The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 60: Giving Words 1 Vector

(A notice, at the request of everyone, the timeline of the novel was changed to start in November 2017, and now the plot time is March 2018. It was originally set to start at the end of November 2009 not for the purpose of copying the existing technology, but I hope to lengthen the timeline a bit. Now readers report that they have a weaker sense of substitution eight years ago, and some readers have never used Symbian mobile phones, so they are modified. It is in line with the current era, and nothing else has changed, which does not affect the subsequent text. If you find any changes in my previous text that have not been revised, please let me know, and the explanation does not account for the number of words. Above.)

Xiao Ming read the advantages of the Pangu language in detail. The biggest advantage is that it integrates all the logic and rules of human Chinese, and can directly tell the machine the meaning of human language.

If the Pangu language was used on Pan Shaxing's biological thinking computer, it would be more effective. Now, when it is used on a binary computer, it can only be said that the function is barely able to be used.

Next, Xiao Ming exchanged the app package he purchased for translation software.

The detailed programming steps of the translation software appeared on the computer.

The redeemed app package will not give you the app directly, but let Xiao Ming actually operate it and create a program by himself.

Teaching a man to fish is not the same as giving a man a fish.

Xiao Ming thought, in fact, his English has improved a lot, and the grammar problem is not big. The biggest disadvantage is that he has a small vocabulary and poor listening and speaking skills.

This is also the predicament of most Xia Guo students learning English.

Does English Matter? For now, it's definitely important. At present, a large number of technical sciences of human beings come from the West. If English is not good, even SCI papers cannot be read, let alone academic.

Xiao Ming's biggest change in the past six months is that he will reflect on himself, even if his English is not good.

He can draw treasure chests and exchange technology, but these technology products are also based on basic technology knowledge.

If Xiao Ming did not understand basic biological knowledge, he would not have cultivated the phagocytic fungus. Similarly, if he did not understand logic knowledge, he would definitely not be able to program. If you don't understand English, you can't read foreign academics, you won't make progress in science and technology.

There is no free lunch in the world, no matter how hard there are plug-ins in life, you have to work hard.

Back on the computer screen, Xiao Ming had a bold idea. What he needed was not only a translation software, but also a software that could conduct English conversations with himself more intelligently and improve his English listening and speaking skills as soon as possible.

According to the programming instructions in Pangu language, Xiao Ming started to do it.

First of all, on the programming page, Xiao Ming wrote the general description of the application software - able to translate English and Chinese to each other intelligently and accurately, and to communicate with users.

Next is the specific writing of the program.

Xiao Ming's English vocabulary is insufficient, but there is no problem with grammar.

Xiao Ming concluded that there are two biggest flaws in the translation software and translation machines on the market today.

One is the incomprehensible words. Whether it is English or Chinese, there are usually multiple meanings and different interpretations in different contexts, but machine translation cannot fully understand the meaning of human expressions. Many times the word meaning of the word is accurate, but it is full of jokes in the sentence.

Another is the inability to recognize human speech. This mainly occurs on translation machines. Everyone has many accents, and there are many slang words in conversations in life. It is absolutely impossible for people to talk to each other like CCTV anchors. Every sentence has complete language elements and standard pronunciation.

Machine translation often picks up translations that can be understood, and random translations that cannot be understood. This is also the reason why many brands of translation machines do not feel comfortable when they are used abroad, and the translation machines cannot be used as simultaneous translation for meetings.

In order to deal with the above two main problems,

Xiao Ming edited it according to the suggestions in the manual.

Xiao Ming uses mathematical thinking to set each word as a vector and classify it into nouns, verbs, and so on.

The advantage of setting words as vectors is that long and difficult sentences are dismembered, and the translation software will accurately translate each word during processing.

The next step is to filter the combinations according to the context of the language, combine different words according to the grammar and meaning required by the translation object, and make up for the missing grammatical elements.

With the help of the Pangu programming language, Xiao Ming knew that the logic of his programming was correct.

But being logically correct is only the first step. How to combine words with vectors into new sentences according to grammar is very difficult. This is also the biggest difficulty of modern translation software and machines.

It doesn't matter, this is what Pangu is best at.

Pangu gave Xiao Ming a few access points.

Xiao Ming will import a large number of Chinese and English materials, including not only famous books, but also online novels, post bar Q\u0026A, Weibo, Twitter articles and so on.

In the future, these data will be uploaded by users themselves to optimize the accuracy of the program.

Pangu's database can integrate these data, familiarize itself with the context of each sentence, and then sort out a data model (a model that simulates human thinking expressions such as Chinese and English).

This data will help word vectors appear in the right place in different contexts and grammars, so the translation will be more accurate.

The biggest difficulty in this work is that the amount of compilation is very large!

Therefore, the existing translation software on the market today adopts the grammar library summarized by linguists. Even if a small part of the software has a self-learning function, it cannot understand and count all the current language habits and analyze them. This is also the reason why the existing translation software is mechanically unintelligent and full of errors.

For some of the remaining interfaces, Xiao Ming connected them to free live broadcast rooms across the country. The live broadcast room anchors can use Mandarin and local languages, and they are also oral expressions, which are the most representative.

Pangu Language will collect the pronunciations and tones of various places, classify and compile them, and finally form a phonetic database corresponding to the text library.

The way of using Pangu programming is very simple. You don't need to enter the code, you only need to tell the logic intention. After Xiao Ming tells the logic and the method, the programming language can be run clearly.


Then the computer freezes and gets hot!

Xiao Ming spent half a day of effort and effort wasted.


The notebook Xiao Ming bought is an ordinary Asus notebook, which uses an i7 8550u processor.

The processor of the notebook handles such a large amount of data, it is no wonder that it is not stuck!

Xiao Ming looked at the time, it was already three in the morning.

I need a set of servers. Xiao Ming said, and then he lay on the bed and continued to think about the logic of language translation and English learning assistant software.

For the next few days, Xiao Ming was very silent at school.

In addition to doing the necessary math and comprehensive science exercises, most of the time is doing English reading and Chinese reading.

The members of the school team knew that Xiao Ming was in a bad mood after the teacher of Shuimu University left, and they did not bother him.

A few days later, Xiao Ming asked his father for a fund of 100,000 yuan. He directly purchased four sets of server hosts composed of Intel Xeon E5-2603v4 chips online, and the contact person came to install it. He also spent money to open an enterprise fiber optic line.

Xiao Ming saw that Bai Huahua's money was spent today, and it was a pain in the flesh.

The two industries are absolutely profiteering!

One is the chip industry of Intel, and the other is the communication industry of telecommunications!

The young master who installed the server looked at Xiao Ming, who hadn't slept well for a few days, and said secretly, Building a live broadcast website? Little brother, the wind is tight now. It's better to rent a server from overseas. Building it yourself is risky!

Xiao Ming was speechless, Then do you want to become a member first? You can do it one-on-one.

The master laughed twice and said, No, no, no.

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