The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 625 Heavy losses


After Kevin read the words on the screen in English, the whole lab fell silent.

Harold stared at the words on the screen and asked again, What did you say? What's on the big screen?

Kevin had to repeat what he just said in English.

Everyone here is trash.

It's not that the operation is completed, or that the data is closed when the operation is successful, but the language of insulting people.

Harold said in his heart, the data is from the photos, it was entered manually, the experimental model is set by the laboratory itself, no matter how it is run, it is impossible for this situation to happen.

An experimenter at the scene downloaded the translation software on his mobile phone and translated the sentence on the screen.

No mistakes, Kevin translated quite well - everyone in this room is rubbish.

Harold reacted immediately, and he could have the technicians turn off the supercomputer and unplug the power supply by the way. He had a very bad premonition.

Check your own data sources. Harold sat in his seat. He saw the horror of Pangu Technology, and he could even predict that Su Yi had already been exposed.

Harold said to Kevin again: You call Su Yi right away, just call here and use your mobile phone.

Kevin's face had long since lost a trace of blood, his hands were trembling, he took out his mobile phone, and found out that it was Su Yi's number who called.

Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off...

On the other side of the phone, a hollow and cold voice came over.

Kevin hung up and called again, the same voice replied.

When I contacted Su Yi with social software, the news was like a sinking sea, and there was no reply.

Harold had two worries in his heart. One was that Su Yi's plan to steal information was mastered by Pangu Technology, so he played such a trick. There is an even worse situation, that is, Su Yi has already defected and cooperated with Pangu Technology to play such a trick.

Now that Su Yi can't be contacted, Harold can only consider the worst.

He said: Everyone should check their work computer and delete all the data they have entered except for the original pictures that Su Yi transmitted, immediately, immediately!

Afterwards, Harold looked at Kevin and said, Remove Kevin from all his duties and accept the investigation by the security department.

Kevin panicked and said quickly: Mr. Professor! Mr. Professor! What do you mean? Why did you dismiss me from all positions? You are doubting me!

Harold waved his hand and said, Before getting in touch with Dr. Su, that's all there is to it.

In addition to being gloomy and angry, Harold also said: All the people of Xia are unbelievable!

This remark basically sentenced Kevin to death.

At this point, the researcher who was examining the data turned on his computer and was half-hearted.

The computer was reset and everything on it was gone.

This is true for all laptops, all desktops with attached printers and laptops sharing a closed LAN.

The computer was reset...the data was all gone.

The experimental treatment on the computer is the effort of the National Life Science Laboratory of the United States. Some have backups, and some have no backups at all.

Harold was very frightened, and today's losses can be described as quite heavy.

There are a lot of important information, such as the genetic map of human beings, such as the genetic data and defects of the Xia people, such as some experiments on biological and chemical weapons, and so on.

Activate the emergency state, power off and disconnect the network! Harold shouted loudly: What are you still doing, hurry up!

Harold took out his mobile phone and hurriedly asked for the assistance of technicians from the US Cyber ​​Information Security Department.

On this day, the laboratory is almost 20 years back.

Pangu Technology, Life Science Laboratory.

Xiao Ming and Gao Siqi stood in front of the big screen and looked at the spoils of the super primary school - a large amount of data and experimental methods from the National Life Science and Technology Laboratory of the United States.

These data can supplement the insufficiency of the data of Pangu Technology's Life Science Laboratory.

Analysis of genetic defects in the population of Xia Guo? Xiao Ming read out the name of one of the data packs.

He said, Xiaochu, open this document.

After Xiaochu opened the data, everyone in the laboratory shuddered.

This is the result of more than 40 years of research and analysis in the United States, mainly on the genetic map and defect analysis of the Huaxia people in the Xia Kingdom.

Now is the time of peace, and in the time of war, these data can serve as important basic data for gene extermination experiments.

Gao Siqi said to herself: I remember my parents said that twenty or thirty years ago, institutions in the United States purchased blood samples from ordinary people and hospitals in Xia. At that time, when you donated blood to medical institutions in the United States, you could get a bag of flour. Or a few kilograms of pork. At that time, everyone had no safety awareness, thinking that these blond and blue-eyed angels in white were really using our blood to treat diseases and save people, how could they know that they were used for genetic experiments.

War is everywhere. Xiao Ming already knew about this matter, but since it had already happened, he had to face it and find a way to solve it.

Zheng Xuanyu sighed and said, It seems that the SARS, influenza and other epidemic viruses that seriously threatened the Chinese people at the beginning, it is even less clear what caused it.

Gao Siqi said: It's good that we get this information today, and we can conduct research on the common genetic defects of the Chinese people. For the health of our next generation, such research is also essential.

Xiao Ming patted the two women on the shoulders and said, Okay, let's not talk about these past issues. Let's take a look at Xiaochu's trophies.

Among these spoils, what everyone is most satisfied with is the human genetic data collected by the United States.

The Pangu Science and Technology Laboratory is collecting human genetic data, and the Americans are also doing this. The data obtained by Xiaochu from the United States can enrich the gene bank of Pangu Science and Technology.

The researchers from the Life Science Laboratory were still helping Xiaochu classify the spoils, while Gao Siqi asked when Xiao Ming was alone, Where's Su Yi?

Xiao Ming looked at Gao Siqi and said in a flat tone: Dr. Su has submitted her resignation to the Academy of Natural Sciences, and she said that she is going to study abroad for a period of time.

Gao Siqi nodded and stopped talking. Xiao Ming's words clearly expressed three meanings. The first is that Su Yi is still alive; the second is that Su Yi will no longer threaten the safety of Pangu Technology, and will even be punished. The third Su Yi's relatives and friends think that Su Yi resigned and went out to study, which is Su Yi's own choice.

I'm sorry... Gao Siqi was also terrified now, so the company did not cause any losses.

Later, Xiaochu told Xiao Ming.

The US National Life Science Laboratory at Columbia University was closed indefinitely. I heard that the loss was heavy. It should be on the news tomorrow depending on the situation.

Xiao Chu showed a rather proud smile.

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