The Black Technology Era of Xueba

Chapter 470 Mathematics Lesson 1

The engineers sent by Pangu Technology Group completed the installation and commissioning of the server in Minsha County No. 1 Middle School, and the installation of 1,300 Qinghe educational equipment in the No. 1 Middle School was also completed.

1,300 Qinghe educational equipment can be used by 1,300 high school students in Minsha County No. 1 Middle School.

The Qinghe educational equipment is different from the ordinary Qinghe I wearable device. The Qinghe educational equipment only retains the full virtual reality function and has no independent chip. It is connected to the school's server, which is managed by Pangu Education uniformly and remotely.

On November 1st, the debugging of the server and Qinghe educational equipment was completed.

In the afternoon, the second and second classes of Minsha County No. 1 Middle School and Senior High School will start the first virtual education class - a math class.

The teacher for Class 2 and 2 of Senior High School is Teacher Wei, a mathematician from Pangu Science and Technology Park High School.

Mr. Wei used to teach in the High School Affiliated to Yanjing Normal University. In the past 20 years, he has trained thousands of high-caliber students, and many of them have entered Yenching University, Shuimu University, Stanford, Cambridge, Imperial College and other prestigious schools.

Ms. Wei's teaching methods are very good. After her training, many poor students who failed to pass mathematics in the second year of senior high school sprinted to more than 120 points in the third year of senior high school.

Xiao Ming once had a dialogue with Teacher Wei. She told Xiao Ming that the magic weapon of educating students is interest, so that students have a strong interest in mathematics and are fascinated by it.

This is easier said than done.

It was also after that conversation that Xiao Ming hired Teacher Wei with an annual salary of 1.5 million.

Under the guidance of Pangu Education, in the future, for schools that use Qinghe Education to teach in virtual classrooms, the curriculum will be arranged by Pangu Technology.

This time, Mr. Wei's math class consisted of 30 classes with a total of 2,000 students.

In the virtual classroom setting, Mr. Wei will face every student, and students in a certain class will only feel that there is only one small class of people in the virtual classroom.

In addition, Mr. Wei also has ten assistants to answer questions for the students after class.

Under the guidance of the head teacher, Zhang Xiufang put on the Qinghe educational equipment and entered the full virtual mode.

In front of you is a bright classroom with golden ginkgo trees outside the window, the sky is blue and the sun is shining brightly.

The classroom seats are all new,

There is one person per person, and there are teaching materials, exercise books and pens on the table.

This is the best part of virtual reality. The teaching materials, workbooks and pens are real, but they are integrated with the virtual classroom through technical means.

Zhang Xiufang's position has not changed. It is still in the middle of the second row. On the podium, there is a chubby and kind teacher with glasses standing there.

Zhang Xiufang was in a trance, this a real classroom or a virtual classroom?

The surrounding classmates are also talking excitedly, and the children in the small county have no chance to contact Qinghe equipment and virtual reality. This is the first time.

The bell rang, and the children fell silent naturally.

Mr. Wei said: Hello everyone, I'm your math teacher Wei Ran. I'm very happy to stand here today to teach you the subject of math...

Teacher Wei's Mandarin is very standard and her voice is very gentle, which immediately attracted Zhang Xiufang's attention.

During the 40-minute class, Zhang Xiufang did not get distracted at all. She listened to the lecture while taking notes. She never thought that there is such a teaching method in mathematics!

In the past, the theorems and formulas that the teacher taught in class were esoteric and difficult to understand. With the detailed explanation of Teacher Wei, Zhang Xiufang understood it at once, and several exercises in the class were all correct!

This is a learning experience I have never had since high school, and learning is wonderful! Math is beautiful!

Forty minutes for one class and eighty minutes for two classes, the time passed quickly.

At the end of the class, Mr. Wei said: If the school's arrangements remain unchanged, I will be with you for the next year and a half. I hope that under my guidance, everyone can find the joy of learning mathematics, thank you!

The students burst into applause!

Teacher Wei added: We have Q\u0026A time every day from 12:00 to 1:00, 6:00 to 7:00, and 9:00 to 10:00. If everyone can use Qinghe educational equipment at school, then my assistant and I will have time to answer questions. I will answer your questions. Students, see you tomorrow!

In the virtual classroom, not only the students but also the mathematics teachers of the second and second classes of high school are studying.

After the virtual classroom enters the school, it is not that the school does not need the current teachers, but the role of the teachers will undergo a major change.

In the design of Pangu Education, teachers like Minsha County No. 1 Middle School will follow the teachers in the virtual classroom like the students, and learn the teaching methods and problem-solving methods of the excellent teachers of Pangu Education Group.

In the process of learning, these teachers can also grow.

The role of these teachers will change to assisting students with homework, answering questions, psychological counseling, etc., and the role of teaching in class will be lighter.

Every year, Pangu Education will assess the teachers. Excellent teachers will join the Pangu Education Group and stand in the virtual classroom to teach the students like Mr. Wei. Teachers who still have gaps will continue to serve as tutors in the class.

In the virtual classroom, Qinghe Education has cleverly designed something.

Those children who are still naughty and unwilling to learn will be automatically blocked by the system, and other students in the classroom will not be disturbed by them.

At the same time, the teachers of the school will educate these students. If they persist in teaching, they will lose the opportunity to teach in the virtual classroom.

Xiao Ming's philosophy is that education is fair, and Pangu Technology can give students all over the world a fair chance of education, but if you are unwilling to learn and give up on yourself, Pangu Technology does not need to waste learning resources.

Leave the opportunity to those who are willing to learn!

Anyway, after passing two math classes, Zhang Xiufang developed a strong interest in mathematics.

Zhang Xiufang also remembered what Teacher Wei said in class, Actually, the world is relatively fair. As long as you are willing to work hard and pay, life will not be too bad for you! I also come from a poor family in the mountainous area. My parents are native farmers. When I was in high school, my conditions were much worse than those here. But with my hard work, I joined Pangu Technology Pangu Education Group today, and today I can have a good life and stand without any hesitation. Pass on knowledge to everyone on the podium! Knowledge has changed my destiny! I also hope that you can work hard to change your own destiny.

Zhang Xiufang made up her mind to make good use of the opportunity of the virtual classroom and study hard to change her destiny!

The trial implementation of virtual classrooms in more than a dozen schools has attracted great attention from the education sector and related media, and some people have begun to envy it!

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