The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 472 Finally got it

In Xiao Ming's office, Qian Yi brought Xiao Ming a few pots of bluegrass with good quality, and incidentally informed Xiao Ming that parents of many private schools in Jiangcheng were planning to find a relationship to transfer students to nearby high schools in counties and cities.

I heard Xiao Wang from the Education Group say that Principal Wen of Minsha County No. 1 Middle School has called Pangu Education several times, saying that many parents hope to transfer to Minsha County No. 1 Middle School. already.

Qian Yi put the bluegrass away, trimmed the leaves again, and said, It's really strange for you to say this! In the past, schools like Minsha County No. 1 Middle School gave high scholarships and asked for better grades in the city. Many students come, but none of them come. Now, I’ll pay for my own transfer.”

Xiao Ming shook his head helplessly and said, These parents are not for Minsha No. 1 Middle School, but for virtual classrooms, for excellent teachers like Mr. Wei.

It's hard to understand, it's crazy anyway. Qian Yi placed the bluegrass.

Xiao Ming said: Actually, this is the unfairness of education. All resources are occupied by people with power, money and power. Just imagine, if an excellent teacher like Mr. Wei really taught in Minsha No. 1 Middle School, no In the virtual classroom, Minsha No. 1 Middle School will definitely become a school for the rich, and local students from ordinary families in Minsha County may be squeezed into the second, third and worse schools in Minsha County. This is education unfair.

Qian Yi said affirmatively: I now know the necessity of the Pangu Education virtual classroom. But then again, there are still three days before Double Eleven, and the Qinghe I equipment will set another record.

Xiao Ming said: Pangu Future Company (a subsidiary of Pangu Technology) has already announced that the virtual classroom will not only be open to schools that cooperate with Pangu Technology, but also to users of Qinghe I wearable devices, you said. After those crazy parents know this news, can they still hold their breath? Qinghe's sales will definitely set a record!

After the Qinghe I equipment is fully mass-produced, the manufacturing cost is also reduced.

This time on Double Eleven, Pangu Future Technology Company priced it at 29,000 soft sister coins, which is 10,000 lower than the price of the conference.

And this time, Pangu Future has also made enough horsepower to prepare 5 million devices for Double Eleven. After mass production, the monthly inventory of equipment in the future will be able to meet the needs of the market.

Xiao Ming and Qian Yi made a bet to see how long it would take to buy 5 million devices on Double Eleven.

Five million is so much! Qinghe is not a mobile phone after all, and the price is still so high, no matter how the price is reduced, it is still close to the level of 30,000. Whether the whole market can digest 5 million devices is really a problem.

Qian Yi conservatively estimated, At least a week.

Xiao Ming said confidently, No more than two days.

Qian Yi smiled happily, We are the only ones to see the difference in those three days. If you lose, you can give me a vacation. I want a half-month vacation to travel to South America.

Three days later, November 11, 2021.

Xia Guo's annual shopping event.

Today's shopping festival has many different things than last year.

For example, TM has newly added TM virtual business district this year, and the Double Eleven virtual business district is 20% to 20% off.

Another example is Apple, which was at the top of the market in previous years. After the confrontation with Pangu Technology, it officially changed its product strategy. The highest price of the new mobile phone released in September was only 4,000 yuan, and the high-end market was handed over to the high-end market with Tiangong system and Prajna chips, Canghai storage devices. of Warwick.

But the most striking thing is the mass production of Qinghe I equipment.

A year ago, the Qinghe I wearable device was officially released, and the price was as high as 39,990 yuan. However, due to limited production, most of the devices were bought by major companies for research.

Very few users have the opportunity to buy the Qinghe I wearable device, and they also think of the convenience of future life.

This time, along with the release of Qinghe I equipment, there are also virtual communities and major ecological chains based on Qinghe I equipment, and the real wearable device has arrived.

On the night of November 10th, many netizens were already waiting in front of their computers or mobile phones. Their only purpose was to grab the green lotus.

Hujiang University of Finance and Economics, Graduate School, Wutongyuan Dormitory 413.

Graduate student Zhang Laijiang and roommate Yao Min stayed in front of the computer for a day. Their purpose was to grab Qinghe.

Laijiang, do you think we can grab it this time? Yao Min said worriedly.

Since the release of the Qinghe device, Yao Min has been paying attention, watching the video of the Qinghe I test, watching the user experience, watching the self-media anchors use the Qinghe I device to make calls, play WeChat, play games, go to Shopping in virtual business districts, going to virtual blocks and scenic spots for remote appointments, going to virtual classes, etc.

Yao Min was moved by every test experience.

If he can grab two Qinghe I wearable devices this time, Yao Min will be able to meet his girlfriend in Yanjing every day.

Qinghe I wearable device, 29,000 pieces.

Expensive is a little more expensive, but what is it compared to being able to meet your girlfriend every day?

Yao Min imagined that in the evening, after a day's work, the two of them would lie on the bed wearing the Qinghe I wearable device, take a walk in the woods, the coast, or go to the virtual library together.

Yao Min looked at the introduction of Pangu Future. After this year's Double Eleven, entertainment functions such as virtual cinema and virtual KTV will be launched, and they will be integrated into the virtual community. This must be the best experience!

I don't know if I can kiss virtually. Yao Min thought beautifully.

Zhang Laijiang is still refreshing the web page, he replied: We have prepared so early, we will definitely be able to grab it. And this time Qinghe I equipment will be opened at the same time in the official mall of Pangu Technology, TM, JD and many other malls. For sale, I have logged in to every mall account, and I will start robbing it at that moment.”

With Zhang Laijiang's words, Yao Min's confidence doubled.

Yao Min also operates mobile phones, laptops and tablets at the same time, preparing for users with multiple accounts to grab two.

He said: Mobile phones, notebooks and tablets are all from Huawei, and they all use Prajna chips + Tiangong or Pangu system. If I can't get it, then I'm really going crazy.

Okay, I won't tell you, I'm watching the time!

Now that Double Eleven is less than ten minutes away, Zhang Laijiang does not dare to be distracted.

Time passed minute by minute, and at exactly twelve o'clock, Zhang Laijiang and Yao Min clicked to submit the order and pay at the same time.

All of Ali's server equipment has been replaced with the Prajna suit provided by Pangu Technology, so no matter how crowded the traffic is, it will not be stuck.

When Yao Min successfully submitted the order and made the payment, he shouted excitedly: I finally got it!

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