The advantage of the powerful computing power of quantum chips is that it can quickly calculate and analyze the road conditions transmitted by cameras and radar equipment in time, and make the fastest and safest response to road conditions.

When developing the driving assistant, Lin Li's team has simulated and tested various road emergencies for the driving assistant, from the sudden traffic accident on the expressway to the sudden flash of pedestrians, battery cars and animals on the urban road, and then to the landslides of the mountain roads and the villages. Road obstacles, etc.

There are two specific test methods, one is to let Super Junior collect massive dash cam video screens on the Internet, transfer the video data of the dash cam to the driving assistant, and let the driving assistant respond, and the other is to let Super Junior build a virtual In the driving scene, set up various obstacles by yourself and let the driving assistant respond.

In all tests, the driving assistant was able to handle sudden road hazards well.

The response time of people to the external environment is about 0.1 seconds. According to the speed of the car on the highway, the distance between the front and rear vehicles is required to maintain a safe distance of 50 meters.

The driving assistant's processing of external data is one ten thousandth of a second, and the time for data processing to reflect the power, braking, and safety systems will not exceed one hundredth of a second, so in terms of safety, unmanned autonomous driving The mode is much higher than the manual driving mode.

Zhang Derui briefly explained Tianhe's safety indicators, saying: In addition to the high-strength steel structure used for the body, we have also fully considered the factors of collision around the body, and added alloy buffers to the front and rear bumpers. , the airbags, seat belts and other safety facilities in the car are designed to be higher than the highest standards in the world.”

These are just the most basic safety configurations. Zhang Derui will introduce the most excellent safety device of Tianhe new energy vehicles - the timely stabilization system.

Zhang Derui said: Thanks to the technical support of Professor Xu's physics laboratory, we have built a timely and stable system.

The timely stabilization system consists of two parts, one is a sinking gravity device. When the vehicle encounters emergency braking, the center of gravity of the entire vehicle will move down to ensure the stability of the body, especially to avoid the manual driving mode, the driver is in an emergency state. Turning the steering wheel caused the vehicle to roll over.

The second is the jet emergency braking system, which is installed on the chassis of the new energy vehicle.

Zhang Derui introduced: When an ordinary car brakes in an emergency, even if the steering wheel is not turned to keep the car from rolling over, it only relies on the friction between the tire and the ground, which requires a long braking distance, and our jet brake It will inject high-temperature and high-pressure gas according to the resistance data (including the size and direction of the resistance) provided by the driving assistant, so that the force on the vehicle will make the vehicle reduce the speed to 0 in the shortest time.

And immediately stopped stably.

Zhang Derui said: In the laboratory, our data is that if the vehicle travels at a speed of 200 kilometers, the distance to a stable stop is 5 meters!

Our system has already applied for a patent. Zhang Derui added.

5 meters! Pretty perfect data! When a car with good stability is driving at 100KN/H on the expressway, the distance from finding an obstacle to braking is more than 40 meters.

This is the timely and stable system created by Pangu Technology's future energy. Not to mention that it is very good to be mounted on Tianhe new energy vehicles. Using this system on ordinary vehicles can cause a new safety revolution.

Only scientific research can innovate, and only innovation can drive a new industrial revolution. The technicians of Pangu Technology understand this truth.

Zhang Derui said: In fact, all our safety facilities are prepared for the one in 100,000 chance, because in the driverless mode, the probability of an accident is too low and too low.

Come and try? Zhang Derui invited.

Everyone made way and waited for Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming took the cab position after getting in the car.

It stands to reason that the boss should sit in the back, but Xiao Ming wants to sit in the front, so everyone can't say anything.

Zhang Derui clicked on the Qinghe device again, clicked on the vehicle authorization, and handed over the virtual key of Tianhe No. 01 to Xiao Ming. The authorization time is unlimited.

Because it is a virtual key, in principle, the owner of the car can send the key wirelessly to everyone.

If you limit the use time to the boss, what is it?

Qian Yi took the co-pilot position, and Zhang Derui, Gao Siqi, and Lin Li sat in the back row.

After everyone gets in the car, the seat belts are automatically fastened, so don't do it yourself at all.

Just this little smart idea makes people feel very funny.

Part of the bad habit of not wearing a seat belt in the car comes from the discomfort of wearing it, and more of it is due to my own laziness.

After all, in a traditional car, it takes time to grab the seat belt, find the buckle, and then laboriously fasten it.

Well now, it is automatically tied to the body.

The Tianhe new energy vehicle seat belt adopts a cultivation idea of ​​the Academy of Life Sciences, and uses a laboratory method to cultivate spider silk protein to produce a high-toughness and high-strength seat belt.

In the event of danger, the seat belt of the Tianhe series energy vehicle can secure the passenger from being thrown out, and the seat belt attached to the body has no feeling at all, and will not hinder the passenger's movement in the seat.

From the power plant and driverless technology of the entire Tianhe new energy vehicle, to a small seat belt, it can be seen that the future energy company is careful to make cars.

This is the first time Pangu Technology has made a car, but Xiao Ming has seen that the ideas and creativity of the technicians are very bright, and the craftsmanship is very sophisticated.

Now the vehicle is in driverless mode. Since it is equipped with an on-board assistant with Xiaochu, it must also be controlled by voice.

Xiao Ming said: Switch to manual driving mode.

The car Xiaochu said, Okay.

A second later, Xiao Ming could see that the steering wheel, which was retracted to the bottom of the stage in front, was slowly raised, the brakes and accelerators were also raised from the bottom and returned to their original positions, and the right-hand side of the cab, the gear row in the middle of the front row of the vehicle was also slow. Rise from the bottom to a suitable position.

The sense of technology is very strong!

Qian Yi said a little excitedly: Let's not let this car be a micro-nucleus energy car. Even this switching method from unmanned driving to manual driving can be used as a selling point, and it will completely explode Tesla.

Sitting in the cab, Xiao Ming could not smell the disgusting smell of new car formaldehyde, and the seat was comfortable and soft.

If Xiao Ming was a consumer, Xiao Ming would also be very excited about such a car.

Xiao Ming put his hand on the steering wheel and said, I will use the manual driving mode first, and then switch to the automatic driving mode after a while. Let's go shopping in the city first.

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