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Xiao Ming's current life is quite colorful. During the week, apart from two days at school for the students, and two days at the headquarters to handle official business, the rest of the time is spent in close contact with nature.

Recently, Xiao Ming became obsessed with fishing. In the mountain stream behind the headquarters, all kinds of fish in the stream are a rare delicacy.

This kind of life also makes Zheng Xuanyu envious. Zheng Xuanyu, who is exhausted in the laboratory every day, sees Xiao Ming carrying a bucket of live fish down the mountain. This feeling is no longer there.

Xiao Ming is also obsessed with making his own food. In the suite behind the headquarters office, this is where Xiao Ming plays.

It's just that Xiao Ming's skills are too poor. At present, only Qian Yi who happens to come over to Xiao Ming to sign his signature is the only one who is fortunate enough to taste Xiao Ming's food works.

Qian Yi's evaluation of Xiao Ming's cooking skills is only four words - endless aftertastes.

If Qian Yi was asked to add some annotations to these four words, Comrade Qian Yi would have a painful expression on his face, first retching, and then said earnestly: If you give me another chance, at that time of the day, I would Absolutely leave the papers in the office and go to the boss the next morning to sign.”

Xiao Ming, who is so leisurely, is not thinking about his retirement life. He has not yet reached the age of retirement, but is waiting.

Waiting for the large-scale application of quantum communication, and more importantly, waiting for news from South Anfei.

Super Xiaochu reported the situation in Nananfei in time.

He Yuchu is an embryo now, and there will be fetal movement in a while, do you want to touch it?

Still early.

Xiao Ming looked at Xiaochu, but Get could not find her cold humor.

But since He Yuchu has formed an embryo, it means that the first phase of the experiment on Gao Siqi's side was successful.

In the first stage, the most difficult part is the connection of gene segments and the combination of chromosomes.

It is absolutely necessary for Xiao Ming to see the shape of the embryo.

Certainly not by plane to South Anfei, but by using virtual reality technology.

The laboratory at Nan Anfei will appear in the laboratory of the virtual community in a complete form, and Xiao Ming can observe the embryos closely.

Xiaochu, turn on the Qinghe equipment and enter the virtual laboratory.

Xiao Ming was lying on the boss chair. Under the control of Xiaochu, the Qinghe device that Xiao Ming carried with him entered the full virtual mode. Xiao Ming logged in and entered the virtual headquarters of Pangu Technology in Luoxia City, the life science laboratory.

Gao Siqi and others were already waiting in the virtual laboratory. In front of Xiao Ming, there was a cylindrical glass container two meters high and half a meter in diameter.

In the container is a yellowish liquid in which a white mesh-like tissue can be seen.

The tissue simulates the human zigong wall, and in the center of the reticular tissue, there is an implanted embryonic tissue.

Therefore, in this situation, there is no way to see the embryonic tissue with the naked eye, only with the help of instruments.

Gao Siqi reported the detailed data of the first phase of the experiment to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming took a look and found that they were all within the allowable range of the experiment, indicating that the embryos are currently stable.

Gao Siqihui reported: In the first phase of experiments, our technology has also made great breakthroughs, especially in the connection of gene fragments and the combination of chromosomes.

Xiao Ming nodded, Thank you!

Gao Siqi's eyes were full of guilt. After all, such a big thing happened on Su Yi's side, and she couldn't blame her. What kind of hard work was she talking about at this time.

Gao Siqi smiled and shook her head, and handed an electronic version of the application report to Xiao Ming.

These are some of the results obtained in the first phase of the experiment, which can be applied to the clinic, and our gene store can be opened.

Xiao Ming flipped through the content of the results, which contained detailed descriptions and technical guidelines for gene screening, splicing, and expression, which could be used directly in clinical practice.

In the achievement report, some genotype diseases were also discussed,

Detailed data methods are also described.

For example, trisomy twenty-one syndrome, also known as congenital fool or Down syndrome, is related to the abnormality of chromosome 21. This disease is mainly caused by advanced pregnant women, aging eggs and other reasons.

If the next generation has the disease, most of them will automatically abort. This is the magic of nature, and it will reduce the production of unsound individuals. The remaining ones with tenacious vitality will suffer from intellectual backwardness, special face, growth retardation and multiple deformities after birth.

There is a precondition in this case, that the pregnant mother is older or has a fertility disorder.

Under this precondition, many pregnant women basically have only this chance to give birth. If they let the child shed, they will lose the chance to be a mother.

The disease is also clinically untreatable, and the best way to treat it is to not have children.

However, during the first phase of the experiment in Nan'anfei's laboratory, Gao Siqi's experimental team found a solution.

If it is an elderly mother, when she just has a baby, she must be alert and carry out a corresponding obstetric examination. It is found that the next generation does have the disease, and those who are willing to treat can use Pangu Technology's gene therapy.

Through the stripping, cutting and recombination of abnormal chromosome genes in the whole embryo, the health of the child can be guaranteed.

The whole treatment process will certainly be quite complicated and the current cost is very expensive. But it would be a revolutionary advance for the history of human medicine.

In addition, there are congenital heart disease, hereditary brittle bone disease and other genetic diseases, which can be treated clinically.

Gao Siqi commented on the research results of the first phase of the experiment: Symbolic significance is greater than practical significance, and some results may never be used clinically, but when they are really used, they will have a leapfrog impact on the history of human medicine.

Gao Siqi's first-stage achievement report has a total of more than 1,000 pages. It can be seen that the experimental group has really spent a lot of time.

Xiao Ming collected the results report and said, We absolutely cannot disclose He Yuchu's experiments, but it does not mean that our experimental results at each stage cannot be disclosed.

In the virtual world, Xiao Mingyang raised the achievement report in Yang's hand and said, The life science laboratory must make a great contribution.

In the glass container, under the action of the culture medium, the embryo is developing rapidly. At the critical stage of the formation of the brain, the laboratory will perform certain operations on the development of the brain, and embed the chip specially created by the future technology company for Xiaochu. go in.

Xiao Ming looked at the time and said, I won't waste everyone's time here. I hope to get the good news of your success soon.

After cheering for the soldiers, Xiao Ming launched a virtual world.

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