of students when recruiting postgraduates.

Professor Wu absolutely does not believe in mechanized software translation. He is an expert in artificial intelligence. Of course, he knows what translation software is on the market today.

But when Song Ruisi handed him the translated document, he snorted coldly after reading the first two paragraphs.

Good translation!

Professor Wu said silently in his heart.

Keep reading!

Professor Wu is a little restless!

The rules of the article are clear, the words are used correctly, the grammar is decent, and most importantly, the logic is clear.

From the perspective of pure translation, it is definitely a perfect article!

Professor Wu has given all the words of praise to this translated paper. It can be said that the translation quality of this paper is absolutely excellent! No less than Professor Wu's own translation.

After more than 20 minutes, Professor Wu probably finished browsing the content of the paper, and there was not a single place to revise.

Professor Wu looked at Song Ruisi and said with a smile: Risi, you are lying to me. You translated this paper with your heart. If you translate it with software, it will be at this level. No need to revise it, it will be a while. Just pass it on to Professor August.

Song Ruisi couldn't help laughing. Professor Wu still didn't believe it was the software translation, and even praised himself.

Song Ruisi turned on the mobile phone and showed the Yigou software to Professor Wu, and said, Professor Wu, I really didn't lie to you. Take a look, it's this software.

Professor Wu looked at the Yigou software and said, No way, is this the APP?

Seeing that Professor Wu didn't believe it, Song Ruisi said, This software was also recommended to me by others. It should have been on the market for a while, you see.

Song Ruisi took out an English academic journal from Professor Wu's desktop, opened an article at random, and then clicked the software's scan function to take a photo of the page.

In a few seconds, the translation result came out.

Professor Wu didn't believe it at first, but when he saw it, he was shocked!

The translation is really flawless!

What software is this? What company made it?

Song Ruisi said: Yigou, what is Pangu Technology Company? I found it online. There is no name of this company. It should be developed privately.

Professor Wu immediately downloaded one on his mobile phone and said, I have to study this software. If there is such a good person, the person who developed this software is really talented, and his English must be good!

Not only in the artificial intelligence laboratory of Shuimu University, but also in places where English translation is required in major companies and enterprises, translation dogs are popular.

A foreign-funded enterprise in Shanghai stock market fired translators hired with high salaries because of the emergence of Yigou software.

The translator Xiaotong looked at HR with red eyes and said, Min SIR, why did you fire me? I have been doing well for the past two years and have not made any mistakes. Did Wang Bin exclude me?

HR Min SIR is also very sympathetic to Xiaotong's experience, saying: Xiaotong! Your salary is more than 10,000 yuan a month, and the job content is to translate some documents.

Now there is software translation, the translation is more accurate than you, and it is free. The company also needs to save costs. You said that in this case, does the company spend 10,000 yuan per month to hire you or use free software?

Xiaotong was surprised. What replaced him was not a colleague from the company, but a special piece of software! Still free!

Xiaotong will never accept this reason.

Min SIR, what are you kidding! Can software translation replace humans? Is it as accurate as humans?

Min SIR smiled and said, You download one of the Yigou software, and then compare your translations to see if the software's translation level is high or your translation level is high. Xiaotong, there is no market for simple translation, you You can improve yourself and get a better job.”

Huawei AppGallery.

Yigou Translation has entered the top ten translation software, second only to Youdao, Baidu, Jinshan and other translation software, ranking first in the translation software of small companies.

In the Xiaomi app market, the downloads of Yigou exceeded 10,000, and it received a lot of praise. Even under the translation software such as Youdao, some people helped Yigou to advertise.

What else are you downloading! Go and download Yigou!

I used to be a loyal user of Youdao, but now I use Yigou to know that Youdao is an idiot! I highly recommend Yigou translation software!

Xiao Ming couldn't believe it when he suddenly received 15,600 surprise points.

When he saw more than 50,000+ downloads aggregated by various platforms, he understood why the Internet era is an era of personal entrepreneurship and an era of wealth reshuffling.

Xiao Ming checked the software and accidentally received a reward of 7,000 yuan.

More than 10,000 surprise points and more than 7,000 rewards.

Xiao Ming set his sight on the primary iron treasure chest that could be exchanged for 50,000 Surprise Points. He didn't know what technology this could be exchanged for.

At the same time, Yigou's friendship performance also attracted the attention of the industry leader, the Youdao team under NetEase.

The task of Youdao technician Xiao Chen is to pay attention to every translation software on the market, compare its performance and creativity, and use the excellent ones.

Not to mention the rivals Jinshan and Baidu. Everyone's internal technical structure is similar, and even the grammar library used is the same, and the market share is still there, and there is no comparison.

During this period of time, the rapid rise of Yigou has aroused Xiao Chen's interest. A new software has such a high download volume in a short period of time, Xiao Chen doubts whether it is a ranking.

Xiao Chen downloaded Yigou with a test mentality, then clicked to use it and compared it with Youdao.

Just after testing the translation of two long and difficult sentences, Xiao Chen's heart was a little square.

Yigou's translation quality is perfect!

This kind of complete explosion is the complete explosion of the technical generation! This kind of translation quality cannot be translated by the paid version of Youdao, and even high-end users cannot achieve this level with manual translation!

Continuing to test down, Xiao Chen's cold sweat came out.

Is Director He here? Xiao Chen realized the seriousness of the problem.

Director He went upstairs for a meeting, said the colleague.

Xiao Chen didn't care about what meeting his supervisor was holding, so he grabbed his phone and went to find someone. Xiao Chen knew very well that if Yigou continued to guarantee this kind of translation quality and software experience, it would be cool within half a year.

For the same type of software, if there is a technical generation gap, it is difficult for the second place to have absolutely no living space!

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