The Black Technology Era of Xueba

The 452nd chapter shocking debut (2)

The screen displays the performance of the power pack, the micronucleus battery and the motor pack.

The output power of each group of permanent magnet synchronous motors is 600KW, and the total torque is 1200 Nm.

According to the description on the screen, the Tianhe new energy vehicle will have 4 sets of permanent magnet synchronous motors, the vehicle speed can reach 400KM/h, and the acceleration from 100 meters to 0.6 seconds!

The press conference scene was once again exclaimed!

The layman is only surprised by the terrifying data of the Tianhe new energy vehicle, but the expert can infer the performance of the Tianhe new energy vehicle motor from Xiao Ming's simple description.

This 100-meter acceleration time shows that the maximum speed announced by Xiao Ming to reach 400KM/h is actually reserved. In the laboratory of the future energy company, the speed of the Tianhe new energy vehicle is likely to be greater than 400KM/h.

And this also shows that the electric motor of the Tianhe new energy vehicle has super strong performance, and can instantly reach the highest speed, applying power to the car itself.

The audience talked: This should be the most advanced motor in the new energy vehicle industry at present, and its performance is more than double that of Tesla.

Where is only the motor, the battery can output such strong power, and the battery is even better! In fact, I don't care what the 100-meter acceleration of the new energy vehicle is, as long as the speed of the car can reach the standard of the existing family car, and there is no need to charge, I will Definitely pay for it.

It takes five years to change the battery, and it's free! What does that mean? It means you're saving a ton of gas money by buying this car.

Let's settle the account. An ordinary family car runs 20,000 kilometers a year. According to the current average fuel consumption and oil price of the car, it costs about 4.5 cents per kilometer. The fuel cost for one year is 9,000 yuan, and it is 45,000 yuan for five years! Ten It is 90,000 yuan a year! And we also agreed that the oil price will never rise, and we can only run 20,000 kilometers a year.”

Actually, I will pay for Pangu Technology for this concept.

The performance of batteries and motors has spread all over the Internet with media reports.

Even if everyone has not seen the true appearance of Tianhe new energy vehicles, just these two innovative technologies can make many consumers crazy.

At the press conference, Tesla’s executives were ashen.

All my worries have turned into reality, how can ternary lithium batteries compete with micronuclear batteries? Moreover, Pangu Technology also released preferential measures such as free battery replacement.

How can Tesla dare to take the trick?

The boss of Bidi Company also had mixed feelings in his heart. Like many audience members, he was very excited.

The reason for the excitement is that Pangu Technology, as the representative of Xiaguo Technology Company, can make such a cross-century new energy vehicle, which is the pride of the Xiaguo automobile industry.

But he is also very worried. The cards in Pangu Technology's hand are four, two and two kings, and there is no card in Bidi Auto's hand that is greater than 10. How should this card be played?

Xiao Ming said: Additionally, since the battery has no capacity limit, the car will not have a limit on the number of kilometers. In our laboratory test, we took into account the extreme environment - keeping the new energy vehicle at 400KM per hour. Even if the new energy vehicle runs continuously for five years, the battery will not decay, and our motor will remain stable.

This time detonated the entire conference site!

Terrible data, terrifying batteries, terrifying motors!

Everyone says that Volkswagen can't be repaired well, and Toyota can't drive badly. Now it's time to change your mind. It really can't run badly and tirelessly in Tianhe.

It's terrifying. It really has such good performance as Xiao Ming said. I can buy this car for how much! said a local tyrant at the scene.

This is just the opening remarks of the press conference, Xiao Ming said with a smile: Since today's theme is the auto show, then I won't give you any trouble.

The protagonist is coming out.

Look if it's a picture exposed on Weibo!

Many audience members stood up and stared at the stage, and found that there were no cars around the stage!

Xiao Ming took a few steps back, and two platforms were slowly raised on the left and right of the stage for two years. On the platforms, the protagonist of this conference, Tianhe New Energy Vehicle, was parked.

Pangu Technology announced two models in one breath, one is a coupe sedan version that has been exposed on Weibo, and the other is a hard-core off-road car launched according to the special needs of Xia Guo.

The model of the coupe is C14-Leiqing 100; the code name of the hardcore off-road is C14-Huyue 100.

This is Pangu Technology's own naming method, which gets rid of the rules of Xiaguo's auto industry imitating BBA naming.

applause! Shout out!

When the audience saw the appearance of the Tianhe new energy vehicle, they knew that these two vehicles of Pangu Technology would be popular!

The C14 Lei Qing 100 is the one that was exposed on Weibo! When I first saw the pictures, I thought this car was very handsome! It really is!

I really can't believe that this is actually designed by the people of Xia country? I heard that there is no foreigner in the future energy company. They are all engineers of our Xia country.

Streamlined appearance, firm front face and handsome butt! So exciting!

Our Xiaguo company can also design such a handsome car? Suddenly I feel that BBA, Porsche, Ferrari and so on are nothing more than this.

The media rushed to report, and the images of Tianhe Leiqing and Hu Yue instantly became the front page headlines of major media.

At the press conference, a certain automobile giant said: Let's not say that Pangu Technology's new energy source of micronucleus battery pack has given people a huge surprise, but only to announce the appearance of these two new energy vehicles, we all think that this is Pangu. Serious work of technology.”

Xiao Ming separately announced the conventional performance of the two cars, such as wheelbase, car length, width, etc.

The space of the two cars is satisfactory, especially the minimum ground clearance of the Tiger Leap reaches 250mm, which makes people who love off-road very happy.

Just when everyone thought the press conference was over and they could come down to see the vehicles.

Xiao Ming broke out even more surprising information.

Xiao Ming opened the car door so that the on-site camera could clearly capture the interiors of Lei Qing and Hu Yue.

The picture of the interior appeared on the big screen, and the whole scene fell into silence.

After a while, people responded. this the cab? Why is there no steering wheel.

The whole front is a big screen, there is no place to operate.

I know! I know! The audience at a certain scene said excitedly: Unmanned driving! The unmanned driving technology of Pangu Technology! The real unmanned driving technology!

The scene was boiling again.

Xiao Ming turned on his Qinghe equipment, operated the power supply to start Lei Qing on the Qinghe equipment, and said, Xiaochu.

Hello master. The car assistant Xiaochu replied sweetly.

Xiao Ming said to the audience: Everyone's guess is right. The Tianhe new energy vehicle uses an in-vehicle assistant based on quantum chips and Pangu system. Our in-vehicle assistant can realize true unmanned driving.

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